GUILTY MA - Aaron Hernandez, New England Patriots player, charged with homicides #4

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trying to be a prepared girl scout here in case of a verdict.........

this link has a live stream at the top..........

this link is a wildabouttrial live stream that has proven to be more trustworthy than the main wild live stream....note: if it freezes, don't reload the page....just click the frame and reclick the arrow.........eta......make sure you click LIVE on the bottom

those two have NEVER lost stream when others have so hopefully will stay up in the event of a verdict.......

just looking out for you lovely people :D
I have a question and forgive me if it has already been asked- *if* the jury is hung - they will proceed on to the next scheduled trial in May - and if he's convicted in that one- is it unlikely they would retry him for the Loyd murder? That's been bothering me - a bee in my bonnet so to speak, with all due respect to Queen!
I have a question and forgive me if it has already been asked- *if* the jury is hung - they will proceed on to the next scheduled trial in May - and if he's convicted in that one- is it unlikely they would retry him for the Loyd murder? That's been bothering me - a bee in my bonnet so to speak, with all due respect to Queen!
cins they are in two different counties so it would be up to the DA in this current county as to whether they retry him.........i would look for them to retry him regardless of the outcome in suffolk would be backup if there is a problem with the double murder case and of course justice for odin........ to the bonnet remark........queenie is not offended :floorlaugh: i've been in bonnets before and will again :D

eta..........i will say........a lot of the time a DA will look at the jury number of how they were hung.......say it was 10-2 for conviction......they will DEFINITELY retry....but if it was 10-2 for acquittal.....they may reconsider........
cins they are in two different counties so it would be up to the DA in this current county as to whether they retry him.........i would look for them to retry him regardless of the outcome in suffolk would be backup if there is a problem with the double murder case and of course justice for odin........ to the bonnet remark........queenie is not offended :floorlaugh: i've been in bonnets before and will again :D

eta..........i will say........a lot of the time a DA will look at the jury number of how they were hung.......say it was 10-2 for conviction......they will DEFINITELY retry....but if it was 10-2 for acquittal.....they may reconsider........

Thanks Queenie! Both for the clarification and reassuring me I will not have angry swarm directed my way anytime soon for unintentional offense against their royal leader!
Brian Fraga

Op-ed in @projo criticizes Judge Garsh "Jack Perry: Judge bullies journalist for doing his job" #AaronHernandez

just my opinion..........but if someone was going to write about her being a bully, it should have been when she instructed odin's mother ursula not to cry :mad:

i didn't hear her make that same instruction to the princess when she was on the stand and started to cry about the murderer's flanderings :mad:
susan candiotti cnn

#AaronHernandez Jury now approaching 29 hrs
susan candiotti cnn

Some jurors look at AH & victim Odin Lloyd's family as court ofr gives greeting; AH, fiancee glance at each other…
Apr. 14, 2015
see? lol

I'm so sick of these glances/i-love-u with fiancee. She's there for the money. He's "there" cause he got no one else.
Brian Fraga

Op-ed in @projo criticizes Judge Garsh "Jack Perry: Judge bullies journalist for doing his job" #AaronHernandez

just my opinion..........but if someone was going to write about her being a bully, it should have been when she instructed odin's mother ursula not to cry :mad:

i didn't hear her make that same instruction to the princess when she was on the stand and started to cry about the murderer's flanderings :mad:

Ugh this judge is just so crass. She scares me.
I'm so sick of these glances/i-love-u with fiancee. She's there for the money. He's "there" cause he got no one else.

The fiancée is repulsive in so many ways. I feel so bad for her daughter. She also needs to take it easy on the eyebrow pencil. I know full brows are in style right now but hers are distracting. If they were her natural brows that god gave her thats one thing but they aren't and thats the only reason I'm commenting on them.
I have a question and forgive me if it has already been asked- *if* the jury is hung - they will proceed on to the next scheduled trial in May - and if he's convicted in that one- is it unlikely they would retry him for the Loyd murder? That's been bothering me - a bee in my bonnet so to speak, with all due respect to Queen!

I also think they'll re-try because they have no guarantee about the double-murder conviction, and if they let him "go," they will have a wild-cannon who will surely commit murder again (my opinion).

I don't know what the deadline is to file for re-trial.

THe other thing is that the double-murder conviction would likely be for 2nd-degree murder (they might charge with 1st but I think jury would give 2nd). So that reduces the amount of time he would be in prison, plus opens up possibility of parole.

So I think they would definitely re-try for this one.
The fiancée is repulsive in so many ways. I feel so bad for her daughter. She also needs to take it easy on the eyebrow pencil. I know full brows are in style right now but hers are distracting. If they were her natural brows that god gave her thats one thing but they aren't and thats the only reason I'm commenting on them.

LOL!!!!!!! Thanks for making me laugh!!!
I hope they are arguing about 1st degree or second degree......instead of guilty or not guilty.

Are they deciding the penalty right now as well as guilt or innocence ?
I hope they are arguing about 1st degree or second degree......instead of guilty or not guilty.

Are they deciding the penalty right now as well as guilt or innocence ?
welcome steelman...........good to see you :seeya:

only guilt or innocence......1st is LWOP....2nd, life with poss of parole after 15 years
I'm so sick of these glances/i-love-u with fiancee. She's there for the money. He's "there" cause he got no one else.

I really wonder just how much money is left. Legal fees have got to be draining the account pretty quickly. And once that's gone, we'll see how "I love you" with him she really is, won't we? Just ranting but I have to wonder how any woman could stay with a man that brazenly cheats on her and orders her *allegedly* (ahem) to get rid of evidence, not to mention a man that she likely knows has ended at least three people's Is the money really worth selling your soul like that? Okay...rant over.

I really do wonder how much $$ is actually left. I assume there's a mortgage on the house - or did he pay it off at purchase, does anyone know?
We just got slammed by one stealth juror in the Arias trial, hope we don't have the same thing here.
i know that i have read that assets are frozen due to civil litigation......the three murder victims' families are suing for wrongful death and those trials are on hold until resolution of the criminal proceedings as well as alexander bradley's civil suit ......

imo.......i don't have a link handy but will look for one
Michelle R. Smith

11 a.m. Smoke break time in the jury room. #AaronHernandez
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