long weekend break: discuss the latest here #103

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The attraction is sex. Men like sex. She gave him sex.

I totally agree with you. I think he had come to a point that he told her - ok do what you want to do - release the tape you made and f-off because I've had enough. She had no recourse then. He threatened to expose her for what she was. She had no hold left on him.

OT a bit - I've mentioned a little bit about my experiences with a sociopath here before. I limit what I write because I'm still very scared. I will say though, that these creatures are triggered by very specific things. Mine, was generally not physically abusive but he went HAYWIRE twice and both times I'd dared to utter the term "loser". The first time, it got him screaming and cursing and threatening me physically - the second time, he smacked me to the ground and (while I pretended to be unconscious) he dragged me into our home by the feet and left me in the hallway (seemingly unconscious) while he went to the living room to watch tv. The next day, it was like nothing NOTHING NOTHING had ever happened.

They have triggers. JA had hers.


ITA about the triggers, another trigger IME can be events. Anniversaries, special dates, (good or bad) court dates etc.
If they wind up there together, Heather better watch her back. Arias likes knives.
And I could se Arias being pissed Heather didn't testify "good enough" for her.

I did not know that! I don't remember an inmate testifying for her...? When was this?
Good night everyone and enjoy the testimony tomorrow!

I did not know that! I don't remember an inmate testifying for her...? When was this?
Defense case continues:
Heather Nitterauer is sworn and testifies with the assistance of counsel, Christopher
IT IS ORDERED Heather Nitterauer may be transported to DOC.

The ONLY witness to testify for the DT team regarding the letters, which was started on 8-8. She was transferred to Perryville the next day.
I'm sorry for bashing the defense team. It's just that...they don't seem to be doing too well. But everyone is entitled to a defense, so they have to do it.
Defense case continues:
Heather Nitterauer is sworn and testifies with the assistance of counsel, Christopher
IT IS ORDERED Heather Nitterauer may be transported to DOC.

The ONLY witness to testify for the DT team regarding the letters, which was started on 8-8. She was transferred to Perryville the next day.

Wow. Now I understand your previous comment! Thanks for the explanation.
She somehow got enough money to get a boob job/possible nose job. She could afford manicures and hair bleach, bling and nice clothes.

I think most of us can guess what her occupation really was.

I know! I know! She was a professional dancer doing the horizontal bop, perhaps
Having some work done to my home tomorrow, so I won't have my computer. What is the best way to get the trial on my Droid?

Sorry for the O/T.

Ustream app and log..search with AZfamily Moo

Sent from my SCH-S720C using Tapatalk 2
Is anyone in the world convinced by Dr <mod snip>? I have not heard a single talking head give him any credibility and most of his testimony has been completely ignored or mocked by MSM. It was hard to even follow what on earth he was doing up there, except to make himself appear incompetent and one-eyed. Usually these witnesses make some impact on the people who are watching a trial, this one not so much.

Nothing he said made any kind of sense. His work was so shoddy and subjective, anyone could interpret it to mean anything. He bordered on the magical at times and simply made things up which have no basis in reality. Unbelievable.
Agree! A sentence of LWOP, she would mingle with the other inmates, perhaps advance her education, get a job in the kitchen or laundry (in order to get commissary money she would actually have to work) and basically thrive since she appears to be very unmotivated to do anything with her life otherwise. Whereas on DR she would be alone.......very alone except for perhaps one hour a day outside her cell. One can only draw so many pictures before even that would become tiresome day in and day out for years.


She would adapt as all sociopaths do with their environments. She would be just fine, happy even.

(Sorry if someone has already said this, just logging on :))
I actually did fall asleep listening to those jury questions that Wilmott repeated to Samuels last Thursday. I was on my way home from work (shared van commute) with android and earbuds, and I just nodded off! LOL!!!

I agree with you about the defense. It's really bad. Nurmi sounds as if he has smoked a joint and Wilmott can never figure out what she's going to ask next. !!! :floorlaugh:

It's a good thing you didn't have to drive. The defense team and the prosecutor are definitely the odd couple.
Nothing he said made any kind of sense. His work was so shoddy and subjective, anyone could interpret it to mean anything. He bordered on the magical at times and simply made things up which have no basis in reality. Unbelievable.

And I know the jury saw that. They aren't stupid. Anyone could see that. He is worth nothing to the defense. He's actually detrimental, IMO.
Really true, and psychology just like medicine is constantly evolving with new technology, better experiments and data collection and information sharing. I know those fresh-fresh out of school are not going to have the experience necessary to be a high level of expert, but with experience in the field a "green expert" as you said will be a lot more relevant than Samuels who is stuck in the 70's. 35 years experience + rigorous continuing education + the competency on stand to prove it would be amazing... but Samuels only has the 35 years of experience, which to me is pretty much useless if he doesn't use that experience to become a more adept psychologist! It just shows me he has been practicing how to be a bumbling butthead for the past 35 years, and now he is a pro at it.
MOO :moo:

Not only is Samuels stuck in the 70's, he is pushing 70. His CV shows he got his undergrad degree in 1965, which would make him 68-69years old. It also does not list any continuing education within the past ten years.

In his 35 years, he has administered this PSD test 15 times, so it would appear that he does not have extensive experience in this area.

IIRC, at least three times in his testimony he made comments about discontinuing certain areas of practice because they were not lucrative. Most people who have been successful in their careers would be retired by this point in life; I don't sense any dedication on his part and believe he is still working because he cannot afford to retire.

In terms of experience, I'll take quality over quantity.
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