LP's Confidence

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I do not know what bounty hunters you know, but NONE of that holds true for the ones I know. The drunk, dumb ones, LE can get anytime they want them..........the felons, the murders, the rapists can hide from LE for years. Hence, the real need for bounty hunters. Bounty hunters are not restrained in their job like LE by "criminal's rights" - a felon has NO RIGHTS with a bounty hunter.

I question your remark about a mail order law degree. His school is in the higher tier of law schools. That is bordering on a libelous statement IMO.

This is so true. LE only has limited resources when chasing down fugitives. Bounty Hunters help in catching some of the dangerous ones who are smart and clever enough to flee.
No one said they were "following LP" at all. However, do they like him because they think his heart is in the right place and he wants some justice for Caylee? Yes.

Do you have to learn to read between the lines of what LP says and does? Yes. He does throw out some wild theories and say some seemingly outrageous things at times. He often has a reason to "shake the tree" to see what falls and which animals scurry either towards or away from it.

That is, of course, your interpretation of his actions. It appears to me that many of the same allegations made against the Anthonys also apply to LP with his contradictory stories, intense desire to show his face in the media, spreading of false stories, and inability to tell the truth.
There's something about LP's confidence that makes him believable. At the same time, this is the man who said that Caylee would be home by her birthday.

Last night on NG, he said that KC left the rag in the car for Caylee to breathe until she died. He was also absolutely certain that the body would by found by Monday. Something in me believes this man and I don't know why.

I know this has been asked before but does he have inside information that we're not privy of? He's not part of LE but does he have something in the SA's office leaking this info to him?

his opinions are many times way way wrong

doesnt stop him from acting like he has been right all along

he just presses on,

acting like he knows what hes saying

hes right on many facts and wrong on many opinions

The FBI has a fugitive tracking team as do the U.S. Marshall's Service. I have never known of them using bounty hunters to aid them. JMO, and I promise not to post on this subject again!

P.S. > Just want to say that I respect everyone's opinions and respect every poster. The great thing about WS is that we can state our opinion and agree to disagree. A very wise poster once told me a few years ago that we may not agree on the case that is up for discussion, but may fully agree on the next case. She was right.
LP has opened this up for LE? All of their hard work done and it is LP that opened it up? I'm flabbergasted...

*backs away*

I just don't understand this, anymore...

I am NOT saying LE has not done what they needed to do for this case, quite the opposite, they have gone above and beyond to solve this one.

What I am saying is LP is not restrained by LE rules. He has ways to get information that LE can't get legally, which has been a help to LE in this case.
The FBI has a fugitive tracking team as do the U.S. Marshall's Service. I have never known of them using bounty hunters to aid them. JMO, and I promise not to post on this subject again!

P.S. > Just want to say that I respect everyone's opinions and respect every poster. The great thing about WS is that we can state our opinion and agree to disagree. A very wise poster once told me a few years ago that we may not agree on the case that is up for discussion, but may fully agree on the next case. She was right.

Both of those are Federal teams and can only be involved in federal cases. Felons which fall only under state guidelines are not usually picked up by those teams although by statute they could be when they cross a state line. They have enough federal cases to work, and federal cases get first priority.

I don't know if they use bounty hunters in federal cases or not. I will have to ask my friend Dan about that. He has been in the business over 20 years.
What I am saying is LP is not restrained by LE rules. He has ways to get information that LE can't use legally, which has been a help to LE in this case.

Like what? Does he use wiretaps, bugs, torture, entrapment, break-ins, etc?
Like what? Does he use wiretaps, bugs, torture, entrapment, break-ins, etc?

I have no idea, but I do know bounty hunters are not bound by the rules LE uses and can do all types of things LE can't.
SeriouslySearching, I would never compare LP to those people you named. I'm using the term for the last line of that definition...

The man and his followers. The Cult of Leonard.

I would rather be associated with that than the "Cult of EVIL " (all the Anthonys)

No one is adoring him as in a cult.........but very aware of his abilities and his means. The more you know about bounty hunters, the more you understand LP.
Both of those are Federal teams and can only be involved in federal cases. Felons which fall only under state guidelines are not usually picked up by those teams although by statute they could be when they cross a state line. They have enough federal cases to work, and federal cases get first priority.

I don't know if they use bounty hunters in federal cases or not. I will have to ask my friend Dan about that. He has been in the business over 20 years.

Our local LE and our State Police do not use bounty hunters either. I cannot tell you how I know this because I cannot use names.

But, I love ya, Turbothink, and I respect your opinion!

If he is using those methods they aren't working very well. His track record for predictions and leads is dismal.

He doesn't even seem to use conventional methods. I'm not aware of him hanging out at Fusion or becoming buds with Casey's friends. Maybe so-called informants are yanking his chain on purpose. You know... give him a false lead du jour and watch to see if he announces it on TV. Play Leonard like a puppet?
Turbo, it appears that you have actually had regular contact with LP and are speaking from your own knowledge base. No one else has mentioned getting their info directly from him. I respect your opinion. I doubt you are suggesting that LP is perfect, but I am always interested in hearing from one who has participated directly. Thank you for continuing to share what you know about BH's.
You are correct. They call it the "gray area". ;)

If I am not mistaken...one such gray area would be talking to Casey. Once she "lawyered-up", LE could not speak to her without her attorney present. Whereas, LP could try and talk to her when she was out on bail - and was not hindered by that legal issue. However, as we know - he wasn't very successful in that regard.

I personally feel there is a need for bounty hunters and they serve a needed function. I also believe in this case that we didn't need a bounty hunter....nobody was on the run. But we got LP - who I believe probably wanted to help in the case. Does he love the spotlight? Yes, but I also seem to recall hearing from people who know him personally and say he is a good guy. I give him the benefit of the doubt on that since I don't know him personally.

I have learned from watching LP in his "15 minutes of fame" that alot of what he spits forth is pure conjecture. I honesty can't think of a single theory or hunch he has had that has proven to be true. But he does seem to relay some facts which appear to be true and based on what he saw and heard on the inside. The only difference between many of us at WS and LP is that nobody is asking us to be on tv! We speculate just as he does...so I have a hard time bashing him for it. Hey - if CNN or Fox wants MY opinion...they are free to call! I would love to meet NG in person! I have learned to listen to LP and his theories and just keep in mind that they are just that - theories - despite how confident he sounds. He sure is entertaining too.... :crazy:
I personally love LP but, to me, that's because LP = pure entertainment. He is a showman. He is a catalyst. He is thought stimulating.

You can guarantee that everytime LP is on TV he makes some comment that sparks a national discussion that has a result, either to rule something in or, rule something out. Brainstorming the latest theory or rumor.

Just add water and stir.

What makes LP interesting is that KC has gotten stuck in his throat for how he was played by her and, LP has both various (good/bad) connections and people communicate with him -- he is a clearinghouse of tips and info (some of it derived from RD or WS).

I am not suggesting that we get useful processed results from LP, sometimes it is garbage in / garbage out -- it usually needs sorting and sifting but at least we get to know what is going on in the rumor mill -- what's the latest in theories.

I applaud LP because as a showman his has thick skin and is willing to throw something out there and take the flak. As they say, any publicity is good publicity but it also has generally helped Caylee -- to keep the story in the forefront of the press.

LP also un-nerves CA, he is one of the few CA is very wary of and she sees him as a risk and a threat. At the same time CA seems fond of RD, so that's good that LP has insiders, maybe like JH, as well as being anti-KC.

There is a cost/benefit to an LP -- so I had similar concerns as TM as to LP's motives and, I did not like that LP offered the MR a reward based on a Q&A with LP -- that's something he should leave to LE. He pushes the envelope.

Overall I think LP may be a thorn in LE's side but I also think he has his uses and LE (or FBI) may use LP to throw snippets out there to stir things up and observe what happens. There are a lot of things that LE cannot do or say that LP can -- and LE may intentionally mislead but that's all a part of the game.

It is not a perfect science and you can become distracted and frustrated by the noise but . . . it works. Keep people on their toes.
I believe that Mr. Padilla has good intentions and was in this whole thing for the right reason, Caylee. I feel he's a good guy. He has tried hard to find Caylee. He's a smart man too. I like him. Let's give him the benefit of the doubt:cowboy::thumb:.

:clap:I will have to admit that I agree with your post.

LP always talks into the camera, I never noticed him looking away as LIARS tend to do.When he posted bond, I feel he was genuinely commited to finding Caylee.

As all others, who tried to help the Anthony's, Cindy was rude and ran them off. Rem. how she treated Tim Miller ? I would have flat out told Cindy to go pound salt.......

Cindy and George BOTH embraceed the KF people. What does that say ? Perhaps the fact that birds of a feather, flock together ?[
Her ship sunk before it left the dock...:bang:
The multiple threads I see here discussing the things LP brought up should probably reflect the notion they are nothing of value (except his goal was exactly to keep us talking about the case which he accomplished). There have been many, many things he has said in the past we didn't understand until later when LE came out with them publically. He has his reasons for that muddy water.

I agree with Drumstick. What he said early on he would do and exactly what he has done is to keep Caylee's case in the forefront of the public. He is a self-proclaimed media *advertiser censored* (which I find refreshing he candidly admits). Out of all the players in this case, Leonard was one of very few who actually did something to get people to listen, to search, and to do whatever it took to bring Caylee home. He was spending his own money, time, and energy in his efforts.

Every missing person case should have a Leonard. His phone is constantly buzzing with people begging him to help put their cases out into the public for more exposure. The airtime he has garnered is rare in such a world where the missing and murdered are not given the time of day. (Have you checked out the actual number of people who have vanished without a trace?)

While the A fam was screaming about people getting off their @sses to find Caylee, Leonard was already in action. He continued his quest long after the other people faded in the background because he is determined to find justice for this child. His heart, imo, is in the right place even if people don't like him. He has made it clear that he doesn't care as long as people are still talking about the case. He is willing to see this through to the end when Casey et al will be made to pay for what they have done to Caylee.

So as far as I am concerned...Keep talking, LP! I can read between the lines and you are doing just fine. Say just enough to confuse the public and put pressure where it belongs. It is an art form which few people understand or bother to realize is simply Politics 101. LOL I think it is pretty funny that so many people haven't figured it out and can't see what he is doing...yet they spend so much time screaming about him doing it. ;)

I agree with you 100 percent.

I hope LP keeps talking and poking them all with sticks until we learn the truth about what happened to little Caylee.
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