Luka Magotta AKA Eric Newman Trial, Week beginning Oct 27, 2014 - Trial Thread #3

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What?!?! The one who died of a drug overdose or something? :eek:

Not his first time spiking wine?

I'm guessing this is his blog posting as someone else. If it is, then he posted about drugs in his aunt's wine. In the timeline thread, others posted about this blog too and not sure if it's him although there is the post on may 15th about the trailer.
I'm guessing this is his blog posting as someone else. If it is, then he posted about drugs in his aunt's wine. In the timeline thread, others posted about this blog too and not sure if it's him although there is the post on may 15th about the trailer.

Don't think it's his. That stuff was posted in June 2012. He was kinda busy on the run in June? Who could it be though? Nothing posted since?

I'll be out most of the day tomorrow if anyone is available to post up the tweets. TIA :)
This nut job should get together with Jodi Arias.
They are both delusional.

He killed the puppy so it would not bark and call attention to his apartment.

If that is not premeditated...
She said in a later interview, Magnotta also “told me he was with Manny” when he killed Lin. “I believe Mr. Lopez really exists,” she said, “but it’s hard to distinguish to what extent he was involved in these events."

Ohh, really?? So that's why LeClair was trying to imply that there was someone else in the video?
Don't think it's his. That stuff was posted in June 2012. He was kinda busy on the run in June? Who could it be though? Nothing posted since?


I was wondering about this too. Perhaps he scheduled posts for future dates when he created the page, as shown here:

ETA: The reason I started looking into it was because I found this blog - http://karla-homolka-homolka-karla-...0/jennifer-foster-watching-karla-homolka.html - which screams LM. It is very similar to a few other LM blogs about this particular Karla Homolka forum, except the post date is October 2012. I highly suspect LM created this post and scheduled it for a future date, as by March 2012 this forum no longer even existed.

But I could be wrong :)
The problem is that a lot of people HAVE actually been pretending to be him ever since his crimes became known. His style of writing is pretty easy to imitate.

However, I do seem to recall that years before the murder he wrote posts claiming to have killed his aunt and then sexually assaulted her body... Not sure if he claimed to have drugged her though.
Im assuming this Emanual Lopez (Manny),that theres been no attempt to prove he actually exits? Theres an awfull lot of information from Magnotta that as far as I can see is hear say.Has any other members of his family other than his Dad had anything to say?

The kitten killer vids,if he was forced to do them,was he forced to upload the vids too,was he forced to tease people who were trying to trace him for it?

It still seems bit odd to me that they cant identify the 'columbian',was any attempt made?

Manny must be a vampire too because I've never seen a photo of him. And we know LM loved taking photos.

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Yep,I read that in few places too,supposedly video taped himself performing the sex act on her to,on settee where he left her to be found.I think hes that twisted he would use a family members death and turn it into something to shock people.

Allard said she doesn’t have a definitive answer to why he started that gossip — maybe he was trying to gain certain notoriety or earn a “bad boy” reputation, she said.

Perhaps not the best thing for her to say? Isn't that the reason he killed Jun? Not the reason he told her, of course, but the REAL reason. Notoriety.
I still do not understand why she takes everything he says at face value and doesn't question it. Does she even believe what she is saying?

“Over the course of the night, Mr. Magnotta explained that the young Colombian drank a lot of wine, maybe half of a bottle, and he took two to three Temazepam (the sleeping aid).”

The two agreed to film their experience, which Magnotta described as a “good time.”

That is why, he explained, the first part of the video depicting Lin’s dismemberment has footage of another man.

No, that isn't what happened. What he videotaped was himself hovering over mysteryman with the saw. He videotaped the unconscious Mysteryman's genitals. He did not videotape any sexual encounter. Just assault.
All tweets from Sue Montgomery @montgomerysue

We're watching video surveillance footage of #Magnotta re his behaviour after Lin Jun's death
Domenic Fazioli ‏@DomenicFazioli 20m20 minutes ago

It's Day 27 at the Luka #Magnotta trial. Defence psychiatrist Dr Marie Frederique Allard is on the stand for 4th day
salimah shivji ‏@salimah_shivji 21m21 minutes ago

#Magnotta lawyer showing Allard surveillance video from apartment building. The shot where he looks in mirror and checks appearance.

... Allard explained schizophrenic patients see more intense perceptual illusions when looking in the mirror.

Defence lawyer is showing surveillance video of #Magnotta and asking Dr. Allard if she can detect psychosis from his behaviour
Stephane Giroux ‏@SGirouxCTV 6m6 minutes ago
"We see a calm person, in control. It's not incompatible with being mentally ill" says Dr Allard

suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue 5m5 minutes ago
Psychiatrist Allard describing #Magnotta's behaviour post-murder. He's calm, not hiding anything, not fleeing. Not unusual with illness

Stephane Giroux ‏@SGirouxCTV 6m6 minutes ago
Says #Magnotta spent his life trying to hide signs of mental illness

salimah shivji ‏@salimah_shivji 5m5 minutes ago
Allard: #Magnotta looks calm in videos, lining up @ bus station, normal social behaviour. She doesn't see that as incompatible with illness.

salimah shivji ‏@salimah_shivji 4m4 minutes ago
Allard adds #Magnotta has spent much of his life trying to hide his symptoms to avoid stigma, he's able to behave "normally" in situations.

Stephane Giroux ‏@SGirouxCTV 3m3 minutes ago
Psychiatrist Dr Allard asked about sexual sadism. Dr Allard says no evidence #Magnotta was into it...

suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue 3m3 minutes ago
Allard excluded sexual sadism in #Magnotta. He had sexual activities in which was SM, but he was the submissive one. suffered

suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue 3m3 minutes ago
When Allard watched #Magnotta videos there was no signs of arousal or pleasure from what he was doing
Note to Allard: He was a self-proclaimed necrophiliac cannibal. He posted that about himself and he HAD TO FOLLOW THROUGH WITH IT. Even if it made him puke. JMO

So he's mental but can act normally too. Setting it up for him to NCR for anything? GMAFB please.
I just quickly scanned through tweets, before I have to go.
1) does this woman believe the :censored: that she is saying? "Oh, he appears normal and calm. He must be hiding it!"
2) No erection during video? Not sexually aroused, obviously not enjoying it.
REALLY? We already know he deals with erectile dysfunction. Perhaps he couldn't get an erection because he CAN'T?

This doctor is chucking spaghetti at the wall and hoping something will stick. I mean no disrespect, but this is infuriating and insulting of the jury's intelligence.

Now that I have had my outburst, I must leave for now.

ETA: oh, and "not fleeing", eh? What exactly do you call him flying out to Paris, ditching his ID and using a fake one to get to Berlin?
Stephane Giroux ‏@SGirouxCTV 7m7 minutes ago
Says the crime video didn't show #Magnotta being sexually excited.

salimah shivji ‏@salimah_shivji 6m6 minutes ago
In her report, Allard excluded sexual sadism or necrophilia involved in killing. Says #Magnotta not aroused in the video.

suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue 5m5 minutes ago
Not one psych who saw #Magnotta over the years diagnosed him with personality disorder, Allard said.

christianedesjardins ‏@chridesjardins 5m5 minutes ago
#Magnotta a certains traits de personnalité de groupe B, dit la psy. (type B personality translation)

Stephane Giroux ‏@SGirouxCTV 4m4 minutes ago
Allard says it's hard to pinpoint personality disorder when patient suffers from psychosis. Illness gets in way of diagnosis #Magnotta

suemontgomery ‏@MontgomerySue 4m4 minutes ago
#Magnotta had an unstable life, unstable relationships, impulsive, sad, anxious, Allard said
Allard explained schizophrenic patients see more intense perceptual illusions when looking in the mirror

Funny, NONE of his medical records over the years have even mention him having perceptual illusions, let alone them being more intense when he looks in the mirror. Allard is just trying to rationalise all his behaviour to fit the conclusion she made in advance.
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