Still Missing MA - Ana Walshe, 39, allegedly left home, may have been dismembered, Cohasset, Jan 2023 *husband indicted* #4

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves


It was more than 20 years ago when Joseph Romano was convicted in the murder of Katherine Leonard Romano in Quincy, whose body was never recovered. And now the mysterious case of Ana Walshe has Leonard’s family feeling like they’re reliving it again.


In September 1998, Katherine Leonard Romano’s husband, Eugene Leonard, called police to report that she had disappeared. And though they found signs of a violent attack, they never found a body.

Despite the lack of a body, the case made history in Massachusetts when Romano was found guilty of second degree murder. A hand-held saw was found with tissue and skin on it that tested positive for Katherine’s DNA.

The Leonards say it’s “wonderful” to think the groundwork of that case could lead to a conviction against Brian Walshe.

The Baltimore row house doesn't make sense to me. Why invest in a rental in Baltimore if she was moving to DC? I know they aren't far apart but she could buy a similar rental property much closer to DC for similar money that would be easier to manage for her.

I have looked and can't find Baltimore City property tax searches by name or anything that would give me an address. Does anyone have a link for finding the address of the property in Baltimore she bought in Sept?
529 S, Lehigh st, Baltimore
The one google search he did that was something like "can partial remains be identified" -- makes it seem like he'd never heard about (or entirely forgot about) the concept of DNA.

I would love to see the look on his face when he realized how wrong he was.

The Baltimore row house doesn't make sense to me. Why invest in a rental in Baltimore if she was moving to DC? I know they aren't far apart but she could buy a similar rental property much closer to DC for similar money that would be easier to manage for her.

I have looked and can't find Baltimore City property tax searches by name or anything that would give me an address. Does anyone have a link for finding the address of the property in Baltimore she bought in Sept?
Like Ana, I also work in real estate, and there could be a very simple explanation for this. She has plenty of connections in and around DC. I also used to live in DC about 10 years ago, Baltimore is a hop skip and a jump and really not that big of a deal in terms of distance… Beyond that, the simplest explanation is that she found a great deal and seized it. Scooping up lots of investment property is a great way to build passive income. By all accounts this woman was smart, driven, capable, worked her tail off… and yet, barely got to see her kids, and I suspect that in some ways, that was partially a consequence of her current situation, and also probably had a lot do with her desire to set herself up for a future situation, that no longer involved that deadbeat, criminal, sociopath husband of hers, and in which she would have a lot more time to be with her kids… I think she was simply being the intelligent mover and shaker that she was, and was setting herself up for the financial stability she’d need as a single mom to be able to work a lot less, and spend a lot more time with her kiddos. Just my suspicion anyway.

Social media tributes to Ana Walshe follow grisly depiction of mother’s murder


“Thank you for being a great friend, leader, boss, mentor, and supporter of women’s success,” said one post. “The opportunity you gave me changed my career trajectory and helped me become the woman I am today.”

The memories being shared about Ana depict a strong woman who inspired others.

“I’ll never forget the first day meeting you, full of energy, assertiveness, and unwavering level of customer service. I knew you had high expectations of me, and it was a struggle to even try to keep up with you,” said another post.

Several friends told Boston 25 News on Wednesday that they’re still left with many questions about why Brian Walshe would allegedly murder his wife, knowing they have three young boys together.

“I think nobody saw it coming. That’s the horrifying part about all of it right?,” said PB, who met Ana about a year and a half ago.

The Baltimore row house doesn't make sense to me. Why invest in a rental in Baltimore if she was moving to DC? I know they aren't far apart but she could buy a similar rental property much closer to DC for similar money that would be easier to manage for her.

This looks like it would be a property that she would rent out, so I imagine she chose it because it had good fundamentals from a financial standpoint.

A quick check of that Baltimore neighborhood shows rents over 2K a month for houses like hers. With a price under 200K, that's a price-to-rent ratio of around 8. That's probably a much better return than she would find anywhere else in the D.C. metro area.
The Baltimore row house doesn't make sense to me. Why invest in a rental in Baltimore if she was moving to DC? I know they aren't far apart but she could buy a similar rental property much closer to DC for similar money that would be easier to manage for her.

I have looked and can't find Baltimore City property tax searches by name or anything that would give me an address. Does anyone have a link for finding the address of the property in Baltimore she bought in Sept?
Hey @CuriousQuiet1 ~ I just wanted to follow back up on this… I actually just went and took a look at the property, and now that I’ve checked out the details, I’m pretty convinced that all it was, a good investment. She purchased it at a great price, definitely undervalued and great bones… It’s in a great part of town, highly walkable, lots of other similar properties around it renting for QUITE a lot… even if she purchased it with a mortgage, the rental amount would far exceed any mortgage payment, she would have to put a minimum of 20% down, so basically any rental income she would be getting from it would be paying the mortgage off by itself, and then she’d be earning additional income above and beyond that. Honestly, for the price she paid it was a steal… I also thought about another property she purchased I believe at an address off of Jerusalem Road? I think that was the name of it, I could be mistaken, I’ll go back and check, but she flipped it herself… In other words, the woman had a talent for aesthetics and interior design… I’ll see if I can find you the before and after photos of the project that she did a year or so ago… she really did a beautiful job. The Baltimore property was built in 1920 and had awesome bones… More than likely it was structurally sound as well (also making it a great investment), otherwise I don’t think she would’ve purchased it being that she had extensive RE knowledge… I’m thinking MAYBE she was planning to give it a little bit of a facelift, because honestly a little bit would’ve been all it would’ve needed to turn it into a show stopper… And then she would’ve been able to rent it out for quite a bit. The other thing is that when you are a real estate professional, you also avoid a lot of the fees in the commissions that come with transactions because you represent yourself since you’re licensed and can… thus, saving her even more $$. Since she is not listed as the buying agent on the property transfer record though, I’m guessing she probably had a friend or colleague facilitate the transaction for her in name only… working for the company that she did in DC, she may not have been able to officially list herself as the buying agent in the transaction since her role was as a Property Manager. I’ve experienced similar situations when I’ve worked for custom homebuilders and purchased personal properties… because I technically work for the homebuilder, I cannot, officially, in name, represent myself in the transaction because legally, transactions are between two firms, not two licensees, the licensees simply facilitate the sale, so unless the property being conveyed matches what your own firm markets (i.e., if you work for a new construction firm, you can only buy/sell your own firm’s new construction listings), but, you can easily find a friend working in a general brokerage firm willing to list their name on the sale as the representative on the buy side, and still save yourself all of the transaction fees and commissions are just gifted right back to you. It’s a technicality basically. After taking a look, it makes sense that she would’ve purchased it simply because it was a great investment. Obviously I can’t say for sure, but from taking a look at it, that’s what it seems like to me. It would make sense, but I am just speculating based on my own knowledge… I certainly cannot definitively speak for Ana. :)

Honestly, all of this makes me really sad, though... It just sounds like she was working so hard and doing all of the right things so that she could create a nice life for her children and herself in DC… she was definitely a smart cookie. It breaks my heart that she and her kids won’t get to live the beautiful life together that she seemed to be working so hard to create for them. :(
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Is it possible that Brian's father actually became a neurologist after he realised that something was wrong with his son? Not sure how the dates fit.
BW's father was already in medical school in 1971 when he married BW's mother so almost 5 years before BW was born. He would have chosen neurology as a career path before BW was born, IMO.

That is in no way saying your sentiment isn't on point. I married into a family of people that have a lineage of being sent to mental health institutions or being the doctors and nurses in those same institutions. The family always jokes about whether the professionals drove the others "insane" or the "insane" drove the others to study psychiatry. Chicken and the egg... I wouldn't be surprised if BWs family had similar history.
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Hey @CuriousQuiet1 ~ I just wanted to follow back up on this… I actually just went and took a look at the property, and now that I’ve checked out the details, I’m pretty convinced that all it was, was exactly what I thought, a good investment. She purchased it at a great price, definitely undervalued and great bones… It’s in a great part of town, highly walkable, lots of other similar properties around it renting for QUITE a lot… even if she purchased it with a mortgage, the rental amount would far exceed any mortgage payment, she would have to put a minimum of 20% down, so basically any rental income she would be getting from it would be paying the house off by itself, and then she’d be earning additional income beyond that. Honestly, for the price she paid it was a steal… I also thought about another property she purchased I believe at an address off of Jerusalem Road? I think that was the name of it, I could be mistaken, I’ll go back and check, but she flipped it herself… In other words, the woman had a talent for aesthetics and interior design… I’ll see if I can find you the before and after photos of the project that she did a year or so ago… The Baltimore property was built in 1920 and had awesome bones… More than likely it was structurally sound as well (also making it a great investment), otherwise I don’t think she would’ve purchased it being that she had extensive RE knowledge… I’m thinking MAYBE she was planning to give it a little bit of a facelift, because honestly a little bit would’ve been all it would’ve needed to turn it into a show stopper… And then she would’ve been able to rent it out for quite a bit. The other thing is that when you are a real estate professional, you also avoid a lot of the fees in the commissions that come with transactions because you represent yourself since you’re licensed and can… thus, saving her even more $$. Since she is not listed as the buying agent on the property transfer record, I’m guessing she probably had a friend facilitate the transaction for her and name only… working for the company that she did in DC, she may not have been able to officially list herself as the buying agent in the transaction. I’ve experienced similar situations when I’ve worked for custom homebuilders and purchased personal properties… because I technically work for the homebuilder, I cannot, officially, in name, represent myself in the transaction because legally, transactions are between two firms, not to licensees, the licensees simply facilitate the sale, but you can easily find a friend working in a general brokerage firm willing to put their name on the listing on the buy side, and still save yourself all of the transaction fees and commissions or just gifted right back to you. After taking a look, it makes sense that she would’ve purchased it simply because it was a great investment. Obviously I can’t say for sure, but from taking a look at it, that’s what it seems like to me. It would make sense, but I am just speculating based on my own knowledge… I certainly cannot definitively speak for Ana. :)

Honestly, all of this makes me really sad. It just sounds like she was working so hard and doing all of the right things so that she could create a nice life for her children and herself in DC… she was definitely a smart cookie. It breaks my heart that she and her kids won’t get to live that beautiful life together, that she seemed to be working so hard to create.
Thanks for this, it does make sense. I am in the Baltimore area and my sense that it was odd to own real estate in Baltimore is because it has become so difficult to travel between DC and Baltimore. A trip from my house to downtown DC was an hour 8 years ago, now it is typically closer to 2 hours each way. Probably not a lot different than owning on the South Shore in Cohasset and renting houses in Revere and Lynn. In the scheme of things finding a good deal means you don't care too much about the extra hour in the car every few months when you have to deal with a tenant or a problem with the house.
The Baltimore row house doesn't make sense to me. Why invest in a rental in Baltimore if she was moving to DC? I know they aren't far apart but she could buy a similar rental property much closer to DC for similar money that would be easier to manage for her.

I have looked and can't find Baltimore City property tax searches by name or anything that would give me an address. Does anyone have a link for finding the address of the property in Baltimore she bought in Se
Could it be for the boy's, if they couldn't legally leave the state?
Thanks for this, it does make sense. I am in the Baltimore area and my sense that it was odd to own real estate in Baltimore is because it has become so difficult to travel between DC and Baltimore. A trip from my house to downtown DC was an hour 8 years ago, now it is typically closer to 2 hours each way. Probably not a lot different than owning on the South Shore in Cohasset and renting houses in Revere and Lynn. In the scheme of things finding a good deal means you don't care too much about the extra hour in the car every few months when you have to deal with a tenant or a problem with the house.
Oh I totally hear that, the traffic up there has gotten bad. I go back and visit fairly often as I still have some pretty good friends there and we hop all over the place between DC, VA & MD… at indeed, a much slower pace than it would have taken us 10 years ago. I did notice that her primary residence, the $1.3M TH is in Friendship Heights, which is super far up in NW… Apparently, Friendship Heights is split, with half of it inside NW, and the other half in Chevy Chase, MD… which is interesting and odd, but I digress… so she may have been able to avoid a lot of that DC traffic… maybe? It’s possible that she also may have hired a property management company to handle it so that she didn’t have to. It’s actually pretty inexpensive, but I guess that all comes down to personal preference. I have always liked to manage my own properties just because I learned the hard way that if someone else mismanages them and it ends up costing you a ton of money as a result, there’s not a lot of recourse… But at the same time, you’re absolutely right, it can sometimes be a real hassle too, if you opt to handle the oversight yourself.

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Pulling this quote from the previous thread:

Per the above - absolutely. I don't see that BW wanted to divorce AW & then got enraged when she said she didn't want to do this - that makes 0 sense. If anything, I strongly suspect that she wanted to split up with him. And, he got angry at this suggestion because he knew he would lose a lot of $ in the divorce & he also didn't want to lose access to his kids, etc. In addition, he was probably enraged at the idea of his wife divorcing him since everyone (i.e. their friends/acquaintances) would know that she left him & he didn't want to "lose face", etc. Conversely, while most reasonable people under these circumstances would be upset - they would eventually move on (or at least try to).

Going along with this, I also wanted to completely & respectfully disagree with anyone who thinks that AW wanted to stay in the marriage. Actions speak louder than words. And, no matter what kind of "front" she may have been presenting to family/friends (if she was acting like she wanted to stay in the marriage) - look at what she was actually doing in the month(s) leading up to her disappearance:

1) Selling off assets in order to have accessible $.
2) Taking a job in D.C.; buying a place in D.C.; and then taking steps to move her children there.
3) Coming back to MA occasionally; but, at the same time fully realizing that BW was unable to leave the state due to his legal issues. So, obviously he couldn't join her in D.C. - even if he wanted to.

All of this points to her wanting to distance herself from BW - both physically & possibly emotionally as well. I honestly can't see how anyone can draw any other conclusion re: these actions - especially when taken collectively.

Kudos to Ana, she had what he was missing, strength of character, efficiency and diligence. He probably charmed her, initially. Three kids mean trust. And then, when Ana probably saw BW's real face, she did not fall apart. She was working two jobs, becoming the only breadwinner, and who can blame for wanting a better life for her children than with this lying criminal? Knowing what we know, wouldn't we agree that Ana was right in her plans? Ana underestimated BW, and I feel sorry for her. She worked so hard, trying to pull herself and the kids out of this difficult situation, only to end up in local dumpsters.
IF that search about "best state to divorce for a man" was made while she was still alive, I might think he was pondering whether he should accept her request to divorce but insist they do it in X state where he would be more lightly affected.

But if that search happened after she was dead then I'm baffled too.

Maybe, since BW thought that his plan would work, he was looking for divorce in absentia in a year, or so? In this case, comparing "best states to divorce a man" vs "best states to divorce a woman" makes sense.
I haven't seen this here, so forgive me if it's been mentioned. I'm normally pretty stoic about this stuff, can read autopsies, etc. But I was watching this NN broadcast on YT tonight, and broke down. HE TOOK THE 6 Y/O TO HOME DEPOT. When he was buying the hatchet and hacksaw and Tyvek suit to dismember his wife, the mother of his sons. Ana's son was in the car. See the video below, about 4:15 in.

There is nothing this man has in store that is as awful as he deserves. I don’t think that’s MOO, but for WS context, it is MO.

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I haven't seen this here, so forgive me if it's been mentioned. I'm normally pretty stoic about this stuff, can read autopsies, etc. But I was watching this NN broadcast on YT tonight, and broke down. HE TOOK THE 6 Y/O TO HOME DEPOT. When he was buying the hatchet and hacksaw and Tyvek suit to dismember his wife, the mother of his sons. Ana's son was in the car. See the video below, about 4:15 in.

There is nothing this man has in store that is as awful as he deserves.

As despicable as that is, I was relieved to hear that while the children are in foster care, "they are friendly faces," the children are together, and relatives are involved. 3-minute mark MOO
As despicable as that is, I was relieved to hear that while the children are in foster care, "they are friendly faces," the children are together, and relatives are involved. 3-minute mark MOO
Yes, and they also specifically mentioned the dog as well. I’m sure news sources are being inundated with questions about the survivors, and I’m happy to hear they seem to be in the best situation possible right now.
I hope BW never darkens their doorways again. MOO
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