Lori Ruff Identified as Kimberly McLean of PA

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I'm hoping for some new info but I am getting the vibe they don't know all that much and we aren't going to learn many new details unfortunately:(
Same. But we did take away a couple of answers so it wasn't in vain.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*
I'm quite intrigued as to why Lori didn't destroy what was left in the lockbox. I know we'll never know. But we do know she hadn't forgotten about that box (as she'd told Blake not to look in it) so if she intended to kill herself that morning why didn't she throw the papers out first? Did she want him to find out? Or did she not leave her house that day knowing she'd commit suicide? Just strange that she went to extraordinary lengths to cover her tracks then left tantalising clues behind.

Maybe she was in such a mixed up state that she didn't even think about it since she had other things on her mind. I do think she left her house that morning with intentions to do what she did since they found the two letters. Unless she wrote them while sitting in the car. JMO
She may have been a daddy's girl. Would explain a lot.

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I would not be surprised if this was the case. It would explain a lot of behavior to me.
Divorce is really hard for teenage and young adult children.

We don't know exactly when she left the area but it really seems like bio Dad passing away triggered her again. Maybe she felt she had nothing left to lose.

I would love to hear from her Sister. I don't have any Sisters but I imagine the bond would be really tight between Sisters. Maybe she secretly kept in touch with her Sister up to a certain time.
Snipped by me:

Hmmmmm. Is he? Was he????

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*

He was.

But still, shady lawyer isn't going to say Oh yes I helped her obtain a new identity. Of course he would deny knowing her.
Yes Ben Perkins was African American. I thought that was always known. The detail about him never having a Caucasian client before in his life is new info to me though. There are pictures of him and of his funeral on Ancestry (or at least there was several months ago).

PS: I am NOT on the FB group so if you see someone copying my posts over there it is NOT me. I'm annoyed this keeps happening (it happened on another case too). If you are copying someone else's posts at least give credit here instead of pretending it's your own thoughts. rant over/
He was.

But still, shady lawyer isn't going to say Oh yes I helped her obtain a new identity. Of course he would deny knowing her.

I found that statement totally bizarre that he never had a Caucasian client and I don't buy it at all
Divorce is really hard for teenage and young adult children.

We don't know exactly when she left the area but it really seems like bio Dad passing away triggered her again. Maybe she felt she had nothing left to lose.

I would love to hear from her Sister. I don't have any Sisters but I imagine the bond would be really tight between Sisters. Maybe she secretly kept in touch with her Sister up to a certain time.

After the new article came out my first thought went immediately to her sister. I have 4 sisters, 3 much older and one closer to my age who I am close with. I could not imagine one of us up and leaving each other for good. We have our issues but in my experience there's no bond like sisters. Even if we don't talk for however long, which at times has been months, we are there for each other. But that's strictly my experience and I understand not all sisters are the same.
Yes Ben Perkins was African American. I thought that was always known. The detail about him never having a Caucasian client before in his life is new info to me though. There are pictures of him and of his funeral on Ancestry (or at least there was several months ago).

PS: I am NOT on the FB group so if you see someone copying my posts over there it is NOT me. I'm annoyed this keeps happening (it happened on another case too). If you are copying someone else's posts at least give credit here instead of pretending it's your own thoughts. rant over/
Sorry, I didn't know that! I hadn't ventured down that avenue and really researched Mr. Perkins.

Yes, tacky to not give credit to who made the post. Post mine over there, and I'll tag myself in it, and leave you looking foolish. [emoji35] [emoji35] [emoji35]

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*
After the new article came out my first thought went immediately to her sister. I have 4 sisters, 3 much older and one closer to my age who I am close with. I could not imagine one of us up and leaving each other for good. We have our issues but in my experience there's no bond like sisters. Even if we don't talk for however long, which at times has been months, we are there for each other. But that's strictly my experience and I understand not all sisters are the same.

My mother and her sister are 6 years apart. My mom was a daddy's girl and my aunt favored her mother. They live on opposite sides of the world and haven't spoken in years. That's also why I mentioned daddy's girl. Her sister may have sided with mom and stepdad. So many possibilities. From the Q&A just done by the Seattle Times reporter & Colleen Fitzpatrick, I got the distinct impression that the family isn't going to open up anymore than they have. At least not in the near future.

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I post info here to share with all and I understand anyone can copy that anywhere but I don't want someone thinking I'm a different person than I am. Someone could copy and paste my posts and then claim to be me and scam someone else from here. I just want people to know I am not over there and if someone PM's them on fb or any other website than websleuths saying they are "Gardener1850" it is NOT me. I don't mind anyone sharing info I post as long as they say they are quoting.
Yes Ben Perkins was African American. I thought that was always known. The detail about him never having a Caucasian client before in his life is new info to me though. There are pictures of him and of his funeral on Ancestry (or at least there was several months ago).

PS: I am NOT on the FB group so if you see someone copying my posts over there it is NOT me. I'm annoyed this keeps happening (it happened on another case too). If you are copying someone else's posts at least give credit here instead of pretending it's your own thoughts. rant over/

I never paid much attention to the notes page to be honest, it seemed to me that Lori hadn't written most of it. Seems like none of it was any use to the investigators anyway.

Had she destroyed the BST name change stuff her family might never even have considered she was anyone but Lori and none of us would be here.

I'd like to know if Lori knew her dad had died, have we got a date for that? Were the notes his? Maybe she maintained contact with him after leaving her mother's house. Maybe it's a list of info he gave her, links to accounts or people who could help after his death. Did she attend his funeral perhaps? We have literally no idea whether she stayed in touch with him or not.

Despite all those questions I think that unless the McLeans or Ruffs decide to talk, we're not going to get too much more out of this case. And perhaps we shouldn't try too hard - it's the people who are left behind who could get most hurt by any further intrusion. A Philly newspaper is printing the story on Sunday in the hope that people might recognise her from the area, perhaps more will come from that. Perhaps there will be a book one day, and yeah I'd buy it!
Thanks. I guess it's not really about "credit" so much as I don't like people impersonating me. I post info here to share with all and I understand anyone can copy that anywhere but I don't want someone thinking I'm a different person than I am. Someone could copy and paste my posts and then claim to be me and scam someone else from here. I just want people to know I am not over there and if someone PM's them on fb or any other website than websleuths saying they are "Gardener1850" it is NOT me. I don't mind anyone sharing info I post as long as they say they are quoting.

Ironic, Gardener, that you may be suffering from a case of stolen identity... :giggle:
My mother and her sister are 6 years apart. My mom was a daddy's girl and my aunt favored her mother. They live on opposite sides of the world and haven't spoken in years. That's also why I mentioned daddy's girl. Her sister may have sided with mom and stepdad. So many possibilities. From the Q&A just done by the Seattle Times reporter & Colleen Fitzpatrick, I got the distinct impression that the family isn't going to open up anymore than they have. At least not in the near future.

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I have the same impression. That they're pretty much closing the book on it. It's a wrap.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*
Why during the Q&A was she constantly saying "the Cassidy family" instead of McLean? I know the first DNA match was to Cassidy surname (cousin iirc) but if they have contacted the mother, why is she not saying "the McLean family" or "the Becker family"? The only thing I can think of is that kim's step-father has passed or that he is now divorced from her mother but still, it seems odd to me.
Yes Ben Perkins was African American. I thought that was always known. The detail about him never having a Caucasian client before in his life is new info to me though. There are pictures of him and of his funeral on Ancestry (or at least there was several months ago).

PS: I am NOT on the FB group so if you see someone copying my posts over there it is NOT me. I'm annoyed this keeps happening (it happened on another case too). If you are copying someone else's posts at least give credit here instead of pretending it's your own thoughts. rant over/

I've only been reading about this case for just over a week. I tried to read through all the posts but there was a lot of it. I did not know that Ben Perkins was African American. I'm sorry someone is stealing your posts and not giving you the credit. I know you've worked very hard to figure out this case.

I still have to wonder if the bio dad helped her before he passed away and knowing he died a year after she left I'm sure that probably paid a part in her changing her name.
I have many good things in my life, money doesn't happen to be one of them. We are from Massachusetts and 2 of my 3 kids go to school in PA. My son went to Villanova where he most assuredly felt the class/money issue but stuck it out to graduation. My daughter started at St. Joe's but the snobbery was too much for her and she transferred to Temple. The Main line is lovely. In Massachusetts my kids knew we were on the poor side but it was never a big deal in Philly, a whole different story!
I'm really surprised to hear what you say about St. Joe's. I went there many years ago, as did my sister, and we definitely were from a solidly middle-class family (disabled father, secretary mother). I never felt out of place money-wise. Sure I knew some kids from money, but the majority of people I knew and lived with were middle class as well. It never really mattered either way, we were all kids.

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Why during the Q&A was she constantly saying "the Cassidy family" instead of McLean? I know the first DNA match was to Cassidy surname (cousin iirc) but if they have contacted the mother, why is she not saying "the McLean family" or "the Becker family"? The only thing I can think of is that kim's step-father has passed or that he is now divorced from her mother but still, it seems odd to me.

I'm not 100% positive but I think Cassidy is the Mother's maiden name and I suspect she and Robert divorced so she went back to her maiden name.
Why during the Q&A was she constantly saying "the Cassidy family" instead of McLean? I know the first DNA match was to Cassidy surname (cousin iirc) but if they have contacted the mother, why is she not saying "the McLean family" or "the Becker family"? The only thing I can think of is that kim's step-father has passed or that he is now divorced from her mother but still, it seems odd to me.
Seemed very odd to me, too.

And am I the only one who thought that Colleen and the reporter's answers contradicted each other on many of the responses? "Yes, there may be follow up/No, it's a closed case", "The Ruffs and McLeans have made contact/No, not to my knowledge. " Struck me as bizarre. Still very thankful that they did this, though.

*All statements are that of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*

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