Deceased/Not Found MA - Ana Walshe - Supposedly Left Home in Rideshare to Airport - Cohasset #3

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Speaking of his mother's financial support does anyone think that she would actually offer up his bond?
When he was originally arrested for his art fraud he was in custody from 5/9/2018 - 5/11/2018 and bonded out on $75k
Here are some of the, notable, conditions of his release.

The defendant must not violate federal, state, or local law while on release.
The defendant must continue or start an education program.
Not possess a firearm, destructive devise or other weapon
Report as soon as possible to the pretrial services office every contact with law enforcement personnel including arrests, questioning or traffic stops.

Here are some of the penalties for violating any conditions of his release.

While on release if you commit a federal felony offense the punishment is an additional prison term of not more than 10 years. (A misdemeanor not more than 1 year) Consecutive.
It is a crime punishable up to 10 years in prison, and a $250,000 fine, or both to; obstruct a criminal investigation; tamper with a witness, victim or informant; retaliate or attempt to retaliate against a witness, victim or informant .........
If you are convicted of an offense punishable by death, life imprisonment, or imprisonment for a term of 15 years or more you will be fined not more than $250,000 or imprisoned for not more than 10 years, or both.

Source - Mass Trial Court 7/17/2019 Motion For Appointment of Special Personal Representative Pg's 23-24 and Pg's 29-31
Yes, I do believe the mother will post his bond - she will live with him - just like old times - just the two of them again IMO
I don't know if that can be done just yet though because there is the matter of him not obeying the restrictions that were put on him in the federal court - so he may have to stay in jail pending resolution of that. IANAL so maybe one can weigh in?
IMO money is the only thing that motivates BW. He wouldn't kill her to keep her from leaving, but he would to keep her from taking "his" money. His relationship with his mom is so cozy because she's his piggy bank. He discarded his father when he was no longer financially useful and tried to claim a repaired bond when he thought he could financially benefit.

He doesn't see people as people. He sees them as financially useful or useless and treats them accordingly.

This post is on the money! pun intended :)
I couldn’t find this here yet, sorry if it’s a re-post:


““Wow! 2022…What a year! And yet, we are still here and together! Let’s make 2023 the best one yet! We are the authors of our lives…courage, love, perseverance, compassion, and joy. Love, Ana,” reads the ominous message, written on the side of a Lanson Noble Cuvee champagne box.

The champagne sits in the kitchen of Ana and husband Brian Walshe’s family home, which appears to be largely untouched since the party, also attended by family friend Gem Mutlu.”

eta: photo of passports
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IMO money is the only thing that motivates BW. He wouldn't kill her to keep her from leaving, but he would to keep her from taking "his" money. His relationship with his mom is so cozy because she's his piggy bank. He discarded his father when he was no longer financially useful and tried to claim a repaired bond when he thought he could financially benefit.

He doesn't see people as people. He sees them as financially useful or useless and treats them accordingly.

100%! this!
I wonder if she was planning on going home to Serbia with her children? Just a thought

Here, if not for allegations of fraud against BW's father's estate and the report by the finance department of financial ommissions by BW coming to the attention of the federal Judge overseeing the wire fraud/art con, BW's gift sentence of 30+ months time served on home confinement (since BW's bail release in May 2108), three years supervised release, $475K restitution to his victims, and $220K money judgment forfeiture, would have been imposed in October 2021, pursuant to a plea agreement dated April 2021. Instead, during the sentencing hearing, reasons for the sentence were recited into the record, and imposition of the sentence was delayed.

At the rescheduled June 2022 sentencing, the now apparent perjury by BW about his financial condition, the need for an evidentiary hearing for the probate matter, and the court not wanting to compromise the ongoing investigation on fraud against the estate, imposition of BW's sentence was delayed and remains pending.

I think it's more likely Ana begged her mother to come to the US within days of going missing because she intended to take the boys with her to DC following Christmas, and needed her immediate help to do so.

In addition to new perjury charges in the federal case, I think Ana believed an indictment and arrest were about to come down for BW's fraud against his dad's estate, and this time, there would be no avoiding jail. Committing a felony while out on bail is a very serious matter!

Putting all the pieces together, I'm appalled at the con BW pulled over the Court and the parties in his federal case-- BW's absolutely shameless. o_O

And I can't even let my mind go to the murder of Ana... It's too much.

I couldn’t find this here yet, sorry if it’s a re-post:
View attachment 394686

View attachment 394687
View attachment 394688
““Wow! 2022…What a year! And yet, we are still here and together! Let’s make 2023 the best one yet! We are the authors of our lives…courage, love, perseverance, compassion, and joy. Love, Ana,” reads the ominous message, written on the side of a Lanson Noble Cuvee champagne box.

The champagne sits in the kitchen of Ana and husband Brian Walshe’s family home, which appears to be largely untouched since the party, also attended by family friend Gem Mutlu.”
From your link
Also spotted in the Walshe home seemingly left over from their New Year’s pary are three Bottles of A.H. Hirsch Reserve Whiskey — which start at $3,000 a bottle, according to online searches

There is also a photo of passports but according to the conditions of BW's 2018 release he had to turn over any passports and not apply for a new one. Maybe they are AW's?
I couldn’t find this here yet, sorry if it’s a re-post:
View attachment 394686

View attachment 394687
View attachment 394688
““Wow! 2022…What a year! And yet, we are still here and together! Let’s make 2023 the best one yet! We are the authors of our lives…courage, love, perseverance, compassion, and joy. Love, Ana,” reads the ominous message, written on the side of a Lanson Noble Cuvee champagne box.

The champagne sits in the kitchen of Ana and husband Brian Walshe’s family home, which appears to be largely untouched since the party, also attended by family friend Gem Mutlu.”
This ís strange. It's such an upbeat note on the champagne box. Yet she acted strange and off lately according to two friends, and she begged her mom in Serbia to fly to the US the next day in late December.

Why was this champagne not shared on NYE while the guest was there until 1:30 am?
Was it supposed to be only for the two of them after he left?
Brian and Ana own a pure bred German Shepherd, a dog that is now homeless. Over the weekend, as police searched the Cohasset house, police fell in love with the dog.

I’m told the dog responds to commands in the German language and has a great demeanor. The dog touched a lot of hearts. Animal control in Braintree now has the Walshe family dog.

And a MSP Trooper, who is not working the Walshe case, is helping to care for the dog at night.

IMO money is the only thing that motivates BW. He wouldn't kill her to keep her from leaving, but he would to keep her from taking "his" money. His relationship with his mom is so cozy because she's his piggy bank. He discarded his father when he was no longer financially useful and tried to claim a repaired bond when he thought he could financially benefit.

He doesn't see people as people. He sees them as financially useful or useless and treats them accordingly.

I think he would kill her if she was taking his kids - which I believe she intended - and also if he supsected it would hurt his court cases - which it would. All those things do translate to money and pride. Also her money in his head was probably his money. Besides his worship of money - he is very much all about what he thinks that money equates to - Status. He is perception vs reality personified. Ana was a "trophy" for him - much like Suzanne was to Barry Morphew - ALL JUST IMO
From your link
Also spotted in the Walshe home seemingly left over from their New Year’s pary are three Bottles of A.H. Hirsch Reserve Whiskey — which start at $3,000 a bottle, according to online searches

There is also a photo of passports but according to the conditions of BW's 2018 release he had to turn over any passports and not apply for a new one. Maybe they are AW's?
My bet the passports were the children’s and hers. Again I think she was going to take the kids and go back to Serbia. Any money she was able to get after liquidating things would be safer there from her husband than in the US. The urgent need for mother to come right away was for help getting her and kids back to Serbia. A few weeks later as suggested from Mom would be too late as she planed to be home before then. jMHO.
This ís strange. It's such an upbeat note on the champagne box. Yet she acted strange and off lately according to two friends, and she begged her mom in Serbia to fly to the US the next day in late December.

Why was this champagne not shared on NYE while the guest was there until 1:30 am?
Was it supposed to be only for the two of them after he left?
How we even know she wrote the message in the first place. He could have come up with another fake to lead us off the trail IMO.
"At one point, he worked as the personal concierge to a wealthy family, the friend said, traveling the world to carry out jewelry and art purchases."

Sorry I can't keep my cynic side in check, so I'll have to ask:
Prime opportunity to further hone his grifting skills?

He may have been buying real art (with other peoples money)and had fakes made to resale the entire time. You don't just suddenly know someone who will fake a real piece of art! I suspect this has been in the works for a number of years. Wish I knew what his ebay name was!
This ís strange. It's such an upbeat note on the champagne box. Yet she acted strange and off lately according to two friends, and she begged her mom in Serbia to fly to the US the next day in late December.

Why was this champagne not shared on NYE while the guest was there until 1:30 am?
Was it supposed to be only for the two of them after he left?
I suspect she was keeping up the charade and for whatever reason her plan became apparent to him. Just imo
I think he would kill her if she was taking his kids - which I believe she intended - and also if he supsected it would hurt his court cases - which it would. All those things do translate to money and pride. Also her money in his head was probably his money. Besides his worship of money - he is very much all about what he thinks that money equates to - Status. He is perception vs reality personified. Ana was a "trophy" for him - much like Suzanne was to Barry Morphew - ALL JUST IMO
I also wonder if there’s an extra wrinkle in we know from the estate litigation that BW seems to still have a lot of anger towards his dad from 1983. If he blames many of his problems on his parents’ separation and divorce, he may have reacted out of control when Ana brought it up.

I haven’t seen any previous marriages for BW, right?
Not a Knife. I Stand Corrected re Frazee's Choosen Weapon
(The referenced case -- PFrazee -- was a baseball bat.)
There seems to be no shortage of ways for bfs/husbands to murder their gfs/wives.
Murder. Sickening. Hacksaw. I have no words.
@Megnut Thank you for posting about the baseball bat, not knife.
The scene was described as being covered w blood, the floor, the walls, the ceiling, even a toy or stuffed animal belonging to toddler.
Well, you may have no words, but I have plenty, none fit for W/S.
I'll stop right here and focus on Ana instead.
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