MA - Professor Karen Read, 43, charged with murdering police officer boyfriend John O'Keefe by hitting him with car, Canton, 14 Apr 2023 #3

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Defense attorney David Yannetti begins cross examining Caitlin Albert. State police did not interview her until a year and a half after O'Keefe's death.

Yannetti is now asking about Katie McLaughlin, one of the EMTs who arrived at the scene after O'Keefe was found. Caitlin says they went to school together, have mutual friends never hung out one-on-one.

3:50 PM · May 13, 2024
It's almost as though the Alberts are on trial, not Karen Read.

Couldn't agree more with this. The prosecution's presentation of these witnesses is not proving a case against KR, and in fact the defense team is discrediting each to the point where the prosecution's own witnesses are making a great case that there's something fishy.
Speculation and jmo: It was the dog. Attacked and caused deep scratches, he fell, was under the influence, hit his head or something, was unconscious and died of exposure. Was discovered by Alberts and co later. Are covering for the dog because clearly charges could be laid on the dog's owner. Speculation only

Both owners have testified the dog wasn't out that night, only in the fenced back yard very briefly.

If it was an accident, these witnesses wouldn't be lying their butts off.

The head injury was small but very deep. Very unlikely that a slip and fall caused it.
So if the dog bites, attacks a person in your home and lets say the attack was only due to playing around with each other…
Example: boxing or play fighting as guys like to do. The dog of the house viciously attacks the stranger because that is what some dogs will do. The homeowner/dog owner decides to drag the person out to the cold and let the person die. Instead of calling 911 and getting help for the person’s dog bites that typically are not life threatening.

No,not like that, I didn't mean inside or in front of any witnesses. Like i said my idea is he may have been found later outside in the snow, already dead and was left there. Just an idea that makes some sense to me re covering up, wounds and deleted messages re "how long does it take for someone to die in the snow..."
This butt-dial thing is so dumb.

Butt-dials are from back when phones had actual buttons. If you had one in your back pocket and didn't physically lock your phone you could inadvertently press a button and call someone on your favorites list.

I'm not saying you can't inadvertently call someone with an iPhone, but it's much harder. I can't recall the last time I did that. Maybe two or three years ago when Siri heard something I said and interpreted it as a call request.

The idea that the men almost simultaneously butt-dialed each other while using iPhones is just hard to believe.

(What is common with iPhones is tapping on the wrong person on your contacts. But it doesn't sound like that's what happened here. It sounds like the phone was locked and he somehow called Brian Higgins.)

What is even more outlandish to me is a "butt-dial" while have intimate relations with his wife.
We know Colin had some minor run-ins with the victim, his neighbor up until a few weeks before John's death. I doubt those are the specific reasons, but I don't buy Chris Albert's "it was all innocent fun" either.

Will defense be bringing up the issues of the minor run-ins with Colin and JKO you mentioned? I know defense doesn't need to show motive, but curious if anything will be presented. moo

It's not uncommon for people to be protective of their lawn. moo

Will defense be bringing up the issues of the minor run-ins with Colin and JKO you mention? I know defense doesn't need to show motive, but curious if anything will be presented. moo

It's not uncommon for people to be protective of their lawn. moo

They did on cross of Colin's parents. (although they blamed it on another son)

Colin will have his own chance to speak later, but the issue was beer cans being intentionally tossed on John's lawn. I don't think they liked each other much.
Why teach him a lesson? We don't know everything. And probably never will. But Jen McCabe was very persistent that John show up at the Albert's. I think we will also hear much more about Brian Higgins.

We know Colin had some minor run-ins with the victim, his neighbor up until a few weeks before John's death. I doubt those are the specific reasons, but I don't buy Chris Albert's "it was all innocent fun" either.

I agree will never know everything. I do know that in August 2023 the Canton police Chief Helena Rafferty did confirm that John O”Keefe had reported drug activity in his neighborhood. Some have speculated that involved Colin Albert. But we’ll never know.
JO could have easily walked by the entrance to the dining room on the right and straight down the basment stairs which were on the left off the foyer. I can see how some of the guests may have never seen him, unless he intentionally stuck his head in and said Hi to people he didn't know.

I've felt for awhile now that John was brought to the house to learn some sort of Albert lesson about how things work in Canton. We don't know what this lesson may have been though. And I can see an over eager punk like Colin Albert going a little too far and causing a grievous injury to John, possibly almost immediately. Too many witnesses are bending over backwards, sometimes very implausably, to make it seem Colin left before he could have seen Read and O'Keefe.

Day 10 and I've seen nothing that changes my mind. It's almost as though the Alberts are on trial, not Karen Read.

I know it's supposed to be a birthday tradition but in a snowstorm? And then to want to leave the birthday donuts in BA jr's car? It sounds very off to me. And then, drive home in the blizzard and pick up Chris A and return to BA”s house.Is it possible that Colin A never left the house until his mommy came to get him, took him home then she returned to the BA house with her husband? Just my musings while trying to make sense of whatever happened.......MOO
Why teach him a lesson? We don't know everything. And probably never will. But Jen McCabe was very persistent that John show up at the Albert's. I think we will also hear much more about Brian Higgins.

We know Colin had some minor run-ins with the victim, his neighbor up until a few weeks before John's death. I doubt those are the specific reasons, but I don't buy Chris Albert's "it was all innocent fun" either

I agree will never know everything. I do know that in August 2023 the Canton police Chief Helena Rafferty did confirm that John O”Keefe had reported drug activity in his neighborhood. Some have speculated that involved Colin Albert. But we’ll never know.
Could be, keep your enemies close. That socializing. I did hear from a local way back, who was adamant that JO knew some things and also adamant that KR did not do it. She had no reason to be on KR's 'side' at all, didn't know them, but knew people who know the Alberts. Nuthin' good either. That age group McCarthy's is a place she also socialized as a lot do from Sharon, Canton, Stoughton. This all coming to mind with 'this is how Canton does things comments.' There are plenty of people who socialized along with JO/and others who are not involved in this trial but also know 'things' that he did as well. All brewing for a while before this event amongst themselves, then you throw on the possibly revved up Higgins with his text that night earlier to KR about, 'Hmmmm.. tonight'.. She was just playing him I'm sure,but he had hopes. and ego. Higgins. Big money is made all the time by 'upstanding' citizens of their towns with drugs and ohhh so many things as one sees.
I know it's supposed to be a birthday tradition but in a snowstorm? And then to want to leave the birthday donuts in BA jr's car? It sounds very off to me. And then, drive home in the blizzard and pick up Chris A and return to BA”s house.Is it possible that Colin A never left the house until his mommy came to get him, took him home then she returned to the BA house with her husband? Just my musings while trying to make sense of whatever happened.......MOO
I cannot stand that whole DONUT thing with the nephew, tradition. COME ON, donut shops are all over the place there of course, he can get his OWN DONUTS whenever he wants. BLIZZARD /bad roads and collllld. Most prob have beloved local nephews but this is all a stretch with the donuts to me, but I could be wrong. Wanting to leave them in the car and not go in of all times. It's fluff.
I cannot stand that whole DONUT thing with the nephew, tradition. COME ON, donut shops are all over the place there of course, he can get his OWN DONUTS whenever he wants. BLIZZARD /bad roads and collllld. Most prob have beloved local nephews but this is all a stretch with the donuts to me, but I could be wrong. Wanting to leave them in the car and not go in of all times. It's fluff.
Also, why would she drive home in the blizzard to only pick up her husband. Couldn't he get in his own car and drive there. I might sound a little old fashioned here but the men I know, and I admit I'm old now, would rather do the bad weather driving than let the little woman do it. Have to admit that I prefer it that way myself.MO
I cannot stand that whole DONUT thing with the nephew, tradition. COME ON, donut shops are all over the place there of course, he can get his OWN DONUTS whenever he wants. BLIZZARD /bad roads and collllld. Most prob have beloved local nephews but this is all a stretch with the donuts to me, but I could be wrong. Wanting to leave them in the car and not go in of all times. It's fluff.
Six donuts.
A small thing, I know, but if I'm getting donuts in a blizzard, I'm doing a dozen, for the birthday boy and the others in the house due to the storm.
But her lack of curiosity about all the cars in the driveway, especially after she missed a very early early call from her bestie whose car was one of them, is bizarre.
Six donuts.
A small thing, I know, but if I'm getting donuts in a blizzard, I'm doing a dozen, for the birthday boy and the others in the house due to the storm.
But her lack of curiosity about all the cars in the driveway, especially after she missed a very early early call from her bestie whose car was one of them, is bizarre.
Ya, because she's making up a dumb sounding story. I forgot her whole reasoning, besides it's 'tradition'. It's ludicrous when I picture the scenario, in that mess of a freezing, snowy storm after being up so late, drinking that night. I did not think yeaaaa what a great auntie when I read that story the first time, I thought, 'Are you SIMPLE MINDED OR WHAT?'
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