MA - 3yr. old boy accused of beating infant twin siblings

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Thank's for telling us that. As a mother of twins, that are now almost 3, I can relate to this mother being asleep, Lord knows I took naps whenever I could. But, when the twins were born, my oldest son was 13 months old, there is NO WAY I ever napped unless he was napping with me or my mom or MIL were here helping. Do you know how old the twins are??
As I stated earlier in the thread I have not personally talked to her in awhile.From local rumor or my understanding they are very little about 5-6 weeks old. And have not been home from the hospital that long.
This is just sad. IF this baby hurt the twins this will follow him his whole life. He is going to need counseling. no matter who did this it is sad.
As I stated earlier in the thread I have not personally talked to her in awhile.From local rumor or my understanding they are very little about 5-6 weeks old. And have not been home from the hospital that long.

Oh, so they were tiny! That even makes me more suspicious, when they're that young the can holler like the dickens! I could see the 3 yo getting to one of them, but both, I'm having trouble with that.

I also wonder if the father was home at the time, because they questioned him too.

I was very blessed to have so many wonderful family and friends helping when my boys came. But, not everyone else is always that fortunate.

ETA: I wonder if she had post partum. I was fine after the birth of my oldest son, but after the twins, I had post partum BAD!! And horrible panic attacks. Never had any thoughts of harming anyone other than myself though. My doctor said post partum is very common in multiple births because of the increased hormones, I remember her talking to me about it when she came to discharge me. She wanted me to be aware.
Oh, so they were tiny! That even makes me more suspicious, when they're that young the can holler like the dickens! I could see the 3 yo getting to one of them, but both, I'm having trouble with that.

I also wonder if the father was home at the time, because they questioned him too.

I was very blessed to have so many wonderful family and friends helping when my boys came. But, not everyone else is always that fortunate.

ETA: I wonder if she had post partum. I was fine after the birth of my oldest son, but after the twins, I had post partum BAD!! And horrible panic attacks. Never had any thoughts of harming anyone other than myself though. My doctor said post partum is very common in multiple births because of the increased hormones, I remember her talking to me about it when she came to discharge me. She wanted me to be aware.

I just cann't see the Parent not hearing one of the scream in pain before the 2nd was attacked. Just doesn't make sense. I surey hope the parents did not do something and blame it on this child.
To be honest with you Lovejac I am not sure to the where abouts of the Dad I have heard lots of rumor not sure whats true. This is very hard to understand for me from every aspect of it. I said the same thing over and over how could she not here the first one cry for help. My Cousin has twin boys that will be 3 pretty soon. And even though those poor little buggers were born with cleft lip and pallet. They sure were very loud when the cried. But my cousin was very lucky she had lots of family support. I can tell you that this mother did not have a whole lot of it.
To be honest with you Lovejac I am not sure to the where abouts of the Dad I have heard lots of rumor not sure whats true. This is very hard to understand for me from every aspect of it. I said the same thing over and over how could she not here the first one cry for help. My Cousin has twin boys that will be 3 pretty soon. And even though those poor little buggers were born with cleft lip and pallet. They sure were very loud when the cried. But my cousin was very lucky she had lots of family support. I can tell you that this mother did not have a whole lot of it.

Thank's mamabear. I'm sorry to hear that she didn't have extra help. I don't know how I would have survived if not for my awesome family.
I'm sure there was some jealousy over the twins...
I wonder if the 3 yr. old (if he did this) might have ADHD? My friend's son has it and at 3 he was so violent! One day I had a big metal Tonka truck thrown at me, he spit milk in my face/ hair..threw a kitten across the room almost killed it we had to nurse it back to health then he tried to drown it in the toliet!! He thought it was so funny too I know he couldn't help it but geez! You couldn't turn your back on him for a split sec.!!!!
Idk it's just a thought I need more info.
We don't know what time this took place. The mom might have been exhausted and just simply didn't hear anything or woke up a little to late. The boys may all have been in one bedroom and the 3 yr old woke up really early. If the babies were in a crib how did he get to them? He might have been in a twin bed but the babies should have been in a crib or bassinets. The whole thing is just really sad. I hope the twins live through this with no lasting damage.

That is a shame the mother doesn't have anyone to help her out. I can't imagine twin newborns and a 3 year old. Three yr olds are so busy and into everything. The babies take a lot of time and attention. The mom is probably so tired she can hardly keep her eyes open. I feel really bad for her. I don't want to even hint that the mother is at fault here. I'm trying to put myself in her shoes and remember how tired a mom gets with just one newborn and no other children. It seems like she would have heard the babies screaming but it just depends on how tired she was and hard she was sleeping I guess. It is just really tragic for all of them.
I am praying that these little angels recover. I can definately see a jealous toddler hurting the babies. My oldest son was never jealous, but once while I was in the kitchen cooking I had Benaiah playing in the living room (he was 2) and the baby who was 3 weeks was in the bassinet in the bedroom. He had started to cry and before I could finish doing what I was doing to go get him, Benaiah had gotten up and took him out of the bassinet. He was holding him by his neck with his little body just dangling...scared the mess out of me.
The mother was more than likely overwhelmed. With little support, bad things could happen. They do everyday. I have three children and I remember all of them at that age and none of them would have been able to seriously harm a baby. of course every child is different and I have made sure all my children have empathy. IMO the mother is responsible and is placing the blame on the three year old. At that age they want to please mommy so much that they pretty much say and do what she wants them to.
My angry toddler flipped over my 3 week old infant's bassinet when I had my hand on it...babies hurting babies is an old old jealous mother fed her her 6 week old brother a box of raisins.

I am alarmed that the Sex Assault response team is in charge, regardless of whether or not they are multi diciplinary. And for a baby to hurt two infants that badly????? I am with the rest of you who are sceptical.
We don't know what time this took place. The mom might have been exhausted and just simply didn't hear anything or woke up a little to late. The boys may all have been in one bedroom and the 3 yr old woke up really early. If the babies were in a crib how did he get to them? He might have been in a twin bed but the babies should have been in a crib or bassinets. The whole thing is just really sad. I hope the twins live through this with no lasting damage.

That is a shame the mother doesn't have anyone to help her out. I can't imagine twin newborns and a 3 year old. Three yr olds are so busy and into everything. The babies take a lot of time and attention. The mom is probably so tired she can hardly keep her eyes open. I feel really bad for her. I don't want to even hint that the mother is at fault here. I'm trying to put myself in her shoes and remember how tired a mom gets with just one newborn and no other children. It seems like she would have heard the babies screaming but it just depends on how tired she was and hard she was sleeping I guess. It is just really tragic for all of them.

My bold/italics...I don't remember a time that I did not hear my children turn over much less fuss, but I am a light sleeper....even more so since I had the lovelies.
I haven't read any post on here yet, but was outraged to see the words 3 year old accused. 3 years old, really. That child is not responsible for anything. This would be 100% the fault of who ever was suppose to be watching them. That poor child.
even if the mom was all alone and exhausted. I know I have been there. I have a 2 and 3 year old. You put them each in seperate rooms with some toys, close their doors with those little devices on them so they can't get out and take a nap. Yes, they may scream and cry and even beat the door, but you know what they are alive in an hour when I wake up.
even if the mom was all alone and exhausted. I know I have been there. I have a 2 and 3 year old. You put them each in seperate rooms with some toys, close their doors with those little devices on them so they can't get out and take a nap. Yes, they may scream and cry and even beat the door, but you know what they are alive in an hour when I wake up.

what? is this a joke? I have a 2 year old. I would NEVER lock her in a room so I could have a nap. That is INSANE.

As for this 3 year old, I agree with all that has been said. No way can he be held responsible, I'll be watching for an update on this story.
The only thing I can think of is if the mother thought all three kids were asleep - and jumped in the shower quickly, or if it was in the middle of the night and the 3 year old went in and threw them out of their bassinett and then stomped them. I know morbid. But I just don't want to blame the parents right now.
even if the mom was all alone and exhausted. I know I have been there. I have a 2 and 3 year old. You put them each in seperate rooms with some toys, close their doors with those little devices on them so they can't get out and take a nap. Yes, they may scream and cry and even beat the door, but you know what they are alive in an hour when I wake up.

Warbuckle I wanted you to know that I have done that very thing myself in the past. I had my four which were all born within 5 years of each other and then we had my two stepdaughters of which only one was school age and in school.

Yes I got exhausted. My Husband is a soldier and was gone more than he was there, and I was in a foreign country with absolutely no help or support. So I did what I had to do so that I could function and that the children would be safe and sound.

So yes, I did do that. Not everyday, but there was more than once that I
had to do that very thing. There is no way a parent can function and take care of children with little to no sleep for days.

I don't think it's insane, I think what it is~ is recognizing that you are human and have limitations and nobody benefits from an exhausted parent~not the parent and not the child(ren).

We don't know what happened with this 3 yr old yet, but I do think that the caretaker is ultimately responsible. JMHO.
Comments made by 'knows the family' (#41+) shed a little more light on situation. Sounds like the 3 yo had known issues.

As far as I know this little boy was a typical 3yr. old. I have not heard of any behavioral issues except that when he was younger his mom would pawn him off on this one and that one. I can tell you that I also went to school with his biological father. He was no good then and still is no good now.He has had almost no involvement in this child's life. From what I gather is that the mom was asleep. He got out of his bed went into his mom's room were the little ones were sleeping in there bassinets. He took them out and began to inflict injury to them. I really struggle with believing this and the fact she did not here any crying. The moms claim is that she never heard anything. That she awoke to finding him with the babies. Also from what I have heard is that these precious babies have major injuries to the extent of but not limited to. Skull fracture, internal injuries, and broken bones. God bless these precious little angles I will be praying everyday for there recovery.I was just told today that the little one with the internal injuries may need to be moved to another hospital again. I hope that this is o.k to post as I have no link to support this. It is just my opinions and what I guess you would call local rumor. These is just so sad and hard to deal with I pray for all the little ones involved in this case. If this post needs to be deleted feel free to as I have no link. Just my opinion and rumors.

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