long weekend break: discuss the latest here #114

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I don't really have an opinion on whether or not he was expecting her, however maybe she offered to park down the street under the guise that his room mates wouldn't know she was there for sex. It seems like her and TA kept a lot of their encounters on the down low.

I don't think she showed up until after Travis txtd Chris Hughes around 12pm. JA says she went there at 4:00am. She also said TA didn't wake until after 1:00pm. I call bull.TA was up had made his bed txtd CH.... then JA showed up. I think she caught him alone.

I even suspect that the 1:00pm sex shots were fabricated somehow and she really showed up at 4:00 pm.

I am sure JM will clear that up for me.
All I can do is wait.

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I agree.And I think that if I was truly an abused woman who killed her batterer, I would want my "expert" to be an M.D. or Ph.D. NOT just a marriage and family counselor. JMO!

Not all M.D. or PhD's really have it!!! I remember I had a Psychiatrist tell me the reason why Alcoholics drink is to distant themselves from their family.

I smiled responding "Onions do the same thing and less expensive!" He sneered at me and walked away. (We were Professional friends by the way).

Something to think about..or ponder
People have commented on the possibility that she intended to burn the house or at laest TA's body. Maybe. And maybe something deterred her?

Don't most killers try to do something not to get implicated? For someone who planned this well ahead of time, it doesn't look like it turned out how she would have hoped.
Right?....And with all these crimes shows on TV...I can't imagine any person thinking that they can get away with anything wrong.

I'm not being silly.lol....modern tech.....dna...hidden cameras.....sheeesh..

but, but, but psychopaths are smarter than EVERYONE!
Until they murder someone and get caught! :giggle:
Not all M.D. or PhD's really have it!!! I remember I had a Psychiatrist tell me the reason why Alcoholics drink is to distant themselves from their family.

I smiled responding "Onions do the same thing and less expensive!" He sneered at me and walked away. (We were Professional friends by the way).

Something to think about..or ponder

<mod snip>

Yes there is one in every crowd!
If I was truly an abused woman...
and I drove 1000 miles to kill a guy that dumped me.
I am beyond help at that point... ~jmo:seeya:
I wake up this morning to find this motion regarding Juror misconduct! In the worst case the Judge will dismiss Juror #5. There won't be a mistrial. And, if another juror told the Judge what Juror #5 said it's only because that's the right thing to do. I would do the same. It is still unclear how this information reached the Judge.

By the way when providing news of some sort please try and provide the source. There are so many rumours flying about and it's hard to tell fact from fiction without looking at the source. Thanks.

I'm confident all will be resolved in the morning. Shame if tri colour has to go though.

My hinky meter went through the roof when I heard it was tri-color. I believe Jodi doesn't like women (as evidenced by her stalking, lack of real female friends, and her interactions with Detective Blaney). And Jodi has a knack of confronting women she doesn't like, or appears to be a threat to her.

I wouldn't put it past her to tell her DT to get her off the jury because she's taking too many notes, or is jealous of her hair. Maybe she saw her put too many questions in the basket?

It doesn't surprise me one bit that it's a female juror! If so, shame on the DT. I guess I'll find out more later --


Right?....And with all these crimes shows on TV...I can't imagine any person thinking that they can get away with anything wrong.

I'm not being silly.lol....modern tech.....dna...hidden cameras.....sheeesh..

Oh, I know! I'm afraid to do anything anywhere except at home. No scratching, no picking, no parking. Yipes!
My hinky meter went through the roof when I heard it was tri-color. I believe Jodi doesn't like women (as evidenced by her stalking, lack of real female friends, and her interactions with Detective Blaney). And Jodi has a knack of confronting women she doesn't like, or appears to be a threat to her.

I wouldn't put it past her to tell her DT to get her off the jury because she's taking too many notes, or is jealous of her hair. Maybe she saw her put too many questions in the basket?

It doesn't surprise me one bit that it's a female juror! If so, shame on the DT. I guess I'll find out more later --



Katie Dr. Drews Jury said she got a stare down from Jodi. So ya..we see it again and again. She doesn't like other women. Wants to be the only woman.
There were a lot of funky thing about those photos. I'm learning towards the theory that they did not have a long sexual tryst that day. I think she may have taken the pics of herself and I also think that she left after acting all nicey nice and forgiving and etc. then snuck back in and nailed him.

But he's not in the bed when the first of the two full-length nude shots of JA were taken. If you lighten the photo displayed in court, you can see the headboard and the other side of the bed all the way past the bed to the chair on the other side. He's not in bed. Soon afterwards, he's photographed in bed. Both the prosecution and defense agree they were photographing each other.

And whatever they were doing in the two nude photos withheld from court exhibits, Detective Flores wrote in his report that those began at 1:40 pm, almost three full minutes before the first timestamped photo.

She evidently knew he had very little to eat that day--she says he ate only a bowl of oatmeal--because otherwise how would she know the autopsy revealed he had only 1.69 tablespoons of undigested food in his stomach? If she had left at one point, how would she know that?

How would she know the exact times his laptop computer had been accessed if she wasn't there? JA said TA was on his laptop when she got there between 4:00 and 4:30 am, that he said he'd wait up for her.

She couldn't have known that the computer forensic expert would later verify the activity on TA's laptop that morning:

"4:08:11 am on June 4th: You Tube accessed

4:11:04 am June 4th, 2008: You Tube
Video: Daft Hands: Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

4:30:27 Gmail

4:30:55 www.Travis Alexander.net

She also knew he'd done laundry the afternoon of June 4, that he'd assembled his floor cleaner and had moved all the furniture up on the sofa. She knew he was on his office laptop computer, which Detective Melendez testified there was activity on from 4:19 to about 4:54 iirc. Once again, if she wasn't there, how would she know all that?
Right at the end when the police woman went to escort her out, it seemed like maybe she caught Jodi trying to smuggle some paper back to her cell. I think the officer asked her where she hid it, and Jodi pulled it out of her pants. It happened real quick and not sure if that is what I just saw and heard.

I watched that a couple of times.

Detective walks in and says a few words, then says - did you take any paper?

Jodi - yes

Detective: where is it

Jodi pulls it out of her pants

I heard that when you are being interrogated, there is always someone watching - especially if you are in the room alone. There were eyes (IMHO) behind the camera watching to see if she would say anything when she was alone...or just in case she did something stoopid.

The detective (IMHO) already knew she stashed the paper in her pants before entering the room.

It's a good interrogation tactic, too, to observe someone you arrested while alone. Folks give off body language, and are more apt to talk out loud. Jodi, on the other hand, gave them so much more to observe. I wonder if they were LOL when she stood on her head?



Read this at another site : 'April 1, 2013 – 9:45 pm
Got some activity on the case history:
Filing Date Description Docket Date Filing Party
3/31/2013 MOT – Motion – Party (001) 4/1/2013
3/31/2013 OBJ – Objection/Opposition. – Party (001) 4/1/2013
Does that mean this misconduct and Juror #5 thing is over for now?
Read this at another site : 'April 1, 2013 &#8211; 9:45 pm
Got some activity on the case history:
Filing Date Description Docket Date Filing Party
3/31/2013 MOT &#8211; Motion &#8211; Party (001) 4/1/2013
3/31/2013 OBJ &#8211; Objection/Opposition. &#8211; Party (001) 4/1/2013
Does that mean this misconduct and Juror #5 thing is over for now?

Can't tell. Both were on the docket for April 1. We should be reading something soon, imo.

ETA: Both motions are set to be discussed Tuesday (this) morning, according to news reports.
Read this at another site : 'April 1, 2013 – 9:45 pm
Got some activity on the case history:
Filing Date Description Docket Date Filing Party
3/31/2013 MOT – Motion – Party (001) 4/1/2013
3/31/2013 OBJ – Objection/Opposition. – Party (001) 4/1/2013
Does that mean this misconduct and Juror #5 thing is over for now?

It sure sounds like it. Watch the faces of Jodi and the defense when the jurors com into the courtroom in the morning.
But he's not in the bed when the first of the two full-length nude shots of JA were taken. If you lighten the photo displayed in court, you can see the headboard and the other side of the bed all the way past the bed to the chair on the other side. He's not in bed. Soon afterwards, he's photographed in bed. Both the prosecution and defense agree they were photographing each other.

And whatever they were doing in the two nude photos withheld from court exhibits, Detective Flores wrote in his report that those began at 1:40 pm, almost three full minutes before the first timestamped photo.

She evidently knew he had very little to eat that day--she says he ate only a bowl of oatmeal--because otherwise how would she know the autopsy revealed he had only 1.69 tablespoons of undigested food in his stomach? If she had left at one point, how would she know that?

How would she know the exact times his laptop computer had been accessed if she wasn't there? JA said TA was on his laptop when she got there between 4:00 and 4:30 am, that he said he'd wait up for her.

She couldn't have known that the computer forensic expert would later verify the activity on TA's laptop that morning:

"4:08:11 am on June 4th: You Tube accessed

4:11:04 am June 4th, 2008: You Tube
Video: Daft Hands: Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

4:30:27 Gmail

4:30:55 www.Travis Alexander.net

She also knew he'd done laundry the afternoon of June 4, that he'd assembled his floor cleaner and had moved all the furniture up on the sofa. She knew he was on his office laptop computer, which Detective Melendez testified there was activity on from 4:19 to about 4:54 iirc. Once again, if she wasn't there, how would she know all that?

I'm always amazed and impressed at how thorough posters are here. Thank you for the breakdown. I'd say I'm just flying by the seat of my pants sometimes. Replying based on feelings rather than facts.
Oh how I wish we could know.

Unfortunately, I am headed off to work this bright and early Tues morning and will miss what the new motion is about. I agree with others that it could be something as simple as Tri Color saying 'this is a circus' as she passed by the other jurors. If they were interviewed seperately, possibly she said something as she walked past after her interview. I would agree with her!
In the end, I hope it is nothing and again just an attempt by the DT to put something on the record.

Hopefully JW and ALV will be done today also and Juan will get a chance to start. I think he can pretty much show actual evidence that has been entered that shows that JA herself was abusive. We have heard a bunch of stories and cliche's but other than the email/text sent on the 25th were TA is calling JA out, what has the DT shown to support their theory. Concrete actual evidence? Other than what JA told her, we haven't seen much.

I did spend yesterday, as it was my day off, going through the interrogation videos. I found it interesting that JA states TA was 'meddling' in her finances to much. That she was more of a spur of the moment, consequences later type of girl, and he wasn't on board with that.

For all the newbies...WELCOME!!. One of the most interesting things here at WS is the different ideas and ways of looking and hearing the same things. I have thought I few times that I was sure what the evidence points to only to have another great WS chime in with their perspective and change my mind!

Justice For Travis and his family. Regardless of anything that the DT throws out there, that is the most important part. This has turned into the Jodi show but I suspect JM can make it not such a great thing for JA.

In that case, she should consider it a compliment.

Tard the Grumpy Cat is beautiful.



Oh, I think he's beautiful too! it's that expression that makes me laugh every time, and when I looked at the downturned mouth on both of them it was so funny! I tried to do a side by side but could not figure out how!
I would think that any female cells that entered the urethra prior to ejaculation would be expelled when this happens as it "flushes the area"

I would think that a swab could be introduced to see if the man had had an orgasm near/prior to death.

I just don't know if that is something that would have been done in this case.
I'm not sure what it would prove. They knew he had been washed after death,
he may have even had bleach poured on him.
I know it was in the washer.
They might have tried to retrieve DNA, but I don't recall it being mentioned in the autopsy report.
IMO I don't think they would have.
I stand corrected they did a modified sexual assault kit! ~good for them~

page 6 of 14
But he's not in the bed when the first of the two full-length nude shots of JA were taken. If you lighten the photo displayed in court, you can see the headboard and the other side of the bed all the way past the bed to the chair on the other side. He's not in bed. Soon afterwards, he's photographed in bed. Both the prosecution and defense agree they were photographing each other.

And whatever they were doing in the two nude photos withheld from court exhibits, Detective Flores wrote in his report that those began at 1:40 pm, almost three full minutes before the first timestamped photo.

She evidently knew he had very little to eat that day--she says he ate only a bowl of oatmeal--because otherwise how would she know the autopsy revealed he had only 1.69 tablespoons of undigested food in his stomach? If she had left at one point, how would she know that?

How would she know the exact times his laptop computer had been accessed if she wasn't there? JA said TA was on his laptop when she got there between 4:00 and 4:30 am, that he said he'd wait up for her.

She couldn't have known that the computer forensic expert would later verify the activity on TA's laptop that morning:

"4:08:11 am on June 4th: You Tube accessed

4:11:04 am June 4th, 2008: You Tube
Video: Daft Hands: Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

4:30:27 Gmail

4:30:55 www.Travis Alexander.net

She also knew he'd done laundry the afternoon of June 4, that he'd assembled his floor cleaner and had moved all the furniture up on the sofa. She knew he was on his office laptop computer, which Detective Melendez testified there was activity on from 4:19 to about 4:54 iirc. Once again, if she wasn't there, how would she know all that?

You pose some great questions here. She could have known about 4:11 am internet from viewing his history.
She could have been the one to do the laundry in the afternoon...

Ya got me at the food.
Unless he had a pattern where ate oatmeal at a certain time and did not eat again until ??:?? there is NO WAY she would know for sure.

Maybe she did get there at 4:00 am.
:seeya: I respect your post and I am not trying to argue.

I don't believe a WORD she says and I hate to think that Travis trusted her that one last time :(

eta: wonder why she skipped the part where he got up and txtd Chris Hughes?
Was she sleeping? I think that was a cry for help... He just didn't pick up on it.
Good Morning all.

I am already at work so am depending on you all to keep me posted on what happens today!
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