MA - Bella Bond, 2, found dead, Deer Island, Boston Harbor, June 2015 - #1

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Which is....millions of people.

Right, but millions of us aren't missing a child.

I agree that detectives aren't scouring Target to see who bought those leggings, but they are hoping someone will recognize them, along with the face and blanket, and realize they haven't seen a little girl they know in awhile.

Though the majority of the illegal immigrants in the area are students or tourists who came in on short-term visas and never went home.

Don't want to argue about this, but care to provide a source for this beyond anecdotal observations?
And its not like those that came in for the reasons you describe above, via a student or tourist visa, would be coming via shipping container.
"...His team created it, based off morgue photos local officials sent to them. He said the girl's body was exposed to water, but her body was in good shape, enough to believe that this computer generated image is close to what she really looked like.

"I think that's as close to accurate as you can get. Again, problem of decomposition, swelling the face, the lips, the eyes being closed, we can only give it our best guess at that point," Loftin said. "There was some bloating, obviously because of the stages of decomposition. But other than that, we had a lot of information from those photographs to work from."
Steven Loftin said of the computer generated image.


I'll also note that this article states that the little girl washed up on Deer Island, but will point out that I've seen conflicting statements from media - some state she was placed on the beach, others that she washed up, others state it is unclear which method placed her at this scene.

This statement does, however, confirm that the child's body was exposed to water.

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Thank you KY - this is an excellent post with an excellent link. So conflicting reports notwithstanding, the remains were exposed to water but we know that the tide line there is quite wide.

IMO it makes little difference if she was dropped off a dock, off a boat and floated there or placed on the beach. The press conference made clear she had "not been there too, too long".

When I find the link to the presser I will post it.

She may not have been missing long enough before this to have been missed by someone who will soon come forward. This is my hope.

If they're working a lot, or not on the internet a lot, or they don't speak English, they might not notice. I've gone through periods where I was so busy with exams and work that I hadn't checked Facebook in two weeks and completely missed hearing about a former classmate's death as well as a number of other news stories.
I think they should look into doing this the old fashioned way, and having paper handouts and posters made up, and consider having those translated into Spanish, Portugese, and Cape Verdean and placed in community centers in Winthrop, east Boston, and the surrounding towns - to me it's possible she could be Hispanic, Brazilian, or Cape Verdean, and those groups all are sizable groups in the eastern part of the state.

I think that's a good idea. I did notice a lot of non Americans- for lack of a better description-- on the deer island page. And now that I'm hearing locals say their is a large non American population nearby then it's possible the grandparents aunts and uncles of this child are in Mexico or Brazil etc. Maybe the only family she has in America is the killer. If we could get fliers of her beautiful face out in Mexico etc, then maybe someone would recognize her?
Yes, it would be a huge stretch. LOL...if people are going to be smuggled, it won't be through the Boston Harbor. Sorry but that if you know this area, that would be ridiculous. First, you have to have a population so desparate that they would take a risk like that to go across the Atlantic. Where are they coming from, Europe? Unlikely. Anyone who is looking to cross that way is likely to be coming from an African country and they would never choose passage across the Atlantic Ocean over just going the much shorter and typical route to southern Europe. Boston does not have boat people for good reason - no countries within an immediate vicinity to smuggle from.

Yeah. I don't know the area. That's why I was asking.
Hi everyone. Sorry I'm late on posting, I've read this thread up to the 15th page and had to stop and jump in. After reading the awesome info oceaneyes posted about the traits of parents who murder their children, I was left wondering....would a step mother or (like others mentioned) a foster mother display those same traits as well? I'm a forensics student and based on what I've learned in school had lead me to believe this little one was smothered or this was an accidental death due to drugs or even a freak thing like an allergic reaction to something and a parent panicked. (IMO) another thing that stands out to me are the condition of both the blanket and her WHITE leggings. I'm assuming these are photos of the actual articles? Because if so, those pants are awfully clean for someone having died wearing them given how our bowels and bladders evacuate after death OR she had on a diaper/training pants (my girl wore pull ups at age 4 only at night because she was such a deep sleeper...)
Hi everyone. Sorry I'm late on posting, I've read this thread up to the 15th page and had to stop and jump in. After reading the awesome info oceaneyes posted about the traits of parents who murder their children, I was left wondering....would a step mother or (like others mentioned) a foster mother display those same traits as well? I'm a forensics student and based on what I've learned in school had lead me to believe this little one was smothered or this was an accidental death due to drugs or even a freak thing like an allergic reaction to something and a parent panicked. (IMO) another thing that stands out to me are the condition of both the blanket and her WHITE leggings. I'm assuming these are photos of the actual articles? Because if so, those pants are awfully clean for someone having died wearing them given how our bowels and bladders evacuate after death OR she had on a diaper/training pants (my girl wore pull ups at age 4 only at night because she was such a deep sleeper...)

Very god post. Thank you.
With regard to the pictures of the pants and blanket, I agree with other posters who think these are not actual, like morgue photos, of what those items look like, but rather, what they would likely look like to someone who remembers her.

LE did an excellent job, IMO , in researching the sources and probably obtaining the available items described and presenting those pictures to jog the public's memory.

My sense is that even if Baby Doe were not there for very long the pants would be stained, have alagae and etc., so no, I doubt that these pictures are of actual items recovered with her.

I am not sure how to link from my fb app as I am on my phone
The way it's worded by LE fb post is that they are her actual belongings. Which doesn't make sense to me , because I mean the blanket does look a little worse for wear but those leggings are throwing me off. IMO if these are indeed hers it does indicate one of two things to me: she was dressed post mortem OR like I mentioned before , she was wearing a diaper (which could be why there is no mention of under garments and it could indicate the time of day she died- at night. Which again could go with some sort of freak accident and parent panicked.) I've watched autopsies performed (for school) and if they have not determined a COD from hers that rules out things such as drowning, strangulation and possibly smothering (depending how badly decomposed / may not have showed petechial (sp?) haemorrhaging ) I'm anxious to see what comes back from the Toxicology reports. That will give us all a clearer picture. It just sucks those take like a month to come back. I hoe this little girl has her identity back long before then.
It would seem to me that that blanket that was with the little girl would possibly have human hairs on it, even if it was soaking wet. I know i have a hard time cleaning pet hair off my blanket that is like that one. I wonder if LE has gone over that blanket with a magnifying glass and looked for hairs that could be used to get DNA from? The hair of the person who did this may be on that blanket! Or even on her leggings!

yes, a forensics team will have examined all evidence in their lab and sent samples (if any) for DNA testing
I'd like to know what else she was wearing. My best guess is that perhaps she was wearing a top that had limited circulation (in other words, not Target/KMart/Walmart) and they're trying to trace it.

if she had a top on
I grew up in Winthrop, was there just last week for a few days. This is a big story, it sickens everyone it is as they say the talk of the town. It is doubtful IMO, someone placed Little Princess on the shore. Deer Island is a busy place on a beautiful day, people are walking, running and biking. The harbor is in close proximity to two yacht clubs, a public boat landing, and tons of people on boats in the harbor. It would be hard to get the beach without anyone seeing you with a bag. It is also a Sewerage plant, with many employees. Washing ashore seems much more plausible.

but can you get down to the beach with a stroller? or carrying a carseat?
but can you get down to the beach with a stroller? or carrying a carseat?

Depends on what kind of beach she was left on and where. Beach sand can be packed so it is theoretical a stroller or wagon was involved however you are prone to intermittent and closer to water more frequent soft mushy sandy wet sinky type spots.

IMO she was carried unless they found track marks around her Was there mention of marks?
I just saw the comment about the child being in an industrial trash bag. Have they investigated to determine if the trash bag came from any roll of bags from any of the industry located on the island? Trash bags have their own "fingerprints" so to speak, and if that trash bag is from a batch somewhere on that island they could easily rule in or out if that child was placed there by a worker going to or returning from work.

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first they need the rest of the roll, then they can match the bag to the roll and find out where the roll was manufactured

In certain circumstances, determining whether the submitted evidence can be associated with similar bags recovered from a suspect may be crucial to the investigation.
Depends on what kind of beach she was left on and where. Beach sand can be packed so it is theoretical a stroller or wagon was involved however you are prone to intermittent and closer to water more frequent soft mushy sandy wet sinky type spots.

IMO she was carried unless they found track marks around her Was there mention of marks?

this link says "western shore"

I haven't found any other descriptors yet
I'm in the UK, can someone let me know what our equivalent is to Target? Is it just clothes, or more like a department store?
but can you get down to the beach with a stroller? or carrying a carseat?

Yes. There are well maintained trails/roads there. It's a little rocky when you get off those roads, but it's definitely doable
IMO every article of clothing was probably not released to the public for various reasons. 1) who, other than the person who placed her there could identify her underpants or pull-up (I am a mother and no one besides me usually see these items). 2) the shirt may or may not have been present. I've seen my children go to bed dressed in a top and magically they've wiggled out of it by morning. I've also seen my girls decide to sleep in top or bottom only on occasion. 3) if the shirt was present, it may be withheld so that it can be used to confirm information when they interview potential people later on (as the color and design was not public knowledge). They may have weighed which article of clothing would be more memorable to people who knew this child but holding back an article to further the investigation. All are my opinion of course.

I will say that I I don't know that worrying where her underwear and shirt are really leads me to any useful information to help determine what happened to this little angel. I think her outfit becomes useful only if you recognize her at this point, I pray the clothing has sparked a memory for someone that's useful.

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I'm in the UK, can someone let me know what our equivalent is to Target? Is it just clothes, or more like a department store?

Target is a department store offering clothing, shoes, sporting goods, home goods, toys, cds, books, electronics, health and beauty items and in some stores a grocery section with both perishable and non-perishable foods.
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