long weekend break: discuss the latest here #102

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I've been 'into' researching true crimes since I was a little girl. Kinda twisted maybe, but I am what I am lolol...... that being said, JA scares me more than anyone ever has. She has Manson beat by more than a mile. Look at her. Look at how she left TA crumpled in that shower. Nothing human could have done that. It sounds like a joke but I mean it when I say that if she ever gets out I pray she is microchipped and plotted like a pushpin map.... I want to know exactly where she is at all times. She cares the bejeezus outta me and I don't scare much at all. There is true evil in that skin. And the world needs to keep an eye on her and keep their distance.

If you mean Manson alone it's a toss-up. If you mean Manson and his actions combined with those of his followers-no way.

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I just cannot accept that the "naughty" pics were taken on the same day. They just don't make sense. The bed is made and she claims they had sex shortly after they woke up. They woke up made the bed and had sex. It just doesn't make any sense. The sequence of those pictures is strange too. According to her, TA took the pics of her (so he's up and about) and then very shortly after he's looking like he just woke up on the bed? Plus, there are two additional pics (of JA) in the sequence that we haven't seen yet. Why? What could be more graphic than the one of JA?


So do you mean she changed the time stamp?

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I am not from the area, but looking at the map, I wondered about that also. But you have to remember, she was suppose to be coming from California to see Ryan Burns, not from Mesa, Arizona. This also shows she wasn't in a fog; this was all part of her plan of covering her tracks. JMO

Thank you, GulfCoastMom! It just seems to me that she was south of where she should have been if coming from the last known coordinate in California - assuming she was sticking to the "I was driving from California to Utah" story?

I found several low-cost hotels/motels in Kingman...could she have cleaned up there? (This theory does not really fit the time-line, though...it would have had to be a very fast check-in/shower/check-out to get back on the road and make the call that pinged north of Kingman.) Hmm - still trying to make sense of this leg of the trip!

ETA: Also, no known receipts for the Kingman theory - something about this area has my radar up, wish I could figure it out!
She has delusions of grandeur though. Listen to her on the 48 hour interview and interrogations how Travis would say this or say that if he were here right now, Travis is looking down and knows..blah blah blah... I think she thinks that when she gets to the "other side" they will be together because now he knows how much she loved him. Girl is a whackjob.
Who really knows WTF she thinks.. I still think she is obsessed with him though.

Absolutely she is still obsessed with him, in my opinion. And yes, I believe Travis is looking down (from Heaven) however once she leaves this Earth she will be in the pits of somewhere the fire burns for eternity. They will NEVER be together.


If you mean Manson alone it's a toss-up. If you mean Manson and his actions combined with those of his followers combined-no way.

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I agree, Manson is probably the most scary person I have ever seen. Truly evil.
I don't understand how finding the gun seals anything. Do we know for sure that the Grandfather had it registered and that it had a serial number on it or something that would identify it as his?

Finding the gun would allow them to prove that the bullet that entered TA was fired from that particular gun and no other. That would prove she faked the burglary and that there was no gun in TA's closet. Even without any registration, etc. they can tell via ballistics that it was or was not the gun that fired the bullet that was removed at autopsy. It would change nothing if found in the future but it would sure set history right.

Edit: You have me thinking here. It would show that it was the gun that fired that bullet but wouldn't prove it was Grampa's unless it was registered and had the correct serial number. TY for pointing that out to me!
I have always been baffled when family members stand by their accused killer relatives, I have a big problem with that. I for one could never show up in court pretending to stand up for any killer. I would show up and sit on the side of the murdered victim. I am mean like that. I have no respect for those people :fence:

You always hope for the best for your children and when they disappoint you, you hope they will learn from their mistakes and do better. I love my family unconditionally. If one of them were to commit murder I would be shocked and horrified but I would stand by them. I wouldn't lie for them or try to diminish the seriousness of what they had done but I'd pay for their defense, attend court, and visit them in prison. I would hope for repentance.
I don't understand how finding the gun seals anything. Do we know for sure that the Grandfather had it registered and that it had a serial number on it or something that would identify it as his?
If he had it registered and it was found around that area it would be hugely circumstantial evidence. If it had her blood, his blood fingerprints..slam dunk premeditation. If they tied the remote and DVD player to DB...they could obviously link the stolen gun to her too... just sayin' ;) Oooooh...I wish he would come clean! He is still loyal to her though.
Someone on earlier thread mentioned that there are renewed media requests for their billing info.

I'm guessing here but I imagine because of backlash to Doc Samuels' $250 /hour for obviously "bought" testimony, the DT doesn't want it known that Nurmi alone is making $225/ hour of tax payer $ as her "public defender". Maybe there are some things they've paid for they don't want out? Speculation on my part.

Also Samuels specified on the stand he made $250/hr at the beginning of the case I wonder if that increased to a higher fee for testifying? Again , speculating like the good doc :)

there are reports that the defense tab is nearing $1 000 000

from ABC 15

"A communications director for Maricopa County, Ariz., where Arias is being tried, told ABC 15 Arias' defense team has already cost $838,000 and that expenses continue to grow.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/how-much-will-jodi-arias-defense-cost-2013-3#ixzz2ONAVViAR"

Though once again I'm miles behind in the thread, just wanted to mention if it hasn't been cleared up already that the reason for the protective order for the defense's billing statements is that the statements have to be so detailed in explaination for charges for this and that that they feel their defense strategy can be determined through these detailed statements and why they don't want them made public.

Seeing as in this case both the defense and the prosecution work for the state, that the prosecution would also be required to submit equally detailed billing statements. It would hardly surprise me if there is also a protective order in the works to keep the prosecution's billing records from the public for the same reason. I think it's fair and reasonable... neither side should be able to dicern the strategy of the other side through their billing statements.
9-25-12 court minutes:

The Court has considered the Defendant’s Motion to Seal Defense Team Billing Logs
filed July 26, 2012 and the State’s Response to Defendant’s Motion to Seal Defense Team
Billing Logs filed September 4, 2012.
Defendant requests the court issue an order sealing all billing records submitted to the
Office of Public Defense. Defendant argues that disclosure of information contained in these
records could provide the State access into the conduct and strategy of the defense team.
Defendant further argues access to such information would compromise her defense as well as
penalty phase preparation.
The Court has been advised the Office of Public Defense routinely redacts privileged
information from billing documents prior to releasing documents sought through a public record
request. Clearly the billing records are public records. See A.R.S. § 39-121.
The court finds the current practice employed by the Office of Public Defense to redact
such records prevents the harm the defendant seeks to avoid by sealing these records.
IT IS ORDERED denying the Defendant’s Motion to Seal Defense Team Billing Logs
HLN just updated their site in the last hour with this:

Jodi Arias was at one point booked to go with Travis Alexander on the trip to Cancun, according to a source involved in Prepaid Legal, the company that sponsored the Mexican vacation.

In early 2008, Alexander originally told the trip’s organizers that his guest would be Arias. Then in April, after he began dating another woman, he contacted the organizer and asked if it was too late to change the tickets, according to the source.

Because the tickets had not yet been purchased, he changed the name at the last minute to Marie Hall, who, along with two friends, discovered Travis’ bloody and bloated body on June 9, 2008. Hall had been scheduled to depart with Alexander for the trip the next day.

Source: http://current.com/1urnnkc
Probably more to do with getting her story straight than geography. I guess she wanted to backtrack onto a more likely route out of Southern California towards SLC, Utah, which is the pretend itinerary her lies were based on.

The most direct route would be I-15 directly into Salt Lake City. Only briefly does it cross the most northwestern part of Arizona. Therefore I am at a loss why her phone should be pinging near Kingman. Of course we know she did not drive directly from Southern California to Utah, however at the time that was her alleged itinerary.


I apologize for so many posts but my mind has been cranking around this all day.... I pray that someday, no matter how far into the future, that gun is found, somehow. The Universal Power saw to it that Lacy and Connor were found to set things right. I pray that one day that gun appears. Even if it's beyond my lifetime, I just want THAT to appear. If only to seal history with one more piece of the absolute truth that she 'stole' the gun and used it to kill TA.

If she was in a fog, or confused or in any other simular state of mind, then the gun would have been carelessly thrown away. That means it would have been found by now. If it was simply thrown then it would be laying on top of a surface. Shes a liar. I think all of the items are together. She planned in advance where to discard everything.
I have always been baffled when family members stand by their accused killer relatives, I have a big problem with that. I for one could never show up in court pretending to stand up for any killer. I would show up and sit on the side of the murdered victim. I am mean like that. I have no respect for those people :fence:
I have to admit I'm really torn on this one.

The thing with psychopaths is that their families are usually also their victims too. (Not every murderer is psychopathic, of course, but I strongly suspect Jodi is.) They know so much about their family members and just what buttons to press to intimidate, manipulate, control, brainwash, guilt, gaslight, etc.

Very often I believe family members very honestly believe in their loved one's innocence as a means of psychological survival. A denial wrapped in a defense mechanism - I think, for some, admitting you've raised a true monster could and would lead to a psychological break all their own. So their psyches do everything capable of refusing to allow them to accept it. If you truly, absolutely believed in your family member's innocence and were able to explain away any evidence that seemed to implicate their guilt, would you walk away then? If you purely believed they couldn't have done what the State claims, for the reasons it claims?

Ultimately, the accused killer's family are in some capacity victims too. Society itself isn't often compassionate towards them; in a sense they lose the future their loved ones might have shared; they may have to deal with their own sense of shame and guilt; etc.

(And to that I have to add I can't really condone the levity displayed in court myself. I just think there are many who legitimately loved Jodi who will forever be tainted and tarnished with her brush through no fault of their own.)
So do you mean she changed the time stamp?

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I have no idea but those pictures just don't make any sense. Some of them had timestamps and some of them didn't? Do we know which ones didn't??? Does anyone know the exact model of the camera?
It's not that much of a mystery. The medical examiner believes the first stab was through the heart artery--the superior vena cava--which also punctured his lung. Let me look up Arishia's explanation for you:

Arishia wrote:

"I understand where you are coming from, but if the first stab happens as you are trying to get up from sitting in a small shower stall, and cuts through your superior vena cava, you would be immediately stunned and very weakened. Blood immediately fills your right lung space, then starts coming up your trachea out your mouth and you begin struggling to inflate your collapsed lung and move air past the blood, which is very irritating to airway tissues. You get light headed and primarily focused on getting your breath, though trying to also fend off your attacker. Acute respiratory distress is one of the most difficult problems for people to cope with, aside from burns. IMHO"

That's a good point. Something doesn't make sense here?

IIRC JA started dating Bobby when she was 15 and they broke up more times than one can count. I think she went to Costa Rica in her sophomore year and then revisted another time later. Doesn't really sound like she was there long enough for Victor to be a real boyfriend.
Evidently Travis had informed Prepaid Legal that Jodi would be accompanying him to Cancun. In April he called the organizer and asked if the name of his guest could be changed to Marie Hall. As the tickets hadn't yet been purchased this was possible to do.

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