long weekend break: discuss the latest here #113

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One possibility for context is that they'll say they realized she was a psycho but couldn't get Travis to stay away from her. So they started making up stuff about Travis to try to scare her off, which as it turns out didn't work either.

I believe this email will end up just like the one Lisa sent to Travis. This could be the reason the Hughes wanted nothing more to do with Jodi after this email because she lied to them about Travis. I'm sure Travis could see his chances of dating someone and getting serious going down the drain because Jodi just would not go away. Jodi may have felt because Deanna still was around that she also should be able to hang out at Travis' because he had "courted" her for 5 months. Jodi must have made Travis' life a living hell at times.
I believe this email will end up just like the one Lisa sent to Travis. This could be the reason the Hughes wanted nothing more to do with Jodi after this email because she lied to them about Travis. I'm sure Travis could see his chances of dating someone and getting serious going down the drain because Jodi just would not go away. Jodi may have felt because Deanna still was around that she also should be able to hang out at Travis' because he had "courted" her for 5 months. Jodi must have made Travis' life a living hell at times.

This must be what Travis found himself in the midst of,

"In the beginning, what people are attracted to in psychopaths is they seem to know what you want, what you need, what makes you laugh, and feel good. They are mirroring what is inside you back at you, and throwing in what they've learned. In return, they absorb part of who you are psychologically. They become what you want as much as they can. The relationship feels good because it seems you've found your soul mate."

"I can't comment on what will be enough to have a specific person leave you alone. I can comment on what his motivation might be in continuing to contact you, assuming he is a psychopath. He might be after something you provide, such as money, sex, comfort/normalcy, a fear or fight fix. You might be considered part of who he is. He has absorbed part of your personality by mirroring and he wants to continue or have that back."

I have wondered about this myself quite a bit. I think the only way was the element of surprise. I think he thought she had left the house and she came back in. He was in the shower and didn't hear her. Maybe she swung open the shower door and started stabbing. Going for the heart area first. jmo

Yes, I have pondered it to no end. The element of surprise and she had to be fast. Really fast. Travis had many defense wounds on his hands and he was much bigger than her and she still managed to kill him. It's not that I want to picture it but I have tried to, it is still not plain as day to me.
He just had to have had a fatal wound and she was able to over take him.:facepalm:
Does it bother anyone else how Jodi is constantly spreading her legs during the interview? I can't stand it!! I can't imagine doing that--shifting around and spreading my legs when talking to a man I don't know...

And she also leans back against the chair with her right shoulder and gets "the girls" up and out. Lord I can't believe this witchy creature.
Are there any other reports that JA was mean to animals besides the incident where she kicked Doggy Boy when she was in high school? On the interrogation tape (I think the 4th one), she talks about kicking him and he "moved a few feet." And then she says he ran away and she never saw him again after that.

What are the chances that the one time the psychopath admits to hurting an animal, the dog "ran away" and was never seen again? When she said that, my first thought was that she killed Doggy Boy.

i heard a friend of his one night on TV who supposedly discussed it with TA after JA moved back to yreka. he said he'd gone to the bishop and was in counseling about his relationship with her. that's all i know about it.

it won't come in, pretty sure. it's hearsay. and the bishop certainly won't talk about it.[/QUOTE]

But JA talked about meeting her Bishop after Travis' memorial. I wonder how much she told him...?
I have wondered about this myself quite a bit. I think the only way was the element of surprise. I think he thought she had left the house and she came back in. He was in the shower and didn't hear her. Maybe she swung open the shower door and started stabbing. Going for the heart area first. jmo

IMO there is no way she would leave and come back. She had stolen a gun, spent $233 to rent a non descript car, driven 1,000 miles, borrowed and bought gas cans, spent more money on gas and turned off her cell phone. She planned all of this. She wouldn't leave and just hope he took a shower and hope he stayed in it for 11 minutes. IMO she convinced him that after a few pics she would hit the road , he agrees cause he wants her gone with no drama. She gets his camera, talks him through several "poses" while she gets her nerve up then attacks him while he is naked and vulnerable.

LOL. That's what $300 in Tijuana will buy you... LOL!

Edit: (It's just my own thought that she went to TJ for her bewbies. Where else can you get a boob job that cheap!)
LOL. That's what $300 in Tijuana will buy you... LOL!

Edit: (It's just my own thought that she went to TJ for her bewbies. Where else can you get a boob job that cheap!)

That's ok,,,they can keep her company in jail for the time being.
Oh yeah, her cat sratched her. Her "feral" cat :floorlaugh:

I'd like to throw some cat nip on JA and release a couple dozen Feral Cats in her cell and then sit back and watch. Evil is as evil does.
IMO there is no way she would leave and come back. She had stolen a gun, spent $233 to rent a non descript car, driven 1,000 miles, borrowed and bought gas cans, spent more money on gas and turned off her cell phone. She planned all of this. She wouldn't leave and just hope he took a shower and hope he stayed in it for 11 minutes. IMO she convinced him that after a few pics she would hit the road , he agrees cause he wants her gone with no drama. She gets his camera, talks him through several "poses" while she gets her nerve up then attacks him while he is naked and vulnerable.

Oh she definately had a plan no doubt. But I have to agree with mck, I think when he got in that shower she either said she was leaving or ran to the store whatever.
Then she all of a sudden reappeared to finish her plan. I just feel he had to be taken by complete surprise for her to be able to do what she did.:moo:
My belief is that if it hadn't been for her and HLN, this would never have been an issue. Obviously the DT has its finger on the pulse of media. If it weren't for the media, this would never have occurred to the DT and their over the top drama moment. I totally blame Jean Casares and HLN.

But, blame them for what? A half hour hearing in which it was inherently obvious that there was no grounds for a mistrial? A time out to question the jurors about how much outside knowledge they have? In MANY death penalty cases the defense brings up motions for mistrials - it's part of the "dance". I don't mean to single you out, but in general I think many of the forum posters have blown this whole episode out of proportion. The defense is simply acting how they feel - desperate - and will bring each and every motion they can to save their client who seems to be headed straight for the DP at the moment. Nothing at all wrong with that, they are paid to use every single avenue that they can, and so, they should.
Oh she definately had a plan no doubt. But I have to agree with mck, I think when he got in that shower she either said she was leaving or ran to the store whatever.
Then she all of a sudden reappeared to finish her plan. I just feel he had to be taken by complete surprise for her to be able to do what she did.:moo:
Of course, how else can anyone explain the lack of injuries she received in the so called 'fight for their lives'.
Iirc at one point Juan asked JA if she was still in a fog while being with Ryan......JA answered YES.

I remember thinking WTF?

Does anyone else remember that?

Yes ... that was a juror question, I think. :what:
Of course, how else can anyone explain the lack of injuries she received in the so called 'fight for their lives'.

Plenty of surprise when she puts down the camera and stabs him with a knife. He is clearly posing. IMO the last pic of him he is looking at her like "hurry up I've been posing for 10 minutes, you said this would be quick". There was no fight. He was disabled after the first blow.
Oh she definately had a plan no doubt. But I have to agree with mck, I think when he got in that shower she either said she was leaving or ran to the store whatever.
Then she all of a sudden reappeared to finish her plan. I just feel he had to be taken by complete surprise for her to be able to do what she did.:moo:

Why would it be less of a surprise if he was aware of her being there? A stabbing would be a surprise either way. I would think it would help IF he was aware - she could get ready, move around, make noise, and his guard would still be down. He's not expecting to be stabbed - no need to leave and come back. Photos confirm that.
Plenty of surprise when she puts down the camera and stabs him with a knife. He is clearly posing. IMO the last pic of him he is looking at her like "hurry up I've been posing for 10 minutes, you said this would be quick". There was no fight. He was disabled after the first blow.

I agree, which is why i quoted the fight for their lives. There was no 'fight', only a slaughter.
Someone (can't remember who) had posted on here that they were reading the book, Small Sacrifices, about the Diane Downs case and were amazed at the parallels to this trial. It got me curious and I bought it yesterday, and boy were they right! First of all, what a great book, I couldn't put it down for a second. Second, as to the similarities, there are so many. The ever changing stories, the memory gaps, the defendant taking the stand to regale the jury with every detail of her life from childhood, the copious sexual testimony, the diagnosis of several personality disorders, the erotomania, the obsession with one man, there are probably more I'm not thinking of. Reading it really made me feel like I had a better handle on Jodi's personality and motivations.
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