LP keep searching for Caylee??

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Leonard wants to put more divers in to find Caylee. Do you think he should?

  • yes

    Votes: 548 90.4%
  • no

    Votes: 58 9.6%

  • Total voters
Of course.

Just don't know why he needs anybody elses opinion on the matter if he feels it needs to be done.

I think it's because of the Anthony's and the media, the media is painting such an ugly picture of Padilla. I heard one of the news caster's today ask Murt to edit his video, in other words don't show all. Just like the reporting the media did yesterday on the Anthony's. They made it look like they were all hugging on Padilla and just traumatized, they didn't add in when George ripped the sign off of Murts car, Cindy's threats and pushing and shoving. Why not? I sure wish I knew the person who had that video of yesterday "raw", that is what the public needs to see. The real Cindy and George. I do understand they are grieving, but this is not about them, this is about a innocent child Caylee...... Padilla, don't let the Anthony's scare you away like they did to Tim Miller....
Didn't I read some where that LP was bringing a lot of BH's with him for the search? Did any others show up?

Somebody needs to find this baby, obviously the A's do not care that her body is out there.
I think it's because of the Anthony's and the media, the media is painting such an ugly picture of Padilla. I heard one of the news caster's today ask Murt to edit his video, in other words don't show all. Just like the reporting the media did yesterday on the Anthony's. They made it look like they were all hugging on Padilla and just traumatized, they didn't add in when George ripped the sign off of Murts car, Cindy's threats and pushing and shoving. Why not? I sure wish I knew the person who had that video of yesterday "raw", that is what the public needs to see. The real Cindy and George. I do understand they are grieving, but this is not about them, this is about a innocent child Caylee...... Padilla, don't let the Anthony's scare you away like they did to Tim Miller....

Which reminds me....wonder where Windy's footage is?? :)
TES still has a team here to continue searching on a smaller scale. Just want people to be aware of that.

Thank you. It's good to keep mentioning it because the main part of their organization has pulled out and that's what got the publicity.
Correct me if I am wrong, but.....
last night on NG wasn't there a statement made that only 32/132 sites were searched and cleared by Tim Miller ?

I do not want to speculate as to WHY TES did not complete what they said they would do ? The last search was even cut short by 1 day. Each time TM spoke on a news channel, he emphasizedd that he had already spent $75,000. on the search for Caylee, and then $100,000. on it. I have donated $$ to TES as many others have as well. It made me uncomfortable to hear an actual price IMO, being placed on locating Caylee's body. I felt that the TES search was more concerned about $$ and politics than actually finding her. I realize also that not having the blessing from the A's was a factor as well.

YES, definetly I would love to see LP continue this search. MURT can help him coordinate. Both seem to have a lot of to give and are vested in Caylee emotionally.

We need to exhaust every possible place to assure that Casey is held accountable for Caylee's death. As humans we owe Caylee that, in view of the fact that blood relatives are doing nothing IMO !
If I could make a request for LP, I would ask him not to annoy the Anthonys, just focus on finding Caylee.
I voted yes-it's his money, let the man do what his gut tells him to do. After all he has been using his gut instinct for many years with alot of success. I say leave no stone unturned-it can't hurt. Also, it seems to be making some people very uncomfortable-wonder why? Keep the heat turned up!!
The only reason why I could think of not to is if there are gators in those waters and are the divers going to be safe.
Please find Caylee. She deserves someone who cares enough to give her a decent burial.
The real travesty is the fact that this child's own family, most specifically her own mother, is the reason for this so called media circus.

The real travesty is that it shouldn't have ever come down to a complete stranger wanting to search for her.

The real travesty is that it is taking a bounty hunter, who deals with hardened criminals on a daily basis, to have the heart soft enough to want to continue looking for this precious little girl.

Leonard is damned if he does, and damned if he doesn't, because if he does, he will continue to be criticized and called a media whor....well you know. If he doesn't people will criticize him saying he had his media time and is going back. More than likely, the people in both scenarios above will be the same.

I don't blame him one bit for trying to get a feel for public opinion, simply because of the above scenarios!!

What this precious little girl needs, is someone MAN enough, and with enough balls to stand up to everyone and anyone who is getting in the way of finding this child and giving her the justice she deserves. If Leonard is that man, and we all know he has the balls to do so, then I say more power to him. He has my full support. How anyone on earth can say that it is a waste of money to find this child, just blows my mind. God help them that it shall not ever be their child, or grandchild, etc. Then let them tell me what price do you put on that child's worth. :mad:
I think he should continue to search! He seems to have hit a nerve with the A's and KF's. The people that this family seems to know and have surrounding them is a little bizzare. I think that the hacking on Murt's site had something to do with the nerve that was struck after the confrontation. The A's and the people they have around them lately I think are a little shaky!
That is true, Isabella, but my point has more to do with the fact that TES is a professional organization who has found many. LP is not an organization and has found nobody. I am confident that if TES called off the search permanently they have compelling reasons that have to do with a professional judgement call based on years of experience. A dollar donated to TES WILL help find somebody else, even if it isn't Caylee. There are many crying out to be laid to rest and unless LP is starting his own search organization a dollar will still go farther with TES.

By the same token, hikers or fishers stumble upon human remains all the time by accident.

LP doesn't have to have thousands of helpers nor does he have to be a 'professional'... all that's really required is to have the will to go out & search here or there or there or there.

It might be a needle in a haystack situation BUT we knew this from the very beginning.

If there's still a body.... someone will find it eventually.
Even if LP were to find Caylee, and bring her back for a burial, there would still be some people in that small minority that would find something in it to criticize him about. It's bizarre.
The real travesty is the fact that this child's own family, most specifically her own mother, is the reason for this so called media circus.

The real travesty is that it shouldn't have ever come down to a complete stranger wanting to search for her.

The real travesty is that it is taking a bounty hunter, who deals with hardened criminals on a daily basis, to have the heart soft enough to want to continue looking for this precious little girl.

Leonard is damned if he does, and damned if he doesn't, because if he does, he will continue to be criticized and called a media whor....well you know. If he doesn't people will criticize him saying he had his media time and is going back. More than likely, the people in both scenarios above will be the same.

I don't blame him one bit for trying to get a feel for public opinion, simply because of the above scenarios!!

What this precious little girl needs, is someone MAN enough, and with enough balls to stand up to everyone and anyone who is getting in the way of finding this child and giving her the justice she deserves. If Leonard is that man, and we all know he has the balls to do so, then I say more power to him. He has my full support. How anyone on earth can say that it is a waste of money to find this child, just blows my mind. God help them that it shall not ever be their child, or grandchild, etc. Then let them tell me what price do you put on that child's worth. :mad:

THAT, my friend, was awesome!!! :clap::clap:
After seeing the spy yesterday working for the A's, 2 words came to mind: Keep searching!!!
Also, a big :Welcome-12-june: to all our new friends-I'm still pretty new too and this forum is filled with some of the brightest and funniest and coolest people around. WS ROCKS!!!:woohoo::woohoo:
The real travesty is the fact that this child's own family, most specifically her own mother, is the reason for this so called media circus.

The real travesty is that it shouldn't have ever come down to a complete stranger wanting to search for her.

The real travesty is that it is taking a bounty hunter, who deals with hardened criminals on a daily basis, to have the heart soft enough to want to continue looking for this precious little girl.

Leonard is damned if he does, and damned if he doesn't, because if he does, he will continue to be criticized and called a media whor....well you know. If he doesn't people will criticize him saying he had his media time and is going back. More than likely, the people in both scenarios above will be the same.

I don't blame him one bit for trying to get a feel for public opinion, simply because of the above scenarios!!

What this precious little girl needs, is someone MAN enough, and with enough balls to stand up to everyone and anyone who is getting in the way of finding this child and giving her the justice she deserves. If Leonard is that man, and we all know he has the balls to do so, then I say more power to him. He has my full support. How anyone on earth can say that it is a waste of money to find this child, just blows my mind. God help them that it shall not ever be their child, or grandchild, etc. Then let them tell me what price do you put on that child's worth. :mad:

Even if LP were to find Caylee, and bring her back for a burial, there would still be some people in that small minority that would find something in it to criticize him about. It's bizarre.

It's understandable.

He's got a real "in your face" type of personality but a lot of successful men & women don't let it bother them if other people find them abrasive.

He's made his share of errors in judgment in this whole mess, that's for sure.

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