LP keep searching for Caylee??

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Leonard wants to put more divers in to find Caylee. Do you think he should?

  • yes

    Votes: 548 90.4%
  • no

    Votes: 58 9.6%

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This is my first post also. I think that LP must have a good reason to search there, otherwise he wouldn't be wasting his time or $. So as long as no one else gets hurt or put in harms way to do the search, I say go for it and thankyou for doing it. That said, if one believes in heaven, then that child is already in a better place and we shouldn't feel so sad about finding her remains, except to put the evil being KC behind bars for the rest of her life. Yes, I would like to see the child get a proper burial or resting site, but it's not like she is in the pond or in the woods suffering and afraid. She's ALREADY in a much better spot. Just my opinion.
Without more information to go on, I wouldn't search. I would not waste money that could better be used elsewhere, whether my own or someone else's, on such a futile effort. I would not risk people's lives and safety on nothing but a whim. IF I did search, it would be about finding the child, not about getting my face in the media. If there were evidence showing that it was likely Caylee is in that river, I would quietly go about searching with no media presence required or welcomed. I would definitely NOT turn the search for a deceased little girl into a game and take votes on the internet as to whether or not the search should continue. I'm sure if LP thinks on it hard enough, he'll find a way to turn this tragedy into a game show, and he'll be the host!

Its such a pity really that its left to someone like Leonard to even search for her.

If Caylee is up there looking down on her grandparents what must she think when she sees there not looking for her and dont want anyone else to find her either?:confused:
Yes, please keep looking, I feel you are close because of how CA & GA are acting. Can you drag the river with a big net or something? :woohoo::woohoo:
Amen Leonard

Do what TM promised to do!!!

At least we know with Leonard the A's cant intimate him to stop!!
Its such a pity really that its left to someone like Leonard to even search for her.

If Caylee is up there looking down on her grandparents what must she think when she sees there not looking for her and dont want anyone else to find her either?:confused:

That's the saddest part of this whole thing, isn't it? Haven't CA and GA failed Caylee enough already? Can't they give their granddaughter the love and respect needed to try and find her to give her a place of rest? What must Caylee think that her "CC" and "JoJo" force strangers to search for her instead? It's sickening.
This is my first post, hello everyone. I have been lurking for several weeks but not posting but i had to post on this one. Go LP!!She may not be there but if he isn't ready to give up searching we should support him and his dedication.

WELCOME! mommyof2 ..I'm with YOU!

and to LP.....I really do trust your heart no matter what a FEW people think and I'm glad you fly above the criticism and the judgmentalism of some...you are a brave man with a good heart...."warts and all".. ..(we ALL got 'em !)....:blowkiss:
I appreciate you searching for Caylee. I want you to keep searching where ever you think she might possibly be. I believe you are passionate about finding out what happened to this beautiful little girl. We all want to know the truth, to bring her home, and tenderly say goodbye and for justice to prevail. I think over the last weeks, Caylee has done to you what she has done to the rest of us, stolen your heart. So search for her as long as you can. I support you.

Be Blessed
Of course.

Just don't know why he needs anybody elses opinion on the matter if he feels it needs to be done.
After seeing that river..it will take more than that one day he did..Yes take all the manpower you can if you can afford it..go with you gut.
LP would like to know if we would like him to put 12 or more divers back into the river and continue the search all the way to the Wild Bird Preserve. He will be basing his decision partly on what we think....he wants to find Poor Caylee so bad..
(This was on SM)

I wish I was rich and healthy because I would go down there myself and hire professionals (Because I am sure if something was found, Baez would say it was tampered with or something to that nature), and keep on looking. If nothing was found, oh well. One area that I would know she was not at. Then I would move to the next. A coward is someone who gives up, someone who is afraid of the truth, a criminal with out a soul, the Anthony's. I love L.P. and I don't even know him that well, I would marry him..LOL... He is hot, But most of all He has a heart of Gold, I see his pain for this child in his eyes, more than I do in the Anthony's eyes. Padilla, go for it, what is the worst thing that could happen? That you don't find Caylee? Well, we don't know where she is to begin with, so your not losing anything, your gaining peace of mind knowing that in the area's that are searched she is not at. Caylee and God are watching over you and all your good will and deed will be judged when you meet our creator and Caylee. I think what you have done for the Anthony's is more than anyone would of done. You got their daughter out of jail after they betrayed you, you gathered so many to come out and search for Caylee, you took it upon your self with TIM MILLER QUIT THE SEARCH ON SUNDAY AND SAID HE FELT CAYLEE WOULD NEVER BE FOUND ALIVE", YOU did not give up. Padilla tried to search for Caylee yesterday and Cindy got in the way, she scares everyone away, the only person I felt could take Cindy on is Padilla and I have been praying since last night that you would not give up on Caylee, if there is anyway you could finish the area's of interest off, that would be worth more than all the money in the world, even if Caylee is not found, Padilla would be doing what any NORMAL person would do if there love one was missing. Look at Tim Miller, his daughter was killed, he did not blame you, me, the media, the police, L.Padilla or Tim's friends. He got off his butt and looked for his daughter and now has a huge search and rescue team. But, the Anthony's put the fear of the Devil in Tim "IMO" and that is why he left and was such a suck up to them this time around. Padilla, I have backed you up 100% since day one. Don't give up now, I know you can handle the Anthony's your more of man than that. Do it for Caylee.... Please, America begs you, at least you would be trying.... Don't give up.

OK, I got a little emotional. Sorry, yes Lenny should stay. I love you Lenny!!! :blowkiss: :clap:

P.S. I am also a member of Café Mom, there are over 2680 other members that would love for Padilla to finish the search and try and find Caylee, I didn't want to overflow the board, but out of the 3 groups I can say for sure over 2680 say yes, I don't have time to ask the thousands that are there so add that to your yes response.
See, I think it goes both ways. If the A's are allowed to keep believing their way, LP should be allowed to keep believing his way. I think each is passionate for the same reason: To bring Caylee home...
May I add that the travesty is that Caylee is dead at the hands of her mother.

SO TRUE....yet, it's a "travesty" for someone else to search for Caylee?! Who excatly is "allowed" to search then? If we wait for the A's, she will NEVER be found! And yet, that seems like that's what some people want.
If a pack of turnips went to look for her, people would say the turnips just wanted media attention. Go for it, LP! And send Murt with ya!

Great idea!!!! Definitely take MURT!

Roof Riders Unite:crazy:
Please search, I don`t care about anything else than finding Caylee (dead or alive). I think that`s what people should focus on.
Of course.

Just don't know why he needs anybody elses opinion on the matter if he feels it needs to be done.

I don't get it either. If he's so certain she's there and all he wants is for her to be found, why put it to a public vote? Just do it.

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