MA - Professor Karen Read, 43, charged with murdering police officer boyfriend John O'Keefe by hitting him with car, Canton, 14 Apr 2023 #7

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A joke?

I don't know why we can't take him at his word. He was searching through the messages between John and Karen. Sure he was looking for evidence of discord between them, but if she had sent John any nudes he would have seen them, right? He didn't see any so he was disappointed.

You think he would have been careful to skip those messages? I doubt it. He would have drooled over them and then sent his buds a text commenting on her body.

Absolutely. He is by far not the smartest, but in the long run, I am thinking, if I call the police, how soon will they arrive? If something happens, how safe is my town? If there is a system problem, how to resolve it? Firing Proctor is easy - but I want to know the statistics, is there a lack of policemen in MA already? One killed, several fired, how will it affect the safety index?

Here. I have no police among my family or friends, but if I start Googling a question I usually get an affirmative answer. Except for one case when no one knew the answer yet.

Judge Bev is suddenly paying attention.
But why did she wait until now?
I think Proctor was meant to steal the show as being "the corrupt one".
I'm still surprised he didn't plead the fifth?

I agree, he's a fall guy for the whole thing because his behavior was so over-the-top egregious. But there are many other heads that should roll here.

The Commonwealth should reimburse Read for every penny she was forced to spend defending this garbage case and thank her for exposing the deep levels of incompetence and corruption amongst Canton cops and the state police.
Absolutely. He is by far not the smartest, but in the long run, I am thinking, if I call the police, how soon will they arrive? If something happens, how safe is my town? If there is a system problem, how to resolve it? Firing Proctor is easy - but I want to know the statistics, is there a lack of policemen in MA already? One killed, several fired, how will it affect the safety index?

Here. I have no police among my family or friends, but if I start Googling a question I usually get an affirmative answer. Except for one case when no one knew the answer yet.

If the choice is between having cops like Proctor and fewer cops, I'll take the latter.

However, it's a false dichotomy. It's clear that Proctor wasn't a lone wolf. He was sending these texts to his coworkers and superiors. The whole department was in on it. This starts with the higher-ups who were perfectly fine with Proctor's behavior until it became a national embarrassment.

This is the fundamental reason that the Feds have been investigating the MSP. The whole culture requires an attitude adjustment.
The question we don’t have an answer to is, how healthy JO was?

I hope the police goes through regular physicals. My opinion, they are not the healthiest bunch to start with - usually, higher cholesterol and it is related to constant stress.

However, we are at the beginning of 2022. For all I know, 2020 and half of 2021, most doctors’ offices were closed here in WA. I assume MA is similar to WA, mentality-wise, I lived in both states, so isolation was taken seriously, and vaccinations, too. As the side effect, it meant fewer doctors’ visits. To be honest, places started opening in 2022. So it is quite possible that even if JO had his annual in 2021, it was too early to get it in the beginning of 2022.

Now, I paid attention to the “raccoon eyes syndrome” that everyone had been indirectly mentioning (hematomas on the eyes). These are not “eyes beaten”, it is a syndrome that is usually observed with basal skull fractures or other intracranial traumas. However, as I was refreshing memory about it yesterday, I read about other conditions causing it.

And this brings up a point. Could there be one of these conditions mentioned, undiagnosed, because it was at the beginning? Could JO be more prone to bleeding? I would be the first one to insist that we don’t know the answer for an obvious reason, TB posting photo of John’s arm with scratches was a postmortem photo, it is a major HIPAA violation. So I’d rather we don’t know the answer, but the question - could JO have the beginning of a condition that would lead to decreased blood clotting? And could it have exacerbated the consequences of being hit by a car and falling? - can be asked.

IMHO, it doesn’t minimize KR’s responsibility as you can’t drunk drive and hit your boyfriend with a car, sorry.

But I wanted to throw some food for thought as to when the consequences could be worse.
Using the logic that she's guilty because you can't drive drunk, gives us many guilty people that night. As far as your statement that she hit her boyfriend with a car, there's been no evidence to support your theory. In fact, quite the opposite. (pieces of a taillight, but not her taillight; pieces of glass, but not the glass on her bumper; pieces of taillight that don't match any known taillight; and at least 3 experts who concluded that her vehicle did not hit him) amoo
Fired by the end of the year? That's six months away. How about tomorrow
There is an ongoing investigation into Trooper Procter - so maybe they need for him to still be employed so they can follow his trail and be led to wherever/ whatever else dirty he is involved in.
The higher ups knew all along about this info he was testifying to today and they let it move forward - today is not an aha moment for the top brass at the MA State Police. It will be interesting to see what occurs with him in th elong run - if anything.

I feel bad for his wife and kids and the O'keefes. This guy disrespected not just Karen Read, but everybody in the state of Massachusetts. And worse it seemed acceptable to the bosses.
I should be shocked but alas I really am not when all is said and done. We need some wholesale cleanup and not just Massachusetts. Instead we have people trying to turn the clock back to the 1950"s.
If the choice is between having cops like Proctor and fewer cops, I'll take the latter.

However, it's a false dichotomy. It's clear that Proctor wasn't a lone wolf. He was sending these texts to his coworkers and superiors. The whole department was in on it. This starts with the higher-ups who were perfectly fine with Proctor's behavior until it became a national embarrassment.

This is the fundamental reason that the Feds have been investigating the MSP. The whole culture requires an attitude adjustment.

True. So what I want to know first would be Proctor’s education. Just because they are planning another school rearrangement in my area. I am always thinking about prevention. CW police is probably at the phase of “troubleshooting and sweeping up.” Late…
Proctor says "jokes" don't have any bearing on facts and integrity of the case.
Define integrity for us sir because you don’t seem to have any.

So many “jokes”, Proctor must have thought he was doing stand up at the Apollo. He certainly treated the investigation like it was his own personal comedy sketch. Perhaps he should have gone to work for Comedy Central and left the investigation to the professionals who have treated it with the same amount of dignity JOK’s life and death deserve.
Judge Bev is suddenly paying attention.
But why did she wait until now?
I think Proctor was meant to steal the show as being "the corrupt one".
I'm still surprised he didn't plead the fifth?
I noticed they really didn't get into how he handled the evidence. I think there might be more going on with that behind the scenes. If not, there should be.JMOO
There is an ongoing investigation into Trooper Procter - so maybe they need for him to still be employed so they can follow his trail and be led to wherever/ whatever else dirty he is involved in.
The higher ups knew all along about this info he was testifying to today and they let it move forward - today is not an aha moment for the top brass at the MA State Police. It will be interesting to see what occurs with him in th elong run - if anything.

The FBI and the internal affairs department of the state police were no doubt waiting for Trooper Piggy's testimony today. He's not going to have a job very soon, and hopefully he faces charges and jail time when all investigations are done.

And not just him. His bosses and some of his co-workers need to be gone too.
Worse than that, I'm pretty sure if he found them he would have sent them to his buds, bosses, or sister. Or to all of them.
Totally - he is just the type of guy who was definitely looking for nudes. They prob would have made their way into the state police locker room. And for him to actually use the word "*advertiser censored*" - I cannot fathom it - and to talk about her colitis - along with the rest

And yes he made Brian Higgins (w ho I believe is involved tangentally) look like a boy scout reading his messaages on the stand aka "DId they Bang??"

Who are these people?

Not our finest
The FBI and the internal affairs department of the state police were no doubt waiting for Trooper Piggy's testimony today. He's not going to have a job very soon, and hopefully he faces charges and jail time when all investigations are done.

And not just him. His bosses and some of his co-workers need to be gone too.
Agree! Let the dominoes start falling like they did in the Murdaugh case where all his crooked cronies got caught too.
The seventh week of witness testimony in the Karen Read murder trial began Monday with Massachusetts State Police Detective Sergeant Yuri Bukhenik back on the stand for a third day and he faced intense questioning over an inverted video from inside a Canton police sallyport.

Bukhenik was dismissed from the stand shortly after 10:30 a.m. When the court returned from morning recess, the lead investigator on the Read case, Trooper Michael Proctor, was called to the stand.

Before testimony resumed, Judge Beverly Cannone heard a motion from the prosecution, which is seeking to block defense expert Dr. Marie Russell from taking the stand. The defense is planning to question Russell about its theory of John O’Keefe being attacked by a dog and the injuries to his arm.


3:10 p.m.

  • This jury has to be wondering what they got themselves into with this case. It is absolutely not normal for a prosecutor to be asking a State Trooper about personal texts re: a defendant.
  • Proctor and another trooper were texting about the Medical Examiner’s ruling that manner of JO’s death “could not be determined”
3 p.m.

  • Judge asks Proctor to speak up because jury can’t hear him either. In a June 2022 text to his wife, Proctor called Karen a whack job and said something about locking her up.

Continues at link...

The list is growing
Things lally is doing that further validate the defense. The mirrored video, the KR audio recording implicating ca and ba, and now the testimony by the police sgt that the tail light was only cracked.
Add to that, trooper proctor in all his hateful, uncouth self, blatantly demeaning KR and even really really hating Yanetti. Thanks again lally. JMOO
The list is growing
Things lally is doing that further validate the defense. The mirrored video, the KR audio recording implicating ca and ba, and now the testimony by the police sgt that the tail light was only cracked.
Add to that, trooper proctor in all his hateful, uncouth self, blatantly demeaning KR and even really really hating Yanetti. Thanks again lally. JMOO

Yep. And you know what could have cleared up at least the different testimonies about the state of the taillight? If someone took actual pictures of the car when the tow truck came to get her car. Two cops could have been there to witness and take photos. The tow driver would be there so he could have been another person to see the damage and pictures taken to further verify it. But nope! Here we are with solo cups filled with blood.

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