long weekend break: discuss the latest here #103

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That explanation has been excessively and inappropriately used too many times. IMO, this judge is lacking the maturity, intelligence and confidence to be presiding over a case like this.

It appears that way to me as well, and I have commented similarly.

I wrote, in part:

Mostly, I see a lack of courtroom control manifested by a willingness to let in crap which has no foundation, no basis in the evidence.

E.g., where is the corroboration of TA's homosexual pedophilia?

We have only JA's false "chaotic pattern that paper falls" and Spiderman underwear testiphoney.

Yet Judge Stephens allows this in as though it was established fact.
Does anyone think the forged letters will be brought into evidence at all by Martinez to help prove that she is making up the pedophilia claim? If not, I wonder why?

I was listening to RS's testimony again and he specifically stated that those pedophilia letters led him to prepare an addendum to his report and alter the test scores. Now why the DT allowed him to do that when they knew those letters were forged and had been ruled inadmissible in this trial is ethically suspect.
Jodis ex coworker said the only thing missing is the rabbit in the pot.
I hope those people who rented Jodi the room are doing more intense checking into references before allowing a psycho to live with them. Next time it could be the landlords who are the victims.
Jodis ex coworker said the only thing missing is the rabbit in the pot.

Missing, or nearly done now?

Missing, or nearly done now?


Ya know TD, I was just thinking this weekend how relieved I am that the words "Fatal Attraction" got uttered in that courtroom via Esteban Flores in his interview with her. That draws a distinct horrifying picture, doesn't it?

She threw acid on "Dan's" car, JA slashed tires.

She shows up in his home interviewing his wife about a house sale or something.

JA shows up on Bianca's doorstep.

I am hoping someone can help me with a question. I have been searching all over and cannot find an answer. In exhibit 442, introduced by Nurmi, he asks JA if it is the text is talking about the spiderman underwear and she says yes. Is there a text asking about the spiderman underwear and, if so, what exactly does it say? I cannot find a transcript of exhibit 442 but this seems like a potentially important corroborating piece of evidence.
Found something sort of interesting:
The inmate, Heather Nitteruer who was the ONLY DT witness in the 8-9-11 court hearing was transferred to ASPC Perryville that very same day??????
The state witnesses were:
Steven Roberts
Deanna Reid
Christina Lopez and
Alan Kreitl

Does anyone remember if Steven was MM's friend? I know I've heard of Steven during the trial, but can't place it.
I think the only things keeping Jodi's mother from saying anything is respect for the ailing father and respect for the other Arias siblings. Isn't one of them young or looks teenaged? If that's the case, then good for her, why drag family members whom have nothing to do with this case into it for public curiosity? As long as Travis Alexander gets justice, why drag the family who didn't commit the crime into it? Some people make bad decisions.

Would have been nice if Jodi's family had given Travis's family the same curtesy.
I seem to recall that there was a juror question about TGA -- 3 or 8 people vs. 3 or 8 percent -- and he said the point he was trying to make was that amnesia is a real thing. Although frankly I think you nailed with "making this up as he goes along." He certainly doesn't give the impression that he knows what he's doing, for all his 35 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE.

He was MISLEADING! He said 3-8 out of 100,000..

then said something silly WRONG...then said 3%-8%........ but actually, what was on the slide would be calculated as 0.03%.....of folks that (mostly fake!) have it. ..jeez......

see this great article I just tried to post for Katie, and is a MUST READ IMHO! http://kristinarandle.com/blog/jodi-arias-essays/
Yet someone just posted this on another message board.

Justice 4 Travis ‏@Justice4Travis1 7m

The lady sitting behind the def. table in court is Wilmott's paralegal, not the Mitigation Specialists...

If true then this paralegal's participation in passing notes between Jodi and her mother a more serious infringement?
I am hoping someone can help me with a question. I have been searching all over and cannot find an answer. In exhibit 442, introduced by Nurmi, he asks JA if it is the text is talking about the spiderman underwear and she says yes. Is there a text asking about the spiderman underwear and, if so, what exactly does it say? I cannot find a transcript of exhibit 442 but this seems like a potentially important corroborating piece of evidence.

Don't know about that but Travis disliked Spiderman, so her tale is not even remotely believable. :rocker: MOO

She moved in with her grandparents when she moved back to Yreka after the 'break up', but did she also live with them the whole time she was 'seeing' Travis? i.e. after Darryl's?

I think after Darryl she went back and worked at the spa and resort place () for a month or so and then moved to AZ.
I believe that TA and JA are the only humans who know for certain what they told each other on June 2 & 3 -- unless, for one of the very few times in her life, JA told someone else the truth about it, and they're not telling.

TA could have told someone else as well, but I think that individual would have come forward by now.

I think that's how we know he didn't know. Why would JA got to all the bother and stealth to hide the fact she's going to see Travis, but tell Travis???
I can't make that work.
Nobody knows for sure except Jodi, but judging from their lengthy phone conversations at 3 am and 4 am on June 2, lasting almost an hour total, where Travis was the caller (likely returning her calls) and their subsequent conversations lasting several minutes over the next day and a half, I think it's likely he knew she was coming, and agreed to it. Here's a link you may find helpful: http://www.hlntv.com/slideshow/2013/02/11/jodi-arias-trial-tragic-roadtrip

Travis' roommate Zach Billings told Detective Flores he saw Travis the morning of June 4 and Travis told him he'd only had 45 minutes' sleep. But Zach also thought he remembered seeing Travis that evening, so he may have had his dates mixed up.

Text messages show Travis repeatedly angry and/or frustrated with Jodi, and friends recalled fights long before that, but we know from Travis' own text messages that he kept taking her back. While he texted her the day she returned to Yreka (April 5 and 6) to stay out of his life, two weeks later he was sending her sweet texts saying "I am at a night club right now and it helped me to come to the conclusion that you are one of the prettiest girls on the planet" and another asking her to send him a naughty picture. In their recorded phone call of May 10, Travis tells Jodi he is coming to visit her in Yreka before he leaves for Cancun, that "You are at the top of the list."

So much for his previous texts to stay out of his life. I see no reason why he wouldn't have welcomed her voluntarily, notwithstanding his angry 5/26 texts. After all, a week after those texts he calls her twice and they talk almost an hour! And continue to talk on the phone for the next day and a half. She slashed his tires twice around Christmas 2007, he told friends she was stalking him, yet he went on vacation with her in March 2008. Despite telling her on April 6 to stay out of his life, his subsequent texts and steamy recorded phone call show he voluntarily remained engaged with her.

Jodi claims he was up watching videos on his computer when she entered the house (he didn't lock the doors) and watched him for a while before he noticed she was there. Since both Jodi and Travis were night owls, it is not unreasonable to believe she arrived around 4 am as she says, and that Travis told her he'd wait up for her. That part of her story sounds believable to me, especially since he'd called her at 3 am and 4 am on June 2 and talked for almost an hour then. Regardless of what time she arrived or how she got into the house, we know Travis and Jodi took nude photos of one another beginning at 1:40 pm on June 4.

btw Travis had only 25 mL, or 1.69 tablespoons of undigested food in his stomach when he died, according to the autopsy report. While Jodi is an inveterate liar, even the best liars weave bits and pieces of truth in their stories, and I think it's possible all he had to eat that day was a bowl of oatmeal, as she testified.

I am thinking that Jodi thought their secret travel life was to continue even after she moved to Yreka, whether or not he dated others. Travis told her he was coming to visit her in Y during their phone sex conversation. The middle of the night phone calls could have been sexy time as well, thus giving Arias additional justification to feel that the breakup was just a breakup as far as the world knew. They had already secretly been traveling and screwing, so naturally she would be discreet and they could continue.

After all the phone sex and debasement she had taken and even initiated, for him to take that from her and then threaten to ruin her opportunity to reattach to another rich PPL guy (after she had given up so much, in her view).

I feel quite certain Travis said things to her as they fought on June 4th which hit far too close to home. Might have said she is like a man liking oral sex, anal sex and testosterone, might have said he wonders if her bottom is normal and that he is inexperienced really and she could be a he/she for all she knows.

You can see her feeling like she would have to kill him for saying she wasn't all woman despite the nose job, the boob job, the clit job or whatever job.

Pure speculation, folks, just throwing it out there.

PS> have you all been talking about that huge bruise on Jodi's arm? Anyone know how she got that?
Thank you!!! I also think, without doubt, that this man is watching the trial and the coverage. I also think he's winging his testimony and it won't get lost on the jury. I wish Juan would ask him two things : the definition of the word "veracity" (I know, that's totally gratuitous but I would love it) and why he went on and on about TGA only to say she doesn't have it. To clarify that for those, like me, who are still confused about his confusing testimony.

Katie - Tell us the link to go to for websleuths radio! Assume you are going to be on in 40 mihutes! For newbies, go there 10 mintues early to sign in to do live chatting with others, and folks that cannot do on computer or phone....call in to just listen (or if you have a question) to 760-825-0933

Even while staying with Rachel in Mesa, JA admitted she didn't pay rent. Her Infinity was repossessed, and hiring rental cars seemed a fixture in her life. Very odd, as was her not at least getting a GED before being jailed. Real life as most folks know it was foreign to her.

It is just incomprehensible to me that Jodi never did anything (that we know of) to better herself! Nothing against waitressing; I had to leave my day job and waitress for a while when my kids reached a certain age and needed me home. But waitressing isn't a career goal, I mean really.....get a GED and attended a community college! Do SOMETHING to improve your circumstances!

Travis was ambitious and I am sure he wanted a wife who was willing to participate in building a solid life. Jodi just wanted to latch on to a meal ticket and she just wasn't "all that" so she could be someone's trophy wife. Just drives me crazy when I see people who have there hands out for a freebie but are not willing to put in time to earn it! Rant over.
If true then this paralegal's participation in passing notes between Jodi and her mother a more serious infringement?

I just read on another site that this is really her mitigation Specialist....it was an error posting that she was not.

Also read a news report that she was passing a Birthday Card...not sure if true but that is what was written.
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