Luka Rocco Magnotta: charged with first degree murder; worldwide red alert:INTERPOL

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I WISH I could believe that the video was fake; however, it is genuine Sonya.

Things that must be understood to come to this conclusion:
1. ALL of Luka's videos are edited by him to communicate his message with the video being at a length of time that the ADD generation (myself included) would watch it and make it go "viral".

2. ALL of the music in Luka's videos are specific with a deeper message. For example in the horrific murder of Lin Jun, Luka set the video to the New Order song "True Faith" which was featured in the movie "American Psycho" and, to take it a step further, initially Luka was spreading gossip that the murder of Lin Jun was filmed in San Francisco (although American Psycho's lead character is someone Luka is poorly attempting to be, more importantly he is trying to communicate that the film was American).

3. The police timeline released is inaccurate and folks on this board who have been sleuthing from the beginning agree that Luka had between 5-7 days to edit the film after committing the unspeakable acts documented in the film.

Did I miss something, the victim was last SEEN on the 24th and the video was released on the 25th so how does that leave him 5 days to edit it?

I ask sincerely, not snarky, I may have missed something, I was watching golf all day.
Can someone repost the new Youtube video that was posted today by Hollywood???? (can't remember the whole name). It was a Luka-sympathetic video, calling him a sexy serial killer or some such thing.
Can someone repost the new Youtube video that was posted today by Hollywood???? (can't remember the whole name). It was a Luka-sympathetic video, calling him a sexy serial killer or some such thing.

Sure Matou ... here you go:

I WISH I could believe that the video was fake; however, it is genuine Sonya.

Things that must be understood to come to this conclusion:
1. ALL of Luka's videos are edited by him to communicate his message with the video being at a length of time that the ADD generation (myself included) would watch it and make it go "viral".

2. ALL of the music in Luka's videos are specific with a deeper message. For example in the horrific murder of Lin Jun, Luka set the video to the New Order song "True Faith" which was featured in the movie "American Psycho" and, to take it a step further, initially Luka was spreading gossip that the murder of Lin Jun was filmed in San Francisco (although American Psycho's lead character is someone Luka is poorly attempting to be, more importantly he is trying to communicate that the film was American).

3. The police timeline released is inaccurate and folks on this board who have been sleuthing from the beginning agree that Luka had between 5-7 days to edit the film after committing the unspeakable acts documented in the film.

I also think it is real, but where is your reference for a 5 to 7 days editing....the police really said that?.... with Windows Movie Maker, you can edit a video with soundtrack in like 2 hours....

That is interesting because i seem to recall that one of LRM's pages had the "Russian Twink" reference on it ... i had never heard the term before, so it stood out to me. In both his .net site and photobucket account he describes himself as a "twink", but i had seen the specific term "Russian twink".

SillyBilly, technically Luka WAS a twink; but hasn't been a twink for about 8-10 years...
From the For Great Justice FB site, a list of old LRM accounts.

They are only interested in gleaning a list of his new ones, but, his old ones are useful to us, IMO.

This is ridiculous.

Thank you for posting these......some of his screen names are familiar. Do you think he perhaps steals usernames from various forums and reuses them? That not every name has a personal significance?
Agreed there is way more to the story than what is in that video. MOO is that Luka has had more than one victim and videotaped them. This video imo is put together with video from more than one killing.

Lin is dead and Luka killed him. Lin sure looked like he was drugged at the beginning of the video but he was incapable of putting up any sort of struggle. I just keep wondering how many other victims there are. Does anybody know if Lin's room mate who had just gone on "vacation" back to China has actually been accounted for for instance?

The video is sick, it is real but I just think there is more than one victim shown in the video that was released to the internet. Luka may have more than one "kill shot" that he is waiting to release onto the unsuspecting public.

This case gives me a headache.

I agree, the victim was drugged into incapacitation and then killed. That seems to be par for the course with Luka. Kittens, cats, drugged people...all victims who are too weak to put up a fight.
I also think it is real, but where is your reference for a 5 to 7 days editing....the police really said that?.... with Windows Movie Maker, you can edit a video with soundtrack in like 2 hours....

No, the police did not say that. I don't know where these rumors start, seriously! The victim was seen at 5pm on the 24th when he left work, and sent a text to a friend at 9pm that night.
Let's Take A Moment and Read About The Wonderful Human Lin Jun; Remembered by his Friends


From the Star:

* Gentle, upbeat, and always smiling, Justin Lin, as he was known in English, came to Canada as an immigrant to make it his new home.

* Lin loved nothing more than to go to dinner with friends — Korean barbecue was his favourite — and play the Chinese card game san guo sha, or “three kingdoms kill.”

* “I saw him two weeks ago and he was so happy,” said Shan, also not his real name. “I’m in shock, I’m so sad.” Shan was Lin’s roommate last summer. He said Lin was a gentle guy who rarely argued with anyone. He helped Shan learn how to work out properly at the gym.

* Lin’s friends knew something was wrong after they stopped hearing from him on May 24. His last text to a friend was at 9 p.m. that night. Friends tried calling him Friday, and then Saturday, with no luck. Finally, on May 27, they went to his apartment and got inside.

I wonder what other name this thread could be given. A name that honors the victim and not give undue attention to this murderer.:moo:
I wonder what other name this thread could be given. A name that honors the victim and not give undue attention to this murderer.:moo:

Snoofer: Thank you for saying that. I too have thought the same thing, however I feel that until Luka Rocco Magnotta is apprehended that the name of the thread should reflect the real time urgency and imperative nature in finding and capturing LRM.

After he is captured, yes, the thread should reflect and honor the victim.
I am a skeptic by nature and I watched the video before I read through all the posts. I too was initially convinced that it was fake.

There are certain key components that were edited that also lead to my brief cognitive dissonance that what I was viewing wasn't real (Jin wasn't shown passing away, the color wasn't right, impossible to dismember a body in those areas with a dull kitchen knife, etc.)... Then I snapped back into reality = LM is so very low budget on soooo very many levels. His "grand" production was poor quality (grainy footage, lighting, setting) indicative of a very cheap camera and living in squalor.

That being said... where the heck did this $2 hookah get the funds for a $1,200 round trip plane ticket much less the $6,500 - $8,000 for cheek implants? He clearly wasn't very successful in the "business". I cannot imagine someone paying this guy any amount of money upfront for a "promise" to deliver anything - not even a roll in the hay. :sick:

Prayers to all his innocent victims: Jun Lin, his family, friends, the sweet animals and the entire Montreal community.
Can someone explain to me what "The Deep" is in relation to the internet? im clueless
I really dont think that video is fake. How is the weather in Paris?

Seems like we think alike Paximus :rocker:
(Although when folks were speculating yesterday that LRM was posting here, your avatar wasn't helpful in crossing you off my suspect list; thankfully your postings cleared you...) LOL :blushing:
Can someone explain to me what "The Deep" is in relation to the internet? im clueless

The last few pages of the first thread here focused on Luka Magnotta will give you a wonderful set of Cliffs Notes on the Deep web
This may seem like I'm making excuses for luka, but I'm not. I'd just like to propose that maybe he isn't just a narcissistic psychopath.

Today at 4:12 pm KindraLore posted a quote a post luka made on www.

274 days ago

My mother had me when she was 16, I am a male. I lived the majority of my childhood with my grandmother. My mother was always stubborn and she married my father and had me without telling her family. When I was 5 she unexpectedly came and took me away from my home with my grandmother. From that moment on my life was hell. My mother would lock my younger brother in a bedroom all day and night long, tied to a chair with no light. This went on for years. We were homeschooled because "the outside world was dangerous and dirty". I was frequently stripped and held down and forced to wear diapers at age seven and tied in a high-chair, I believe to humiliate me.

What if what luka writes here is true? We all know there are thousands of kids in the foster care system all across the US that are removed from their families because of abuse & neglect like this, so, I think, this very well could be true, and signal another reason for what luka has become.

There is a 'disorder' of sorts called Reactive Attachment Disorder, which occurs when children do not attach to a care giver.
Reactive attachment disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There have been reports that luka didn't have any friends, and I'd reckon it'd be real difficult to form friendships if you've never attached to anyone. It also affects how emotions are express etc.

If my reading comprehension does not suck, there seem to be a few psychologists on here (paximus and scapa) that could maybe shed more light on it, but I think this may be part of what made him what he is.

*Sorry if this has already been mentioned. I'm 'caught up' to page 1 of this thread.
That being said... where the heck did this $2 hookah get the funds for a $1,200 round trip plane ticket much less the $6,500 - $8,000 for cheek implants? He clearly wasn't very successful in the "business".

Prayers to all his innocent victims: Jin Lin, his family, friends, the sweet animals and the entire Montreal community.

FootballMom : On page one of this thread I have a lengthy post titled "Follow The Money" which highlights that exact point. Especially since from all known reviews, Luka was about as good at escorting as the captain of the Titanic was at avoiding icebergs...
This case is pretty much unprecedented. It's hard to apply the usual handbooks and guidelines to it. And most of us are very uneasy right now, maybe with good reason, maybe because we have given in to mass hysteria.

But let's not forget who we are. We don't call each other names. Attack the idea, and the post that expresses it, but do not attack the poster. Due to the anonymity that we all get to enjoy, let's not publicly accuse anyone of being anyone other than who they say they are. We have some class, let's not let one troll destroy it. At the end of the day, Luka is just a troll. Let's not feed him by getting ourselves in trouble.
Seems like we think alike Paximus :rocker:
(Although when folks were speculating yesterday that LRM was posting here, your avatar wasn't helpful in crossing you off my suspect list; thankfully your postings cleared you...) LOL :blushing:

LOL I have never considered my avatar as being a bad thing, it is funny as hell but I guess in the context of thinking of that cat killer it could be taken another way. Sorry if so, I love animals, more than people maybe and Luka isnt helping me like people any more than I already did.
LOL I have never considered my avatar as being a bad thing, it is funny as hell but I guess in the context of thinking of that cat killer it could be taken another way. Sorry if so, I love animals, more than people maybe and Luka isnt helping me like people any more than I already did.

I have no doubt that you love animals and I was not offended at all (I find it very amusing) but when someone raised the possibility yesterday of LRM posting here, for about half a second your avatar had me suspect of you :what: But, figured I could bring it up and hopefully make you and others smile and chuckle as we spend our exciting Saturday night trying to find this

You are joking...................right??

i cant believe what I just read.

That is what I said too, prima.facie....that is just SICK and my stomach is twisting that ANYONE could suggest that video was ART!
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