MA - Alleged Serial Rapist, Attorney Matthew Nilo, 35, Arrested Due To Genetic Genealogy, 2023 June 1

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
And how do we think the victims feel right about now? This guy is out there.
I'd like to know the conditions of his bail.

So the poor junkie who sells a bit of drugs is stuck in jail before trial and can't possibly make bail, but poor little rich lawyer who allegedly committed kidnap and aggravated sexual assault is released. It's clearly a system that favors the rich and privileged.

How does the victim, who was interviewed after his arrest, feel now? She clearly didn't think he'd be released. In the video in the Daily Mail article she is still standing strong, but I'm sure it was a slap in the face.
It’s also a system that continues to be lenient to all sorts of sexual predators.
The light sentences they are handed are appalling, and incredibly disrespectful to survivors of these life altering crimes. MOO

This thread has already been an emotional roller coaster for me. The feeling elated that technology has advanced enough to identify perps, the bittersweetness that there’s finally some initiative to process the seemingly insurmountable backlog of rape kits, the positive identification and arrest of this pompous P.0.S., but now he’s bonded out and likely has $$$ for a bulldog attorney who will do everything possible to get him off on a technicality, revictimizing the survivors in the process.

Maybe I shouldn’t follow this one.

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It’s also a system that continues to be lenient to all sorts of sexual predators.
The light sentences they are handed are appalling, and incredibly disrespectful to survivors of these life altering crimes. MOO

This thread has already been an emotional roller coaster for me. The feeling elated that technology has advanced enough to identify perps, the bittersweetness that there’s finally some initiative to process the seemingly insurmountable backlog of rape kits, the positive identification and arrest of this pompous , but now he’s bonded out and likely has $$$ for a bulldog attorney who will do everything possible to get him off on a technicality, revictimizing the survivors in the process.

Maybe I shouldn’t follow this one.

I'm sorry this one is so tough for you Ella.
Take care of yourself.
More rape charges have been brought today against Matthew Nilo, see the attached article.

Definitely not surprising. I would anticipate there to be more across the country as well.

Wonder how long the fiancé will stand by her man. He must be pretty persuasive with BS if he has her doubting DNA.
MOO It seems like this guy has a pattern and rotates his hunting grounds, probably to avoid them being connected by LE. I believe there are going to be similar patterns anywhere this man lived. He seems to have hunted every 6 months. If there are others unknown or unconnected yet, he might hunted more frequently.
I think LE is checking everywhere he's traveled or lived to find out if there are other unsolved cases. I won't be surprised if we see even more new charges.

Now, will these new charges change his bond conditions and put him back in jail, where he belongs, imo?

Hope someone has a good chat with the fiancee and explains that this isn't going away and it's not some case of mistaken identity.
MOO It seems like this guy has a pattern and rotates his hunting grounds, probably to avoid them being connected by LE. I believe there are going to be similar patterns anywhere this man lived. He seems to have hunted every 6 months. If there are others unknown or unconnected yet, he might hunted more frequently.

Keep in mind that these attacks that he's been charged with so far are taking place while he's very early in his out of state undergraduate college career. So what seems like him being crafty and rotating his hunting grounds is actually him preying on women whenever he's home visiting from college. He's using as his hunting areas the places where he feels extremely comfortable -- such as the North End, where he lived.

Like others, I will not be surprised at all to find that there are attacks in many other areas where he has lived.
Keep in mind that these attacks that he's been charged with so far are taking place while he's very early in his out of state undergraduate college career. So what seems like him being crafty and rotating his hunting grounds is actually him preying on women whenever he's home visiting from college. He's using as his hunting areas the places where he feels extremely comfortable -- such as the North End, where he lived.

Like others, I will not be surprised at all to find that there are attacks in many other areas where he has lived.
For my own future reference, here are the dates of his attacks so far ("N" denotes North End; "C" denotes Charlestown):

Jan/07 - N
Jul/07 - N
Aug 18/07 - C
Nov 22/07 - C

Jan/08 - N
Jul/08 - N
Aug 8/08 - C
Dec 23/08 - C

They didn't provide the specific date of the North End attacks, just the month. Other than the November attack, they all look like times he might have been on break from school.

Source: Charlestown rapes suspect Matthew Nilo indicted on new charges in 2007-08 North End attacks
I wouldn't expect him to admit anything. He has great financial means and he's going to fight for his freedom. If guilty as alleged, he might even think he didn't do anything wrong.
It could be his entire inner world is all about him and he gives no complex thought to what others may be feeling or experiencing-- everyone is his pawn.
My layperson opinions only.
He is out on bond now. Money gives special privileges in courts.
so to 'fight these charges', his lawyers will need to attack the DNA credibility ... I hope those involved in gathering and testing it dotted every I and crossed every T
He was just linked yesterday to 5 more. One 55 year old Woman he raped in a 4 day span! His count is now up to 9. How the heck does his lawyer think he is going to be able to explain that.
He's despicable. Hoping all these charges stick to him.
It's been scientifically proven he did this. If he had any true remorse, compassion & honor he would just confess that he did in fact do this and spare the victims the pain of a long trial & accept his term. A punk like him i'm not surprised that he doesn't and never will.
If he's guilty: I am not surprised if his family, etc. stand by him for quite awhile. It would take time to truly believe and deeply understand these allegations.

Who could quickly believe their loved-one could do this?

Many relatives never ever admit the full truth even to themselves in these cases. ETA: Our minds try to protect us from truths sometimes. At this time, I have sympathy for his family. JMO.
It's been scientifically proven he did this. If he had any true remorse, compassion & honor he would just confess that he did in fact do this and spare the victims the pain of a long trial & accept his term. A punk like him i'm not surprised that he doesn't and never will.
I have a feeling he lacks all three and many others. IMO
If he's guilty: I am not surprised if his family, etc. stand by him for quite awhile. It would take time to truly believe and deeply understand these allegations.

Who could quickly believe their loved-one could do this?

Many relatives never ever admit the full truth even to themselves in these cases. ETA: Our minds try to protect us from truths sometimes. At this time, I have sympathy for his family. JMO.
It's a common reaction with suspects families getting busted in cold cases after decades. Denial is almost expected. They suffer also with the victims. It hurts to realize one has been duped for so very long.
We will see if he gets into double digits.He just got busted with 5 more.

He's not due in court for the additional charges until July 13.

I wish they would arrest him again in the meantime for the additional charges. (Can they do that?)

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