long weekend break: discuss the latest here #113

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I'm bringing this forward for selfish reasons - I think JM may bring this up in his rebuttal. Just wanted to know what other WS's thoughts were.

Don't you think ALV watched all those interrogation tapes and saw that? Or did she not watch those tapes?
I read on here JM then whispered to her 'Is that better?' I don't think his question is picked up on the clip but I am not surprised she laughed at that.

It's true! I never noticed that until your post. If you back and listen, JM actually does whisper "Ma'am is this better?" and Nurmi objects because it's a stunt. Too funny!
I'm listening to the jurors questions again. I don't have the strength to listen to her interviews with the Detective.

Why do the jurors say things like 'Why did you decide to tell the truth after so many years' instead of 'Why did you decide to tell what you consider the truth after so many years?' Even with the child *advertiser censored* question it was 'Why did you sleep with Travis after you found out about the his child *advertiser censored* issues' rather than 'Why did you sleep with Travis after you found out about what you claim/alleged child *advertiser censored* issues?' Hope this makes sense.
Don't you think ALV watched all those interrogation tapes and saw that? Or did she not watch those tapes?

I dont see how she could have watched those and come away thinking she was a DV victim..no way.

I hope the jury will get to see JA at her finest...pre defense team.
Well, FWIW the Facebook Justice for Travis is saying that MM will NOT be part of rebuttal.

But that doesn't mean JM won't use him in closing. "Ms Arias claimed to have a witness named Matt McCartney who would corroborate her story of bruises, but did you see him testify to that? No, because it was just another of her lies."
I will agree she probably took the ring, however, I do not believe that is how her finger was injured. Most likely, since she is left handed, it came during stabbing him 29 times, from her hand slipping on the knife. We don't know what the original injury was like, for example, it could have been a severe laceration to the joint which was not treated (for obvious reasons) and didn't heal properly, or the finger was bent back while sticking the knife into Travis' body.


Flores believes she cut her Flexor Tendon which if she failed to have it medically treated would end up with what she has today. Not sure a broken finger would look that way. Usually a broken finger looks crooked. jmo
I've been thinking about what JM can do with AVL on cross re what she's not supposed to testify about and how JW is trying to plant it in the jury's mind that she is testifying to it. Couldn't he ask her a string of questions like this, or would that open the door to anything. It's a given there will be objections galore of course.

"Ma'am, how many times did you interview Mr Alexander?"

"That right, none, because the defendant, whom you swore under oath that you "liked", stabbed and shot and killed him, right?"

"Without having interviewed Mr Alexander, you cannot say as an absolute fact that in your expert opinion he was abusive to the defendant, right?"
- That's the key one. She can give all this innuendo, but she is not allowed to state this, is she? If she agrees that she cannot, then in effect the jury can disregard everything she testified to; if she says that she can offer it, then wouldn't the judge have to toss that answer and instruct the jury that as a matter of law she cannot offer that as an expert opinion?

"And if in fact he had not been murdered (objection/sustained) slaughtered (objection/sustained) killed by the defendant, and you had been able to hear his side of the story, then it's possible that your expert opinion would be that in this relationship Ms Arias was actually the abusive party, right?"
- He'll surely work this in somewhere. She believes only women can be abused, but this question corners her. If she says it wouldn't be possible, then the jurors will see her bias because you know they're all thinking much of what she said on her first day sounds like JA; if she says it would be possible, then it shoots down almost everything that sounded so great for the defense. Either way, it neutralizes her.
Flores believes she cut her Flexor Tendon which if she failed to have it medically treated would end up with what she has today. Not sure a broken finger would look that way. Usually a broken finger looks crooked. jmo

I agree. I have a similar injury to my thumb. That being said, I am not a dr so there are probably variables in an untreated broken finger. But if Irc she said that Travis put a splint on it. If it 'froze' or whatever, the splint would cause the finger to heal straight as opposed to crooked. Why would they splint it bent?

I'm listening to the jurors questions again. I don't have the strength to listen to her interviews with the Detective.

Why do the jurors say things like 'Why did you decide to tell the truth after so many years' instead of 'Why did you decide to tell what you consider the truth after so many years?' Even with the child *advertiser censored* question it was 'Why did you sleep with Travis after you found out about the his child *advertiser censored* issues' rather than 'Why did you sleep with Travis after you found out about what you claim/alleged child *advertiser censored* issues?' Hope this makes sense.

They ask those questions to show they are following jury instructions which is wait until all the evidence is in before deliberating. Jodi has sworn an oath to tell the truth. The questions are from juror's who are questioning her actions if what she has testified is true, then why did she X, Y, Z......... It appears some of the jurors do not believe her story because it is inconsistent with what a normal person would say and/or do. jmo
Sorry, if this posts more than one time...I hit something and was taken off the site, but.........

I listened to HLN yesterday while making my potato salad for Sunday. I think sometimes when you take one sense away, it really does make other senses more profound. (not seeing, but listening) Juan was showing Jodi a picture, and he said something about Travis being dead at the time the picture was made. Without skipping a beat, she said, "I don't know if he was dead or not" or something to that effect. That really got my attention, so I whirled around and looked at the picture. It was the one of Travis and Jodi's leg and foot. I believe Juan has always said it was Jodi dragging Travis. Because of the blood that is draining back down over his right shoulder, it's pretty obvious his throat has been slashed. So if Jodi is dragging him, she can either have him around the head, or have him around the upper body. If he's dead, he would be limp, and his head would be slumped backwards.....unless she is holding his head up. (she's not) If she's holding his head up, how are his shoulders off the floor? I don't know any way Travis can be dead in this picture. He wouldn't die, and this is the reason she shot him. I think she is in the perfect position to shoot down on him and make the bullet enter where it did. Jodi wasn't in a fog....she knew he wasn't dead...and she told Juan that. She wasn't running for her life....she was making sure Travis didn't live to tell what happened. I do believe this is what happened!
I agree. I have a similar injury to my thumb. That being said, I am not a dr so there are probably variables in an untreated broken finger. But if Irc she said that Travis put a splint on it. If it 'froze' or whatever, the splint would cause the finger to heal straight as opposed to crooked. Why would they splint it bent?


Because it was made from popsicle sticks! And she took it off after two days.

IMO the injury she has could only be made by cutting, and could not come from some kicking your finger.

I may be in the minority here, but I think her finger is truly *ucked. Whether she cut it with the knife while stabbing Travis on 6/4/08, or whether she cut it on one of the 14,000 glasses she's broken, I don't know. Not sure it matters. The "kicking" story is a lie, and that's that. JMO!!!
Yesterday I was discouraged after hearing about some of the emails. But, today I realized that I had put Travis on some sort of a pedestal. So what that I was wrong? It just means that Travis need not be idolized just because he was a victim of a horrible murder. He was a "guy". A human being with worts and everything like everyone else. He may have fallen short of his Mormonism, but he was still a pretty great guy.

So what if he was a "player"? So are half the young men his age. By no stretch of the imagination is this abuse, IMO. It is what it is.

The point is, Travis NEVER physically abused Jodi to cause her to fear for her life and butcher him like she did.

I feel better now that the emails won't matter to the jury. Speaking of emails, I learned last night that it is possible for someone to hack into another persons email account and send fake emails, making them look like they came from the real account holder. I've read that JA hacked TA's email and bank accounts, but I've never heard what she actually did with those hacked accounts. Was it just reading his email and looking at his financial situation? Or did she do something worse?

The problem with the emails is that they are third party and ALV was "paraphrasing" selected parts. ALV's paraphrasing means nothing to me. If I was on the jury I wouldn't give them any thought unless Sky Hughes got up on the stand and explained the context. Of course we know the DT would never do that. I hope the jury thinks the same way as I do.

If I were a juror I would ask ALV if she spoke to Sky Hughes.
Because it was made from popsicle sticks! And she took it off after two days.

IMO the injury she has could only be made by cutting, and could not come from some kicking your finger.

I may be in the minority here, but I think her finger is truly *ucked. Whether she cut it with the knife while stabbing Travis on 6/4/08, or whether she cut it on one of the 14,000 glasses she's broken, I don't know. Not sure it matters. The "kicking" story is a lie, and that's that. JMO!!!

lol, even a popscicle stick would have splint it past that joint.

When I cut the tendon in my thumb, I couldn't bend it or anything. I had it splinted after the surgery for two weeks and then move it. But, the cut itself by day 2 was healing well, i had to redress it several times.

I am with you, regardless of when it really happened...imho June 4, it was not broken it was a tendon injury.

I wonder the same thing. Jodi's leg looks like it is close to his head. Maybe his head is somehow leaning on her leg?

That doesn't explain his shoulders and arm being off the floor. Jodi can't be holding everything up. If he's dead, he's limp. It looks just like he's bleeding from the neck wound, and it's profuse! I'm certain he is still alive, and this is the position he was in when she shot down on him. She said it herself....I don't know if he was dead or not!
Sorry, if this posts more than one time...I hit something and was taken off the site, but.........

I listened to HLN yesterday while making my potato salad for Sunday. I think sometimes when you take one sense away, it really does make other senses more profound. (not seeing, but listening) Juan was showing Jodi a picture, and he said something about Travis being dead at the time the picture was made. Without skipping a beat, she said, "I don't know if he was dead or not" or something to that effect. That really got my attention, so I whirled around and looked at the picture. It was the one of Travis and Jodi's leg and foot. I believe Juan has always said it was Jodi dragging Travis. Because of the blood that is draining back down over his right shoulder, it's pretty obvious his throat has been slashed. So if Jodi is dragging him, she can either have him around the head, or have him around the upper body. If he's dead, he would be limp, and his head would be slumped backwards.....unless she is holding his head up. (she's not) If she's holding his head up, how are his shoulders off the floor? I don't know any way Travis can be dead in this picture. He wouldn't die, and this is the reason she shot him. I think she is in the perfect position to shoot down on him and make the bullet enter where it did. Jodi wasn't in a fog....she knew he wasn't dead...and she told Juan that. She wasn't running for her life....she was making sure Travis didn't live to tell what happened. I do believe this is what happened!

I agree the TA was most likely alive when that photo was taken. However, that being the case, that makes the “62 critical seconds” theory that JM presented very unlikely.
I agree. I have a similar injury to my thumb. That being said, I am not a dr so there are probably variables in an untreated broken finger. But if Irc she said that Travis put a splint on it. If it 'froze' or whatever, the splint would cause the finger to heal straight as opposed to crooked. Why would they splint it bent?


At the time she claims it was broken Jodi was working at a restaurant. If her finger were broken it would have been obvious to her employer. Just picking up plates would have been painful, IMI. jmo
Maybe she got the finger injury when she slashed some tires...never know!

I think beach is hoping we start posting comments on the videos on the video thread. Just saying ;)


Bit confusing for me. I've already watched 7 in a row I don't want to be keeping up with 7 threads and this one :eek:

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2

You're not going to have to keep up with 7 threads...only one. The topical thread where the Interrogation videos are linked. We don't need parallel threads discussing the same topic....important points get lost and it becomes a big mess.

If you guys are missing a post please check that thread. I just moved 17 posts over to it since I signed off LATE last night.
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