MA MA - Caleigh Harrison, 2, Rockport, 19 April 2012

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A couple things [ crackpot scenarios ] come to mind
immediately following the last round of posts
and maybe Capoly and/or Terracotta could discount these theories.

1. regarding Allison and the 2 sex offenders - we're talking about the same grandmother.
2. Allison knows the 2 sex offenders and they shared the same beach growing up.
3. the store incident was a direct threat insinuated by someone she recognized and not just a random brush with a Type A pedophile.

...think like a criminal...
This is unlikely but will put it out there....

That open arm action is one I've used with my husband many a time over the years when the last time I saw a child, pet, item etc ...I was under the impression that such was in his possession. It was part of my reaction re 'I don't know, thought they were with you', other part was muttering curse words.

Maybe the sister could not answer the question because the only answer was 'thought she was with you'. Am thinking she might be a mite young for deciphering assumptive thought?

Not likely not but may as well throw it out less thing to :banghead:

add on..meant to double quote re writer7's post.

the emotive behaviors and gestures of a 4 year old
will be a direct reflection of the engaged parent...
she would have been mimicking Allison's reactions
to previous situations that she could relate to in that moment.
[ because I think Tony is the reserved one ]

Not sure what that means -
except that her reactions / gestures
should not be unique to her own personality
at such a young age.
the emotive behaviors and gestures of a 4 year old
will be a direct reflection of the engaged parent...
she would have been mimicking Allison's reactions
to previous situations that she could relate to in that moment.
[ because I think Tony is the reserved one ]

Not sure what that means -
except that her reactions / gestures
should not be unique to her own personality
at such a young age.

Am a little lost on this one. Would you be saying something along these lines...say a grandchild was with me at times when I reacted to my husband in the way described in post you quoted. Over time she would assume a similar reaction when in a similar situation?
A couple things [ crackpot scenarios ] come to mind
immediately following the last round of posts
and maybe Capoly and/or Terracotta could discount these theories.

1. regarding Allison and the 2 sex offenders - we're talking about the same grandmother.
2. Allison knows the 2 sex offenders and they shared the same beach growing up.
3. the store incident was a direct threat insinuated by someone she recognized and not just a random brush with a Type A pedophile.

...think like a criminal...

1. Re far as I know the grandmother of the 2 offenders is no relation to either the Harrison or Hammond families.

2. Re Allison knowing far as I know the families were unaware of the person that lived in the area having relatives that were offenders. Obviously, that does not rule out their playing together etc.

At the time of conversation the description of 'mean man' was not public. And LE had more or less dismissed the drawing/description as Lizzy had not said anything to therapist nor would she talk to the officer (about 2 days apart). I suggested they do a Google search based on an estimation of vitals per Lizzy, give a State say MA and include the words offender. Do not know if such was done. I haven't...suppose I could. But to be honest...did find myself getting annoyed with the dragging out of what seemed like relevant information.

3 The store just sounds so it was a set-up to be used at a later date. Sorry to sound so *****y/cynical but do have trouble re the fear expressed of the man in store...yet the continued public posts to Facebook.

Unfortunately, do find myself thinking like a criminal...and end up thinking it is a criminal's dream scenario.
Am a little lost on this one. Would you be saying something along these lines...say a grandchild was with me at times when I reacted to my husband in the way described in post you quoted. Over time she would assume a similar reaction when in a similar situation?

let me spell it out
at the risk of being resident A-hole for a while...
They are going thru a divorce...
Tony has multiple issues including late night endeavors.
Allison's reaction upon his arrival
and her gestures for
"where on gods green earth have you been"
Is an out-reaching of arms and a loss for words.
I'm betting the 4 year old was asking her mother the same thing.
Like I said before the Police should ask Facebook for a list of people that accessed the moms Facebook page from the time she posted where she was going until the time Caleigh disappeared. What if they saw that one those sex offenders looked at the page that morning? I would think Facebook would have these records. I think you need to be signed into Facebook to look at a profile.
Like I said before the Police should ask Facebook for a list of people that accessed the moms Facebook page from the time she posted where she was going until the time Caleigh disappeared. What if they saw that one those sex offenders looked at the page that morning? I would think Facebook would have these records. I think you need to be signed into Facebook to look at a profile.

I believe you are correct that one needs to be signed into FB in order to view a page. But one does not have to be a friend in order to view a page that is set to public viewing. Don't know if FB has the ability to record/search for non-friend viewers. Perhaps someone else knows?
let me spell it out
at the risk of being resident A-hole for a while...
They are going thru a divorce...
Tony has multiple issues including late night endeavors.
Allison's reaction upon his arrival
and her gestures for
"where on gods green earth have you been"
Is an out-reaching of arms and a loss for words.
I'm betting the 4 year old was asking her mother the same thing.

Okay...bear with me your giving an example that would indicate the 4yo was NOT responding to a question from mother re Where's Caleigh?. Rather she was asking a question of mother..."where have you been?"?
Okay...bear with me your giving an example that would indicate the 4yo was NOT responding to a question from mother re Where's Caleigh?. Rather she was asking a question of mother..."where have you been?"?

Exactly -
I'll bet Allison never even considered it.
She said she looked over the railing and her hands were out...
She didn't specifically say she asked where Caleigh was
and her daughter shrugged or reached out in response.
If i am wrong in the testimonial let me know
but that is the way I heard it all go down.

The toddler disappeared on April 19. Caleigh’s mother, Allison Hammond, said she was playing ball with her two daughters on the beach in Rockport, Mass. When Hammond returned from chasing after a ball, Caleigh had vanished.
“I looked down and Lizzie had her arms outstretched and she said, ‘Caleigh is gone.’ She didn’t say anything more than that,” Hammond said.

I have heard both versions....that the mom asked Lizzie...and the above version. That Lizzie was the one to say Caleigh is gone......
I believe you are correct that one needs to be signed into FB in order to view a page. But one does not have to be a friend in order to view a page that is set to public viewing. Don't know if FB has the ability to record/search for non-friend viewers. Perhaps someone else knows?

It might be saved in their databases. FB is very law enforecment friendly. LE is able to get ghost FB accounts that can look at anyones profile. They use it in investigations or to locate someone.
Exactly -
I'll bet Allison never even considered it.
She said she looked over the railing and her hands were out...
She didn't specifically say she asked where Caleigh was
and her daughter shrugged or reached out in response.

If i am wrong in the testimonial let me know
but that is the way I heard it all go down.

(my bold)

This is where it gets iffy to me. Now I understand emotions would be running high so thoughts would likely be discombobulated...but at some given point one would think a straight story would emerge.

If I recall what I read/heard at first, when the mother looked down the 4yo said (without prompt) "Caleigh's gone"...then it was mother asked where was Caleigh...then it was the child put up arms but said nothing.

Instead of fine tuning the day's actions/ seems to increase in lack of tuning. Doesn't make sense.
It might be saved in their databases. FB is very law enforecment friendly. LE is able to get ghost FB accounts that can look at anyones profile. They use it in investigations or to locate someone.

My understanding is that 2 members of the MA State Police are Hammond relatives. Remember the FB page that was set up the day Caleigh went missing in order to bring awareness to her? The person who set it up was said to have been threatened with arrest if she did not remove the page. Which she did asap. So do agree that FB is LE friendly.....

The toddler disappeared on April 19. Caleigh’s mother, Allison Hammond, said she was playing ball with her two daughters on the beach in Rockport, Mass. When Hammond returned from chasing after a ball, Caleigh had vanished.
“I looked down and Lizzie had her arms outstretched and she said, ‘Caleigh is gone.’ She didn’t say anything more than that,” Hammond said.

I have heard both versions....that the mom asked Lizzie...and the above version. That Lizzie was the one to say Caleigh is gone......

Thanks for clarification.
I call BS on the mother's account of the scene.
The fact is there is too much clarification.
Too much emphasis put on the 4 year old.

Mother leans over the railing...
4 year old reaches out - frustrated most likely...
Mother says where is Caleigh...
4 year old says Caleigh is gone.
in that order.

A 4 year old has no maternal instinct
and would assume Caleigh is with the mother
anything beyond that and you're asking a 4 year old to quantify and take reasonable stock of the situation and the factors.
For the 4 year old to indicate that Caleigh is gone
the mother would first have to indicate to the child
that Caleigh isn't where she is supposed to be.
Re throwing ball to dog...another vent more or less...

So your (general your) walking down the beach with 2 small children, its within an hour of high tide, the beach is relatively narrow and your throwing a ball for a dog to fetch.

First error in throwing: You throw the ball while on Long Beach, it goes too far, going over the Saratoga Creek and onto the bordering Cape Hedge beach. So some 40 feet minimum? You walk over the 30ft bridge, get the ball and then..

Second error in throwing: You throw the ball from the bridge. It bounces off rocks on side of seawall, goes up over seawall, and over a short cement wall of one of the cottages and into the enclosed yard

Both times... 2 little children are left in an area known for its dangerous currents while your retrieving a tennis ball.

I could handle it when it was one throwing error...but two?
That is an interesting quote. When I read it I thought the exact opposite. Good Harbor is where I walk everyday. At high tide it has a deep sandy beach, at low tide it has a wonderfully large tidal flat for the dogs to run. It is a very flat and wide beach. The five days prior to Caleigh going missing, it was warm and the beaches were packed with people. Good Harbor was just crazy, it was like busy summer days. I had to keep counting all my dogs to make sure I kept them with me because there were so many people by the water. So many people were swimming even though the water was chilly, it was down right hot out. But that day she went missing, the winds kicked up and it was about 10 degrees cooler, so the beaches were much less populated.

It doesn't make sense that you would choose Long Beach over Good Harbor for safety reasons. IMO Good Harbor is a much safer option.

I wonder if there were other circumstances that she just didn't mention of why she decided on Long Beach that day.

Okay Capoly if you keep this up I'm going to have to jump up on that fence again. lol

Dont you have to pay to park at good harbor? And Long beach you can park on the street somewhere for free and walk their?
Dont you have to pay to park at good harbor? And Long beach you can park on the street somewhere for free and walk their?

It costs $20 per year for a Gloucester resident parking sticker. Sale of 2012 stickers starts 5/15 so 2011 would still be valid. Many beaches do not have parking attendants in place during the off-season. Don't know about Gloucester. According to all reports, this was a family that until recently had gone to Good Harbor beach frequently.
Re throwing ball to dog...another vent more or less...

So your (general your) walking down the beach with 2 small children, its within an hour of high tide, the beach is relatively narrow and your throwing a ball for a dog to fetch.

First error in throwing: You throw the ball while on Long Beach, it goes too far, going over the Saratoga Creek and onto the bordering Cape Hedge beach. So some 40 feet minimum? You walk over the 30ft bridge, get the ball and then..

Second error in throwing: You throw the ball from the bridge. It bounces off rocks on side of seawall, goes up over seawall, and over a short cement wall of one of the cottages and into the enclosed yard

Both times... 2 little children are left in an area known for its dangerous currents while your retrieving a tennis ball.

I could handle it when it was one throwing error...but two?

I completely agree!

When my boy's were little, we had a summer shore house in Long Beach Island, NJ. We would pack up everything for the trip to the beach. We brought with us...kites, boogie boards, footballs, etc. Never once did we worry about a kite flying away, or trying to retrieve anything.

Our eyes never left sight of our children. At all times we made sure they were safe near the water.

You just can't leave young children alone. Period! The uncut interview pops up after the news report is finished.

In this interview Allison is saying she doesn't know how long she was gone for. Why didn't she just say that in the beginning?

Also, am I the only one who thinks it looks like she's smirking and smiling a lot during the interview? Maybe it's just the way her lips are naturally turned. I can't tell.

Plus, she looked down at one point when she said she believed Caliegh was alive, which is a sign of deceit. I don't want to think she had anything to do with it, but something about this is really bothering me.

Not sure if this has been posted, but this is where she shows where she was in relation to where the kids were.

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