Still Missing MA - Ana Walshe, 39, allegedly left home, may have been dismembered, Cohasset, Jan 2023 *husband indicted* #4

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
IF that search about "best state to divorce for a man" was made while she was still alive, I might think he was pondering whether he should accept her request to divorce but insist they do it in X state where he would be more lightly affected.

But if that search happened after she was dead then I'm baffled too.
IIRC, the court hearing today said that google search about which State is best to divorce was made on DEC 27th. So-- before he killed her.
per transcript--There was one other earlier Google search which should be of note. On December 27th., defendant googled 'what's the best State to divorce ?? ?'
**edited to copy this from @Allabouttrial transcript from court today***

My guess is -- she begged her mother to come visit on Christmas.
I think and JMO, she either already told him she wanted a divorce OR was going to tell him that week and wanted momma there for support, protection (she likely knew he would be livid, angry and not let her leave)

So she asked Mom to come...begged her to come the next day !!!

So I think Ana told him she was filing for divorce and that is when he googled about "best state to divorce a man"

Would it be more beneficial for Ana to file in DC or in MA ??
He wanted to know what would be worse for HIM, of course, depending on which state of residence she was planning on filing in.
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How would someone be able to tell that a deceased and likely dismembered person had been beaten when their body has not been found?

Wouldn’t you need to see bruises or other signs of beating? Otherwise you might assume it was a stabbing and not a beating. Wondering if a body part has been recovered?
Maybe police noticed that he had cuts, or swollen hands, or bruises when they came to his house on the 4th and that indicated a struggle of some kind. He had covered his hands with gloves for some reason when he went to Home Depot on the 2nd. Also, the oldest son might have described a parental fight, or perhaps even a history of such fights. In addition to blood splatter pattern that someone else mentioned, her hair or fingerprints or pieces of teeth might have been found on wall or steps or floor in a way that would suggest a beating had taken place. He may not have tidied up very well (he did leave a bloody knife in the basement, for example) and maybe there were other signs of struggle (knocked over furniture, broken lamp, or glass or electric cord with her DNA on it..)
I am just so sad for Ana and her family. She seemed like a lovely person. Beautiful and fabulous. All of the details coming out are terrible. I just don't know how a family can go on knowing their loved one's body was disposed of and likely won't be recovered. What a total nightmare for them.

BW is a monster and I hope justice is swift.

(Sorry for the word vomit. IMO)
I‘m curious what are people’s thoughts regarding wether this was pre-mediated or if a fight escalated in violence and led to murder? I’m leaning toward an escalation but not sure we have all the facts yet.
This question gets to the heart of what I expect the defense will present.

"It was a fit of rage that happened all of a sudden. She provoked him and my client hit her and she fell and hit her head. He went to get his cell phone to call an ambulance but his kids had hidden his phone [we have GEM and BW both saying the phone was missing Jan1]. When he returned to her to render first aid she was already gone. My client should get voluntary manslaughter." All the gruesome stuff after she died will lead to a slightly longer sentence, but the state really needs to prove pre-meditation to put him away for a very long time. All MOO.

A conviction for voluntary manslaughter in Massachusetts can result in at least three years in prison and up to 20 years.
<modsnip - quoted post removed>

Could divorce have been filed in either MA or DC or both? Would it matter re: assets in both places?

What about child custody when parents separately reside in MA/DC? Since the children reside in MA, maybe that state's laws apply?

I find the idea that divorce was even being contemplated by either of them seriously until BW's sentencing was resolved.

If he was incarcerated, Ana would likely have had more leverage. Maybe that's why he killed her. He was gonna lose control.

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This question gets to the heart of what I expect the defense will present.

"It was a fit of rage that happened all of a sudden. She provoked him and my client hit her and she fell and hit her head. He went to get his cell phone to call an ambulance but his kids had hidden his phone [we have GEM and BW both saying the phone was missing Jan1]. When he returned to her to render first aid she was already gone. My client should get voluntary manslaughter." All the gruesome stuff after she died will lead to a slightly longer sentence, but the state really needs to prove pre-meditation to put him away for a very long time. All MOO.

A conviction for voluntary manslaughter in Massachusetts can result in at least three years in prison and up to 20 years.
Yes, that‘s a potential scary scenario. However, he could have used her phone, right? Or gone to a neighbor’s to have them call 911. If you loved your wife and wanted medical help, you’d run down the street screaming for it.

edited to add… he also had a CAR and could have driven for help if no neighbor would have answered their door if he had tried that route for help.
Ha! And how does this guy plan to pay her exactly? By all accounts, he’s broke as a joke… one of the very first things he googled, in the middle of googling all the ways to dispose of a body, the prosecution stated he googled, “how long does a person have to be missing to inherit”. Does he actually think he stands to inherit a thing? Or perhaps, he is planning on his mommy footing the bills for his legal defense like last time (that’s a fact). ANA was the money maker, she just purchased $1M+ TH in DC… I’m willing to bet it is only her name on the deed… as matter of fact, I think I’m going to go look at the register of deeds in DC right now to confirm… Stay tuned, I will post a follow up and link to what I find…

This guy is so disgusting… how much you wanna bet he is going to try to get a plea deal? And honestly, I wonder if the prosecution would be inclined to work with the defense in some way being that it is more difficult (certainly not impossible though, as it does still happen!) to obtain a conviction without a body. Being that this crime is so atrocious though, I would imagine that if a “deal” is even entertained, it would still have to involve life imprisonment… Maybe they work out something where he’s not in supermax or something… definitely still no possibility of parole… BW definitely doesn’t have much to bargain with, I can only imagine that the only things the prosecution would go for would be slight compromises that might make his life imprisonment a bit less miserable… anything short of that would be criminal in my mind, and I’d rather take my chances with a jury convicting him a trial. God forbid the monster want privileges to see his children… Can any attorneys weigh in your thoughts?
Ok, as promised, I did look into the property records for the DC TH, and just as I suspected, ANA is indeed the sole owner listed on the deed.

Go to:

You’ll have to set up an account to review the public records (there is no cost, you just have to register). Once you’ve done that, login, click on “view public records”, search by last name and enter the date parameters as 01/01/2022 - 12/31/22 ~ it’ll pop right up and you can read further details, but here is just a quick screenshot of the main page that confirms my findings:


So ~ no wonder one of his many google queries was “how long does someone have to be missing to inherit?” — honestly, can this guy get any more detestable? Perhaps he found no favorable results when he googled which state was best for divorce, and instead of having to divide assets with an ex-wife, he figured he’d be better off “inheriting” from a dead wife.
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This question gets to the heart of what I expect the defense will present.

"It was a fit of rage that happened all of a sudden. She provoked him and my client hit her and she fell and hit her head. He went to get his cell phone to call an ambulance but his kids had hidden his phone [we have GEM and BW both saying the phone was missing Jan1]. When he returned to her to render first aid she was already gone. My client should get voluntary manslaughter." All the gruesome stuff after she died will lead to a slightly longer sentence, but the state really needs to prove pre-meditation to put him away for a very long time. All MOO.

A conviction for voluntary manslaughter in Massachusetts can result in at least three years in prison and up to 20 years.
So in Massachusetts, you can "accidentally kill" someone and only get 3 years ???
I see it's 3-20 years but still... min 3 yrs, for killing someone and saying it was an accident ?? and if they can "prove" it was ??? OMG
Good Lord
I‘m curious what are people’s thoughts regarding wether this was pre-mediated or if a fight escalated in violence and led to murder? I’m leaning toward an escalation but not sure we have all the facts yet.
It seems like the prosecution should at least be able to convict on a second degree murder charge, even if not 1st degree. This is how this site (Understanding first and second degree murder in Massachusetts | J. W. Carney, Jr. & Associates)
explains difference:
“Second degree murder is a killing committed with an intention to kill or inflict serious bodily injury but without the element of premeditation that is required for a first degree murder conviction.

The difference between the two crimes can be explained with an example. If Bill discovers that his wife Mary is having an adulterous affair and hits her with a hammer in a fit of anger when he confronts her, he has committed second degree murder. If Bill discovers the affair and takes a week to plan Mary’s murder, the act is now first degree murder because the act was premeditated.”

I hope BW is not successful at having charges reduced to any kind of manslaughter. There are many post-death acts he performed for which he’s already been charged and these too can add time to his sentence. I think (hope!) even the most lenient judge and jury would opt for longest sentence possible for each of his crimes such that he’ll be in prison for life. No one wants him, or other convicted homicidal sociopaths, out in society.
Brian stated Ana left the house at 6 or 6:10am on January 1st. Her phone was pinged and it was found to be at her home on Jan 1, but turned off on January 2nd at 3:14Am. Brian stated Ana was wearing a black dress, hunter boots, watch, necklace and ring and carrying a Prada purse.
January 1st, using his son's ipad, some of the searches were listed in court:
4:55AM-How long before a body starts to smell
4:58AM-How to stop a body from decomposing
5:20AM-How to mound a body
5:47AM-10 ways to dispose of a body if you really need to
6:25AM-How long for someone to be missing to inherit
6:34AM-Can you throw away body parts
9:29AM-What does formaldehyde do
9:34AM-How long does DNA last
9:59AM-Can identification on partial remains be made
11:34AM-Dismemberment and the best ways to dispose of a body
11:44AM-How to clean blood from a wooden floor
11:56AM-Luminol to detect blood
1:08PM-What happens when you put body parts in ammonia
1:21PM-Is it better to throw crime scene clothes away or wash them

On January 2nd he went to Home Goods and purchased 3 rugs.

More google searches on January 2nd
12:45PM-Hacksaw best tool to dismember
1:10PM-Can you be charged with murder without a body
1:14PM-Can you identify a body with broken teeth
that same day he was seen on security video at Home Depot in Rockland buying cleaning supplies, mops, brushes, tape, tarp, a tyvek suit with boots, buckets, goggles, baking soda and a hatchet. at 5:32PM he was seen at some street in Hingham.

January 3rd

By tracking his phone, at 4:27PM he was at an apt complex in Abington. Surveilance photos showed his car and a man fitting his description exit the car near a dumpster. He leans in with a garbage bag which appears to be heavy as he had to heft the bag in. At 4:48PM he hit another complex in Abington to dispose of another bag. And his phone showed him in Brockton at a third complex at 5:10PM. Video again showed him discarding bags at that dumpster in Brockton.

more google searches that day
1:10PM-what happens to hair on a dead body
1:13PM-what is the rate of decomposition of a body found in plastic bag compared to on a surface in the woods
1:20PM-can baking soda make a body smell good

January 4th
Brian went to Home Goods and TJMaxx and purchased towels, bath mats, men's clothing. At 4:15PM he went to Lowes and purchased squeegies and a trash can. That was the day officers went to Ana's to do a well check. They observed his car with seats down and a plastic liner in the back of the car. The next day, the liner was gone and car was freshly vacuumed. Blood was found in the car which matched, through DNA, Ana.
January 5th
His phone showed he travelled to his mothers in Swampscott at 9:34AM and he went to the dumpster on that property.

Reposting my previous timeline as it will dovetail with your details from the arraignment.

Brian Walshe Timeline

Jan/75 - Brian Reza Walshe born

Apr/83 - Ana Ljubicic born in Serbia

1983? - BW’s father ‘abandons’ family [per BW statement]

2003 - BW’s parent divorce

Summer 2005 - AW works in Little Washington VA

Summer 2006 - AW works in Little Washington VA

Summer 2007 - AW works in NYC

Prior to 2008 - Ana marries Mark Knipp; becomes Ana Knipp

May’08 – 2010 - AW works in Lennox MA

2008 - BW meets Ana Knipp at Wheatleigh Hotel in Lennox, MA

Sep/10 – Feb15 - AW works at Willard ICH in Boston [Ana’s LinkedIn]

Prior to 2011 - BW steals > $500k from father in temporary borrowing deal re house flip [source: FP affidavit]

Aug 2/14 - AW files report with DC police that BW threatened to kill her and friends [Files police report

2014 - Ana divorces MK. [Knipp marriage/divorce]

Feb/15-Mar/17 - AW director of Front Office, InterContinental, Boston area

Jun 2015 - BW reported address is 425 Massachusetts Ave NW, DC. [per Cavalry debt collection complaint]

Dec 21,2015 - BW & AW get married in Boston [source: Warhol fraud complaint at link Thread 2 #10]

Apr 2016 - AW purchased residence. (Residence later connected to Warhol fraud.)

May 1/16 - TW will dated May 1 2016 which disinherits BW. [per JO affidavit]

2016 - BW & AW have first child, Thomas

2016/17? - BW’s father, TW, has stroke

Nov 2016 - BW commits Warhol fraud

Mar/17 - ?/19 - AW works as Head of Front Office, Taj Hotels

May 9/18 - BW arrested re Warhol fraud.

Sep 21/18 - BW’s father dies in India

Oct/18 - BW indicted on federal wire fraud charges re Warhol paintings.

Nov/18 - BW pleads not guilty to fraud charges re Warhol paintings

Late 2018 - BW destroys father’s (TW) will

Dec/18 - BW gets himself appointed as Personal Representative for TW’s estate [Supplemental Sentencing Memo]

2018/19?? - BW posts TW estate assets for sale

Feb/19 - BW gives AW Maserati as Valentine’s gift

Jul 2019 - Andrew W appointed by courts as Special Personal Rep for TW’s estate, and obligates BW to account for what happened to the assets.

Sep 2019 - BW objects to appointment of Andrew W re father’s estate

Oct 2019 - 2nd child born

Nov/19-Apr/20 - AW Director with Newbury Boston

Feb 2020 - cell phone copy of TW’s will admitted into probate [source: supplemental sentencing memo]

Dec/20 - 3rd child born

Aug/20–Feb/22 - AW Director Ops with Mutlu Group. (Note that G Mutlu was at NYE w BW/AW day she went missing.

Apr 2021 - BW pleads guilty re Warhol fraud. Gets non-imprisonment sentence w conditions.

Sep 7/21 - AW writes letter to judge praising BW, with goal of BW avoiding prison time [AW Letter mentioned]

Oct/21 - court about to file home confinement sentence on BW when bank raised issue. Sentence agreement suspended as a result.

Nov/21 - AW posts on her LinkedIn/IG that BW is hosting a ‘Money is Emotional’ workshop

Dec/21 - AW’s mother visiting AW/BW. Has medical emergency. BW takes her to emerg. Helps her with her recovery.

Feb 2022 - AW takes new job in DC at Tishman Speyer as a regional property manager.

Mar 2022 - BW & AW sell Jerusalem Rd home in Cohasset

Apr 2022 - FBI raid on DC apartment building where AW had recently become property manager on behalf of her employer. [FBI raid in DC]

Jun 2022 - Ana submits 2nd supportive letter to the sentencing court for BW, mentioning her mother’s medical incident. Ana’s mother and sister also file supportive letters. [see attached exhibits here: BW supplemental sentencing exhibits]

Jun 2022 - gov’t file supplemental sentencing memo re B’s Warhol fraud (repeats original request for 30 month sentence, based on perjury and non-compliance w conditions). [Supplemental Sentencing Memo]

Nov 2022 - AW visits Serbia

Dec 2022 - rush to sell off assets for cash (Dec 28/29) – car, apartment

Dec 26/22 - AW asks mother to come the next day. Mother says she can’t.

Dec 27/22 - AW was supposed to visit her friend ‘CW’. AW cancels. [thread 1, #494]

Dec 29/22 - a deed of sale of a Revere condo owned by AW is recorded by Suffolk County Registry of Deeds. [Boston25 News timeline]

Dec 31/22 - GEM joins AW and BW for NY Eve celebration

Jan 1/23 - Gem leaves between 1-1:30 am.

Jan 1/23 - AW reported to have left between 4-5 am via rideshare for airport. BW says AW said she had a work emergency and had to go to DC. AW did not have a flight booked and did not fly to DC.

Jan 1/23 - BW says he drives to mother’s home to Swampscott. “gets lost”. unaccounted time.

Jan 2/23 - AW’s phone connected to a cellphone tower for last time at 3:14 a.m. within a quarter-mile of the area of Reservoir Road (0.7 miles from family's home. [Police log]

Jan 2/23 - BW caught on cctv at Home Depot buying tarps, cleaning supplies, etc. On cctv at juice


Jan 3/23 - AW had a scheduled flight from MA to DC for work. She didn’t make this flight.

Jan 4/23 - AW’s employer calls BW saying AW didn’t show up at work.

-AW’s employer contacts LE to report LE missing

Jan 6/23 - LE tells media AW is missing. Statel and local regional police commence search around AW’s home and surrounding area (including woods by Stop & Shop)

Jan 6/23 - fire breaks out at former Jerusalem Rd home of BW/AW. LE reports unconnected to case.

Jan 7/23 - LE continues search. Drains pool at BW/AW rental home on Chief Justice Cushing Hwy in Cohasset.

Jan 8/23 - Search expands to DC

Jan 8/23 - BW arrested and charged with misleading an investigation into Ana’s disappearance.

Jan 9/23 - BW arraigned. Prosecutors announce that bloody knife found in basement of home.

Jan 9/23 - LE remove dumpsters from BW’s mother’s apartment complex in Swampscott. Search trash transfer station in Peabody MA, where trash from BW’s mother’s apartment complex gets taken.

Jan 10/23 - Norfolk DA’s office announce discovery of a number of items following the search of the transfer station in Peabody. Sources say items are linked to AW. Multiple sources tell media that a hacksaw and a rug were recovered by LE investigating the disappearance. [Boston25 News timeline]

Jan 10/23 - LE complete search of BW/AW Cohasset home.

Jan 11/23 - media report that State police collected surveillance video of BW near a Swampscott liquor store dumpster on day of AW’s disappearance.

Jan 13/23 - search warrants related to AW’s disappearance are returned to Quincy District Court.

Jan 17/23 - BW charged with murder

Jan 18/23 - arraigned on charges. Please see other posts for google search details and other specifics.
Reposting my previous timeline as it will dovetail with your details from the arraignment.

Brian Walshe Timeline

Jan/75 - Brian Reza Walshe born

Apr/83 - Ana Ljubicic born in Serbia

1983? - BW’s father ‘abandons’ family [per BW statement]

2003 - BW’s parent divorce

Summer 2005 - AW works in Little Washington VA

Summer 2006 - AW works in Little Washington VA

Summer 2007 - AW works in NYC

Prior to 2008 - Ana marries Mark Knipp; becomes Ana Knipp

May’08 – 2010 - AW works in Lennox MA

2008 - BW meets Ana Knipp at Wheatleigh Hotel in Lennox, MA

Sep/10 – Feb15 - AW works at Willard ICH in Boston [Ana’s LinkedIn]

Prior to 2011 - BW steals > $500k from father in temporary borrowing deal re house flip [source: FP affidavit]

Aug 2/14 - AW files report with DC police that BW threatened to kill her and friends [Files police report

2014 - Ana divorces MK. [Knipp marriage/divorce]

Feb/15-Mar/17 - AW director of Front Office, InterContinental, Boston area

Jun 2015 - BW reported address is 425 Massachusetts Ave NW, DC. [per Cavalry debt collection complaint]

Dec 21,2015 - BW & AW get married in Boston [source: Warhol fraud complaint at link Thread 2 #10]

Apr 2016 - AW purchased residence. (Residence later connected to Warhol fraud.)

May 1/16 - TW will dated May 1 2016 which disinherits BW. [per JO affidavit]

2016 - BW & AW have first child, Thomas

2016/17? - BW’s father, TW, has stroke

Nov 2016 - BW commits Warhol fraud

Mar/17 - ?/19 - AW works as Head of Front Office, Taj Hotels

May 9/18 - BW arrested re Warhol fraud.

Sep 21/18 - BW’s father dies in India

Oct/18 - BW indicted on federal wire fraud charges re Warhol paintings.

Nov/18 - BW pleads not guilty to fraud charges re Warhol paintings

Late 2018 - BW destroys father’s (TW) will

Dec/18 - BW gets himself appointed as Personal Representative for TW’s estate [Supplemental Sentencing Memo]

2018/19?? - BW posts TW estate assets for sale

Feb/19 - BW gives AW Maserati as Valentine’s gift

Jul 2019 - Andrew W appointed by courts as Special Personal Rep for TW’s estate, and obligates BW to account for what happened to the assets.

Sep 2019 - BW objects to appointment of Andrew W re father’s estate

Oct 2019 - 2nd child born

Nov/19-Apr/20 - AW Director with Newbury Boston

Feb 2020 - cell phone copy of TW’s will admitted into probate [source: supplemental sentencing memo]

Dec/20 - 3rd child born

Aug/20–Feb/22 - AW Director Ops with Mutlu Group. (Note that G Mutlu was at NYE w BW/AW day she went missing.

Apr 2021 - BW pleads guilty re Warhol fraud. Gets non-imprisonment sentence w conditions.

Sep 7/21 - AW writes letter to judge praising BW, with goal of BW avoiding prison time [AW Letter mentioned]

Oct/21 - court about to file home confinement sentence on BW when bank raised issue. Sentence agreement suspended as a result.

Nov/21 - AW posts on her LinkedIn/IG that BW is hosting a ‘Money is Emotional’ workshop

Dec/21 - AW’s mother visiting AW/BW. Has medical emergency. BW takes her to emerg. Helps her with her recovery.

Feb 2022 - AW takes new job in DC at Tishman Speyer as a regional property manager.

Mar 2022 - BW & AW sell Jerusalem Rd home in Cohasset

Apr 2022 - FBI raid on DC apartment building where AW had recently become property manager on behalf of her employer. [FBI raid in DC]

Jun 2022 - Ana submits 2nd supportive letter to the sentencing court for BW, mentioning her mother’s medical incident. Ana’s mother and sister also file supportive letters. [see attached exhibits here: BW supplemental sentencing exhibits]

Jun 2022 - gov’t file supplemental sentencing memo re B’s Warhol fraud (repeats original request for 30 month sentence, based on perjury and non-compliance w conditions). [Supplemental Sentencing Memo]

Nov 2022 - AW visits Serbia

Dec 2022 - rush to sell off assets for cash (Dec 28/29) – car, apartment

Dec 26/22 - AW asks mother to come the next day. Mother says she can’t.

Dec 27/22 - AW was supposed to visit her friend ‘CW’. AW cancels. [thread 1, #494]

Dec 29/22 - a deed of sale of a Revere condo owned by AW is recorded by Suffolk County Registry of Deeds. [Boston25 News timeline]

Dec 31/22 - GEM joins AW and BW for NY Eve celebration

Jan 1/23 - Gem leaves between 1-1:30 am.

Jan 1/23 - AW reported to have left between 4-5 am via rideshare for airport. BW says AW said she had a work emergency and had to go to DC. AW did not have a flight booked and did not fly to DC.

Jan 1/23 - BW says he drives to mother’s home to Swampscott. “gets lost”. unaccounted time.

Jan 2/23 - AW’s phone connected to a cellphone tower for last time at 3:14 a.m. within a quarter-mile of the area of Reservoir Road (0.7 miles from family's home. [Police log]

Jan 2/23 - BW caught on cctv at Home Depot buying tarps, cleaning supplies, etc. On cctv at juice


Jan 3/23 - AW had a scheduled flight from MA to DC for work. She didn’t make this flight.

Jan 4/23 - AW’s employer calls BW saying AW didn’t show up at work.

-AW’s employer contacts LE to report LE missing

Jan 6/23 - LE tells media AW is missing. Statel and local regional police commence search around AW’s home and surrounding area (including woods by Stop & Shop)

Jan 6/23 - fire breaks out at former Jerusalem Rd home of BW/AW. LE reports unconnected to case.

Jan 7/23 - LE continues search. Drains pool at BW/AW rental home on Chief Justice Cushing Hwy in Cohasset.

Jan 8/23 - Search expands to DC

Jan 8/23 - BW arrested and charged with misleading an investigation into Ana’s disappearance.

Jan 9/23 - BW arraigned. Prosecutors announce that bloody knife found in basement of home.

Jan 9/23 - LE remove dumpsters from BW’s mother’s apartment complex in Swampscott. Search trash transfer station in Peabody MA, where trash from BW’s mother’s apartment complex gets taken.

Jan 10/23 - Norfolk DA’s office announce discovery of a number of items following the search of the transfer station in Peabody. Sources say items are linked to AW. Multiple sources tell media that a hacksaw and a rug were recovered by LE investigating the disappearance. [Boston25 News timeline]

Jan 10/23 - LE complete search of BW/AW Cohasset home.

Jan 11/23 - media report that State police collected surveillance video of BW near a Swampscott liquor store dumpster on day of AW’s disappearance.

Jan 13/23 - search warrants related to AW’s disappearance are returned to Quincy District Court.

Jan 17/23 - BW charged with murder

Jan 18/23 - arraigned on charges. Please see other posts for google search details and other specifics.
Thanks, @Snoopster !
It seems like the prosecution should at least be able to convict on a second degree murder charge, even if not 1st degree. This is how this site (Understanding first and second degree murder in Massachusetts | J. W. Carney, Jr. & Associates)
explains difference:
“Second degree murder is a killing committed with an intention to kill or inflict serious bodily injury but without the element of premeditation that is required for a first degree murder conviction.

The difference between the two crimes can be explained with an example. If Bill discovers that his wife Mary is having an adulterous affair and hits her with a hammer in a fit of anger when he confronts her, he has committed second degree murder. If Bill discovers the affair and takes a week to plan Mary’s murder, the act is now first degree murder because the act was premeditated.”

I hope BW is not successful at having charges reduced to any kind of manslaughter. There are many post-death acts he performed for which he’s already been charged and these too can add time to his sentence. I think (hope!) even the most lenient judge and jury would opt for longest sentence possible for each of his crimes such that he’ll be in prison for life. No one wants him, or other convicted homicidal sociopaths, out in society.
CNN right now has a big 'special edition' on all of this. Lawyers all on talking about what degree it could go and why. Possible negligent homicide and not focus on 'the aftermath'. His mental state and what their relationship was, any prior domestic calls anywhere they lived.. mitigating factors to reduce 'the crime'. This is all about the sentence and not being found not guilty. ALL will depend I'd say on the expertise of his defense lawyer. Seems like they all agree on that what he did after to her, doesn't even come into it. One is a criminal defense lawyer. We've read and have seen all of this, but something to see and hear from these people who LIVE this life of criminal defense and all kinds of prior murders and some no bodies. We did learn today tissue was also found and the DNA of Ana of course, so the no body won't come into play. Plus his psychopathic diagnosis. UGHGHGHG>
CNN right now has a big 'special edition' on all of this. Lawyers all on talking about what degree it could go and why. Possible negligent homicide and not focus on 'the aftermath'. His mental state and what their relationship was, any prior domestic calls anywhere they lived.. mitigating factors to reduce 'the crime'. This is all about the sentence and not being found not guilty. ALL will depend I'd say on the expertise of his defense lawyer. Seems like they all agree on that what he did after to her, doesn't even come into it. One is a criminal defense lawyer. We've read and have seen all of this, but something to see and hear from these people who LIVE this life of criminal defense and all kinds of prior murders and some no bodies. We did learn today tissue was also found and the DNA of Ana of course, so the no body won't come into play. Plus his psychopathic diagnosis. UGHGHGHG>
Thank you, @keek ! Thankfully I already had the DVR set to be recording CNN right now, so I’m going to go check it out.
Reposting my previous timeline as it will dovetail with your details from the arraignment.

Brian Walshe Timeline

Jan/75 - Brian Reza Walshe born

Apr/83 - Ana Ljubicic born in Serbia

1983? - BW’s father ‘abandons’ family [per BW statement]

2003 - BW’s parent divorce

Summer 2005 - AW works in Little Washington VA

Summer 2006 - AW works in Little Washington VA

Summer 2007 - AW works in NYC

Prior to 2008 - Ana marries Mark Knipp; becomes Ana Knipp

May’08 – 2010 - AW works in Lennox MA

2008 - BW meets Ana Knipp at Wheatleigh Hotel in Lennox, MA

Sep/10 – Feb15 - AW works at Willard ICH in Boston [Ana’s LinkedIn]

Prior to 2011 - BW steals > $500k from father in temporary borrowing deal re house flip [source: FP affidavit]

Aug 2/14 - AW files report with DC police that BW threatened to kill her and friends [Files police report

2014 - Ana divorces MK. [Knipp marriage/divorce]

Feb/15-Mar/17 - AW director of Front Office, InterContinental, Boston area

Jun 2015 - BW reported address is 425 Massachusetts Ave NW, DC. [per Cavalry debt collection complaint]

Dec 21,2015 - BW & AW get married in Boston [source: Warhol fraud complaint at link Thread 2 #10]

Apr 2016 - AW purchased residence. (Residence later connected to Warhol fraud.)

May 1/16 - TW will dated May 1 2016 which disinherits BW. [per JO affidavit]

2016 - BW & AW have first child, Thomas

2016/17? - BW’s father, TW, has stroke

Nov 2016 - BW commits Warhol fraud

Mar/17 - ?/19 - AW works as Head of Front Office, Taj Hotels

May 9/18 - BW arrested re Warhol fraud.

Sep 21/18 - BW’s father dies in India

Oct/18 - BW indicted on federal wire fraud charges re Warhol paintings.

Nov/18 - BW pleads not guilty to fraud charges re Warhol paintings

Late 2018 - BW destroys father’s (TW) will

Dec/18 - BW gets himself appointed as Personal Representative for TW’s estate [Supplemental Sentencing Memo]

2018/19?? - BW posts TW estate assets for sale

Feb/19 - BW gives AW Maserati as Valentine’s gift

Jul 2019 - Andrew W appointed by courts as Special Personal Rep for TW’s estate, and obligates BW to account for what happened to the assets.

Sep 2019 - BW objects to appointment of Andrew W re father’s estate

Oct 2019 - 2nd child born

Nov/19-Apr/20 - AW Director with Newbury Boston

Feb 2020 - cell phone copy of TW’s will admitted into probate [source: supplemental sentencing memo]

Dec/20 - 3rd child born

Aug/20–Feb/22 - AW Director Ops with Mutlu Group. (Note that G Mutlu was at NYE w BW/AW day she went missing.

Apr 2021 - BW pleads guilty re Warhol fraud. Gets non-imprisonment sentence w conditions.

Sep 7/21 - AW writes letter to judge praising BW, with goal of BW avoiding prison time [AW Letter mentioned]

Oct/21 - court about to file home confinement sentence on BW when bank raised issue. Sentence agreement suspended as a result.

Nov/21 - AW posts on her LinkedIn/IG that BW is hosting a ‘Money is Emotional’ workshop

Dec/21 - AW’s mother visiting AW/BW. Has medical emergency. BW takes her to emerg. Helps her with her recovery.

Feb 2022 - AW takes new job in DC at Tishman Speyer as a regional property manager.

Mar 2022 - BW & AW sell Jerusalem Rd home in Cohasset

Apr 2022 - FBI raid on DC apartment building where AW had recently become property manager on behalf of her employer. [FBI raid in DC]

Jun 2022 - Ana submits 2nd supportive letter to the sentencing court for BW, mentioning her mother’s medical incident. Ana’s mother and sister also file supportive letters. [see attached exhibits here: BW supplemental sentencing exhibits]

Jun 2022 - gov’t file supplemental sentencing memo re B’s Warhol fraud (repeats original request for 30 month sentence, based on perjury and non-compliance w conditions). [Supplemental Sentencing Memo]

Nov 2022 - AW visits Serbia

Dec 2022 - rush to sell off assets for cash (Dec 28/29) – car, apartment

Dec 26/22 - AW asks mother to come the next day. Mother says she can’t.

Dec 27/22 - AW was supposed to visit her friend ‘CW’. AW cancels. [thread 1, #494]

Dec 29/22 - a deed of sale of a Revere condo owned by AW is recorded by Suffolk County Registry of Deeds. [Boston25 News timeline]

Dec 31/22 - GEM joins AW and BW for NY Eve celebration

Jan 1/23 - Gem leaves between 1-1:30 am.

Jan 1/23 - AW reported to have left between 4-5 am via rideshare for airport. BW says AW said she had a work emergency and had to go to DC. AW did not have a flight booked and did not fly to DC.

Jan 1/23 - BW says he drives to mother’s home to Swampscott. “gets lost”. unaccounted time.

Jan 2/23 - AW’s phone connected to a cellphone tower for last time at 3:14 a.m. within a quarter-mile of the area of Reservoir Road (0.7 miles from family's home. [Police log]

Jan 2/23 - BW caught on cctv at Home Depot buying tarps, cleaning supplies, etc. On cctv at juice


Jan 3/23 - AW had a scheduled flight from MA to DC for work. She didn’t make this flight.

Jan 4/23 - AW’s employer calls BW saying AW didn’t show up at work.

-AW’s employer contacts LE to report LE missing

Jan 6/23 - LE tells media AW is missing. Statel and local regional police commence search around AW’s home and surrounding area (including woods by Stop & Shop)

Jan 6/23 - fire breaks out at former Jerusalem Rd home of BW/AW. LE reports unconnected to case.

Jan 7/23 - LE continues search. Drains pool at BW/AW rental home on Chief Justice Cushing Hwy in Cohasset.

Jan 8/23 - Search expands to DC

Jan 8/23 - BW arrested and charged with misleading an investigation into Ana’s disappearance.

Jan 9/23 - BW arraigned. Prosecutors announce that bloody knife found in basement of home.

Jan 9/23 - LE remove dumpsters from BW’s mother’s apartment complex in Swampscott. Search trash transfer station in Peabody MA, where trash from BW’s mother’s apartment complex gets taken.

Jan 10/23 - Norfolk DA’s office announce discovery of a number of items following the search of the transfer station in Peabody. Sources say items are linked to AW. Multiple sources tell media that a hacksaw and a rug were recovered by LE investigating the disappearance. [Boston25 News timeline]

Jan 10/23 - LE complete search of BW/AW Cohasset home.

Jan 11/23 - media report that State police collected surveillance video of BW near a Swampscott liquor store dumpster on day of AW’s disappearance.

Jan 13/23 - search warrants related to AW’s disappearance are returned to Quincy District Court.

Jan 17/23 - BW charged with murder

Jan 18/23 - arraigned on charges. Please see other posts for google search details and other specifics.

Wonderful timeline. Thank you! Would you mind including the dates of some of his internet searches about how to dispose of a 115 pound woman, etc. ? It might help suggest premeditation.
IIRC, the court hearing today said that google search about which State is best to divorce was made on DEC 27th. So-- before he killed her.
per transcript--There was one other earlier Google search which should be of note. On December 27th., defendant googled 'what's the best State to divorce ?? ?'
**edited to copy this from @Allabouttrial transcript from court today***

My guess is -- she begged her mother to come visit on Christmas.
I think and JMO, she either already told him she wanted a divorce OR was going to tell him that week and wanted momma there for support, protection (she likely knew he would be livid, angry and not let her leave)

So she asked Mom to come...begged her to come the next day !!!

So I think Ana told him she was filing for divorce and that is when he googled about "best state to divorce a man"

Would it be more beneficial for Ana to file in DC or in MA ??
He wanted to know what would be worse for HIM, of course, depending on which state of residence she was planning on filing in.
Bang on. I agree with your assessment totally.
CNN right now has a big 'special edition' on all of this. Lawyers all on talking about what degree it could go and why. Possible negligent homicide and not focus on 'the aftermath'. His mental state and what their relationship was, any prior domestic calls anywhere they lived.. mitigating factors to reduce 'the crime'. This is all about the sentence and not being found not guilty. ALL will depend I'd say on the expertise of his defense lawyer. Seems like they all agree on that what he did after to her, doesn't even come into it. One is a criminal defense lawyer. We've read and have seen all of this, but something to see and hear from these people who LIVE this life of criminal defense and all kinds of prior murders and some no bodies. We did learn today tissue was also found and the DNA of Ana of course, so the no body won't come into play. Plus his psychopathic diagnosis. UGHGHGHG>
How can what he did to her after the fact not come into play?

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