Why Has Other "Someone" Not Been Arrested for Lying?
I'm missing something. In the original press conference it was said that someone NOT her husband saw her leaving. We never learned who that person was, AFAIK. If they are going to arrest him for misleading, shouldn't this person who must have lied also be arrested? Thoughts?
Briefly, LE agencies working this case have bigger fish to fry, like continuing investigation in homicide of Ana Walshe. And other cases too.
Beyond that, if you are thinking about perjury, the crime entails more elements than lying to LE or under oath or in court.
If you are thinking about false stmt. to LE (I have not searched for MA statutory language specificly, so I'm NOT speaking to MA law here), those types of statutes usu. require the accused make the stmt. w INTENT to mislead (like Brian).
After such an arrest, a common response by "Someone" would be --- Oh, I was confused, I thought officer was asking about MisPers leaving the week before. If I had been given a bit of time to think about it, I would have given correct info. Yadda yadda.
Likely this particular stmt. about seeing Ana leave was part of a relatively short convo btwn LE & 'Someone." Maybe convo was w only one LEO. Maybe/likely imo NOT captured on audio or vid RECORDING. If so, it's a swearing contest ("Someone" said v. LEO said), a case w relatively weak or fragile evidence, in terms of what a prosecutor, judge, or jury expect.
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