long weekend break: discuss the latest here #114

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I still have a lot to read to catch up, but I have a few thoughts I'd like to throw out there. I blame the judge for letting the DT drag this trial out day after day. I think the longer it drags, the more disgusted the jurors are becoming and more apt to slip up and say something to one of the other jurors. I think JA is playing a chess game with the jurors and I won't be surprised if she is able to get more jurors booted. You have to remember, the juror's go up and down the elevators with others and something as innocently said as 'if they don't get this over with soon, I'm going to choke her myself.' Or say, "haven't we already heard this garbage one too many times.' JA has people in the court room that are tattling on everything and anything at this point. The longer the trial drags on, the bigger chance for someone to screw up. I truly believe the DT is just trying to get the death penalty off the table. By starting over, the prosecutor MAY agree to LWOP because a death penalty case is so much more expensive and time consuming. There's no logical sense that this trial has gone on for 3 months and counting.

Yes, I agree. I know the judge has to be careful and I do like her, but this is getting ridiculous. It's like the DT is becoming so preoccupied with what's going on on HLN and JAII that they have forgotten about their case. It's ridiculous. They must feel their case is going really bad to be pulling out all these stops. At some point though, the judge needs to start cracking the whip and moving things along. She needs to stop letting the DT come to a sidebar after every sustained objection (or overruled objection on cross). Their frivolous motions are turning this trial into a joke. Also, Donovan keeps tattling on people and is telling the court the sheriff is mistreating Jodi. This whole thing is becoming a circus led by the DT and the judge has got to start ruling with an iron fist.
Question: Does anyone have any idea as to what Travis was so angry about in his final text message rant to JA on May 26? Was it the pedophile accusations? It had to be something horrendous and something that resulted in JA killing him in order to silence him. He was threatening to expose her to all of his friends, her family, etc.

It was a terrible blunder for the DT to have JA read that text message on the stand. Why in the world would they do such a stupid thing? It doesn't point to abuse on Travis's part - it gives JA a motive for killing Travis and exposes her for what she is - a sociopathic psychopath. Juan could wrap this whole thing up in rebuttal if he had the actual evidence as to what Travis was so angry about.

I don't believe for a minute that Travis knew JA was planning a trip to Mesa. She went to such extreme lengths to cover her tracks, why would she tell him she was coming? She knows he would tell a house mate or one of his friends that she was coming. Her purpose was to ambush him on June 4.

JA knew that Travis would be going to Cancun not only with his new love interest, but with many members of PPL. She was afraid that he would spill the beans about her to everyone on that trip. She would be ostracized in the Mormon community AND PPL. As Ms. Willmott said in her Opening Statement - JA was forced to kill Travis! If only we knew what he was referring to in the text message! It holds the key to his murder.
Long time lurker, first time poster. i have been amazed at the beautiful community of victims' advocacy that i have found here, you people ROCK!!! It is so fulfilling to find the niche that i have always searched for. I read so much intelligent, insightful, analytical, compassionate posts here at websleuths... i feel at home and i feel proud to be in your company. Thank you all for everything you do to advocate for victims.

That said, I am in the process of listening to the unedited interrogation tapes... WOW. For all of you avid trial watchers, you MUST watch these tapes. They complete the picture of Arias that we have already concluded, but with a more complete picture.

Anyone who has been an avid trial watcher, please watch these tapes!


keep your hands and feet inside the cart at all times!
It may get bumpy in the next few weeks! lol
Because she could return it in AZ if Travis said she could stay.

Thank you - that makes sense. Was wondering why she would drive 100 miles out of her way if she was not trying to hide the rental. I guess the car rental in Yreka didn't allow drop offs in another city?
Watching NG replay of the police interrogation. My goodness. That officer is great. He is amazing with his questioins and how he knows she is lying. She is also definitely a physcopath and proves it by asking "Is it becase I am not crying" "How am I acting that you know I am lying" Jodi has no real normal emotions that a normal person would have in that situation.

A normal person would be freaking out, maybe crying, but at a minimum would be under huge stress. She sits there calm as a cucumber with no feelings of remorse, regret, dread, fear, or no feelings of ANYTHING regarding what she did.

That is why she scares me so much. Very creepy.
It's so annoying watching her talk. With Flores in such a calm soft quiet voice. No sense of fear, just cool as a cucumber. Makes you wanna pull your hair put.
Thank you - that makes sense. Was wondering why she would drive 100 miles out of her way if she was not trying to hide the rental. I guess the car rental in Yreka didn't allow drop offs in another city?

That is how I understand it.
Hertz rentals can be changed to one-way.
Watching NG replay of the police interrogation. My goodness. That officer is great. He is amazing with his questioins and how he knows she is lying. She is also definitely a physcopath and proves it by asking "Is it becase I am not crying" "How am I acting that you know I am lying" Jodi has no real normal emotions that a normal person would have in that situation.

A normal person would be freaking out, maybe crying, but at a minimum would be under huge stress. She sits there calm as a cucumber with no feelings of remorse, regret, dread, fear, or no feelings of ANYTHING regarding what she did.

That is why she scares me so much. Very creepy.

Lol we are thinking alike! We were posting at the same time, referencing her acting like a cool cucumber. That's to freaky lol
I'm annoyed at her calm no feeling demeanor. UNBELIEVABLE
Question: Does anyone have any idea as to what Travis was so angry about in his final text message rant to JA on May 26? Was it the pedophile accusations? It had to be something horrendous and something that resulted in JA killing him in order to silence him. He was threatening to expose her to all of his friends, her family, etc.

It was a terrible blunder for the DT to have JA read that text message on the stand. Why in the world would they do such a stupid thing? It doesn't point to abuse on Travis's part - it gives JA a motive for killing Travis and exposes her for what she is - a sociopathic psychopath. Juan could wrap this whole thing up in rebuttal if he had the actual evidence as to what Travis was so angry about.

I don't believe for a minute that Travis knew JA was planning a trip to Mesa. She went to such extreme lengths to cover her tracks, why would she tell him she was coming? She knows he would tell a house mate or one of his friends that she was coming. Her purpose was to ambush him on June 4.

JA knew that Travis would be going to Cancun not only with his new love interest, but with many members of PPL. She was afraid that he would spill the beans about her to everyone on that trip. She would be ostracized in the Mormon community AND PPL. As Ms. Willmott said in her Opening Statement - JA was forced to kill Travis! If only we knew what he was referring to in the text message! It holds the key to his murder.

Something he felt he needed to tell her mother about as well.
But what? What did she do that her mother needed to know about?
She doesn't want to go everywhere in handcuffs. Hello Jodie this is your new reality. She's asking for a lie. Detector test. Than she goes on to say shed feel remorse if she was guilty. She continues with " Travis is the one that introduced the gospel to me" she says.
This girl has a serious genetic malfunction, all systems overload, Chip not computing.
Long time lurker, first time poster. i have been amazed at the beautiful community of victims' advocacy that i have found here, you people ROCK!!! It is so fulfilling to find the niche that i have always searched for. I read so much intelligent, insightful, analytical, compassionate posts here at websleuths... i feel at home and i feel proud to be in your company. Thank you all for everything you do to advocate for victims.

That said, I am in the process of listening to the unedited interrogation tapes... WOW. For all of you avid trial watchers, you MUST watch these tapes. They complete the picture of Arias that we all know about, but with even more added insight.

Anyone who has been an avid trial watcher, please watch these tapes!


It's so annoying watching her talk. With Flores in such a calm soft quiet voice. No sense of fear, just cool as a cucumber. Makes you wanna pull your hair put.

I think at the very beginning when she complains of being "cold" it was a momentary episode of nerves. It left quickly!
It's a beautiful song. I have trouble understanding every word, but if you can translate the chorus, or even the first phrase - just enter those words with "lyrics" and it should help you find the song and the artists who sing it.
PS let me know if you figure it out

I used a few iphone apps that actually listens to a song and gives the results and 99% of the time it works but nothing for that song. It's driving me crazy. I asked on youtube also but still haven't gotten an answer. I'm determined and will post when I find out.
Long time lurker, first time poster. i have been amazed at the beautiful community of victims' advocacy that i have found here, you people ROCK!!! It is so fulfilling to find the niche that i have always searched for. I read so much intelligent, insightful, analytical, compassionate posts here at websleuths... i feel at home and i feel proud to be in your company. Thank you all for everything you do to advocate for victims.

That said, I am in the process of listening to the unedited interrogation tapes... WOW. For all of you avid trial watchers, you MUST watch these tapes. They complete the picture of Arias that we all know about, but with even more added insight.

Anyone who has been an avid trial watcher, please watch these tapes!


I hope this isn't too far OT. I am so tired of hearing reporters on TV say that there is a lot of attention being given to this case because of the attractive defendant (barf) and all the sex talk. How can they get that so wrong??? The reason I'm watching this trial so closely is because of the horrendous death that young man suffered and wanting to see justice for him and his family. After the nightmare of the CA verdict, I think I'm also hoping for a fair verdict to renew my faith in our justice system.
Personally, I couldn't give two hoots about all the sex talk and JA isn't one bit attractive IMO. When I see her, I see cold and empty eyes.
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