long weekend break: discuss the latest here #113

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Maybe this pic was taken as she turned him over right after she slashed his throat. That would account for his arm being up and head also, they were in motion from the turning. Turning him over to drag him back to the shower. I believe this was after the throat slashing and he was dead for all intents and purposes at that time. In order to slash his throat so deeply she would need the leverage of having him face down so that she would be pulling up while cutting. JMO MOO all that :moo:

That being said, I can't quite figure out why she would bother to turn him over.

Now that's interesting. I never even thought about her slashing his throat while he was face-down. That's plausible. And makes it a hair less evil to me that she wasn't actually looking at what was happening with that slash. Then again, turning him over on his back to drag him also means having to see the gaping wound.

UGH! I just have such a difficult time imagining the pure horror of anyone willing to do that rage or no. Of course, I know it did happen in this case and certainly isn't the first time a person had their throat slashed and to near decapitation, but it's just sooooooooo UGH! I just can't describe how it's just evil BEYOND evil.
Thanks to all posters here. Reading other's thoughts helps me get thru this "trow-ma",,just so disturbing. I so want to know all the why's and how's, and most of all how long did Travis know what was in store for him and how long did he suffer? I can only imagine how troubling this is to his family. I don't believe they will ever know, as Lil Miss JA thinks she is the only one who "deserves" to know his final moments-err, not that she remembers.....GMAB. Hard to believe this is her first killing, she is so evil.

I believe the ME said only soft tissue was cut in his neck (along with the arteries). She didn't cut through to the neck muscles in the back. It's possible he could have had his head up after she cut his throat for a few seconds. He obviously was bleeding out and if he was still conscious it would not be for long. Sad to think he was still conscious when she cut his throat. Defense can never get past that part.

Very true. I once saw a horrible video of rebels slitting the throats of some soldiers from the Ukraine. They had the men on their stomachs & pulled their heads back by the hair & slit thier throats.

One of the men was picking up his head and turning it side to side--the injury was exactly like the one Travis suffered--so there is movement and head support possible after the injury.
This is such a great post!!

I'd love to hear your theory on what happened between 1pm and 5:30pm on June 4th. Can you share with us how you think the whole thing went down?

For somebody who was so full of joy, all the pics of Travis (alive) from that day are very somber looking photos. And the two nude photos of him on the bed look like they caught him off guard. He's not looking at the camera at all in the first one, and then in the second one he is sort of looking her way but has a look of shock on his face. I just don't believe that on that day he was a willing participant to whatever the hell was going on.

Thanks for asking. This theory is just my latest and totally subject to change based on the ever-evolving evidence:

In my previous post I suggested that PrePaid Legal was "The Precious" to Jodi Arias, not Travis Alexander and certainly not Mormonism. What the combination of the two gave her could not be replaced: A place to strut where no one knew her bad reputation, her low class and low morals. A partying place loaded with sexually naive men that she could lead away by the necktie with her smorgasbord of sexual delights.

Jodi Arias was bored with Daryl and wanted the respect, attention and partying fun she saw surrounding Travis Alexander at PrePaid Legal. She set her cap for him and left Daryl a few days later to spend the following weekend with Travis. So much for loyalty.

The only thing Travis didn't have that Jodi could provide was sex. And she put it out there immediately. I believe she offered it the night she was baptized--I think she was the aggressor and he was weak, out of town, and perhaps feeling discouraged due to getting older and still being single.

This was her pattern, the life of the Arias Parasitic *advertiser censored*. She was much more experienced and could hook him by promising--and delivering experiences he had never had (and perhaps feared he would never have once he settled into Mormon married life).

Travis was not deviant when looked at in the normal American culture. He was just a young guy who, inexperienced for his age, who for a short time behaved in a way inconsistent with his own values. Not uncommon.

What was uncommon about Travis for his age was his late sexual awakening. I totally believe he was a true believing Mormon and followed the rules. He was celibate and had priesthood supervision (interviews) regarding his personal sexual activities from puberty on. I raised four boys in Mormonism. It breaks my heart to hear the wonder in his voice as he discovers his own sexuality, the miracle of his body. There is so much in his voice and such calculating coldness in hers as she records his fantasies for the purpose of blackmail.

There is no question he fell from grace for a short period of time compared to a lifetime of dedication to helping people, his family and his church. Clearly he was wonderful and everyone loved him. This may have been why Jodi hated him--he was everything she wasn't and not one person thought she was good for Travis.

Jodi moved back to Yreka because she was becoming a pariah in the Mormon singles wards. Everyone was saying she slashed tires and was a stalker. She herself said she was losing her reputation. Remember, in my theory it is PrePaid Legal she cares about, her "Rich Naive Man Tree." Another reason for moving back--She was also in financial trouble because she couldn't support herself and Travis was no longer employing her and/or loaning her money since he discovered her stealing from him.

It is my opinion that sociopaths cannot love the way we think of loving a man. Sociopaths can imitate loving behavior but they just don't actually feel it. They may enjoy being with one person better than another, but that is because that person better meets their needs than the other. Actually caring about that person's welfare in an unselfish way, no. As an example, look how quickly she dumped her four-year relationship, which included a child, when something better FOR HER came along. She is addicted to attention and I am certain that she was cruising for something better (younger, richer) than Daryl, the waiter, the whole time she was with him. Someone who would pull her up rather than someone willing to lower his career status to hers to have her.

Why is she concerned with what Travis is doing once she has moved back to Yreka? Because she can't control him. She wants to see what he is telling people because she is worried about her ability to maintain her bombshell desirability in PrePaid Legal. Because she doesn't actually sell the insurance, she has to attach herself to someone. Her reputation is her concern. Jodi hacked into Travis Myspace & FB accounts, Travis banks account, emails, business affairs, stole Travis journals, listened to voice-mail; all in May/June 2008. Used Travis phone to send other females text like "I am going to bed with Jodi now"... PLUS sent Travis date anonymous email.

It is of the utmost importance that she keep herself IN THE PICTURE, IN TRAVIS' LIFE to nullify the gossip that she is a stalker/criminal/undesirable. She must repel other women until she can smooth things over with Travis--so things can stabilize and end well so she can still work the men at PPL.

Travis' threat to tell everyone (and he lists people) the things she has done is what kicked off the immediate need to shut him up. This is what I feel is the proximate cause of the murder. She had done something worse than tire slashing, because people were already attributing that to her.

Plan A is blackmail him into silence. Plan B is murder. She is prepared for both and confides in MM. He says he will help her edit the phone sex tape and post it on YouTube, if she needs to, but he draws the line at murder. She agrees but later, during the murder trip, she is able to pursuade him to go over details with her in the car ("just so I can visualize how I would defend myself if she attacked me").

The Gus Searcy relationship is a big tipoff that Jodi had her cap set on PPL providing her with a man for her trophy wife ambitions. She flatters him with her bombshell attentions, maybe a bj or two and what does he give her??? She learns who the movers and the shakers are in PPL; she learns about the politics and why so many in PPL are Mormon. He calls her every week with advice and accountability conversations about her "work" when we all know she isn't working! So what are they really talking about? He is her PPL Yoda. And maybe she trusts her mentor enough to go to his trailer in Las Vegas and drop off some things that need to be disposed of in the dead of night, who knows. He acted like such a dufus on the stand, I 'll bet they didn't even search his trailer, excuse me, motorhome.

I believe she took the gun with one bullet because the gun was intended to hold Travis at gunpoint while she tied him up. She would make it part of a sex game, if she could. No one plans to kill someone with only one bullet in the chamber.

Jodi had conversations with Travis on the phone on the way to Arizona. She could not tell him she was coming because he might say no or tell someone she was coming and if she had to kill him, that would implicate her. The phone calls were useful for her to find out that he was, in fact, at home.

She arrives and comes in through the doggie door, Napoleon licks her. Travis is asleep and she gets on his computer to see if her secret is still safe. Poor Travis! If he had told someone, he might still be alive! As it was, she swings Plan A into operation and at some point goes upstairs. She has the gun out and scares the bejesus out of him. She photographs him after tying his left arm to the bed leg. She tells him she is there to enact one of her fantasies for a change - a goodbye session. He is furious and she mocks him, then says she is playing, it's all part of the sex game. She leaves him tied while she snaps pics of herself. He is not quiet while this is all going down. He wriggles off the bed onto the floor trying to untie himself. She may have already inflicted some knife wounds. You can see some blood on his chest in his photo.

He has refused to be blackmailed, so he must die.

On the floor, she sits on his chest and begins torturing him by stabbing him in the chest, "I'm breaking your heart just like you broke mine." The crime scene specialist said there was old blood on the carpet in the bedroom as well as new blood. Jodi controls him using the thumb hold which is taught in judo? some martial art which teaches that if you break or injure a digit, you can steer around the body of a person much larger than yourself.
Evidence of this can be seen in the shower photo where you see him holding his injured thumb pressed against his heart. This is a very unnatural hand position- try and imitate it and you'll see what I mean.

I believe the evidence for a torture session on the bedroom carpet can be found in the photo of Travis' back in the shower. In his suffering, Travis writhes with her weight on his chest. This produces the petachiae miniature stress bruise dots which are visible in stripes on his back in the shower photo. This pattern could be created when a person squirms side to side with a weight on the body and a hard surface underneath. ( There was a woman on Mystery Detectives who was murdered when her husband sat on her while she was weight lifting and choked her with the weight bar, thinking he was making it look like an accident. She had petachiae down her spine.)

Another clue that he has been injured in the shower is the anguish in his face. He has been crying substantially (and I am sure he is praying too for god to deliver him from this monster) because we see the mucous trail from his left nostril in the close up photo.

The photos do not show his hands because he is holding the bleeding cut closed on his thumb, imo. She is holding him at gunpoint with her left hand. The camera is designed for right hand use AND the retina photo clearly shows the camera flash at waist level on the right of her body. He thinks he is almost finished with his ordeal when he sees her put the gun in her pocket and reach for the knife. She swings hard and stabs his head and neck. He raises his arms in defense, exposing his chest and she stabs him again with a powerful thrust to the heart. This would be right after the seated picture in the shower.

He lunges, blood pouring into his eyes, screaming and the camera flies. They fall to the floor, there is no body slam. They grapple, fighting for the knife. She stabs him repeatedly in the back but the cuts are shallow because she can't swing her arm enough to drive the knife in. Travis tries to grab the knife away and Jodi is cut. He is weakening, so she crawls out from under and pulls off the rubber gloves. She runs downstairs to bandage her hand in the downstairs bathroom and to see if anybody is home yet.

When she comes back, he has been to the sink and is crawling down the hall screaming in pain, bleeding everywhere, making a mess, asking her to get help, and saying he can't feel his legs. She grabs the knife in her right hand and cuts his throat to shut him up and finish him off. She tries to drag him but he is too heavy so she gets the bath mat and puts it under his shoulders and uses that. You can see the bathmat edge in the photo after the dragging/Jodi food photo.

She pulls him back in the bathroom and he is gurgling and trying to breathe still as she is pulls off her clothes so she can shower before cleaning him up in there. She sees him looking at her and freaks out, thinking "he is still in there." This is what she says as part of the ninja story. She goes and gets the gun from the backpack and in her mind, as an act of mercy, shoots him in the face so she won't have to close his eyes with her fingers.

She showers with his body on the bathroom floor, then gets his body into the shower and sprays it down, using the glass to get the blood off the shower walls and from all the parts of his body the shower doesn't reach, like between his legs. She is singing while she does this-- Dido. Isn't it sad, she thinks, that it had to end this way? That he wouldn't cooperate? He brought it on himself. I tried to save him....

The bathroom is a real mess with blood, water, feces and urine mixed all over the floor. When people die, their muscles relax and evacuate all wastes. She tries to swipe the walls with towels and notices the time. O M G. Travis' roommates will be home any minute. She cleans up the mess with Travis' clothes and towels, scooping everything up including the camera. She runs downstairs, throws the bedding in the dryer and throws all the bloody clothes/towels in the washer with bleach and runs the cycle, now she is terrified of discovery

She stuffs her bloody clothes, the rope, the gun all into the pillowcase and lets the pillow filling absorb the blood. (She may have run in the bathroom at this point to fluff her hair and left that drop of blood...) She leaves carrying her backpack and hugging a pillow, throws the pillow on the passenger seat and takes off.

She never sheds a tear for Travis, only for herself. She's going to "miss out." I hope she doesn't miss out on the injection, but *advertiser censored* her head and smiles prettily like I'm sure Travis would want her to.

RIP Travis Alexander
RIH Jodi Arias (RIH=Rot in Hell)
But that doesn't mean JM won't use him in closing. "Ms Arias claimed to have a witness named Matt McCartney who would corroborate her story of bruises, but did you see him testify to that? No, because it was just another of her lies."

I kinda think using MM as any kind of witness, for either side, would be a mistake. First he supposedly says "I would lie for Jodi". That works for the prosecutor. But then, having said that, why wouldn't the defense come back and say (if he would indeed testify against her), why would we believe you aren't lying now.

I think JA and MM are two birds of a feather.
Do you guys think Martinez will have a chance at this expert on Tuesday?
I am a little concerned about something that Jody and the female officer talked about. In the interrogation video seven the officer was trying to get Jody to make some kind of confession and she replied that Travis may have been violent. I couldn't quite understand what Jodi said that she was talking about bruises on her arm and Travis was mad because she didn't wear a long sleeve shirt. Something about the way she talks about the hundred degree heat almost struck me as truthful. I wonder if the defense team will try to play that portion.
I am a little concerned about something that Jody and the female officer talked about. In the interrogation video seven the officer was trying to get Jody to make some kind of confession and she replied that Travis may have been violent. I couldn't quite understand what Jodi said that she was talking about bruises on her arm and Travis was mad because she didn't wear a long sleeve shirt. Something about the way she talks about the hundred degree heat almost struck me as truthful. I wonder if the defense team will try to play that portion.

Don't write that here, and give them ideas...
Whoo hoo! Done with all of them except one I missed that was a double lost! Y'all enjoy catching up as I see only 252 peeps have gotten to #18

....but already 1,531 have gotten to #2

Oops! Posted this on wrong thread! See you over at the unedit interview thread with 18 videos for further comments!

Ta ta!
and began the repentance process. The reason I know is that heard one of his friends interviewed on HLN and said he was in the repentance process after Jodi had moved back to California.

This is not testimony under oath, however.

Would this be public information within the church? How can the the friend know for sure?
The first book out will be Jody's mother, then Samuels, then Nurmi and everyone down to and including Mike and the bailiff.

OH - and don't forget Jean Casares, Beth Karras and Nancy Grace

I would read Mike's. He's the puppepmaster of it all. jmo.
If TA told him what he was doing, the friend would know that way.

Well, Travis could have lied about it, like I'm sure he had told his friends he's done with Jodi, or how he lied by omission about the nature of their relationship.
I agree. Initially I thought she had to have been in a rage, I mean, who can do this in their right mind? But as you say, there was too much planning. And, it went on far too long to have been a rage killing, imo.

as Dr Drew said, her mind is different than normal people so normals like us can't understand how she could have done something so heinous. I think she started planning after their last breakup, when he gave her the finger and asked if she would disappear preferrably to antarctica, and she moved back to Yreka. i wish all the emails from the time of the last breakup thru june 3 could be put together, it might give a better picture. I would like to know how often they communicated from that time on, who called who first etc. I'd especially like to know the contents of their emails on june 3.
Why Not? He didn't commit a crime. He wasn't trying this case outside of the courtroom. He wasn't expressing his professional nor personal opinion about Jodi, anyone or anything related to this case.

I for one and thrilled to see someone being admired and respected for his character and integrity rather than sports players and movie stars. I think it's wonderful that so many citizens and guests from other countries are taking such an interest in this trial.

Because it's not necessary and is likely to garner further attention that is distracting, at best? And it's a little unseemly, imo. I can't Imagine asking a Supreme Court Justice for their autograph in the middle of the Obamacare arguments, for example. Just not something that would occur to me. A handshake and expression of respect, maybe. An autograph, not so much. Especially in the middle of a high profile criminal trial. jmo
Very good point -- she didn't know what Mimi's feelings were, but it didn't matter to her, because naturally all women think just like her in her world.

By the way, the Hokey Pokey is, indeed, what it's all about. I put my left foot in yesterday and proved it conclusively.


So can I assume you also took your left foot out, then put it back in, and shook it all about? :waitasec:
So can I assume you also took your left foot out, then put it back in, and shook it all about? :waitasec:

In addition, I turned myself about. In the process, I discovered that it was, indeed, what it was all about.
Does anyone know what the relationship is between the Hughes and Alexander families is?
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