LP keep searching for Caylee??

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Leonard wants to put more divers in to find Caylee. Do you think he should?

  • yes

    Votes: 548 90.4%
  • no

    Votes: 58 9.6%

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You wouldn't spot it. You would feel it. These divers are using their hands to 'see' what is down there. I know around here divers can barely see right in front of their face. They search with their hands. Seasoned divers have a sixth sense when using their hands in a search. It's amazing to see how they can distinguish between things just by touching them deeply underwater.


I'm a seasoned diver. I'm a Divemaster. I am certified in underwater search and recovery. I was taught by the FDNY and NYPD search and recovery specialists. I spent 10 years on a FD underwater search and recovery team that serviced a fresh water lake, salt water beaches and a fresh water/brackish river. I've spent hundreds if not thousands of hours underwater doing live searches and drills.

At the time I was also a Paramedic, with a fairly good grasp of human anatomy in all of its states.

And I know I would not be able to recognize a human bone underwater. At least certainly not a small bone such as fingers or toes. Skull, Pelvis Femur. Those probably. Anything else would at best flagged as suspicious or unknown.

And underwater searches are far worse then open field searches. If you don't have a witnessed entry into the water, to at least give you a starting point the chances of finding smething are astronomically remote. Even with modern search tech such as sonar. The problem is the shear size of the area to be searched when compared to the speed and swath of an underwater searcher. In fresh water with silt a diver has at best 1 5' to 6' "armspan" in which they can detect anything at all (and that's being generous) And a top speed of maybe 100' per minute (once again being generous). In any moving water conditions search grids are impossible to hold precisely so there is some drift and some gaps. Plus searching underwater is extremely taxing on human resources. You burn through alot of people to search a very very small area. This is why the best searching is always done before you put anyone in the water. Interview witnesses. Narrow the defined search area, have a good reasonable starting point. This is why you have not seen much use of LE's search divers, beyond the occasional scheduled drill that they happened to place in areas of interest.

We may all love Caylee and want to see her come home. but the way the math works, unless KC finally talks it will take a completely random fluke to actually find her. take the Steve Fosset case as an example. He crashed a large object, an airplane. After a massive ground and air search he was not found for over a year. Then he was quickly and easily located once a random hiker found some item to give them a clear starting point. And that was looking for an obvious crash site and a large adult, and not a deliberately hidden childs body.

I know I'm getting long winded now, and my appologies. I like LP, he's colorful. But after watching that search I have to wonder of maybe MN was right in his "B T Barnum" comment. He's grandstanding and putting on a show. He's been doing it with his involvement in this case from the start, and it is really rubbing me the wrong way.

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