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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I realize we are straying OT. A well planted distraction perhaps? The issue is AL and BS's response. I hope that he is being treated kindly at the station. I don't want to see anymore casualties...especially the ones who are truly innocent.
With respect we are not in the penalty phase and contesting DP versus LWOP -- IMHO -- AL is engaging in scorched earth Defense and there is a chance that KC might walk based on a technicality or hung Jury. I have no issues whether KC gets DP or LWOP since she'd be on death row most/all of her life BUT I don't appreciate these tactics to win at all costs and get KC off completely.

Perhaps I didn't make my opinion clear. I tend to do that when distracted. I was not standing up for AL or any portion of the defense team. What I was trying to say, is that ALs "practice" of introducing alternative theories, is for the purpose of getting the DP off the table. She may have anticipated the possibility of being unable to introduce certain info relating to Kronk during this time and may be testing the waters. If her "introduction to an alternative theory" is to be successful, she needs to plan ahead for her statements. If there is a chance the SA will object to these statements and their objection being sustained, she needs a backup plan. AL is not going to argue guilt or innocence. She is there for the sole purpose of getting the DP off the table. I share your opinion. I was just sharing my thoughts on her actions. AL has stated on numerous occasions that guilt or innocence is not a factor in her efforts. She opposes the DP, and considers herself to be an advocate for life.
I am just curious, what was the purpose in your releasing this information to the media - regarding the listserve response to Baez? I am totally serious, I just don't understand your point in wanting this made public, if you only responded to a private listserve? Was it your original intent to have this information become public?

I am not him and he is not me (in fact, I Am The Walrus), but I imagine he released it to show he has been as critical (and condescending) to Biaz as he has to The Dude With Suspenders Whose Name I Have Temporarily Forgotten. In fact, Hornsby has been critical of Biaz just about all of the time. This last motion is the only one that I remember that he has not proclaimed to be dumb.

This is not Hornsby Loves Biaz. His latest comments about the motion are along the lines of, "well, boy, you're not as dumb as you look."

*IF* the facts happened as Hornsby sez, (Suspender Guy lied to seminar company and got a disk) and *IF* SG disregarded a contract that he had signed (I mean, he's a lawyer), Hornsby might have a point.

Plus, I am not willing to paint Suspender Guy (I'm not being a smartazz, I am so bad with names) as the voice of Truth, Justice, and the American Way. He is 1) A Defense attorney, also; 2) Has a paying gig on the station that has been the most pro-prosecution of all of the local channels (Locals, right?). He is playing to the audience. He knows their core audience (I'll include myself) hate Biaz and Casey Anthony and Lyons with the blazing hatred of seven suns.

Where Hornsby fell short was his 'smarter than you, I'm so cute, Oh Lord, I'm Cute, Winky, Winky' writing voice. Any message he had has fallen by the wayside. Either he's saying to himself, 'you know, I should have approached this is a more professional way' *or* he's laughing like a hyena, like one of those wrestlers in a black mask who threw salt in the eyes of the GOOD GUY and we all hated. At Bell Auditorium in Augusta, Ga. Back in 1968.

AL let an innocent man rot in prison for 26 years. What could be worse than that? This group are the bottom feeders of their profession.
They are gone from YouTube...she must have smacked them with a Cease and Desist, huh?
Now, you would think she'd be proud of what she had to say. I still can't get past why she would ever want to get into bed with Baez. Who is paying the big bucks to employ her?
Wow, sounds like a Private Club for defense attorneys. They don't want to give out the secret handshake and proprietary decoder ring to prosecuting types and us Great Unwashed in the jury pool. Unless we pay royalties for their intellectual property.

Lunatic Fringe
I know you're out there
You're in hiding
And you hold your meetings
We can hear you coming
We know what you're after
We're wise to you this time
We won't let you kill the laughter

Lunatic Fringe
In the Twilight's last gleaming
This is open season
But you won't get too far
We know you've got to blame someone
For your own confusion
But we're on guard this time
Against your final solution

We can hear you coming
No you're not going to win this time
We can hear the footsteps
Way out along the walkway
Lunatic Fringe
We know you're out there
But in these new Dark Ages
There will still be light

An eye for an eye
Well, before you go under
Can you feel the resistance
Can you feel the thunder

[nomedia=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/nomedia]
Now, you would think she'd be proud of what she had to say. I still can't get past why she would ever want to get into bed with Baez. Who is paying the big bucks to employ her?

My best guess would be her book that is about to be released. I think she wanted the publicity.
They are gone from YouTube...she must have smacked them with a Cease and Desist, huh?

oooops... thats a shame NOT

i dont know how to record something from youtube,,, but i know people have been inclined to hook up a video camera and put it on their desk and then HIT the record button on their handy dandy camera....heheheheehehhh

it works just fine ( so i have been told ):angel::angel::angel::angel::angel:

ohhh sure it looks a little bush league but it sure does make sure you have a copyof something that you KNOW will disappear

lallaaall llaaaall lllaaaaalllllaaaallllllllll
I am not him and he is not me (in fact, I Am The Walrus), but I imagine he released it to show he has been as critical (and condescending) to Biaz as he has to The Dude With Suspenders Whose Name I Have Temporarily Forgotten. In fact, Hornsby has been critical of Biaz just about all of the time. This last motion is the only one that I remember that he has not proclaimed to be dumb.

This is not Hornsby Loves Biaz. His latest comments about the motion are along the lines of, "well, boy, you're not as dumb as you look."

*IF* the facts happened as Hornsby sez, (Suspender Guy lied to seminar company and got a disk) and *IF* SG disregarded a contract that he had signed (I mean, he's a lawyer), Hornsby might have a point.

Plus, I am not willing to paint Suspender Guy (I'm not being a smartazz, I am so bad with names) as the voice of Truth, Justice, and the American Way. He is 1) A Defense attorney, also; 2) Has a paying gig on the station that has been the most pro-prosecution of all of the local channels (Locals, right?). He is playing to the audience. He knows their core audience (I'll include myself) hate Biaz and Casey Anthony and Lyons with the blazing hatred of seven suns.

Where Hornsby fell short was his 'smarter than you, I'm so cute, Oh Lord, I'm Cute, Winky, Winky' writing voice. Any message he had has fallen by the wayside. Either he's saying to himself, 'you know, I should have approached this is a more professional way' *or* he's laughing like a hyena, like one of those wrestlers in a black mask who threw salt in the eyes of the GOOD GUY and we all hated. At Bell Auditorium in Augusta, Ga. Back in 1968.

Good post (and I'll pretend that I understand it all-LOL)...but his behavior...and his subsequent "look what I did"...really is unprofessional. I never walked away feeling BS was pro anything. I do think he has a good legal mind. People ask him to address their questions and he is trying to do just that on his blog. He explains what's going on. This cr*p is just pure attention seeking behavior and fails to address what the underlying issue is/was...and that's AL's prior acts.
oooops... thats a shame NOT

i dont know how to record something from youtube,,, but i know people have been inclined to hook up a video camera and put it on their desk and then HIT the record button on their handy dandy camera....heheheheehehhh

it works just fine ( so i have been told ):angel::angel::angel::angel::angel:

ohhh sure it looks a little bush league but it sure does make sure you have a copyof something that you KNOW will disappear

lallaaall llaaaall lllaaaaalllllaaaallllllllll should really come around more...I sure do miss the laughs!! should really come around more...I sure do miss the laughs!!

ok, i will be around more,, :) :)

<-----------------will go back to his fidgeting with his... errrr umm i mean his "friends" video camera :angel::angel::angel::angel:
lol don't you just love the internet? Lyons and CIndy can't just shut down anything they want:)[nomedia=""]YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/nomedia]
My best guess would be her book that is about to be released. I think she wanted the publicity.
But, if she has such a phenomenal reputation why would she need this case to promote her book? At one point, she needed to have asked there a likelihood that the accused could receive the DP? Is there enough to prove her guilt? If she really felt the SA didn't have what it takes to get the DP, and in all likelihood the case would be pleaded down, I don't think she'd be the one to be involved.

Just my 2 cents.
But, if she has such a phenomenal reputation why would she need this case to promote her book? At one point, she needed to have asked there a likelihood that the accused could receive the DP? Is there enough to prove her guilt? If she really felt the SA didn't have what it takes to get the DP, and in all likelihood the case would be pleaded down, I don't think she'd be the one to be involved.

Just my 2 cents.

I think that is why she is involved, because Baez and Company totally think there is enough evidence to convict her.

With the timing of her book coming out, I think a media tour was in AL's best financial interests. I don't think she is too worried about losing this case, as I feel she stands a good chance at getting the death penalty off the table in the penalty phase. Her perfect record will stand, regardless of Casey being convicted in this case.

Of course, this is my humble (very humble) opinion only.
Interesting you make that point. Mr. Sheaffer specifically advertised in the Orlando Magazine (if I remember the magazine correctly) that he only takes on something like 10 cases a year.

So how much do you think he charges charges those 10 clients.... Must be a pretty penny, that is for sure. this really bothers me. So on one hand, we have the guy who advertises to maintain a client base and on the other we have a guy who tries to get his mug on tv any chance he gets. What's the purpose of that? He's not hoping to drum up business? And who the heck cares how much BS gets paid. Most attorneys I know charge a pretty penny.
I am just curious, what was the purpose in your releasing this information to the media - regarding the listserve response to Baez? I am totally serious, I just don't understand your point in wanting this made public, if you only responded to a private listserve? Was it your original intent to have this information become public?
First, technically I think you are correct - and so I think another defense attorney could say it was a double standard - but I do believe there is a difference and here goes.

One, what I released was my own email and the sentence I responded to. I did not reveal what any of the other attorneys said to Mr. Baez or what they said to him.

Second, I was on the FACDL board and resigned over a year ago in protest of an issue that is immaterial for this discussion (it would sidetrack this response). So I am no longer a member of that organization and thus have no corresponding obligations. However, unlike the seminar materials, there are no rules prohibiting one from releasing your own email.

Third, if you look at the time period, it was when Baez was making a complete circus of his client's case (still is, but he has gotten better). Reporters were asking what other attorneys thought and I said, well I can't speak for them but here is what I have said directly to him.

Fourth, I did not lie to obtain other people's information for a reporter. Again, I simply posted an email that I sent Mr. Baez. Ask yourself this, would it have been any different than me writing in my blog ABOUT the email? Actually there would have been a huge difference, the email is tangible proof that I did not make my claims to gain credibility. Whereas an unsupported statement would have everybody accusing me of lying.

And if you notice, my email did some good. Ms. Anthony's jail visits stopped immediately after I sent it. So in some respects, I feel I helped stop the bleeding.

Now I am sure some of you thought I was playing Monday morning quarterback in my email - and maybe I was.

But I say this about every case I handle, my goal is to obtain the best possible resolution for my clients given the facts, the evidence, and the applicable law. At the time I saw an attorney who was exploiting his client's celebrity to the detriment of obtaining the best resolution possible. That made me angry as a criminal defense attorney.

And frankly, I think Ms. Lyon is now faced with working overtime to reverse the damage done by Baez and Baden (don't get me started with her) and get Ms. Anthony back into a position where she could at least obtain a decent resolution given the facts, evidence, and law of her case.

And the only way a defense attorney can do that is to challenge each piece of evidence in the hope enough pieces are excluded and the State has to re-evaluate what they are willing to offer to resolve the case.
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