LP Asks “Would the DNA from a child resulting from a union from Lee and Casey..

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There is a thread here where Tricia reveals that Cindy says the attorney is "going after" websites who use certain language about Casey. Wouldn't you think she would object even more to speculation about incest?

Perhaps she does but was told that as long as it was just speculation it was not something she could take action against?

3 words ------Freedom of Speech

(good luck trying to shut me up my dh has been trying for years :rolleyes:)

ETA: speculation is just that....speculative (see what i mean hubby cant shut me up)
Well it's very clear that the Anthonys take a very hands on, active approach to attacks on their family unit. Witness the numerous confrontations with "protesters", the attack on Tim Miller, calling in to Nancy Grace, yelling at reporters etc. She has an attorney taking on websites that call her daughter derogatory names.

I really do not believe she would stand for this speculation on incest on the internet without refuting it. And now we have Lee Padilla hinting at it strongly in public venues. I think she would not be able to resist blasting this notion strongly, either publicly or incognito on the internet. So why isn't she?

Is she afraid to even go there?

Did I miss it? I can't keep up with all the scuttle all over the net or even here, so maybe I did.
Well it's very clear that the Anthonys take a very hands on, active approach to attacks on their family unit. Witness the numerous confrontations with "protesters", the attack on Tim Miller, calling in to Nancy Grace, yelling at reporters etc. She has an attorney taking on websites that call her daughter derogatory names.

I really do not believe she would stand for this speculation on incest on the internet without refuting it. And now we have Lee Padilla hinting at it strongly in public venues. I think she would not be able to resist blasting this notion strongly, either publicly or incognito on the internet. So why isn't she?
Did I miss it? I can't keep up with all the scuttle all over the net or even here, so maybe I did.

bolded is mine.

That is a great point :eek: why hasn't she indeed!:waitasec: She is a very vocal person
I have always thought Caylee's resembalance to JP was striking....now if we could just set this blended pic next to a couple of pics of Caylee (especially the one where she is wearing the ball cap and holding her "mama" doll.)

I agree.......it's hard to ignore the resemblance.....very hard.

Although I have to say this.......one of the children that came out of my body looks absolutely nothing like me....so I do realize it's hard to judge on looks alone.
Casey-the game is up and you have been found out in all of your lies and deceipt and there is no place to run and no place to hide and you are getting ready to have to look this entire mess in the eye and explain in front of a judge, a full court, national tv and a jury of your peers why you have done this...There is no lie and no misinformation that is going to get you out of all of this. ALL your lies have only made you appear to be a monster to the public, and soon, those same lies will reveal you as a monster in front of the jury. God help your parents when they lock you away for the atrocities that you have committed SINCE Caylee disappeared. God help YOU when you are there alone in your cell for many years with nothing but a pair of big beautiful brown eyes haunting you each time you close your eyes. Why did you do this Casey? Why did you cause all of this to BE? I personally think it was the chloroform that was the final moment of Caylee's short life...and I think if that IS true then you should live a long life behind bars or have your own life taken from you just as hers was so carelessly taken from her...And LEE-wake up and smell the coffee man-you are just making this worse. They call it co-dependency when you ENABLE people whom you KNOW are doing wrong-so please, just stop it.
Casey-the game is up and you have been found out in all of your lies and deceipt and there is no place to run and no place to hide and you are getting ready to have to look this entire mess in the eye and explain in front of a judge, a full court, national tv and a jury of your peers why you have done this...There is no lie and no misinformation that is going to get you out of all of this. ALL your lies have only made you appear to be a monster to the public, and soon, those same lies will reveal you as a monster in front of the jury. God help your parents when they lock you away for the atrocities that you have committed SINCE Caylee disappeared. God help YOU when you are there alone in your cell for many years with nothing but a pair of big beautiful brown eyes haunting you each time you close your eyes. Why did you do this Casey? Why did you cause all of this to BE? I personally think it was the chloroform that was the final moment of Caylee's short life...and I think if that IS true then you should live a long life behind bars or have your own life taken from you just as hers was so carelessly taken from her...And LEE-wake up and smell the coffee man-you are just making this worse. They call it co-dependency when you ENABLE people whom you KNOW are doing wrong-so please, just stop it.

DITTO !:blowkiss:
Well it's very clear that the Anthonys take a very hands on, active approach to attacks on their family unit. Witness the numerous confrontations with "protesters", the attack on Tim Miller, calling in to Nancy Grace, yelling at reporters etc. She has an attorney taking on websites that call her daughter derogatory names.

I really do not believe she would stand for this speculation on incest on the internet without refuting it. And now we have Lee Padilla hinting at it strongly in public venues. I think she would not be able to resist blasting this notion strongly, either publicly or incognito on the internet. So why isn't she?

Is she afraid to even go there?

Did I miss it? I can't keep up with all the scuttle all over the net or even here, so maybe I did.

That has been a question of mine for a while. They have no problem going after everyone else.........so if this is not true WHY are they not going on TV and screeching at the top of their lungs about this?

I didn't get the feeling LP was talking about LA.
Why did they pick up and leave Ohio like they did and never look back? Did something HAPPEN? There seems to be so many holes in all of this, that we are likely NEVER going to have all our questions answered, but here is one for Lee-why are you lying for her Lee? Why are you doing this to CAYLEE? She deserves better...
Just a thought here, in slander and libel, doesn't the burden of proof fall on the plaintiff to prove it's not true? So if it was true about the incest, they couldn't even try to press charges because the DNA tests would show it was true and they'd be ruined. I wish some enquirer type mag would state it as a fact and then see if the A's try to file suit or just try to address it in the court of public opinion.
Just a thought here, in slander and libel, doesn't the burden of proof fall on the plaintiff to prove it's not true? So if it was true about the incest, they couldn't even try to press charges because the DNA tests would show it was true and they'd be ruined. I wish some enquirer type mag would state it as a fact and then see if the A's try to file suit or just try to address it in the court of public opinion.

You could email them and suggest it...or not...they may not want to take the risk...but who knows?
Lol i'm sure the tabloids are already all over this board looking for headlines. I just wish main stream media would do the same, report it as we uncover, so it wouldn't all be old news to us.
""The Feds released information that the hair was either the mother’s or the daughter’s; they didn’t distinguish,” Padilla said. “Why would they not know whether it was the daughter or the mother? They didn’t say it was Caylee’s.”

Padilla said that officials ruled it was Caylee’s hair just by a process of elimination because the hair had a death ring around it and they know Casey is alive. The fact that the DNA is identical has something to do with who the father is, Padilla said.

“Would the DNA from a child resulting from a union from Lee and Casey have basically the same characteristics? Making the preliminary DNA check not definitive as to who the hair samples are from,” he said.""

You know what? I like LP but he's talking straight out of his everloving a$$ on this one. As has been explained again, and again and again on this thread, mitochondrial DNA *wouldn't* distinguish.

He needs to get out of the media limelight, keep his mouth shut when he doesn't know what he's talking about, and work toward finding Caylee if he is really interested in her whereabouts and not pimping her out for as much media exposure as he can get. Keep talking this way and I'm going to have to conclude that he's getting senile.

Getting disgusted.
I dont think this is the case at all, but who knows anymore with this case.......So is he saying CA and LA had a baby (hence the reason Ca wanted to put her up for adoption) and Cindy wouldnt let her, so its their big family secret? Kinda far fetched to me, but like I said......who knows anymore.......*sigh* this case creeps me out ALOT.

Wouldn't there have been something wrong wih Caylee if her parents were brother and sister? Is it possible to have a normal child with such in-breeding, so to speak?
Yes, the way I understand it, the child is only affected due to genetic disease(doesn't feel like the word I'm looking for but it's 2 am, basically defective traits) traits. Many hereditary diseases only show up when both parents are carriers of it. When going outside of your blood you are decreasing risk that both people have the same disease, but if both siblings were not carriers then the disease wouldn't be present. Something like that, I was looking this up 3 years ago because in my husbands' culture the preference is to marry cousins and I thought it would mean a significant risk in inherited defects when in fact it's only a 3% increased chance. I did travel to his hometown though in the middle east and noticed a large percentage of downsyndrom people and oddly many people with downsyndrom appearing faces which were not in fact mentally retarded. I think the difference may be because he is in a geograpically isolated area, where they are basically militarily forced to remain and therefore have little access to be able to marry people who are not somehow in their bloodline. Basically trying to say I think the more generations that mix the more danger of the defect occuring.
Yes, the way I understand it, the child is only affected due to genetic disease(doesn't feel like the word I'm looking for but it's 2 am, basically defective traits) traits. Many hereditary diseases only show up when both parents are carriers of it. When going outside of your blood you are decreasing risk that both people have the same disease, but if both siblings were not carriers then the disease wouldn't be present. Something like that, I was looking this up 3 years ago because in my husbands' culture the preference is to marry cousins and I thought it would mean a significant risk in inherited defects when in fact it's only a 3% increased chance. I did travel to his hometown though in the middle east and noticed a large percentage of downsyndrom people and oddly many people with downsyndrom appearing faces which were not in fact mentally retarded. I think the difference may be because he is in a geograpically isolated area, where they are basically militarily forced to remain and therefore have little access to be able to marry people who are not somehow in their bloodline. Basically trying to say I think the more generations that mix the more danger of the defect occuring.

I think the word you are looking for is recessive genetic markers, when parents are related you increase the odds of recessive genetic disorders appearing.
I think Mr. Padilla is the one that is suggesting it. It disgusts me just the thought of it!

LP isn't the one that came up with that theory, and he isn't the only one that thinks Lee is Caylee's father.

I know 3 people that think that, 'real life' people, who don't even keep up with the news, or know each other. So that opinion is out there.

I don't subscribe to it though, in fact I wouldn't presume to even let myself wonder who fathered Caylee. The numbers are legion and it would be too mind numbing to think about. KC probably feels the same way.
Someone please correct if I'm wrong, but...

wouldn't LE have taken Casey's DNA to sort trunk evidence - and how they were able to determine mtDNA? they would need Casey's DNA/hair to compare with Caylee's.

then, wouldn't it be evident via DNA if Caylee was the child of consanguous parents - something about Casey and Caylee having more than the expected number of alleles in common? and wouldn't LE be highly interested in this, and do further DNA to determine conclusively?

so, wouldn't LE already know if one of the A men was Caylee's father, and would they leave Casey in her parents' home, with Lee freely visiting, when it is obvious she is suffering some sort of instability, if this was true?
Someone please correct if I'm wrong, but...

wouldn't LE have taken Casey's DNA to sort trunk evidence - and how they were able to determine mtDNA? they would need Casey's DNA/hair to compare with Caylee's.
then, wouldn't it be evident via DNA if Caylee was the child of consanguous parents - something about Casey and Caylee having more than the expected number of alleles in common? and wouldn't LE be highly interested in this, and do further DNA to determine conclusively?

so, wouldn't LE already know if one of the A men was Caylee's father, and would they leave Casey in her parents' home, with Lee freely visiting, when it is obvious she is suffering some sort of instability, if this was true?

Bold mine...They did take Casey's DNA and hair while she was in jail they executed the search warrant to obtain these samples-it is in the big document release...:)
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