LP keep searching for Caylee??

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Leonard wants to put more divers in to find Caylee. Do you think he should?

  • yes

    Votes: 548 90.4%
  • no

    Votes: 58 9.6%

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This is my first post also. I think that LP must have a good reason to search there, otherwise he wouldn't be wasting his time or $. So as long as no one else gets hurt or put in harms way to do the search, I say go for it and thankyou for doing it. That said, if one believes in heaven, then that child is already in a better place and we shouldn't feel so sad about finding her remains, except to put the evil being KC behind bars for the rest of her life. Yes, I would like to see the child get a proper burial or resting site, but it's not like she is in the pond or in the woods suffering and afraid. She's ALREADY in a much better spot. Just my opinion.

Welcome, Pooky! :) (Excuse me yall, I'm running for a spot on the hospitality committee tonight.:) )
See, I think it goes both ways. If the A's are allowed to keep believing their way, LP should be allowed to keep believing his way. I think each is passionate for the same reason: To bring Caylee home...

Gibby the thing is Lenny has more reason than the Anthonys have of believing the way he does ie that she is dead. Saying all that I think its an act by the Anthonys and they know shes dead also. Its just by denying it publically it protects their daughter.
Wonderful idea - you active people can search with LP, while us old foggies sit on Murt's roof and cheer you on.

Seriously, don't you think LP was saying goodbye to Caylee today because he thinks there is no point in continuing searches?
I'm NOT a fan of LP. That said, as long as this is on his dime and he's not hindering LE's investigation, he can fish around in the waters of Orlando all he wants.

Where things start to get all sticky for me is the media hype he seems to try and generate at every turn. Really now, do we need a live feed every second of his day? It's ridiculous, and not doing jack squat for Caylee IMO.

I would be very wary about donating to his search efforts because he isn't a professional, the cross that was found does not have anything to do with KC IMO, and frankly I think his motivations are suspect.
I don't get it either. If he's so certain she's there and all he wants is for her to be found, why put it to a public vote? Just do it.

Would a football game be as fun without the mascot and cheerleaders flailing around?
SO TRUE....yet, it's a "travesty" for someone else to search for Caylee?! Who excatly is "allowed" to search then? If we wait for the A's, she will NEVER be found! And yet, that seems like that's what some people want.

I dont understand how ANY grand parents on this earth would be happy knowing there grand child was in a river somewhere or just dumped somewhere and not even bother to try and recover her and give her a decent burial. In some ways they disgust me as much as Casey does if not more.
It is his money. If he chooses to spend it looking for Caylee, then we should be thankful someone is doing it.
Yes, please do it..she's out there somewhere...
I'm NOT a fan of LP. That said, as long as this is on his dime and he's not hindering LE's investigation, he can fish around in the waters of Orlando all he wants.

Where things start to get all sticky for me is the media hype he seems to try and generate at every turn. Really now, do we need a live feed every second of his day? It's ridiculous, and not doing jack squat for Caylee IMO.

I would be very wary about donating to his search efforts because he isn't a professional, the cross that was found does not have anything to do with KC IMO, and frankly I think his motivations are suspect.

With all respects..people are handing tons of money to TES..and the searches keep getting called off so being a professional service dont count for much IMO.
Yes... PLease keep searching this is my frist post but I have
been lurking for many weeks now along with many tears.
I think that everyone should keep looking for Caylee but I am not sure she is in the water there. I wish I had some idea where she actually is, maybe the landfill. I do have to say that him being there searching really set the A's off so he may be on to something. Personally I think that if he just pretends like he is searching and makes it look like they are doing something eventually the As are going to freak out and maybe say or do something to point to where she really is. Playing on their and KCs fears pushing them hard could just break this case.
Gibby the thing is Lenny has more reason than the Anthonys have of believing the way he does ie that she is dead. Saying all that I think its an act by the Anthonys and they know shes dead also. Its just by denying it publically it protects their daughter.

I wonder what it would take to get re-certified as a rescue diver (cut me some slack guys, it's been almost 20 years since I put on scuba gear).

I don't like mud, I don't like alligators, I don't like not being able to see underwater, but I'm thinking about digging out all my old gear and seeing what kind of condition it's in (not the tank though, god forbid).

Please LP keep searching , I think by the reactions of the family members, your closer than they want you to be.
Wonderful idea - you active people can search with LP, while us old foggies sit on Murt's roof and cheer you on.

Seriously, don't you think LP was saying goodbye to Caylee today because he thinks there is no point in continuing searches?

Heck, I will even send them Quizno's, or Hot Pockets or whatever, and I'm thinking LP would like some Slim Jim's.....he just seems the type.
With all respects..people are handing tons of money to TES..and the searches keep getting called off so being a professional service dont count for much IMO.

That is true, Isabella, but my point has more to do with the fact that TES is a professional organization who has found many. LP is not an organization and has found nobody. I am confident that if TES called off the search permanently they have compelling reasons that have to do with a professional judgement call based on years of experience. A dollar donated to TES WILL help find somebody else, even if it isn't Caylee. There are many crying out to be laid to rest and unless LP is starting his own search organization a dollar will still go farther with TES.
I rarely post, but Leonard needs to consider the floods that occurred. Check the charts for the river. Where could she have moved with the floods.

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