MA - 3yr. old boy accused of beating infant twin siblings

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Mama Bear

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Aug 29, 2008
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City police and the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families are investigating an incident involving a 3-year-old Pittsfield, MA. boy who allegedly seriously harmed his twin infant siblings.The twins, whose genders were withheld, had to be airlifted to an out-of-town medical facility for treatment, according to officials, who declined to identify the hospital.
here is link to article
I am in total shock and awe over this. I pray to god these babies recover from there very,very tramatic injuries. I still can't phantom the idea that this 3yr. old yes I said 3yr.old is or was capable of causing these injuries. I feel that there is more to the story and the parents are blaming this child for what they did. I do know the mother of these children personally even though it's been a few years since I saw here last. There is other info that I know but am not sure what I can or can not post. I am very saddened and at a lose of words for what has happened. All that I can do it seems like is hope and pray that these babies pull through. I have never started a thread like this before, if this is in the wrong place or not appropriate please feel free to move or delete.
There's not a lot of information so it's hard to know. What else do you know?

I think a 3-year-old is absolutely physically capable of badly hurting an infant. Of course, mentally, emotionally, the 3-year-old would have no idea that such action was wrong.
I agree Southcitymom, physically capable of hurting but incapable of even understanding. I would also like to know how long that 3 yr old was left with twin infant siblings unsupervised that would give him a chance to do this?

Just not enough information.
City police and the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families are investigating an incident involving a 3-year-old Pittsfield, MA. boy who allegedly seriously harmed his twin infant siblings.The twins, whose genders were withheld, had to be airlifted to an out-of-town medical facility for treatment, according to officials, who declined to identify the hospital.
here is link to article
I am in total shock and awe over this. I pray to god these babies recover from there very,very tramatic injuries. I still can't phantom the idea that this 3yr. old yes I said 3yr.old is or was capable of causing these injuries. I feel that there is more to the story and the parents are blaming this child for what they did. I do know the mother of these children personally even though it's been a few years since I saw here last. There is other info that I know but am not sure what I can or can not post. I am very saddened and at a lose of words for what has happened. All that I can do it seems like is hope and pray that these babies pull through. I have never started a thread like this before, if this is in the wrong place or not appropriate please feel free to move or delete.

Please keep us informed if you find out more info on this situation. It truly is very troubling and just breaks my heart to think of anything happening to these babies.
I agree Southcitymom, physically capable of hurting but incapable of even understanding. I would also like to know how long that 3 yr old was left with twin infant siblings unsupervised that would give him a chance to do this?

Just not enough information.

Agreed. IMHO, a toddler shouldn't be left alone for any significant period of time with infants - though I could understand a toddler perhaps sharing a bedroom with baby brothers/sisters - perhaps this is when it happened. But as a general rule: unsupervised toddler plus infant(s) = bad bad idea.
I wonder if there wasn't a lot of jealousy over the new twins. Twins take a lot of time and mom had probably been really busy with them since their birth. This little 3 yr old was no doubt used to having mom's full attention day in and day out and then along come not one but two babies and the little 3 yr old wasn't getting mom's undivided attention anymore.

I've found through the births of my 4 kids who were stair steps that you have to involve the older babies in everything that you do with the new baby. Let them help with the bath...getting diapers, etc, so that they feel that the baby is their baby too. I'm not saying that this mom didn't involve her little 3 yr old but the older kids can become really jealous and they can want to hurt the baby or babies.

If this little guy picked up a metal truck or something sharp and hit the babies with it that could cause some severe injurys. Three yr olds can be pretty strong. Especially if they hit you with certain toys. My 14 month old great grandchild is strong and IF she hit me with a certain toy she could really nail me and it would hurt.

I remember when my grandson was around 4 yrs and his sister was a couple months old. The baby was in a swing and my daughter walked into the frontroom and he had his hand over her nose and mouth! Scared my daughter to death. Her son had been the only child and he was really jealous.
There's not a lot of information so it's hard to know. What else do you know?

I think a 3-year-old is absolutely physically capable of badly hurting an infant. Of course, mentally, emotionally, the 3-year-old would have no idea that such action was wrong.

I am so on the fence with this little cutie being capable of doing this maybe because I no him have held him as an infant etc.. I am not sure what I can post with out a link.
I can tell you that when these precious babies were life flighted out that the mother and father were in police custody being questioned and later released.
I can only tell certain facts that I know or believe to be true at this time. I have been told that the 3yr. old did show jealousy over the twins. That he took the babies from there bassinets. That there injuries are very severe that they were life flighted to a Children's Hospital that are local hospital could not treat there injuries. I really am praying hard for these babies I hope the fully recover.
There's not a lot of information so it's hard to know. What else do you know?

I think a 3-year-old is absolutely physically capable of badly hurting an infant. Of course, mentally, emotionally, the 3-year-old would have no idea that such action was wrong.

Remember when Christian climbed the baby gate on sat on top of Jordan when he was 6 weeks old!?:eek: Of course he was only 13 months at the time.

It scared the poo out of me!
I agree Southcitymom, physically capable of hurting but incapable of even understanding. I would also like to know how long that 3 yr old was left with twin infant siblings unsupervised that would give him a chance to do this?

Just not enough information.

I can't really say for sure on the time from people I've talked to that part is still unclear.
I am so on the fence with this little cutie being capable of doing this maybe because I no him have held him as an infant etc.. I am not sure what I can post with out a link.
I can tell you that when these precious babies were life flighted out that the mother and father were in police custody being questioned and later released.
I can only tell certain facts that I know or believe to be true at this time. I have been told that the 3yr. old did show jealousy over the twins. That he took the babies from there bassinets. That there injuries are very severe that they were life flighted to a Children's Hospital that are local hospital could not treat there injuries. I really am praying hard for these babies I hope the fully recover.

Well, I am sure they are questioning the parents and they should be. And of course a 3 year old is jealous of the newborns - that is 100% normal. If the toddler did this, it is a terrible accident and he is in no way to blame. He is incapable of having a clue, IMHO. All my prayers for this family.
What a lack of information!

No names, no ages of the twins, no description of injury other than "badly beaten"

I would think that the little boy would have to have some time to be able to do it to both of the twins. And how did the not cry out? My twins were so loud when they were crying at the same time you could hear them outside!

I really, really want to know more.
Well, I am sure they are questioning the parents and they should be. And of course a 3 year old is jealous of the newborns - that is 100% normal. If the toddler did this, it is a terrible accident and he is in no way to blame. He is incapable of having a clue, IMHO. All my prayers for this family.

I doubt that anyone will blame this little guy. He is just a baby himself. He probably just wanted the babies to go away so that he could still be the baby. Of course he wouldn't have those thoughts formed in his little mind but I think that is what happened.
Or when S (at 2 and 1/2) jumped on T's head when T was 6 months old!

Yes! :eek: I remember being convinced that my poor T-Bone wasn't gonna make it. I prayed "Please God protect him until he is big enough to defend himself" and look at him now!! \

But, with S, his was more about interest and fascination with T-bone, he always wanted to be touching him and looking at him, not so much out of jealousy or spite.
Well, I am sure they are questioning the parents and they should be. And of course a 3 year old is jealous of the newborns - that is 100% normal. If the toddler did this, it is a terrible accident and he is in no way to blame. He is incapable of having a clue, IMHO. All my prayers for this family.

I agree that jealousy is normal I have 4 children myself. But unlike this mother I supervised them. I included them in helping with the new babies. For the parents and knowing at least her background I agree they need to question at least her long and hard. I agree that the toddlers is in no way to blame for this she should have been being a parent. I guess it's just really hard to think that he could do this.
I want more information. Why a 3-year old taking the babies from their bassinetts? Why was a 3-year old left alone with the babies long enough to injure them? I know that children can act in a matter of seconds and I can see where he might have harmed one, but 2? How was this "beating" done? For the 3-year old - I agree with Bobbi above - if he used a toy he could inflict some serious damage, depending on the toy, still though, would that be called "beating"? I think the choice of words is strange. But the media never does word things quite like I would.

I don't know - I want more info. I have a feeling the 3-year old didn't do anything :(

I want more information. Why a 3-year old taking the babies from their bassinetts? Why was a 3-year old left alone with the babies long enough to injure them? I know that children can act in a matter of seconds and I can see where he might have harmed one, but 2? How was this "beating" done? For the 3-year old - I agree with Bobbi above - if he used a toy he could inflict some serious damage, depending on the toy, still though, would that be called "beating"? I think the choice of words is strange. But the media never does word things quite like I would.

I don't know - I want more info. I have a feeling the 3-year old didn't do anything :(

I wish I could post or say more to what I no but I am kinda new to this type of posting. Don't I need a link to verify what I am stating. Or is it o.k to say from what I heard or believe seeing that I am local and know the mother. The last that I heard from a friend was that she was sleeping when this happened. This is partly why my hinky meter is going crazy plus other factors. I mean he hurt both of them not just one you mean to tell me that she didn't hear the first one cry to save the second one. Not that either one should have been hurt she should have been awake and being a parent.
I wish I could post or say more to what I no but I am kinda new to this type of posting. Don't I need a link to verify what I am stating. Or is it o.k to say from what I heard or believe seeing that I am local and know the mother. The last that I heard from a friend was that she was sleeping when this happened. This is partly why my hinky meter is going crazy plus other factors. I mean he hurt both of them not just one you mean to tell me that she didn't hear the first one cry to save the second one. Not that either one should have been hurt she should have been awake and being a parent.

I think it's okay as long as you state ahead of time that it is a rumor. That's the way I've done it in the past and have seen others do it.
I wish I could post or say more to what I no but I am kinda new to this type of posting. Don't I need a link to verify what I am stating. Or is it o.k to say from what I heard or believe seeing that I am local and know the mother. The last that I heard from a friend was that she was sleeping when this happened. This is partly why my hinky meter is going crazy plus other factors. I mean he hurt both of them not just one you mean to tell me that she didn't hear the first one cry to save the second one. Not that either one should have been hurt she should have been awake and being a parent.

Thank's for telling us that. As a mother of twins, that are now almost 3, I can relate to this mother being asleep, Lord knows I took naps whenever I could. But, when the twins were born, my oldest son was 13 months old, there is NO WAY I ever napped unless he was napping with me or my mom or MIL were here helping. Do you know how old the twins are??

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