long weekend break: discuss the latest here #113

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I have always thought this as well...
:notgood: I know, me too. Like she might have been pulling him over and kicked the camera. But it's really just too much for me to think about. :notgood:
Physical abuse and emotional are two different beasts.

I think the letter from Hughes' describes Travis being "emotionally abusive".

If I Juan i'd ask: Are there any indications that Travis could not commit to women?

Answer: YES. That's the gist of it. Move along...

Well, that's what I mean. I think we need to see the letter so we can know exactly what Chris is talking about. What is his definition of emotionally abusive? I don't think an inability to commit to a woman or even leading a woman on constitutes being emotionally abusive. And, again, did he use the words emotionally abusive himself, or were these words extracted based on ALV's understanding of abuse? (According to her, not calling someone for three days is emotional abuse...) So did she just read what Chris wrote and decide, "aha, that's emotional abuse right there"? I also hear there's more to the email chain. I think we need to hear the context and where the conversation ends up. We know in the end Chris and Sky end up not liking Jodi at all. If the Hughes' are called to testify, all this will be cleared up.
Physical abuse and emotional are two different beasts.

I think the letter from Hughes' describes Travis being "emotionally abusive".

If I Juan i'd ask: Are there any indications that Travis could not commit to women?

Answer: YES. That's the gist of it. Move along...
Plus Dt. Flores goes into Travis' inability to commit when he is interviewing Jodi and trying to get her to open up to him about something real.
Totally agree MeeBee Hey, tha rhymed ;)

Yes, I would love for them to testify again.

Question: If the person who wrote the email, read the email out loud on the stand? tia ~

Well, that's what I mean. I think we need to see the letter so we can know exactly what Chris is talking about. What is his definition of emotionally abusive? I don't think an inability to commit to a woman or even leading a woman on constitutes being emotionally abusive. And, again, did he use the words emotionally abusive himself, or were these words extracted based on ALV's understanding of abuse? (According to her, not calling someone for three days is emotional abuse...) So did she just read what Chris wrote and decide, "aha, that's emotional abuse right there"? I also hear there's more to the email chain. I think we need to hear the context and where the conversation ends up. We know in the end Chris and Sky end up not liking Jodi at all. If the Hughes' are called to testify, all this will be cleared up.
Well, that's what I mean. I think we need to see the letter so we can know exactly what Chris is talking about. What is his definition of emotionally abusive? I don't think an inability to commit to a woman or even leading a woman on constitutes being emotionally abusive. And, again, did he use the words emotionally abusive himself, or were these words extracted based on ALV's understanding of abuse? (According to her, not calling someone for three days is emotional abuse...) So did she just read what Chris wrote and decide, "aha, that's emotional abuse right there"? I also hear there's more to the email chain. I think we need to hear the context and where the conversation ends up. We know in the end Chris and Sky end up not liking Jodi at all. If the Hughes' are called to testify, all this will be cleared up.
There's something in there being taken way out of context alright. Watching CH testify at the evidentiary hearing, his pain with what he/Skye have said and how it is being used is almost palpable. :tears:
Totally agree MeeBee Hey, tha rhymed ;)

Yes, I would love for them to testify again.

Question: If the person who wrote the email, read the email out loud on the stand? tia ~

I think that if the person who wrote the email takes the stand, not only can they read from it, but they can interpret its meaning and the email can displayed on the projector. That's my understanding. I asked something similar in the legal thread.
There's something in there being taken way out of context alright. Watching CH testify at the evidentiary hearing, his pain with what he/Skye have said and how it is being used is almost palpable. :tears:

Yes. I've said this before but I am sure, like Lisa Daidone, they seriously regret writing the emails, all things considered. I really think Juan will call one or both of them in rebuttal to testify.
Thanks for finding this and posting it. I knew she said he wouldn't have posed for pics in the shower and the pics that were taken definitely looks stalkerish, badly taken and the Travis looks unaware of them. Their darkness makes me think there was no flash and that was because she didn't want him to know she was taking them.

I have always though he discovered her taking pics and was rightfully furious and from there it got worse. She does weave bits of truth in her stories and I do believe he was angry at her but not because she "dropped the camera". I have always thought maybe she dropped the camera, which revealed her presence and that is when things got really bad, really quick. He was mad because he discovered her taking pics and she had NO excuse for her doing it (or being there?) and this was the final straw for him and she knew it.
In that clip she spends some time describing where you can see the shower from in the bedroom, hallway, and closet also - curiouser and curiouser.

I have nothing to suggest this thought, but I can see Travis sitting down in the shower when he discovers she is taking the pictures (maybe even banging the back of his head against the shower wall in his frustration with her). The shower door is closed on the face shot but open on the torso one that follows. I believe that one probably was "inadvertent" as Jodi says. She didn't have a chance to put the camera down before she started in on him (most likely with the knife). Then the ceiling shot which comes many seconds later is when the camera has been tossed in the struggle.

I have another awful thought that when Travis saw she had a knife, he turned his back to her on purpose. In his blog he talks about doing that with his mother as a way to deflect her blows and so they won't hurt so much. :(
What do you all think that Jodi's first move was to disable Travis from fighting her off?

Stabbing him. I don't think Jodi ever envisioned that he'd be able to fight her off especially being trapped in the shower stall. And unfortunately, he WASN'T able to fight her off. Her method was to get him trapped in the shower and surprise him out of the blue with the knife immediately stabbing. And it worked. It just didn't work according to what she envisioned was that he was able to get out of the shower and all the way down the hall. She assumed that once he was first stabbed he'd fall in the shower and conveniently die there all nice and tidy.
Physical abuse and emotional are two different beasts.

I think the letter from Hughes' describes Travis being "emotionally abusive".

If I Juan i'd ask: Are there any indications that Travis could not commit to women?

Answer: YES. That's the gist of it. Move along...

I just don't consider that abusive but obviously ALV does. Some men really CAN'T commit. But some men haven't met the right person. I wonder how long you can date a woman before you become an 'abuser?'

Yes, 6 years is a long time but Deanna was a grown woman. She made choices too.
I just don't consider that abusive but obviously ALV does. Some men really CAN'T commit. But some men haven't met the right person. I wonder how long you can date a woman before you become an 'abuser?'

Yes, 6 years is a long time but Deanna was a grown woman. She made choices too.

I totally agree!

One person in this dyad didn't get the desired level of commitment. The other was stalked, cyberstalked and killed three times over. The whole "domestic abuse" thing is just infuriating.
MOO - I believe this pic is when she is slitting his throat... Just MOO though.

You know what .. now that you say that, did you notice in the police interrogation when Flores gets the photos out, that he says what we see of that image is a PORTION of it? Wonder what we don't see....
Is there court tomorrow? Is the issue of so called misconduct been resolved yet?
Well, that's what I mean. I think we need to see the letter so we can know exactly what Chris is talking about. What is his definition of emotionally abusive? I don't think an inability to commit to a woman or even leading a woman on constitutes being emotionally abusive. And, again, did he use the words emotionally abusive himself, or were these words extracted based on ALV's understanding of abuse? (According to her, not calling someone for three days is emotional abuse...) So did she just read what Chris wrote and decide, "aha, that's emotional abuse right there"? I also hear there's more to the email chain. I think we need to hear the context and where the conversation ends up. We know in the end Chris and Sky end up not liking Jodi at all. If the Hughes' are called to testify, all this will be cleared up.
Only someone who is obsessed, controlling and paranoid would say someone else not calling for three days is emotional abuse. Most "normal" people would understand, especially if the other party works and is extremely busy, for example.

Agree. everything needs to be judged in it's entirety in order to not take anything out of context.

If memory serves correctly, Chris Hughes testified that they only believed what KN told them for a short period of time and only because KN told them he had 100% proof-positive that the letters were written by Travis. Once they got to look at the letters, they realized KN was lying because they could tell TA did not write them.

I can tell you right now, I'm not at all fond of the Hughes.
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