Luka Magotta AKA Eric Newman Trial, Week beginning Oct 27, 2014 - Trial Thread #3

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I wonder if this could be the craigslist advert which he claims he met JL through - the one where he's asking for a man to appear in a "home movie" with him:


I suddenly think that Mystery Man is very important to understanding LM's state of mind at the time of the murder. Did mystery man reply to the same advert?? What exactly did Mystery Man consent to? What happened there - why did LM let him go??

ETA the forum won't let me post that first link but here's the text of the advert that LM supposedly posted:

"montreal craigslist > personals > men seeking men

Movie - m4m - 26 (Montreal)

Date: 2012-05-24, 9:39AM EDT
Reply to:

I am looking for a sexy guy who is interested into becoming an actor in a personal movie I am making.

Please be between 18 and 35, good looking. I am making the movie for me, it's for fun, so I m not going to pay you anything.

if you are interested, send me your stats with a face pic and a body pic.

Remember, No pic= No answer

AND i am not looking for sex and No c**k sucking.

* Location: Montreal"
How come this doctor Allard is permitted to go over all the records of other doctors? Wouldn't we be getting more realistic testimony from the actual doctors who wrote all this so they could be cross examined? This seems like a sneaky way to get this stuff in without anyone being able to question the person who was actually talking to LM about all this.

I think Allard is allowed to see all of this stuff is because she was at Phillipe Pinel. (Just a guess).
I agree Kamille, I find that very strange. However, the defence has presumably handed over all of LM's unedited medical records as evidence, so the jury will be able to see exactly what each doctor wrote at the time. Allerd is just going through and giving her interpretation of it.

Do you guys remember the defence implying that JL was interested in bondage and casual sex? I wonder if we'll hear more about that. And the reclusive Emile Lacroix. Hopefully LM has given Allerd his version of the events leading up to the murder and we may have some answers at last!
A Montreal man who posted personal ads on the website Craigslist said he was repeatedly contacted in recent weeks by someone who sent him pictures that closely resemble Luka Magnotta, the suspect in the bizarre body parts case.
The Craigslist user, who did not want his name published, said he contacted Montreal police on Wednesday after seeing pictures of Magnotta in news reports.. . .
The user said one of the online aliases the person used matched one mentioned in a Craigslist warning posted by another user. That user said he reported the man to Montreal police for criminal harassment, fraud and impersonation after receiving 30 emails, including those with photos of young, good looking men and "ob-noxious photos of ugly old men."

The warning was posted on May 24, the day before the gruesome video believed to depict the killing of a young Asian man in Montreal appeared online. "Garbage like this are mentally unstable and belong (sic) locked up with the rest of the unwanted animals," it said.

If this person really did report the ad to the police, then maybe the police dropped the ball on this one. Or maybe they did investigate it and decided it had nothing to do with LM.
suemontgomery @MontgomerySue · 26m 26 minutes ago
we're back in #Magnotta where psych Allard talking about her meeting with him in Jan, 2014

suemontgomery @MontgomerySue · 23m 23 minutes ago
When #Magnotta spoke to Allard, there were things he had heard from his lawyer or the media, so was hard to separate things, she says

suemontgomery @MontgomerySue · 22m 22 minutes ago
So, says Allard, all these medical records are very important to know where #magnotta was coming from

suemontgomery @MontgomerySue · 21m 21 minutes ago
On April 17, 2012, #magnotta was screened at clinic where he said he was followed in Ontario but didn't have psych in Mtl.

suemontgomery @MontgomerySue · 19m 19 minutes ago
#Magnotta talked about chronic feelings of emptiness as well as fears of being cheated on and of abandonment. Impulsive

suemontgomery @MontgomerySue · 17m 17 minutes ago
#Magnotta said he had tried to kill himself twice, once at 15 tried to jump in front of subway and at 19 overdose of meds

suemontgomery @MontgomerySue · 16m 16 minutes ago
#magnotta's mother forced him to wear diapers from age 6-8 and locked his brother in closet. Male cousin raped him repeatedly at 14

suemontgomery @MontgomerySue · 14m 14 minutes ago
#Magnotta told doc at JGH that he moved to Montreal to start life away from family: sanctimonious, pontificating and nefarious in actions

suemontgomery @MontgomerySue · 13m 13 minutes ago
#Magnotta showed up at appt wearing wig

suemontgomery @MontgomerySue · 9m 9 minutes ago
Conclusion at JGH was borderline personality disorder; psychosis brought on by history of cannabis and cocaine abuse #magnotta

suemontgomery @MontgomerySue · 9m 9 minutes ago
But Allard points out that docs at JGH weren't aware of #Magnotta's psych past

suemontgomery @MontgomerySue · 7m 7 minutes ago
#Magnotta didn't talk about his psychotic symptoms with JGH docs. Allard asked him why - was afraid to be hospitalized

suemontgomery @MontgomerySue · 6m 6 minutes ago
There's info from him that was false, some true and some that couldn't be verified, Allard says. #Magnotta

suemontgomery @MontgomerySue · 4m 4 minutes ago
Now Allard is going to talk about Thomas Barth's report. He was psych who saw #Magnotta in Berlin. 1st to evaluate after Lin's death

suemontgomery @MontgomerySue · 2m 2 minutes ago
Crown prosecutor says we all heard Barth testimony so do we have to go through it all again? Objection overruled. #Magnotta
Now, this is interesting.... LM went to a psychiatrist a around a month before he killed LM and was diagnosed with BPD. He denied having a history of mental illness but told them he had psychotic symptoms from cocaine and marijuana abuse. If he was setting up a NCR defence, this seems like the exact opposite of what he would have done... So why did he go? Was he genuinely having psychological problems but was too scared to be honest about his schizophrenia because of his bad experience being sectioned against his will?

Or was he trying to get a prescription so he could drug JL? :thinking:
salimah shivji @salimah_shivji · 31m 31 minutes ago
Allard says medical records are a gold mine of information, they show evolution of #Magnotta and his condition.

salimah shivji @salimah_shivji · 28m 28 minutes ago
Allard now on #Magnotta visit to psychiatrist at Jewish General Hospital in mid-April 2012, just over a month before Jun Lin killed.

salimah shivji @salimah_shivji · 17m 17 minutes ago
#Magnotta told psychiatrist had been diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic, but said was due to drugs, said later changed to bipolar disorder

salimah shivji @salimah_shivji · 14m 14 minutes ago
JGH diagnosis: Borderline personality disorder, psychosis brought on by drug use. Allard notes they didn't have access to #Magnotta files.

salimah shivji @salimah_shivji · 13m 13 minutes ago
#Magnotta denied his symptoms, gave contradictory information. He told Allard later he lied because he didn't want to be hospitalized.

salimah shivji @salimah_shivji · 2m 2 minutes ago
Allard on whether #Magnotta could have faked symptoms after arrest: It's very hard to do, hard to fake flipping from one subject to another.

salimah shivji @salimah_shivji · 30s 30 seconds ago
Allard also says for her, it's clear that #Magnotta suffers from schizophrenia. Medical records show it, he's a "classic case", she says.

Having long lived with a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia, Magnotta on that night became convinced Lin was a government agent who would kill him, Magnotta told forensic psychiatrist Dr. Marie-Frédérique Allard during a Jan. 17, 2014 meeting . . .
Recounting the night, Magnotta said Lin had responded on May 23 to a Craigslist ad Magnotta posted expressing the desire for a sexual encounter involving bondage.
Magnotta’s account continued: he started hearing voices telling him to tie up Lin. “And they said cut it,” he told Allard.

Magnotta heard laughing and talking in his head. He was convinced Lin was sent to kill him.

Magnotta then admitted, for the first time, to killing Lin. He told Allard he cut the 33-year-old man’s throat.
Some notes from Dr Barth, German doctor...

Thanks for taking over the tweets this afternoon Rayemonde. I can get some stuff done and check in here. :)
I think Allard is allowed to see all of this stuff is because she was at Phillipe Pinel. (Just a guess).

I know she was allowed to see all this stuff but my question is why wouldn't they get his actual doctor for 8 years to give the testimony of his findings? By doing this, that would open him up to cross examination. And I don't think he was a very good doctor at all. He'd be skewered over his testimony and his records of LM. Because there was a lot more going on in his life than what was in the files. And it appears that the doctor didn't have a clue.

It's a good tactic on behalf of the defense, just a little shady if you ask me.

amy minsky @amyminsky · 5h 5 hours ago
In 2002, #magnotta was on several medications - antipsychotics and a medication to help with some side effects of those.

amy minsky @amyminsky · 5h 5 hours ago
Allard, explaining symptoms of schizophrenia, says patients may think others are hearing their thoughts or implanting thoughts.

amy minsky @amyminsky · 5h 5 hours ago
Schizophrenics may also think they can read others' thoughts, Allard says. Patients also cane have trouble becoming motivated, leaving house

amy minsky @amyminsky · 5h 5 hours ago
Allard is reading notes from #Magnotta's 12-day stay in the hospital. He was increasingly anxious, experienced somatic symptoms.

amy minsky @amyminsky · 4h 4 hours ago
Allard now looking at a. Oct. 2009 record from North York General Hospital, the last place he was seen in Ontario.

amy minsky @amyminsky · 4h 4 hours ago
#Magnotta was referred here by his family doctor. Told him he couldn't concentrate in classes, was increasingly paranoid.

amy minsky @amyminsky · 4h 4 hours ago
#Magnotta told Dr. Weinstein he believed a friend of his brother was putting more of a medication in his food & drink. He felt like a zombie

amy minsky @amyminsky · 4h 4 hours ago
Allard explaining distinction b/t schizophrenia & psychosis. Psychosis is a loss of touch with reality, can express in a number of diagnoses

amy minsky @amyminsky · 4h 4 hours ago
But psychosis is a symptom of schizophrenia, Allard says. #Magnotta

amy minsky @amyminsky · 4h 4 hours ago
During the appointment with Dr. Weinstein, #magnotta told of moving back and forth between his divorced parents' homes.

amy minsky @amyminsky · 4h 4 hours ago
#Magnotta also told of having affair with father's partner, travelling, acting in adult films and having plastic surgeries paid by producers

amy minsky @amyminsky · 3h 3 hours ago
At the end of that October 2009 appointment, Weinstein said #Magnotta was stable, aware of his meds and diagnosis, and accepted diagnosis

amy minsky @amyminsky · 3h 3 hours ago
Now in 2010, #Magnotta tells psychiatrist about a new boyfriend who was older, but that his ex was tapping his cellphone.

amy minsky @amyminsky · 3h 3 hours ago
#Magnotta's final appointment with Weinstein was in August 2010. He wasn't doing well, had let weight and quit his real estate courses.

amy minsky @amyminsky · 3h 3 hours ago
Weinstein noted #Magnotta wasn't taking his prescribed meds regularly and stressed how important it was, especially during periods of stress

amy minsky @amyminsky · 3h 3 hours ago
We're now looking back at #Magnotta's time at Harrison House, a group home for young adults with mental illness. He was there in '01 & '03

amy minsky @amyminsky · 3h 3 hours ago
Notes say #Magnotta was having difficulties functioning, socializing, understanding his illness, he was feeling persecuted.

amy minsky @amyminsky · 3h 3 hours ago
Schizophrenia, Allard says, is controllable, but always with a patient. She likens it to diabetes in that sense. #Magnotta

amy minsky @amyminsky · 3h 3 hours ago
It is unlikely (10 per cent) someone has only one episode in their life time, Allard says. Schizophrenics are very sensitive to stress.

amy minsky @amyminsky · 3h 3 hours ago
Sleep can become difficult and lead to a period of psychosis, Allard says, adding she's had bipolar patients who haven't slept for 5 days.

amy minsky @amyminsky · 3h 3 hours ago
#Magnotta was brought to FLA hospital in Jan '11. Docs there said he may have suffered psychotic episode, didn't know how he'd gotten there.

amy minsky @amyminsky · 3h 3 hours ago
"I'm not crazy," #Magnotta told doctors at Miami hospital in Jan 2011. He denied hearing voices, taking medication.

amy minsky @amyminsky · 3h 3 hours ago
When #Magnotta was discharged from Miami hospital, doctor recommended to return if he felt manic, suicidal, homicidal.

amy minsky @amyminsky · 3h 3 hours ago
Allard: Maybe the Miami hospital would have kept #Magnotta longer if they knew he was supposed to be on meds, had history of mental illness.

amy minsky @amyminsky · 3h 3 hours ago
Allard: But it's clear from these reports #Magnotta didn't want to stay at the hospital and the doctor didn't see signs of psychosis, danger

amy minsky @amyminsky · 2h 2 hours ago
We're on a lunch break. Going to file about Allard's 127-report from her meetings with #Magnotta. He describes the night of the killing.

amy minsky @amyminsky · 48m 48 minutes ago
Back from break, Allard continues going through her 127-page report from her meetings with #Magnotta beginning December 2013.

amy minsky @amyminsky · 40m 40 minutes ago
Going through #Magnotta's file from the Jewish General in Montreal, Allard reads of Magnotta's self-described manic and depressive phases.

amy minsky @amyminsky · 39m 39 minutes ago
Manic phases has inability to sleep ... increased energy, increased shopping, impulsivity and irritability. #magnotta

amy minsky @amyminsky · 39m 39 minutes ago
This behaviour peaks after several days and then ̈crashes, #Magnotta told psychiatrist at Jewish General.

amy minsky @amyminsky · 38m 38 minutes ago
Most recent episode was 4 months before General, when he impulsively bought a ticket to London, stayed for one week, spent $1200 on clothes.

amy minsky @amyminsky · 34m 34 minutes ago
From Jewish General report: #Magnotta "endorses unstable relationships with others that fluctuate between over idealization and devaluing."

amy minsky @amyminsky · 34m 34 minutes ago
#Magnotta "endorses chronic feelings of emptiness as well as fears of being cheated on and of abandonment," the report reads.

amy minsky @amyminsky · 30m 30 minutes ago
Jewish Gen: #Magnotta moved to LA & NYC at 18 yo, worked as prostitute. Identifies as bi and is ̈very promiscuous ̈, always uses protection

amy minsky @amyminsky · 27m 27 minutes ago
Report: #Magnotta moved to Mtl "to start a life away from family."

amy minsky @amyminsky · 27m 27 minutes ago
The report says #Magnotta described his family as ̈sanctimonious, pontificating & nefarious in their actions."

amy minsky @amyminsky · 23m 23 minutes ago
Following meeting at Jewish General, Drs. Probst and Paris didn't recommend medication because they didn't feel he was suffering psychosis.

amy minsky @amyminsky · 22m 22 minutes ago
Should symptoms worse, they could increase his Paxil dosage, the doctors wrote. They referred #Magnotta to CLSC for support treatment.

amy minsky @amyminsky · 22m 22 minutes ago
The doctors also referred #Mangotta to a personality disorder program at the Jewish General.

amy minsky @amyminsky · 19m 19 minutes ago
Dr. Barth, from Dept of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy at the Berlin Prison Hospital, testified last week. Allard is going over his report.

amy minsky @amyminsky · 15m 15 minutes ago
Allard described #Magnotta's disorganized thinking. Here is an excerpt from a visit with Dr. Barth.

amy minsky @amyminsky · 7m 7 minutes ago
Now Allard is going through the medical file from Rivière-des-Prairies detention centre. #Magnotta

amy minsky @amyminsky · 4m 4 minutes ago
Upon arriving at the infirmary at the detention centre, #Magnotta said he couldn't remember what led him to prison. They reminded him.

amy minsky @amyminsky · 2m 2 minutes ago
Talbot's notes form first meeting: #Magnotta spontaneously said he is being watched through the window, and is anxious.

amy minsky @amyminsky · 4m 4 minutes ago
Talbot's notes: #Magnotta doesn't move much ("frozen"), has a fixed-stare, no facial expressions.

amy minsky @amyminsky · 4m 4 minutes ago
Talbot: #Magnotta doesn't offer any information voluntarily except that he hears voices and is being watched.

Having long lived with a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia, Magnotta on that night became convinced Lin was a government agent who would kill him, Magnotta told forensic psychiatrist Dr. Marie-Frédérique Allard during a Jan. 17, 2014 meeting . . .
Recounting the night, Magnotta said Lin had responded on May 23 to a Craigslist ad Magnotta posted expressing the desire for a sexual encounter involving bondage.
Magnotta’s account continued: he started hearing voices telling him to tie up Lin. “And they said cut it,” he told Allard.

Magnotta heard laughing and talking in his head. He was convinced Lin was sent to kill him.

Magnotta then admitted, for the first time, to killing Lin. He told Allard he cut the 33-year-old man’s throat.

I seriously don't believe a word of it.

salimah shivji @salimah_shivji · 44s 45 seconds ago
Dense, rapid testimony in French forces the #Magnotta translator to ask for a break. Judge says no problem, no need to apologize.
To Kamille:

I agree that they should having all of his doctors testify as to their own opinions. But really - how many doctors saw him? I've lost count. PERHAPS the court is trying to save time/money by having only Allard tell the story?

Oh so at what point did the voices tell him to put out a trailer to the murder video? He self promoted and premeditated the video,he's full of s"" if he now claims the "voices" made him snap.
He's a prostitute who "always uses protection". However, he can't remember to take his meds.

I don't buy this load of BS.
To Kamille:

I agree that they should having all of his doctors testify as to their own opinions. But really - how many doctors saw him? I've lost count. PERHAPS the court is trying to save time/money by having only Allard tell the story?


He had one main doctor for years. That's the only one who should have to testify to his own records. Especially since he is the one who first saw him and made the original diagnosis. LM has been using this diagnosis to his advantage and not using it to his advantage ever since. I believe it was that doctor who made the claim that he was not violent? When did he kill the cats? When did he start obsessing over the Bernardo/Holmoka murders? How did this doctor miss the signs?

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