MA MA - Caleigh Harrison, 2, Rockport, 19 April 2012

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JMO, it would be too much of a coincidence to me if someone happened to be there ready to grab the baby, just in case Mom left the kids unattended...I mean, who does that, leave kids that young unattended, near the ocean, as a rule? Was this "mystery man" going to lurk around the hedges all day long? And no one would notice?

To me, it is pretty clear Mom was gone longer than she has been saying...why she ever went after a ball is beyond my comprehension...but the poor little one was surely swept out to sea...

JMO The uncut interview pops up after the news report is finished.

In this interview Allison is saying she doesn't know how long she was gone for. Why didn't she just say that in the beginning?

Also, am I the only one who thinks it looks like she's smirking and smiling a lot during the interview? Maybe it's just the way her lips are naturally turned. I can't tell.

Plus, she looked down at one point when she said she believed Caliegh was alive, which is a sign of deceit. I don't want to think she had anything to do with it, but something about this is really bothering me.

Not sure if this has been posted, but this is where she shows where she was in relation to where the kids were.

The diagram is difficult to view. How hard would it have been to have the children walk to the bottom of the stairs with her? It makes no sense to leave them near the creek's edge as high tide is receding. Many people have said the current is very strong in the creek during that time of the tide.

It's over 3 weeks and despite all this belief now on the mother's part re abduction, little is being done to find the child. At first the father's family was very involved but Nancy Grace seemed to do them in. The mother didn't seem to be a strong advocate for the abduction scenario at that time. Now she is on the abduction band wagon.

Poor baby...
JMHO - I do not believe the mother, at all. I had posted earlier that they were in the midst of moving with the big stuff being moved that weekend (per her on FB), she was trying to give the dog away (no pets at new place), all on this "different beach" trip on a fairly chilly day right before the move, and then we hear about a divorce.

Again - JMHO. Something is really hinky, especially the affect of mom. Sorry, but I am really leaning on the other side of the fence but will gladly eat crow if I am wrong.

With no news about the authorities checking alternate scenarios, we are left with little...
JMHO - I do not believe the mother, at all. I had posted earlier that they were in the midst of moving with the big stuff being moved that weekend (per her on FB), she was trying to give the dog away (no pets at new place), all on this "different beach" trip on a fairly chilly day right before the move, and then we hear about a divorce.

Again - JMHO. Something is really hinky, especially the affect of mom. Sorry, but I am really leaning on the other side of the fence but will gladly eat crow if I am wrong.

With no news about the authorities checking alternate scenarios, we are left with little...

Sad to say that once the mother started speaking out publicly....her prior lack of speaking publicly made sense.

The ball throwing is too bizarre. With the first 'poor' throw...she had to be darn close to the creek to begin. The bridge itself is 30 would think that she wouldn't have knowingly thrown a ball into the give or take 20 feet on each side of bridge. That be near 70 feet....she must have one heck of an arm on her. Or her intent was to have a reason to leave girls alone.

Second throw was pretty strong also..say from middle of bridge to area in front of second house..about 60 feet, Not impossible just not logical for the confines of that area.

I don't feel sorry for her. One little girl is missing, another will live a lifetime with emotional baggage because of the mother's behavior. Considering all that is known now, don't understand why she is not being charged with child negligence.
The diagram is difficult to view. How hard would it have been to have the children walk to the bottom of the stairs with her? It makes no sense to leave them near the creek's edge as high tide is receding. Many people have said the current is very strong in the creek during that time of the tide.

It's over 3 weeks and despite all this belief now on the mother's part re abduction, little is being done to find the child. At first the father's family was very involved but Nancy Grace seemed to do them in. The mother didn't seem to be a strong advocate for the abduction scenario at that time. Now she is on the abduction band wagon.

Poor baby...

That is a map to the area. Maybe it will make it easier to to understand her diagram. You can also see how close the parking lot is. If nothing else it will at least show the area to anyone who may not be familiar.

That is a map to the area. Maybe it will make it easier to to understand her diagram. You can also see how close the parking lot is. If nothing else it will at least show the area to anyone who may not be familiar.

Thank you, Mipato. Have seen many maps/views of the area at this point but is always beneficial to see another. As each view offers just a little something different.

Do understand her diagram as far as locations go...but there is a snowballs chance in H### that I'll ever understand her leaving those two children in the area shown in diagram.

And, according to her, she did it not once but twice. While the full story gives a logical understanding to the initial varying versions of what activity was taking also makes her behavior twice as illogical.

If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try all that comes to mind.
Sad to say that once the mother started speaking out publicly....her prior lack of speaking publicly made sense.

The ball throwing is too bizarre. With the first 'poor' throw...she had to be darn close to the creek to begin. The bridge itself is 30 would think that she wouldn't have knowingly thrown a ball into the give or take 20 feet on each side of bridge. That be near 70 feet....she must have one heck of an arm on her. Or her intent was to have a reason to leave girls alone.

Second throw was pretty strong also..say from middle of bridge to area in front of second house..about 60 feet, Not impossible just not logical for the confines of that area.

I don't feel sorry for her. One little girl is missing, another will live a lifetime with emotional baggage because of the mother's behavior. Considering all that is known now, don't understand why she is not being charged with child negligence.

Ok, I'm confused, I must have missed something. So the mother threw the ball, walked away from the girls to get it-then threw the ball AGAIN and had to walk even farther away to retrieve it? :waitasec:
Was this from one of the videos? I don't remember reading it and I have only watched one of the videos posted.
TIA for answering my dumb question. :)
What I really want to understand is this...WS has dozens of cases like this, and the parent(s) are the first focus. Why does it seem like those (we) are " walking on egg shells" around this? Not much in depth sleuthing etc. Only skirting the issue, such as: last VERIFIED sighting, I really have seen nothing posted that those on the beach VERIFIED that Caleigh was there...maybe just a different child.

Not wanting to tear down, but why are no other scenario's being sleuthed?
Ok, I'm confused, I must have missed something. So the mother threw the ball, walked away from the girls to get it-then threw the ball AGAIN and had to walk even farther away to retrieve it? :waitasec:
Was this from one of the videos? I don't remember reading it and I have only watched one of the videos posted.
TIA for answering my dumb question. :)

Not dumb at all....

She said she first made a 'bad' throw that had the ball going northward off Long Beach...over Saratoga Creek and landing on Cape Hedge Beach near creek. She had the girls wait on Long Beach, at end of foot bridge/by creek, while she went over the bridge to find the ball.

She found the ball and when heading back over the bridge decided to throw the ball from the bridge. She made another 'bad' throw...with the ball bouncing off rocks in front of seawall, going up the 10 ft wall, over the concrete wall of second house and landing in enclosed yard.

She left the girls again, in same spot by bridge/water and went even further this time to find the ball.
What I really want to understand is this...WS has dozens of cases like this, and the parent(s) are the first focus. Why does it seem like those (we) are " walking on egg shells" around this? Not much in depth sleuthing etc. Only skirting the issue, such as: last VERIFIED sighting, I really have seen nothing posted that those on the beach VERIFIED that Caleigh was there...maybe just a different child.

Not wanting to tear down, but why are no other scenario's being sleuthed?

Supposedly it was verified that Caleigh was on the beach. But that shouldn't be enough to rule out foul play. imo..Think the family LE connection plays a part in the "walking on egg shells". Not in an illegal way rather that as family her story is believed without question.

A loving mother.... :banghead:
Not dumb at all....

She said she first made a 'bad' throw that had the ball going northward off Long Beach...over Saratoga Creek and landing on Cape Hedge Beach near creek. She had the girls wait on Long Beach, at end of foot bridge/by creek, while she went over the bridge to find the ball.

She found the ball and when heading back over the bridge decided to throw the ball from the bridge. She made another 'bad' throw...with the ball bouncing off rocks in front of seawall, going up the 10 ft wall, over the concrete wall of second house and landing in enclosed yard.

She left the girls again, in same spot by bridge/water and went even further this time to find the ball.

Thanks for clearing that up for me. Um, wow. I am stumped by that, I really am. You would think she would have just grabbed the ball and ran back to where the girls were. Why throw it again?
Of course I would have left that stupid ball where it was in the first place or at the very least taken the kids with me to retrieve it. BUT, sometimes people do dumb things, I guess.
I am really confused on what to think in this case. :(
Supposedly it was verified that Caleigh was on the beach. But that shouldn't be enough to rule out foul play. imo..Think the family LE connection plays a part in the "walking on egg shells". Not in an illegal way rather that as family her story is believed without question.

A loving mother.... :banghead:

But we have had other LE prelipherably (sp) involved cases (extreme example..D. Peterson) and yet we all sleuth...1000+ heads are better than one.
Thanks for clearing that up for me. Um, wow. I am stumped by that, I really am. You would think she would have just grabbed the ball and ran back to where the girls were. Why throw it again?
Of course I would have left that stupid ball where it was in the first place or at the very least taken the kids with me to retrieve it. BUT, sometimes people do dumb things, I guess.
I am really confused on what to think in this case. :(

Might help re confusion if you keep in mind this is a woman with a lifetime of knowledge of these beaches and the Saratoga Creek currents. She was known to take the children to Good Harbor beach (to south of Long Beach) as it is considered a child-friendly beach. She said she took the children to Long Beach that day as the boardwalk and rocks (meaning rocks off Gape Hedge, bordering creek) made it a 'safer' beach. Despite the fact that the girls were not on the boardwalk and it was high tide so rocks were irrelevant re safety. While not employed as one, she is trained as a lifeguard.

She should have stayed silent.
But we have had other LE prelipherably (sp) involved cases (extreme example..D. Peterson) and yet we all sleuth...1000+ heads are better than one. you mean walking on egg shells in sleuthing here on WS? My understanding was we had to be able to provide a link to certain information we posted. Until she started talking most of the information we had was not verifiable.
But now it is out there... FB pages and court records...sorry, on a kindle... can't link, but posted somewhere in the forum?...
Might help re confusion if you keep in mind this is a woman with a lifetime of knowledge of these beaches and the Saratoga Creek currents. She was known to take the children to Good Harbor beach (to south of Long Beach) as it is considered a child-friendly beach. She said she took the children to Long Beach that day as the boardwalk and rocks (meaning rocks off Gape Hedge, bordering creek) made it a 'safer' beach. Despite the fact that the girls were not on the boardwalk and it was high tide so rocks were irrelevant re safety. While not employed as one, she is trained as a lifeguard.

She should have stayed silent.

Yes, this. I don't know anything about the ocean re: tides, currents, etc. But these people seemed to regularly go to the beach. A lot. And she is trained as a lifeguard? Oy vey. Was she just so used to the water that she became "immune" to how dangerous it is? I really really want to think that this woman just made a horrible mistake.
Is there a possiblility she was doing something else when Caleigh disappeared? Talking on her phone, looking at FB? And she doesn't want to admit that she wasn't paying attention so she made up the ball story?
She wouldn't be the first parent focused on Facebook while their child either was injured or died. That is why LE should have been looking at her phone records.

This woman was on FB while her son drowned in the bathtub.....she did not get a free pass.

But imo the ball throwing/leaving children alone is enough to warrant charges. Leaving them unattended once is a mistake...leaving twice is intentional.
Might help re confusion if you keep in mind this is a woman with a lifetime of knowledge of these beaches and the Saratoga Creek currents. She was known to take the children to Good Harbor beach (to south of Long Beach) as it is considered a child-friendly beach. She said she took the children to Long Beach that day as the boardwalk and rocks (meaning rocks off Gape Hedge, bordering creek) made it a 'safer' beach. Despite the fact that the girls were not on the boardwalk and it was high tide so rocks were irrelevant re safety. While not employed as one, she is trained as a lifeguard.

She should have stayed silent.

I agree with the "should have stayed silent" part because none of the rest of that makes any sense. If you're planning to run around on the sand and play ball, there is no such thing as one beach being any safer than the other. The day was one weather-wise where it makes no sense to think that going in the water was part of the plan, so that leaves all beaches being competely equal. The only possible difference from one to the other is how much actual BEACH is left at the top of high tide. Some beaches lose all their sand with the water reaching all the way to the sea wall, and others maintain quite a lot of beach even at the highest point of the tide.

The only thing that makes a difference around here is which beaches have rip currents, and that beach has a BIG one, especially at that time of the tides. Through in the very rough surf of that day, and it makes even less sense. Since she is a local and allegedly a lifeguard, EVERY SINGLE PERSON who lives anywhere near here at all knows that the TRULY "safe" beach is Wingaersheek beach in Gloucester because it is lagoon-like and not as open to the sea as many of the others.

The whole thing just makes no sense, and every word out of her mouth -- how many times she threw the ball, the kids were in the water playing on a 50-something degree windy day, how long she was gone, she chose that beach because it's the safest, and so on -- causes it to make less and less sense with every passing minute.
I agree with the "should have stayed silent" part because none of the rest of that makes any sense. If you're planning to run around on the sand and play ball, there is no such thing as one beach being any safer than the other. The day was one weather-wise where it makes no sense to think that going in the water was part of the plan, so that leaves all beaches being competely equal. The only possible difference from one to the other is how much actual BEACH is left at the top of high tide. Some beaches lose all their sand with the water reaching all the way to the sea wall, and others maintain quite a lot of beach even at the highest point of the tide.

The only thing that makes a difference around here is which beaches have rip currents, and that beach has a BIG one, especially at that time of the tides. Through in the very rough surf of that day, and it makes even less sense. Since she is a local and allegedly a lifeguard, EVERY SINGLE PERSON who lives anywhere near here at all knows that the TRULY "safe" beach is Wingaersheek beach in Gloucester because it is lagoon-like and not as open to the sea as many of the others.

The whole thing just makes no sense, and every word out of her mouth -- how many times she threw the ball, the kids were in the water playing on a 50-something degree windy day, how long she was gone, she chose that beach because it's the safest, and so on -- causes it to make less and less sense with every passing minute.

It is the nonsensicalness of it all that makes me wonder if a 'planned' abduction may have taken place. Her first bad throw has her going to Cape Hedge where cars can park on the beach and within a short distance of footbridge. Her second bad throw takes her in the opposite direction and to an area that puts the children (supposedly) out of view. No information on abductor or car means no Amber Alert.

Am sure it is wishful thinking on my part as it would mean there would be a possibility that Caleigh is alive.
A planned abduction would make sense with what I feel like I'm noticing about their demeanor. The sister wouldn't be in on it, imho. Not like Balloon Boy, who spilled the beans.

That would be really wonderful if she were still alive!

I'm afraid that the mother may have drowned Caleigh outside of the view of her sister :( I want to be charitable and think that she just fell asleep on the beach or something, but it scares me that there was talk of divorce, and moving right then, and getting rid of the dog. She's going to be a single mother, with a new life and disrupted family. I get a Munchausen vibe from her, too. Just mho! I have zero proof of any of my suspicions.

I do think she is lying bigtime (still imho :) ). About what, I have only speculation :(

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