long weekend break: discuss the latest here #113

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Do you guys think Martinez will have a chance at this expert on Tuesday?

I'm thinking not till Wednesday.
Just b/c Willmott insists on dragging out testimony with ALV (just as s-l-o-w as she took with Samuels).

Defense still operating under the misguided thought that the longer they keep these experts talking about the murderer ... The more it humanizes JA to the jury.

Wilmott = Ask question, rinse, repeat question, rephrase same question, 'may we approach' to the judge ad nauseum, stomping her feet like a child when Juan's objections are sustained.

Yeah, think *maybe* by Wednesday.
Hi guys,

I want to make a petition about that asinine show, "After Dark". TBH I dont know what Im doing so Im hoping for any advice, input, and help I can get.

For ex., I don't know if they are supposed to be short and to the point or what, but once I started i realized I probably had wayyy too much to say. Also I want to be careful not to imply my thoughts are everyones - but then I guess if they sign it, it would be? idk..

This is a rough draft, where they ask "why is this important to you" :

While the HLN tv show "After Dark" may appeal to a certain tabloid inclined sector of society, a growing number of viewers are not only disappointed by the program as a whole, but particularly disgusted by the nightly mock jury segments that often feature debates about the alleged actions or behavior of the Victim in this case.

Have there not been enough "bold accusations" made by the perpetrator of this crime already?

The current programming regarding this particular show is insensitive, inflammatory, and reeks of a desperate attempt to garner ratings at any cost, including the credibility of HLN and reputation of many (perhaps formerly) well respected HLN employees and representatives.

Additionally, to have very experienced law enforcement, trial attorneys and/or media representatives debate the validity of claims drawn solely from the imagination of an admitted liar lends itself to the possibility that a less capable or imaginative defense could capitalize on, and benefit from, the arguments presented. In essence, a risk of
inadvertently assisting the defendant for nothing more than the sake of entertainment.

Obviously, we are aware we do not have to watch, as many have chosen not to, however for some of us it is not enough to simply turn a blind eye.

"To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men" - Abraham Lincoln

We ask that you reconsider the content of the show "After Dark", bearing in mind whatever amount of importance you place on each of the following:

* loss of viewership due to offensive programming
* Consideration of the family, and those close to the victim in this case
* Reputation and perceived direction of programming at HLNtv
* Risk of effecting any aspect of the ongoing trial
Because it's not necessary and is likely to garner further attention that is distracting, at best? And it's a little unseemly, imo. I can't Imagine asking a Supreme Court Justice for their autograph in the middle of the Obamacare arguments, for example. Just not something that would occur to me. A handshake and expression of respect, maybe. An autograph, not so much. Especially in the middle of a high profile criminal trial. jmo

Martinez had an appointment with a local news reporter to answer a few questions. He met her in front of the courthouse. People approached him for pictures. He signed a cane. He didn't comment on his popularity to the reporter. End of story.

This happened ONE TIME. People reacted positively to him & he posed for a few (3-4) pictures. He signed that woman's cane b/c she follows him to his trials.

I wish people would quit twisting this into some sort of absurd story of Martinez granting his fans an audience every day after trial.
Martinez had an appointment with a local news reporter to answer a few questions. He met her in front of the courthouse. People approached him for pictures. He signed a cane. He didn't comment on his popularity to the reporter. End of story.

This happened ONE TIME. People reacted positively to him & he posed for a few (3-4) pictures. He signed that woman's cane b/c she follows him to his trials.

I wish people would quit twisting this into some sort of absurd story of Martinez granting his fans an audience every day after trial.

Are you responding to me or just jumping of my post? If you're responding to me, please notice that I haven't done that (the bold). I said he was probably blindsided and reacted without thinking and that he won't do it again because he wouldn't want to attract that type of attention to it again. That's all. I never said Martinez did anything wrong, at all. The opposite, in fact.
Well, Travis could have lied about it, like I'm sure he had told his friends he's done with Jodi, or how he lied by omission about the nature of their relationship.

All we have now are statements by friends regarding this. Like many things in this trial there is a lot we won't know....Jodi said many things that can't be proven and Travis said/did things that can't be proven. I doubt any meetings with bishops are going to be known to anyone but those involved. If he met with one and told his friends...its all we have.

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I'm listening to the unedited video of Jodi's interrogation and at 2:49, she starts discussing her conversation with Skye Hughes, and what Skye told her about Travis, and discussing the email.

Just an FYI for whoever may care.
Which tape #, please? I'm on 10 and Jodi isn't talking - but, hey, at least that way she isn't lying. ;)
Would this be public information within the church? How can the the friend know for sure?

It would be announced that a person had been disfellowshipped or excommunicated. It used to be in the main Sunday meeting, but in consideration of children being present, the announcement was moved to the adult quorum meetings (ladies group and various mens groups).

There would be no public information of someone being "warned" and just having their temple recommend pulled for a probationary period.

The friend would have heard that either from Travis himself or ward gossip. This is not something one would lie about because the men all work together in various jobs in the church, having access to files, etc. If you lied, everybody would know that. Usually everyone knows everything from the grapevine. I used to get regular updates from my boyfriend, the bishop's assistant/secretary, who made the appointments for the bishop.
THAT'S who she reminds me of, Minnie Mouse. Thanks for bringing that to my attention!! :floorlaugh:

I liked the "Grown-up Pebbles" reference, myself!
JA: He would never let me take pictures of him in the shower, despite our intimacy, he was very private about his showers. (description of the shower, bathroom, hallway, closet) . . . and I never went into the bathroom when he was showering because he was just private that way.
Det: Are you saying that those pictures were taken without his consent?
JA: I'm just saying that whoever took those pictures must have . . . I mean it's just hard to imagine.
I have a problem with The Fog.

Listening to JA testify, she says that when The Fog lifted she realized something bad had happened. She speaks as if the fog were an obscuring event that happened in the past, like unconsciousness. She "came to."

Later on she testifies that The Fog is a memory fog in which her actions were simply not recorded in memory. With that explanation, she would know exactly what she was doing at the time and would be as functional as anyone else. She just wouldn't be able to explain why she did certain things, or what she did.

And we see her deducing what she did. "I guess I must have put it in the washing machine, I was the only one there...."

Did I miss some psychological testimony while having my own crazy drama life going on?
Because it's not necessary and is likely to garner further attention that is distracting, at best? And it's a little unseemly, imo. I can't Imagine asking a Supreme Court Justice for their autograph in the middle of the Obamacare arguments, for example. Just not something that would occur to me. A handshake and expression of respect, maybe. An autograph, not so much. Especially in the middle of a high profile criminal trial. jmo

Who decides what is necessary in order to be acceptable? BTW, no one approached Mr. Martinez during court for an autograph. As for the supreme court comment I'm ignoring it.

Why are the excuses given for defense attorneys who make media rounds before and during trials involving their clients not for prosecutors? Do you have an issue with JW signing autographs in the courtroom?
Just my thought...

I don't care if Juan signs or doesn't sign, a juror sees or doesn't see, or if it is reported or not reported.... If it is not an issue or an act of misconduct the judge should not allow anymore talk of this nonsense in her courtroom. The focus should stay on JUSTICE FOR TRAVIS and Jodi NOT getting away with murder.....

The attorneys should trust in their case and in this jury. This jury is not sequestered and this case is approved for public viewing, and media opinion so they are having to be prudent in turning away and not being swayed NO MATTER WHAT THEY MIGHT HEAR OR SEE. This should not have any bearing on their ability, they are to focus on the testimony in that courtroom. I choose to believe that with their admonition they would let the judge know if they felt compromised.

Hindsight is always 20/20 and whether anyone involved would have done it differently, or not who knows. We can only watch and look forward to what's ahead.....
JA: (talking about pain of the families). I just wish they wouldn't hurt because it would be so much easier for me.:what:
Who decides what is necessary in order to be acceptable? BTW, no one approached Mr. Martinez during court for an autograph. As for the supreme court comment I'm ignoring it.

Why are the excuses given for defense attorneys who make media rounds before and during trials involving their clients not for prosecutors? Do you have an issue with JW signing autographs in the courtroom?

Some will always have an issue with JM no matter what he does I think.

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I'm thinking not till Wednesday.
Just b/c Willmott insists on dragging out testimony with ALV (just as s-l-o-w as she took with Samuels).

Defense still operating under the misguided thought that the longer they keep these experts talking about the murderer ... The more it humanizes JA to the jury.

Wilmott = Ask question, rinse, repeat question, rephrase same question, 'may we approach' to the judge ad nauseum, stomping her feet like a child when Juan's objections are sustained.

Yeah, think *maybe* by Wednesday.

:seeya: I'm hoping her reason for quitting 30 minutes early on Thursday means she's almost done - she wanted the whole weekend with her last words.
Does David Lohr read here/know we LOVE him?? I just watched unedited video #6 and I find it very interesting (suspect) that at around 28:48 Jodi is asking the female detective if they've found her journals. She proceeds to explain where more journals are and almost pushes them on the detective. IMO it's because she has falsified info/lied in them in her effort to cover her tracks. She has SO premeditated this, MOO! And sorry, still a newbie here and not sure how to imbed a video clip!
I've been thinking about what JM can do with AVL on cross re what she's not supposed to testify about and how JW is trying to plant it in the jury's mind that she is testifying to it. Couldn't he ask her a string of questions like this, or would that open the door to anything. It's a given there will be objections galore of course.

"Ma'am, how many times did you interview Mr Alexander?"

"That right, none, because the defendant, whom you swore under oath that you "liked", stabbed and shot and killed him, right?"

"Without having interviewed Mr Alexander, you cannot say as an absolute fact that in your expert opinion he was abusive to the defendant, right?"
- That's the key one. She can give all this innuendo, but she is not allowed to state this, is she? If she agrees that she cannot, then in effect the jury can disregard everything she testified to; if she says that she can offer it, then wouldn't the judge have to toss that answer and instruct the jury that as a matter of law she cannot offer that as an expert opinion?

"And if in fact he had not been murdered (objection/sustained) slaughtered (objection/sustained) killed by the defendant, and you had been able to hear his side of the story, then it's possible that your expert opinion would be that in this relationship Ms Arias was actually the abusive party, right?"
- He'll surely work this in somewhere. She believes only women can be abused, but this question corners her. If she says it wouldn't be possible, then the jurors will see her bias because you know they're all thinking much of what she said on her first day sounds like JA; if she says it would be possible, then it shoots down almost everything that sounded so great for the defense. Either way, it neutralizes her.

This is what I would do if I was the prosecutor:

Ms. LaViollette, were there any e-mails which indicated that Travis was PHYSICALLY abusive?


Were there any e-mails or texts which indicated that the defendant should fear for her life?


Thank You, I have nothing further Judge...


I think the jury would be thrilled to just move it along.
JA: He would never let me take pictures of him in the shower, despite our intimacy, he was very private about his showers. (description of the shower, bathroom, hallway, closet) . . . and I never went into the bathroom when he was showering because he was just private that way.
Det: Are you saying that those pictures were taken without his consent?
JA: I'm just saying that whoever took those pictures must have . . . I mean it's just hard to imagine.


JA is a piece of work.
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