MA - Bella Bond, 2, found dead, Deer Island, Boston Harbor, June 2015 - #1

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Regarding your last paragraph, her sketch has been all over the news including here in Canada. Someone would recognize her, wouldn't they despite holidays, etc. A family member, a friend, someone????

If they're working a lot, or not on the internet a lot, or they don't speak English, they might not notice. I've gone through periods where I was so busy with exams and work that I hadn't checked Facebook in two weeks and completely missed hearing about a former classmate's death as well as a number of other news stories.
I think they should look into doing this the old fashioned way, and having paper handouts and posters made up, and consider having those translated into Spanish, Portugese, and Cape Verdean and placed in community centers in Winthrop, east Boston, and the surrounding towns - to me it's possible she could be Hispanic, Brazilian, or Cape Verdean, and those groups all are sizable groups in the eastern part of the state.
It's also possible that someone saw the picture and thought, "gee, that looks a lot like so-and-so's daughter but it couldn't possibly be... " and gone back to what they were doing, not realizing that they were right. I've also seen a lot of comments of people who missed that it was a reconstruction and thought it was an actual school photo. I'm thinking it's probably pretty accurate given how little time she likely spent there. But if there's a little detail that's off, that may be enough to convince someone that it's not who they think it is, especially if they had no reason to suspect the parents of anything (history of abuse, etc).
Has it been determined if her body washed up from sea of was placed on the beach? I'm curious because a human body submerged in water, at deep, pressurized sea levels, in cold water would/could slow down or prevent decay and deposition. As an example there was a body recovered of a deep sea diver in 2013 from lake Earie found in 2011 who failed to return from his dive in 1994. His body was recovered at a depth of 265 feet and at a water temp of 35 degrees. He was wearing only his wet suit, air tank, and weight belt.The body was in such good condition they were able to do a full autopsy. If this child had been weights down at sea she would have been under that pressure, and at lower levels sea scavengers would not be present. Someone wanting to dispose of and hide a body at sea may very likely have weighted her body IMO.

The deepest part of the Harbor around Deer Island is 28 meters deep. (I don't know what that correlates to in feet). The temperature in the Harbor is about 65 degrees Fahrenheit by mid-summer, so probably a little less in June. Also remember that most of the harbor islands are rocky outposts, and the beach at Deer Island is very rocky, so if she had been in the water in a plastic bag for any period of time, the water weight as well as abrasions from the rocks would have torn open the bag, and when a body has been in water, there would have been evidence of skin slippage. Also, keep in mind that this is a HUGE port for all kinds of cargo tankers not to mention recreational vehicles. There are boats around there all the time that would have knocked a body around, especially in June. I think the fact that that she was so well-preserved is evidence that whoever put her there wanted LE to think she had washed ashore from somewhere else, but she actually hadn't been in the water at all.
28 meters = nearly 92 feet.
Okay...but usually parents, especially mothers, don't abduct their children in order to kill them. And especially not to wait several months to kill them.

People, think local and recent. You're really grasping at straws if you're looking at abductions from several months ago, in other states. This kid supposedly didn't have bruises or injuries to indicate previous assaults. If she was abducted and kept alive for that long, there would be some indication on her body of that. And most kids who are abducted by strangers don't live longer than 48 hours; most kids abducted by a non-custodian parent aren't killed. Start with Occam's razor and move outwards. It was a local child killed by a parent or foster parent who then obviously did not report that kid missing. Maybe she's from a community that does not speak English, or doesn't trust the cops, and that's why no one else has come forward to report a missing child; or, summertime everyone scatters to different places for vacation around you and it is not uncommon to lose touch with where people are once school is out, especially when so many kids have divorced parents and therefore live in two different places. Those are all much more likely scenarios than what I've seen posited here. Also, again, this is not a random place off 95. This person KNEW this area. I know we're all looking at all possible scenarios here, but you really have to look at what is LIKELY. Is it likely this kid is from California, was driven across the country, killed somehow, and then dumped on an out of the way island that not many people know about outside the state? No, it isn't. I know it doesn't give us a lot to do to help out when we don't have missing childrens reports to look at, but I do think what is likely and probable has to be kept in mind here.

Boston has a large community from the Azores.
Okay...but usually parents, especially mothers, don't abduct their children in order to kill them. And especially not to wait several months to kill them.

People, think local and recent. You're really grasping at straws if you're looking at abductions from several months ago, in other states. This kid supposedly didn't have bruises or injuries to indicate previous assaults. If she was abducted and kept alive for that long, there would be some indication on her body of that. And most kids who are abducted by strangers don't live longer than 48 hours; most kids abducted by a non-custodian parent aren't killed. Start with Occam's razor and move outwards. It was a local child killed by a parent or foster parent who then obviously did not report that kid missing. Maybe she's from a community that does not speak English, or doesn't trust the cops, and that's why no one else has come forward to report a missing child; or, summertime everyone scatters to different places for vacation around you and it is not uncommon to lose touch with where people are once school is out, especially when so many kids have divorced parents and therefore live in two different places. Those are all much more likely scenarios than what I've seen posited here. Also, again, this is not a random place off 95. This person KNEW this area. I know we're all looking at all possible scenarios here, but you really have to look at what is LIKELY. Is it likely this kid is from California, was driven across the country, killed somehow, and then dumped on an out of the way island that not many people know about outside the state? No, it isn't. I know it doesn't give us a lot to do to help out when we don't have missing childrens reports to look at, but I do think what is likely and probable has to be kept in mind here.

It is very possible this family was in the area....They are on the run and hiding and could be anywhere, even if momentarily, including Deer Island..The term 'only a local' would know the area worked well prior to google earth/maps...Most of us were able to find the area with no problems without ever stepping foot in Maine...I do not know what her reasons were for kidnapping her children or where she took them..However the report did say the child was in danger...But physical abuse is not the only way a child can die....If the child was sick they would more than likely not have taken her to doctor for fear of being recognized and she could have died with no obvious abuse...

I appreciate your advice ..but tunnel vision has hindered many a case....I will keep an open mind and continue to look at all possibilities that match age, weight, height, eye and hair color...

Boston has a large community from the Azores.

Since the 17th century, many Azoreans have emigrated, mainly to Brazil, Uruguay, the United States and Canada.[37] Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts, especially the cities of New Bedford, Bristol, Barrington, Pawtucket, Central Falls, West Warwick, Hudson, Marlborough, East Providence, River Point, Taunton and Fall River have been, and remain, the primary destination for Azorean emigrants.

If she is Portuguese from islands this could account for the idea that she might look Hispanic?
I found some pictures online and baby girl found does have some matching facial features but I'm afraid I might be grasping at straws/
The deepest part of the Harbor around Deer Island is 28 meters deep. (I don't know what that correlates to in feet). The temperature in the Harbor is about 65 degrees Fahrenheit by mid-summer, so probably a little less in June. Also remember that most of the harbor islands are rocky outposts, and the beach at Deer Island is very rocky, so if she had been in the water in a plastic bag for any period of time, the water weight as well as abrasions from the rocks would have torn open the bag, and when a body has been in water, there would have been evidence of skin slippage. Also, keep in mind that this is a HUGE port for all kinds of cargo tankers not to mention recreational vehicles. There are boats around there all the time that would have knocked a body around, especially in June. I think the fact that that she was so well-preserved is evidence that whoever put her there wanted LE to think she had washed ashore from somewhere else, but she actually hadn't been in the water at all.

I'm pretty sure that one of the news articles I read said something about her being in an industrial trash bag. Assuming the article was correct (I haven't seen confirmation), an industrial bag might well be sturdier. Even so, given the rocky nature of the area, it seems unlikely she was in the water. The only way she -might- have been would be if the bag floated in at high tide and remained there when the tide went out. (Is the area tidal? Not sure on that.)
Can't believe there is still no ID on this sweet girl.

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It is very possible this family was in the area....They are on the run and hiding and could be anywhere, even if momentarily, including Deer Island..The term 'only a local' would know the area worked well prior to google earth/maps...Most of us were able to find the area with no problems without ever stepping foot in Maine...I do not know what her reasons were for kidnapping her children or where she took them..However the report did say the child was in danger...But physical abuse is not the only way a child can die....If the child was sick they would more than likely not have taken her to doctor for fear of being recognized and she could have died with no obvious abuse...

I appreciate your advice ..but tunnel vision has hindered many a case....I will keep an open mind and continue to look at all possibilities that match age, weight, height, eye and hair color...


Well, you might have a little trouble finding it if you're stepping foot in Maine. The little girl was found in Massachusetts.

All in good humor....just having a little fun with you. :)
Baby Grace (Riley Ann Sawyers) took a month I believe to identify.
Her grandmother came forward at that point.

I know Precious Doe - Erica took years... but that had much less information.
Camden Hughes took less than a week but they had a vehicle description in that case.

So it really does vary quite a bit...
Well, you might have a little trouble finding it if you're stepping foot in Maine. The little girl was found in Massachusetts.

All in good humor....just having a little fun with you. :)

LOL...! I may at that....! :cheer:

Yes, the area is tidal, and the currents are strong. Yes, it's a very busy port, but it's also a very large large harbor, so I wouldn't automatically assume a boat would have run into a floating trash bag, especially if it was only in the water for a few hours.

Though now I'm wondering whether she could have been dropped off a boat.
There's a few things about this case that really i feel somewhat focused on.

For one , is it possible that perhaps we still have a missing parent that has been killed as well and that may be the reason no parent has stepped forward to claim their daughter is missing?

Second, that blanket - to me the inclusion of that blanket leads me to think the person may have cared about this child, even if in a sick or twisted way. It just seems that people who kill without conscience usually don't bother to include an item that offers comfort to another. Has there been a consensus on the cause of death? Was it natural (disease), was it accidental, was it intentional? Could someone have sat her body there, wanting it to be discovered BC they did care in their own way for the child, but was afraid of the ramifications they would face if they reported her death? Perhaps the child's caretaker was negligent and the child got into the adults drugs or the adult was drugging the child inappropriately and the child was accidentally overdosed, or perhaps the child was the child of a non documented immigrant who feared deportation if their child's death unveiled their presence in our country. I wish I knew an illegal to ask them what thoughts would go through their mind in that situation.

On one hand, you have a child you love and care about and you wish to see buried with dignity. But on the other hand if you disclose the death, by natural means or suspicious means, you will have to leave and be forced back to a place that you've worked so hard to escape. And if you do disclose the death it will not return your daughter to you. So what do you do? Would leaving her on the beach be the answer? To you and I, leaving a child in a trash bag like garbage says a lot, but to someone who cared about her who has very little perhaps the trash bag was all that they had to protect her little body from bugs etc. I don't say I agree with any of this, only trying to put myself in the position of others and understand how this child may have ended up where she was.

I pray we get some answers soon and this beautiful angel can rest in peace.

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I just saw the comment about the child being in an industrial trash bag. Have they investigated to determine if the trash bag came from any roll of bags from any of the industry located on the island? Trash bags have their own "fingerprints" so to speak, and if that trash bag is from a batch somewhere on that island they could easily rule in or out if that child was placed there by a worker going to or returning from work.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
I just saw the comment about the child being in an industrial trash bag. Have they investigated to determine if the trash bag came from any roll of bags from any of the industry located on the island? Trash bags have their own "fingerprints" so to speak, and if that trash bag is from a batch somewhere on that island they could easily rule in or out if that child was placed there by a worker going to or returning from work.

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That's a good point. It might not narrow it down completely, but it's a clue.

The trash containers in my urban neighborhood sometimes have a stash of heavy-duty plastic bags at the bottom, underneath the current bag. I've seen people snatch them for their own use (which is gross because you have to remove the currently-used bag full of trash to get to the new thanks). Perhaps the trash containers at the public park have bags available like that, which might mean the death happened in the park/beach.

Nancy Grace needs to quit saying "washed up" when they're apparently not sure whether the child washed up or was placed there. If someone was seen acting suspiciously on land....
Is it too much of a stretch to think people smuggling? Does the port take container ships? If her family were smuggled into the country this way, and she passed, then maybe... I don't know. It's just a thought that occurred to me.
Sadly Casey Anthony never would of reported little Caylee....................
I think it is a female relative that placed little Princess there.
Sadly I know a great grandma that ID a photo of her great grand daughter on Nancy Grace show years ago.
The darling was in a tote washed up on a TX bay. (Riley Sawyers)
Egg donor and boy toy took her from dad in OH.......they couldn't find her.
This may be the case here also.............
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