LP keep searching for Caylee??

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Leonard wants to put more divers in to find Caylee. Do you think he should?

  • yes

    Votes: 548 90.4%
  • no

    Votes: 58 9.6%

  • Total voters
No, I didn't vote on this travesty.
What travesty? Looking for a missing little girl? Someone has to do it. So what if he gets press time, whats the harm? I just don't understand why people think LP motives are suspect. They aren't he wants her found just like I do.
I am extremely grateful for LP & feel that he is the only one left now. Thank you LP for not packing up & moving on! Caylee needs you!
I voted no. I don't believe she's in there.

I don't either.....Partly because Last week LP had me convinced that she was in the Woods near the Airport. He said "Everyone" was convinced of that. The FBI, OCSD, Robert Dick, Tim Miller....Everyone!!!!
LP will never give up searching for Caylee because he is determined to come out of this looking like .......The Hero
I wish whoever wants to search, searches, and keeps searching until Caylee is found, which should also serve to seal KC's fate. But, I'm not sure anyone needs a poll. Think of how much time it will take away from the search efforts to read through all the blogs.
LP is working on instinct and hunches. For many a year cases were solved this way. Long before sciences. LP is a respectful and honest person and doesn't need the publicity. He has worked hard and earned his place in this world. I feel he must be onto something because yesterday was not CA's first trip to JB Park. I don't recall her showing up at other locations that were being searched. H-h-m-m-!
LP you go guy- You have my vote!
My Dad always said, "If you believe in your heart at the time you make a decision that you are making the right decision, even if it turns out to be wrong. It isn't completely wrong. You did what you felt was right at the time."
LP is working on instinct and hunches. For many a year cases were solved this way. Long before sciences. LP is a respectful and honest person and doesn't need the publicity. He has worked hard and earned his place in this world. I feel he must be onto something because yesterday was not CA's first trip to JB Park. I don't recall her showing up at other locations that were being searched. H-h-m-m-!
LP you go guy- You have my vote!
My Dad always said, "If you believe in your heart at the time you make a decision that you are making the right decision, even if it turns out to be wrong. It isn't completely wrong. You did what you felt was right at the time."

Your dad is brilliant...I'm going to tell this to my children, if you don't mind.
Even if LP were to find Caylee, and bring her back for a burial, there would still be some people in that small minority that would find something in it to criticize him about. It's bizarre.

I cant agree with you more. and I think they know who they are, is it called jealousy , envy , or just plain childish ? I am embarrassed for certain individuals . I respect LP for continuing his search and I wish I had divided my contribution between him and TES . However I do appreciate all the searching that has been done by everyone involved .
YES! Every portion of that river should be thoroughly searched!

A search of the woods surrounding the airport didn't yield anything, and with all Casey's talk of J. Blanchard Park, I feel a thorough search there is absolutely necessary.

A new poster here, Flgirl, on page 22 of the "Murt is Up and Running #4" thread, is a local and points out that there's an entrance to the area from the west side of the river that's more secluded. That side of the river should be checked too. Flgirl has a link to a Google map of the area she thinks should be checked, and there's more pictures on page 23. Link to page 22, post #550.

No, I didn't vote on this travesty.

Why is it a travesty? If LP wants to spend his money, time and energy into finding Sweet baby Caylee, I see nothing wrong with that.

Until this case, I never knew about Tim and TES. I sent a donation, and lots of prayers. If I lived there, I'd have joined in the search.

Where is the harm if someone else wants to continue to look for her?
She has to be somewhere, and who else is looking now?
It is his money and his time....I say go for it LP...nobody else is searching...if he is willing and feels convinced to do this then how do you say no? At least someone is searching. Godspeed LP!!!:)
Leonard, as a fellow Californian and a neighbor in the Central Valley, please, please, please find this little girl and give her the rest she so deserves. Thank you
Without more information to go on, I wouldn't search. I would not waste money that could better be used elsewhere, whether my own or someone else's, on such a futile effort. I would not risk people's lives and safety on nothing but a whim. IF I did search, it would be about finding the child, not about getting my face in the media. If there were evidence showing that it was likely Caylee is in that river, I would quietly go about searching with no media presence required or welcomed. I would definitely NOT turn the search for a deceased little girl into a game and take votes on the internet as to whether or not the search should continue. I'm sure if LP thinks on it hard enough, he'll find a way to turn this tragedy into a game show, and he'll be the host!

I wonder why you think that a continued search is a waste of money...seems kinda funny to me for anyone to say that.
What have YOU DONE TO assist?

What did YOU do to help fund anything in regards to the searching.

The Anthony's have done not a thing to ais searchers...maybe you are like them...just selfish with money jars and selling t shirts!
OMG!!!!!!!!!!! YES, YES, YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I voted no cause i was gonna say to drag the bed of the river, i should have read the hole post before i voted. so change mine to YES!!!! GO LENNY GO LENNY,,PLEASE SHE IS THERE YOU ARE RIGHT ON!!!

There are to many little clues at bp that should not be ignored:
cross with matching beads
material that matched material from the A's home
carving of name on tree
knife in her trunk
story about nanny taking caylee from bp
lost black jack at bp

now keep in mind i no your going to say the name was spelled wrong, but lenny has copies of casey myspace page where she spelled her name that way, plus if you think about it a c is hard to carve unlike a k as well as an e plus making sure to hurry so no one see's you.....1/2 truth there.

cindy found a knife in casey's trunk and of course took it out to wash it right away even though she just discovered her gd was missing.

nanny took caylee from her here at bp another 1/2 truth casey took her there to dump her.

losing the blackjack in bp meaning caylee was dump there 1/2 truth here

Here is another thing that confuses me. LP is being bashed for searching where he feels he should while a group of bloggers was commended for doing the same thing. Why? I am grateful for anyone who searches, wherever they want to search.

OT but there was a case here locally last year where a father threw his 3 young children off of a tall bridge & into the bay (connecting to the Gulf of Mexico). This was a massive search where LE pleaded for anyone who lived or worked along the water to search their properties thoroughly. These childrens' bodies were found along the shorelines of 3 different coastal states.......by random members of the public.
I wonder why you think that a continued search is a waste of money...seems kinda funny to me for anyone to say that.
What have YOU DONE TO assist?

What did YOU do to help fund anything in regards to the searching.

The Anthony's have done not a thing to ais searchers...maybe you are like them...just selfish with money jars and selling t shirts!

YOU GET A BIG I MEAN BIG AMEN!!!!!!!!:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
Sacramento Ca is behind LP all the way! CA just showed up to behave like the bully she is and get sympathy on camera. Her timing is superb! I don't understand why so many are afraid to get CA angry-she is angry anytime people don't agree with her. She spends a lot of time angry.

Remember Peterson-Laci only showed up after a huge storm washed her body ashore.

Poor Caylee- what a horrible family to be born into.

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