long weekend break: discuss the latest here #113

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At the time she claims it was broken Jodi was working at a restaurant. If her finger were broken it would have been obvious to her employer. Just picking up plates would have been painful, IMI. jmo

The finger also didn't affect her handwriting in her journal in late January when she claims this "abuse"occurred
I agree the TA was most likely alive when that photo was taken. However, that being the case, that makes the “62 critical seconds” theory that JM presented very unlikely.

In 62 seconds she had done everything but shoot him in the head. I'll give her another 5 seconds to do that. It still doesn't hurt the timeline. Until somebody can explain why Travis has his entire upper body off the floor, yet he's dead, I can't buy it.
In 62 seconds she had done everything but shoot him in the head. I'll give her another 5 seconds to do that. It still doesn't hurt the timeline. Until somebody can explain why Travis has his entire upper body off the floor, yet he's dead, I can't buy it.

IMO the killing of TA last a lot longer than has been presented. Guess we'll never know what really went on.
I agree the TA was most likely alive when that photo was taken. However, that being the case, that makes the “62 critical seconds” theory that JM presented very unlikely.

The 62 seconds was between the two pictures. The one taken as Jodi claims when the camera was dropped to the one where you can see his throat has been cut. Juan was not saying Travis was dead in that picture and it was not the final picture as one was taken after this picture (unintentionally, as Jodi puts it). The State's theory is Travis was shot last. Juan is saying the 62 seconds does not allow enough time for Jodi's story to make sense when you compare the camera dropped photo with the photo of her at the end of the hallway with Travis. The only theory that does fit within those 62 seconds is that her run to the closet did not happen and that she started killing Travis the minute the camera was dropped. One stab every 2 seconds is rage. It's possible Jodi started to attack Travis before the camera dropped photo was taken. But that was not her story and she's sticking to the original version. jmo

What do you think people would say if they ever saw your google history? My H always see's random things I have googled and laughs at me and says... I will just minnnnnd my business. lol.

:floorlaugh: Good Point.

How can he be dead? His arm is up, his shoulders and head are up.

Is it OK to post pictures? If not, Mods please delete.

I believe the ME said only soft tissue was cut in his neck (along with the arteries). She didn't cut through to the neck muscles in the back. It's possible he could have had his head up after she cut his throat for a few seconds. He obviously was bleeding out and if he was still conscious it would not be for long. Sad to think he was still conscious when she cut his throat. Defense can never get past that part.
The 62 seconds was between the two pictures. The one taken as Jodi claims when the camera was dropped to the one where you can see his throat has been cut. Juan was not saying Travis was dead in that picture and it was not the final picture as one was taken after this picture (unintentionally, as Jodi puts it). The State's theory is Travis was shot last. Juan is saying the 62 seconds does not allow enough time for Jodi's story to make sense when you compare the camera dropped photo with the photo of her at the end of the hallway with Travis. The only theory that does fit within those 62 seconds is that her run to the closet did not happen and that she started killing Travis the minute the camera was dropped. One stab every 2 seconds is rage. It's possible Jodi started to attack Travis before the camera dropped photo was taken. But that was not her story and she's sticking to the original version. jmo

I agree. In the image after 62 seconds she was in the act, or just after, of cutting his throat. The blood soaked carpet at that position is enough for me. He likely was still alive then, as the close-up crime scene photo of his body after she had dragged him back to the shower shows blood speckles around the throat cut. The breathing reflex must have sprayed blood from the open throat albeit briefly.

I also agree that the 62 seconds is not the time taken for him to die nor for any sprinting laps around the closet and hall, but from the beginning of the attack to the throat cut. It could allow ample time for all the stab wounds too if someone was in a frenzied rage.
Because it was made from popsicle sticks! And she took it off after two days.

IMO the injury she has could only be made by cutting, and could not come from some kicking your finger.

I may be in the minority here, but I think her finger is truly *ucked. Whether she cut it with the knife while stabbing Travis on 6/4/08, or whether she cut it on one of the 14,000 glasses she's broken, I don't know. Not sure it matters. The "kicking" story is a lie, and that's that. JMO!!!

If her finger was really broken wouldn't the DT have xrays to prove it ?
IMO the killing of TA last a lot longer than has been presented. Guess we'll never know what really went on.

I agree with you that sadly we will never know what went on. Respectfully, once his throat was cut and bleeding he was effectively dead from that point forward, so it does not add but a second or two to the timeline established by the prosecutor.
It's ALL good cop.
I would like to see some bad cop. Break Jodi down. Call her an idiot - worse planned murder ever. Call her a murderer. Call her too ugly to keep a man. Why aren't they berating her?

I did appreciate this 'respectful' 30-second exchange:

I hope he keeps it very simple on closing... Love, Break Up, Murder, Jail...and don't do 3 days of going over everything again


In fairness to Travis, there is no evidence he ever "loved" her or said that he did. The Defense would be trumpeting that from the rooftops if they could produce any such evidence. That depth of romance existed only in JA's mind.
It's ALL good cop.
I would like to see some bad cop. Break Jodi down. Call her an idiot - worse planned murder ever. Call her a murderer. Call her too ugly to keep a man. Why aren't they berating her?

Giving Det. Flores the benefit of the doubt, the lying torture-murderess had waived her Miranda Rights and was providing information, albeit 95% false.

They probably didn't want to push JA into lawyering up, what with all those high-powered PPL attorneys at her beck and call... :floorlaugh:
I don't think ALV's line of thinking is reasonable.

I have been with my husband for almost 20 years. We started dating when I was 17. I would be embarrassed to admit the number of screaming fights we've had. I've shoved him a couple times out of intense anger (many years ago, but it still isn't right). He has never laid a hand on me but he did punch a hole in the bedroom wall once during a fight.

We have a wonderful, beautiful, intensely caring and loving relationship. It's healthy but of course not perfect. We went through everything we went through for a reason and I am proud of how far we've come. I think it's been a pretty normal marriage so far, especially since we were married so very young.

Surely Ms. LV will say I should have left long ago, that we're both abusive and our relationship is incredibly unhealthy.

A "normal" relationship is pretty simple and black and white on paper. But living it that way is a different story. I dare anyone in a relationship to say they haven't had at least a few major fights or screaming matches.

Or, maybe I truly am a freak of nature.

ETA: reasonable, not UNreasonable!

Thank you for the beautiful, thoughtful post. DH and I will have been married for 42 years in June, and it hasn't always been a bed of roses. Stuff happens, we deal with it as best we can, move on, and hope for better days that always come.

Marriages might be made in heaven, but they must be lived on earth.
Care to elaborate? I ask because I've had this strange feeling (intuition?) about the recovered photos. I can't figure out what, exactly, is bothering me about those images. I just feel like something is 'off' and not as they appear to be. It could be that she is the sole picture-taker and he didn't take any of the photos, or they were taken at a different time, or...?

Oh yeah, what about the camera bag? Anyone else find it strange that the camera bag was left in the common-area outside of Travis's bedroom? It was left wide open and on the floor; like it was thrown down in a hurry, after grabbing the camera out of it. A brand new expensive camera and the bag was discarded like that? Travis was way too meticulous to have just tossed the bag down like that; especially, with a brand new camera!

Another thought: they (supposedly, "they") were taking photos with his new camera, yet didn't attach the strap? Why not?

Re: bolded: Maybe because JA wasn't supposed to be there, came in and got his camera out of his office, or wherever it was. He probably hadn't had the time to do anything with it yet so hadn't attached the strap to the case. She left the case on the floor because she was sneaking into his bedroom without his knowledge. jmo
Actually, I am pizzed off at HLN and Jean Casarez more than anyone else at this point. What was the real purpose / reason for them to put forth this irrelevant information in the first place. This is BS, IMO.

I realize this is an unpopular position to take, but I was watching the night Jean Casarez made those comments. I didn't see anything wrong with her observation, and I'd bet you dollars to doughnuts that JM would have agreed with her. We all know he didn't intend to "meet adoring fans," and she didn't suggest that he was doing that. The point was that it could become a problem if a juror was to see it.

She was right. It certainly could be a problem. I just can't hop on her for that statement, and I really do believe JM would agree and he will take steps to avoid the over-zealous fans now that he realizes that kind of thing may happen. He was obviously blindsided by what happened the first time.

Anyway, it seems entirely unreasonable to me to lay on Jean Casarez for this.

How would Det. Flores know she was a narcissist or vain at the time he interrogated her? I would like to know why Det. Flores told JA that TA was a player and that he did not make as much money as he thought he did. Did one of TA's friends talk to Det. Flores?

He was playing the 'playa hata' card.

Mr. Good Cop was giving her an 'out', appearing to identify with/relate to JA about some of her murder motivations to see if she would slip up and agree with him, perhaps even slip enough to blurt a quasi-confession.

At one point she even asks what the punishment would be if she decided to plead guilty.

He was also letting her know that he knew about her jealousy, Mimi, Cancun, on again/off again relationship, etc.
I agree with you that sadly we will never know what went on. Respectfully, once his throat was cut and bleeding he was effectively dead from that point forward, so it does not add but a second or two to the timeline established by the prosecutor.

Seems odd that JM would lock down the time based on a photo where TA does not appear to be dead with a slashed throat yet. Just doesn’t make sense to me.
I realize this is an unpopular position to take, but I was watching the night Jean Casarez made those comments. I didn't see anything wrong with her observation, and I'd bet you dollars to doughnuts that JM would have agreed with her. We all know he didn't intend to "meet adoring fans," and she didn't suggest that he was doing that. The point was that it could become a problem if a juror was to see it.

She was right. It certainly could be a problem. I just can't hop on her for that statement, and I really do believe JM would agree and he will take steps to avoid the over-zealous fans now that he realizes that kind of thing may happen. He was obviously blindsided by what happened the first time.

Anyway, it seems entirely unreasonable to me to lay on Jean Casarez for this.


No way that JM would have been 'polite' to his fans and pose for photos or whatever if he had thought for a second that it would be a problem in any way. He's not that type of prosecutor. I'm sure he still thinks there was nothing wrong.
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