long weekend break: discuss the latest here #102

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I can't believe the story about JA being invited initially for the Cancun trip. Our Juan would have known this from the very beginning. What say yor?

What has me totally confused on this issue is Travis and JA were NOT a couple in 2008. Didn't they only date for a short period of time in 2007? Why would he have chosen her to go with him on that trip in 2008 and not in 2007? And especially after the negative comments from his friends regarding her?

My apologies for not remembering the exact dates of their "relationship".

I think about the gun being found a lot too! If I lived closer I'd be out on the weekends trying to find it!!! Unfortunately, I seem to be your neighbor to the south.....Chincoteague Island!

Sent you a private message :)
I'm no fan of JA at all, I think she's a sick and quite evil individual, but I'm kind of tired of her being demonised when all she did is what a thousand husbands and boyfriends do to their wives and girlfriends, every single year. We aren't having blow by blow coverage of these cases, because they are so common. Arias is no worse than any one of these guys and needs to be treated exactly the same, ho hum another domestic, not vilified and judged to be some sort of Evil Goddess.

She is not a Bundy who went rampantly slaughtering innocent strangers for nothing other than bloodlust. She had one victim. He treated her badly. It was a crime of passion, and not exactly motiveless as Bundy's crimes were.

I've seen NO proof what so ever, that he treated her badly. She just didn't want to let go. What's a guy to do? Marry her any ways?
Dateline on right now...on TLC

The Larry McNabney story...

I KNEW Larry and Elise McNabney, from the Quarter Horse show world -

Oh, but to find out she was a con artist, and wasn't Elise after all..........

She ended up killing him, 9/10/01, by drugging him with horse tranquilizers and then stuffing him in a freezer until she decided to bury him in a shallow grave.

I know many of the players in this story and the Dateline show.......remember those months well when we all figured out he was missing.

So strange....if anyone wants to watch an interesting story with two evil women, it's interesting.

Sorry to quote my own post,

but I don't know when this Dateline was filmed, but Sarah Dutra has already been released from prison for her help in the murder.

Elisa (Lauren) hung herself in jail about 2 weeks after her arrest.

I always wonder how Elisa's (Lauren's) daughter is doing. So sad.
What has me totally confused on this issue is Travis and JA were NOT a couple in 2008. Didn't they only date for a short period of time in 2007? Why would he have chosen her to go with him on that trip in 2008 and not in 2007? And especially after the negative comments from his friends regarding her?

My apologies for not remembering the exact dates of their "relationship".


Travis won the trip a year before the trip date and it's possible he and Jodi were still dating at the time.
I'm no fan of JA at all, I think she's a sick and quite evil individual, but I'm kind of tired of her being demonised when all she did is what a thousand husbands and boyfriends do to their wives and girlfriends, every single year. We aren't having blow by blow coverage of these cases, because they are so common. Arias is no worse than any one of these guys and needs to be treated exactly the same, ho hum another domestic, not vilified and judged to be some sort of Evil Goddess.

She is not a Bundy who went rampantly slaughtering innocent strangers for nothing other than bloodlust. She had one victim. He treated her badly. It was a crime of passion, and not exactly motiveless as Bundy's crimes were.

Hmm...not sure I agree. Perhaps if you could post some evidence of the "thousands of husbands and boyfriends" who shoot and stab their significant others 29 times "every year," and premeditate the crime by stealing a weapon and driving a thousand miles to execute the victim, and then stuffing the body in a shower, cleaning up the scene, leaving, then calling the dead victim and inviting him to see Othello, and then denying she was there, and then saying two Ninjas did it...and that's a just a summary of this psychotic's behavior--then well, maybe you could sway me to your side.

IMO, the only thing separating this chick from Bundy is that she got caught before she could strike again. I could be wrong. But :furious:
Hi, I posted on this site last summer--not for long. I have been interested in all of the comments posted here about the Arias trial and am very favorably impressed by this prosecutor. His grasp of logic is amazing. Also, I find it odd that the defense "expert" witnesses seem like throwbacks to the seventies...? I'm in my 50s and recognize it. ;-)

:welcomeback: :party:
If it's true, he knows about it. No question. This information seems to be coming from tabloid media and could have been out there all along, no?

According to HLN, it came from PPL.
I want them to go back and find dates and times of his visits using jail logs.

Something sure is strange with this. The jail visit logs have been sealed. The Doc said his first visit was in Dec. 2009 and last Dec. 2012. Then after being asked by JM on Thursday he changed his start date to 2010 ( I think by that time he was nervous and had a memory problem). Then JM asked him the date of his second visit, ( Objection, sidebar, sustained) . Very curious!
What has me totally confused on this issue is Travis and JA were NOT a couple in 2008. Didn't they only date for a short period of time in 2007? Why would he have chosen her to go with him on that trip in 2008 and not in 2007? And especially after the negative comments from his friends regarding her?

My apologies for not remembering the exact dates of their "relationship".


Hey Panthera,

Last night you made a post about Jodi talking about putting batteries in recording devices. Do you know where that video is? I haven't seen it, and cannot find it anywhere! But would love to see it! TIA~!
I honestly believe that JA will be fine, no matter what verdict or punishment. She is now forever linked to the name of TA. A true Narcisisst admitted to me one day that negative attention is better than no attention at all. She doesn't mind at all that the only reason they are now forever linked is because she killed him. In her eyes, he is HERS for all eternity now. Not that he is nor will he be, if there is an afterlife, I have to add.
He will never be with anyone else, ever again. And she will smile on the gurney as they tie her down. Sick as it is, this trial is just a game and a farce to her. She would love to beat the charges, love to walk. But no matter what the outcome, she is fine. She has TA all to herself, she believes.
A while back a friend of hers and TA said that she not only was obsessed with TA but that she 'wanted to BE him'. I got the creeps hearing that.
And now she embodies the both of them. She thinks she's won. Boy is she in for one heck of a surprise....

I agree mostly with that. The only thing I think differently about is whether or not getting the death penalty vs. LWOP will affect her that much. IMO, Jodi must have an audience. If she's sentenced to death she won't have an audience. Just four walls for 23 hours a day. The DP isolation will affect her far more than the worry of death. JMO

I think JA's Mother knows more than anyone is aware. It's just a hinky feeling I get. I think JA is throwing her Mother under the bus with her Mother's full approval. If law enforcement and investigators really believed there was a level of tension, frustration or bad blood, it would throw them off of Mama's trail. This woman raised her and knows her better than anyone. She lived it. I think she helped JA as much as she could. I also have a real problem with Auntie finding the phone so long after the crime. Auntie and Mama are twins. There is no bond tighter than that. JA had help from The Twins. IMO. And I only mean after the killing.


I agree. When you think about it, the stuff she's saying about her mother could be said about a large percentage of mothers. She's not making accusations that are that severe. She's not pulling a "my father molested me" line of crap. JMO

Finding the gun is irrelevant at this point ... what's important is that she took the gun and why would you do that if you were attacked and defended yourself ? For only one reason ... to hide a gun that could be linked back to you and your family.

I respectfully disagree. If they found the gun it would be huge. I'm 99.9999999999999% sure it's her grandfather's gun. Proving it was her grandfathers gun would pretty much prove premeditation for days. JMO

Does anyone know where I can find a link to the image of Travis' text to Jodi Arias, the one she read in court? :please: :tyou:

Someone posted a photobucket link here, but the image is very small and I can't make it bigger and still read it. I would search CNN's transcripts, but I can't remember which day in her testilying that she read it. :liar:

I've Googled and Yahooed and haven't had any luck. :peace:

Do you mean this one?

Hey Tulessa! I thought I remembered you mentioning that during your brother's murder trial your family was going to wear certain t-shirts, but were advised against it, so you didn't. Can you elaborate on that? I know many here were upset about being asked to remove ribbons, and was thinking maybe you could give some perspective. Thank you in advance, I hope I'm not being to invasive. :)

Tules sea where can I read about your brother hugs
I know loosing a family member is something you never get. Over. My sister died of double pneumonia! And two weeks later my father was murdered. His killer was never captured.
I can't believe the story about JA being invited initially for the Cancun trip. Our Juan would have known this from the very beginning. What say yor?

Of course she was invited...She invited herself. As TA's friend that appeared on Dr Drew said "JA was always inviting herself to go anywhere with anyone"
Travis won the trip a year before the trip date and it's possible he and Jodi were still dating at the time.

Thanks! I had forgotten he had won the trip and the timeline on it.

What has me totally confused on this issue is Travis and JA were NOT a couple in 2008. Didn't they only date for a short period of time in 2007? Why would he have chosen her to go with him on that trip in 2008 and not in 2007? And especially after the negative comments from his friends regarding her?

My apologies for not remembering the exact dates of their "relationship".


They only dates five months. Right?
Hey Tulessa! I thought I remembered you mentioning that during your brother's murder trial your family was going to wear certain t-shirts, but were advised against it, so you didn't. Can you elaborate on that? I know many here were upset about being asked to remove ribbons, and was thinking maybe you could give some perspective. Thank you in advance, I hope I'm not being to invasive. :)

Yes, we were asked NOT TO WEAR THEM DURING THE TRIAL. It could come up on appeal and result in a mis trial. We didn't want to go through the ordeal again so we behaved! :)
Tules sea where can I read about your brother hugs
I know loosing a family member is something you never get. Over. My sister died of double pneumonia! And two weeks later my father was murdered. His killer was never captured.

:eek: Oh my gosh! So sorry for your loss :hug:
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