Loud music,screams and the mystery woman at mansion

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Because presumably the person did their research.

You're assuming the book will have quality research. There are lots of flash books written that are pretty terrible. All sorts of people come out of the woodwork when something like this happens, hoping to make a buck.

Can you name any serious, well-researched, award winning crime books that Kathleen has written?
Here's why I find this disturbing ... is it just coincidence all these reports come in after Rebecca quits communicating with her sister (was that about 9:40?)??

And, it also just happens that Rebecca quits responding to what is claims came into her phone during these periods.

It looks an awful lot like someone could have known Rebecca wasn't answering the phone but called to establish and alibi and a motive.

Unfortunately, it appears various parties could be involved ... the 10:41 pm call from Nina is suspicious to me because it just doesn't pass the sniff test. Where was Nina when she called? It may or may not matter. It just seems odder now that we know of reports around 10 pm and 11:30.
The Hinky Meter links in post 19 claim it was TWO separate neighbors who reported hearing screams and seeing a woman. I don't know (from the way it is stated) if each one saw the woman and heard the screams or one heard screams and one saw the woman but..........HOLY CRAP! SDSO needs to back to school.
While we still don't know if there is any physical evidence that RN got a voice mail message at 12:30 am, we know for sure she got a text from DS's sister at 10:41 pm but didn't respond to it. One possibility that she might have not wanted to talk to DS's sister and thus did not respond to the message. It was late and it's a safe bet the conversation was going to be unpleasant.
IIRC, NR stated that she thought that the call was EARLIER than 10:41.
Just an FYI, the neighbors know Dina. She would not be a "mystery woman" to any of the neighbors there.
(I know no one said she was lol but I am just clarifying in case people wonder if she was known to the neighbors or not)

ChasingH, As you said you may be able to answer certain personal details re: DS. I'm not sure if it's been determined yet: does her twin sister Nina look like her? Identical twins by any chance? tia

Also, how is Dina faring mentally and emotionally over all this tumult? What an unenviable position she finds herself in......
This makes my blood BOIL!!! How many things have come to light, since the PC? I am sorry, but even the most inexperienced LE officers can see there is more to meet the eye, then a woman who decided to commit suicide.

How many revelations have to happen before LE agrees to re open the case, on their own, with no outside pressure?

If I were the Zahau family, I would be wondering where justice fits into this case. I would also be very concerned as to whether or not I would ever know the truth about my sisters death, or see the guilty party pay for the crime.

Am I mistaken, or did LE verify at the presentation that JS was at the hospital during the estimated time window of the RN death; and also that AS passed the lie detector test? Since when can LE just make up facts - or at least shade them to fit their open and shut thesis? In addition to all the skepticism regarding SD LE's performance here, their dumbness seems to stand out: how could they imagine that the variance of their tale with all the facts that have subsequently come out would not become evident eventually, and call their conclusions into doubt (even if those conclusions turn out to be correct)?

BTW, anyone know when the Sheriff is up for re-election?
Am I mistaken, or did LE verify at the presentation that JS was at the hospital during the estimated time window of the RN death; and also that AS passed the lie detector test? Since when can LE just make up facts - or at least shade them to fit their open and shut thesis? In addition to all the skepticism regarding SD LE's performance here, their dumbness seems to stand out: how could they imagine that the variance of their tale with all the facts that have subsequently come out would not become evident eventually, and call their conclusions into doubt (even if those conclusions turn out to be correct)?

BTW, anyone know when the Sheriff is up for re-election?

I had the same question as my recollection was they verified JS was at the hospital. Also, I think they claimed AS took a lie detector test and they cleared him (this though is not the same as saying he passed it or, the truth, it was inconclusive). I still come back to they purposefully were cagey with their wording. This is just not acceptable in a potential murder investigation. It seems clear to me now that they took a bit of evidence early on and decided it was suicide and they thereafter did not pursue all the pertinent evidence. SDSO is claiming the message left on Rebecca's cell would have been recoverable from the phone company for one week after it was left even if it wasn't on her cell phone. They messed with her cell phone before trying to recover data from the company first.

They did not get a search warrant for Jonah's cells (him and Nina used) until August 24th - meaning they were only covering bases before presenting at the presser. They were not interesting in talking to all who knew Rebecca - that should have been done regardless of being a suicide or homicide.

Essentially, they let the prime suspect have control that he should not have had and took his word on things without validating the facts. They disregarded witness reports related to that night and gave us a dog and pony show. I don't know how much clearer it can be that they are guilty of gross negligence, but I will stop at claiming they had any particular motive.

SDSO should NOT be involved in further investigation, an external and unrelated investigation should be conducted of all of the evidence.
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Kathleen claims that the neighbor who heard the cries filed a police report. Wonder if we could find that report? She also claims the calls to the kennell didn't appear on RZ cell phone records.

Thank you so much for that article. Who was the woman or women in or around the mansion that night? What do we know about Dina's sister and her whereabouts that evening? Why wasn't she at the hospital?

I am so sick and tired of the wealthy being treated with kid gloves. And now some are starting to attack Rebecca and her life style. I'll never get over how cruel some people are. Don't worry Rebecca, WS is here for you, we'll get you your justice!
Thank you so much for that article. Who was the woman or women in or around the mansion that night? What do we know about Dina's sister and her whereabouts that evening? Why wasn't she at the hospital?

I am so sick and tired of the wealthy being treated with kid gloves. And now some are starting to attack Rebecca and her life style. I'll never get over how cruel some people are. Don't worry Rebecca, WS is here for you, we'll get you your justice!

Well there are other's life choices involved here and I say they should be looked into. With just cause. I am sure there is more than enough info to go around. It seems that JS is spending alot of money to keep his quiet. I wonder why? JMO and all that.
You're assuming the book will have quality research. There are lots of flash books written that are pretty terrible. All sorts of people come out of the woodwork when something like this happens, hoping to make a buck.

Can you name any serious, well-researched, award winning crime books that Kathleen has written?

Authors have to start somewhere, so there is always the first. :)
Is there any way to find out if any noise complaints were made in that area during that night? Would that be public info?
If I am not mistaken, I believe it was stated that AS had a polygraph administered and they (LE) was satisfied that he was telling the truth. At least that is what I got out of it in the PC. BTW, those were not the exact words spoken. Since the polygraph was deemed to be 'inconclusive', then WTH was LE thinking being satisfied that the very person that found Rebecca's body was telling the truth????? That stinks to high heaven to me. No LE I know of would have taken 'inconclusive' results of a polygraph as the truth.

Is it possible that AS dressed as a woman later that night and went back to the main house? This is pure speculation, so please take it as such.

I think this was a murder and should be treated as one. Investigate, please. A new set of eyes as well as a new thought process is needed, IMO.

Is there any way to find out if any noise complaints were made in that area during that night? Would that be public info?
From what I remember back then Pferrin did the radio reference listening for the day of MS accident, but for the night of RZ death the radio reference for that night and morning had been pulled so we couldn't confirm whether any calls had come in or not.
From what I remember back then Pferrin did the radio reference listening for the day of MS accident, but for the night of RZ death the radio reference for that night and morning had been pulled so we couldn't confirm whether any calls had come in or not.

Pulled? By whom?
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