long weekend break: discuss the latest here #114

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Calling it a night here, way too little sleep last night.... TY to all of you for your questions and posts! You really do keep me thinking of any and all possibilities!
TIA for helping me catch up tomorrow. It figures my only day off is Friday (no court day) :) Stay safe all :)
This reminds me of the KC trial when JB tried to discredit Yuri Melich because he posted on Websleuths as Dick Tracy or something like that. It's called grasping at straws.

Ah, the irony. And all day at WS, people have been inferring that Dr Samuels is doing something nefarious and unethical by posting on the site that supports Jodi Arias.
Probably, but if you think about it, a good deal of the fashion industry could be interpreted as a plot by gay men against women.

Of course, in my ideal world, women would have backbone and internalize personal agency enough to say "no" when someone suggests the new fashion trend is to jam a fuchsia 10d nail into one's eye socket, tar and feather oneself with a bath of crazy glue and torn down pillows, eat only yellow foods that end with the letter 'Y" and only poop on a bi-weekly basis.

Because, the logical conclusion of blaming everyone for stupid stuff one does is Jodi Arias.
You've gotta move out of Bryant Park, Mykeru. The other 99.99999% of females ain't wearing dat junk or pooping bi-weekly. :D
OMG! Mistress Josie looks like the Lone Ranger. WTH does a domination have to do with this case? I am thinking they are somewhat insinuating that JA & TA had some sort of a BDSM thing going on and it went wrong?? I don't have satellite so I only watch the clip. What a trashy show. IMO

They (hln) all trip over each other, trying to out do eachothers show.
Ah, the irony. And all day at WS, people have been inferring that Dr Samuels is doing something nefarious and unethical by posting on the site that supports Jodi Arias.

Oh yeah! I do remember the incident.
Have you seen the pictures of Travis' closet? Shoes galore.

Trust me, you don't want to generalize off that sample set of one. Travis Alexander was a total outlier in the garment department.

Seriously, what guy hangs up his jeans using a clamp pants hanger?
Given the evidence that came forward on March 28, 2013, it is beyond legitimate dispute that Juror # 5 is not fair and impartial making her unfit to continue as a juror.

LOL I bet she's the one who has been writing all the sarcastic questions and they compared the handwriting of the questions wiith the jury questionnaire.
She prob. wrote about the "*advertiser censored*."
Katie DDJ on DD just said that she was in the courthouse cafe and one of the jurors - #5? - asked her if she was in line and KatieDDJ said 'no.' Apparently, Nurmi was right behind them. I think we have our 'misconduct' explanation.

I'm wondering if it may have been as simple as the juror feeling insulted by the defense for even questioning them. Maybe saying something innocent like this is ridiculous what the defense is asking us about.

If it was an honest opinion that broke no rules, I see no misconduct if that was the case.
Katie on Dr. Drew's show just said this juror was submitting a lot of questions when JA was on the stand. So, it could be!


But just because Jodie doesn't like her is not enough to remove her. I hope they find it to be void of any truth.
No what they're hoping for is a do over with a population that has been saturated with this trial coverage. A do over would mean they would get what Casey Anthony's Defense team was so lucky to get. A free pass to boot out any potential juror who had heard about the case. With those type of limitations you by nature will seat a jury who is more skeptical and one who is less likely to trust and believe a states case. Which is how Casey Anthony scored with her ridiculous Pinellas 12. Couple the Pinellas 12 and them being sequestered and you have a recipe for disaster, well for the state anyway. Unfortunately for the State of Floridia that case was lost before it ever began. And that's what Jodi's DT is hoping for. To start over again with the odds in their favor in terms of seating a jury with a more favorable profile. I.e. Dumb and skeptical.

I think the defense is hoping for a mistrial and that it will trigger an offer of LWOP or better.
Basically Nurmi filed a motion; he wants a mistrial or have Juror #5 removed. She allegedly said something - we do not know what - to other jurors.


Not to other jurors, but, according to the motion, but "in front of her fellow jurors..." They're talking about the hearing the DT asked for re: JC's report that jurors "might have" seen JM go out the front door and interact with ordinary citizens who approached him.

The judge already heard what Juror No. 5 said.

P.S. Is there a smiley for grasping at straws? :facepalm:
she was relating what's going on, i.e. rumors and defense desperation. Katie seemed a little upset-I think this thing has gotten so big and she's gotten a lot of attention and I hope she's OK. I digress.

It didn't help that DD started out trying to ask Katie about a rumor that he "heard" she knew about-"Jodi and a male juror are flirting". I felt so bad for Katie. She shut it right down and that's when she said all kinds of rumors are going on...

I've never been at the center or even the periphery of a media maelstrom and it's always been my ides of hell. I hope Katie and the other innocents take care of themselves. The defense would not hesitate to make whatever allegations they felt might benefit their client. I think she is being very careful about what she says on DD. These shows don't care about these people-they care about ratings.

I feel bad for her too. The defense has her in their cross hairs for some reason.

Re: BBM: did she basically say that none of the jurors are looking at her?

I think the idea of Jodi getting anything less than murder one because of the DT's tactics is starting to get to people. It's unsettling. It sounds like if Tri is kicked off we'd have lost a good one for our team. I'm starting to get pretty anxious too. I hope all of this blows over.
I'm wondering if it may have been as simple as the juror feeling insulted by the defense for even questioning them. Maybe saying something innocent like this is ridiculous what the defense is asking us about.

If it was an honest opinion that broke no rules, I see no misconduct if that was the case.

This complaint had to of originated from Jodie herself, Donovan, her mom, aunt.
Because nurmi seems oblivious to what's going on around him half the time.
I think the defense is hoping for a mistrial and that it will trigger an offer of LWOP or better.

Yeah I think pigs have a better chance of sprouting wings and taking flight than the state offering a deal to Jodi.

That may have been the case before this case went to trial. But seeing how strong their case has been playing out in open Court I don't think they would ever offer her a deal.
While I think it is just a bunch of carp and there is nothing wrong with the juror, I don;t have a problem with releasing her as long as the trial continues. This is just part of the "throw as much carp as you can and hope some technicality sticks". Defense knows they don;t have a chance in heck of winning the trial with the simple truth, so they have to kick and protest at everything.

This is a juror who supposedly took a lot of notes and I guess the defense didn't like that. So let the defense kick and fuss and demand and file their little protest papers. Give them their way on this because in the end, Jodi WILL be found guilty (because she IS guilty, she DID do it). Let's bend over backwards (no pun intended) to give then their way and she will STILL be convicted!! Mark my words (as Jodi said).

^^^^^^^This!^^^^^^^ :goodpost:

That's exactly what I think. There was something about this juror they didn't like, so they're determined to get rid of them. I hope the judge rules fairly for this juror. If it was something inappropriate, then they should be dismissed. But if it's a frivilous misinterpretation of something they said, I hope the judge smacks the DT good for once again wasting the court's time on ridiculous nonsense. :slap:
Who cares about her personal preferences, whether in footwear or companionship? She's being paid by the defense. If it suits the defense to hire a sexist domestic violence expert, that who they'll hire.

Molly - your avatar! Hahahahahhaha!
I feel bad for her too. The defense has her in their cross hairs for some reason.

Re: BBM: did she basically say that none of the jurors are looking at her?

I think the idea of Jodi getting anything less than murder one because of the DT's tactics is starting to get to people. It's unsettling. It sounds like if Tri is kicked off we'd have lost a good one for our team. I'm starting to get pretty anxious too. I hope all of this blows over.

I don't want to see katie wick exploited by dr drew for ratings. I'm not liking this dr drew jury idea anymore.
You've gotta move out of Bryant Park, Mykeru. The other 99.99999% of females ain't wearing dat junk or pooping bi-weekly. :D

My ex-wife never passed gas but once (provable) outside a strip mall. She must have been storing that thing up for years and it turned and curdled, fermented cured, become weaponized. It wasn't big but it was so vile that I expected birds to fall from the sky and start smashing auto glass in the parking lot.

Of course, I like to tell that story to Alyce LaViolette so she could explain that the bowel gas of another was actually my fault due to a power differential or some such thing.
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