MISTRIAL MA - Professor Karen Read, 43, charged with murdering police officer boyfriend John O'Keefe by hitting him with car, Canton, 14 Apr 2023 #16

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Some powerful stuff here. It seems many are very protective of KR— from what I’ve seen she certainly stands up for herself, has a great family and defense team.

I just think it’s really sad when the victim of the crime and their family are forgotten and vilified. RIP John O’Keefe. Editing to add: I don’t think a crime victim’s family can be expected to be completely objective and analytical.

“The mistrial that happened the other day, obviously, it wasn't ideal. But if we have to do it again, we will do it again," Paul O'Keefe told WBZ-TV. "It's just a bump in the road and like I said, we will do it again. We will do it as many times as we have to”

“Paul O'Keefe was asked what he believes happened the night of his brother's death.

“Prosecutors say Read and John O'Keefe's relationship had deteriorated in the months before his death. The night of O'Keefe's death, Read left him a series of angry voicemails, including one where she says "John, I f---ing hate you."

"We know what happened," Paul O'Keefe said. "We know that Johnny and Karen were arguing, it was kind of towards the end of their relationship. Things weren't well. They were drinking, and arguing and fighting, and in an intoxicated state of rage and jealousy, she just decided that she was going to do something about it."

“This is about my brother"​

Paul O'Keefe said that his family has received hateful messages from members of the "Free Karen Read" movement.

"Yelling, screaming, calling us names. To this day I don't know what I did wrong," he said. "I get messages all the time, through Facebook, or other ways of communication. Telling me that I'm a moron, I'm stupid, open my eyes and all this stuff. I don't really care what people say to me. Because this isn't about me. This is about my brother."

“Paul O'Keefe also addressed an exchange he had in the courtroom with Read minutes after the mistrial was declared.”

“Throughout the trial, she liked to turn and look at me and smirk. She has never once made eye contact with my wife, Erin. So when the mistrial was announced, she turned and looked right at Erin and gave her a smirk, and then went over and was hugging and celebrating to some extent," Paul O'Keefe said. "And I just said, you know, 'You are not done yet.'"

"It's turned into the Karen Read show"​

“With the case gaining national attention and support growing for Read, Paul O'Keefe said his brother has been forgotten.”
Im really glad Paul got out into the public an interview.
Remind the world it's not the Karen Read spectacle.
Its his brothers death.

These people have endured harassment that is absolutely unacceptable.

Can see though that they are a strong family and ready to go again.
Prepared to stay the course until justice for John arrives.

Juror #3 From listening to her interview, I understood that in her opinion there was reasonable doubt.

Maybe I didn't express myself right. Is voting "not guilty" the same as "reasonable doubt"? I think it is. So maybe I just expressed myself poorly, sorry. I understand that the Juror #3 was sitting there every day, diligently taking notes (good note-taking tells me something), and at the end, the burden of facts presented by the prosecution did not convince her that KR was guilty. What is important to me in this context is not whether KR is IRL is guilty. But, the person sitting inside, listening for days, remained unconvinced. Much as I lean on the side of KR's guilt, I believe that a hung jury is better in this case.
Im really glad Paul got out into the public an interview.
Remind the world it's not the Karen Read spectacle.
Its his brothers death.

These people have endured harassment that is absolutely unacceptable.

Can see though that they are a strong family and ready to go again.
Prepared to stay the course until justice for John arrives.


His full right. Besides justice for his brother, there might be some unethical aspects in this case, and they, too, need to be known to public.

He is the only son, the strongest man of his once-large family, he should fight for the truth.

I only hope he doesn't bring JO's wards into it. Give or take, they are the only children of his departed sister and JO. If there is a fund for their therapy, for this cause, I'd gladly donate. But, their lives can not be marred by a vendetta. May they grow into good people.
I have explained this ad nauseum. JOK had not come home. JOK had young children at home he was caring for. Since taking care of those young children, JOK ALWAYS came home. So lets not act like him not coming home was some normal occurance and she should assume he's sleeping at a house he doesn't even know how to get to. JMO
In that case he should have been exactly where she left him.
Problem solved.

And Indeed he was. EXACTLY where she left him.

There was absolutely no logical need for the frenzy. ....
KR guilty knowledge that night tripped her up over and over again...all night long.


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