Identified! MA - Provincetown, Race Point, 'Lady in the Dunes' WhtFem 27-49, UP11840, Jul'74 - Ruth Marie Terry

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have you ever been out here and explored the dunes? There are tons of little nooks and crannies that you'd never expect. I used to find new spots all the time.

As for organized crime, Yes... the Whitey Bulger gang, of course. As for the Portuguese gang, can't believe I have never heard of that. I have recent friend here (ex fisherman) who was involved in smuggling back in the day, so maybe I will talk to him... actually, two friends. When they have talked about that, they are very tight-lipped, but one never knows.

The Portuguese gang thing is something I've heard from some older people around here (central MA), but never anything official. If you come up with anything, I'd love to know.

Yes, I have visited the spot where I thought the body was found -- walked right past it -- and the day we were there, we had trouble finding a nook or cranny that wasn't already occupied. Very crowded. But maybe that wasn't a typical day.
The Portuguese gang thing is something I've heard from some older people around here (central MA), but never anything official. If you come up with anything, I'd love to know.

Yes, I have visited the spot where I thought the body was found -- walked right past it -- and the day we were there, we had trouble finding a nook or cranny that wasn't already occupied. Very crowded. But maybe that wasn't a typical day.

I'm wondering if the "gang" thing has to do exclusively with all the drug smuggling, and that only. Fishing boats between here and NB were Hugely into that.

I just got back from reading microfilm at the library, but didn't take notes today. However, one detail that I haven't seen in any articles was a report from the dentist who examined her teeth (a Dr. Schwartz), with some details, to wit; she had a mix of porcelain and gold crowns, extensive, but also special gum treatments. He said that she was fastidious beyond what most people would be, and said that the work was worth between $3000 and $4000. The gum treatment thing is new to me, and an interesting detail that says something about her. He also was somewhat pessimistic about the dental charts ID'ing her; said it was rare for IDs to be made on UI bodies in his experience, because so many dentists don't read the bulletins and magazines that those charts are in.

I have to run off, but will write a few more things I found out later.
@carbuff, she killed by a blow to the head and there was no sign of a struggle. She was lying on one side of a towel as if someone else had been lying next to her, and might have been asleep, or at least unaware that she was going to be hit.

Thanks, I remembered she didn't die from the throat wound, but couldn't remember what the real cause of death was.

The sharing of the towel is what makes me think this wasn't a gang killing. Women don't usually share towels with anybody but a boyfriend, or possibly a close female friend. Possible, but less than likely. Also, several of the articles mention her face pretty well bashed in, and that sounds more like anger than execution.
I'm wondering if the "gang" thing has to do exclusively with all the drug smuggling, and that only. Fishing boats between here and NB were Hugely into that.

I just got back from reading microfilm at the library, but didn't take notes today. However, one detail that I haven't seen in any articles was a report from the dentist who examined her teeth (a Dr. Schwartz), with some details, to wit; she had a mix of porcelain and gold crowns, extensive, but also special gum treatments. He said that she was fastidious beyond what most people would be, and said that the work was worth between $3000 and $4000. The gum treatment thing is new to me, and an interesting detail that says something about her. He also was somewhat pessimistic about the dental charts ID'ing her; said it was rare for IDs to be made on UI bodies in his experience, because so many dentists don't read the bulletins and magazines that those charts are in.

I have to run off, but will write a few more things I found out later.

Yes, it's possible people were referring only to the drug part. Or rather, that the people who were telling me this equated drug trade with organized crime.

Hm, that's very interesting about the teeth. That sends my thoughts flying off two different directions. I wonder if she had let her teeth rot while she was a heavy drug user, then had it restored after she came clean? And I wonder how much the caps and so on might have changed her appearance?
carbuff, good point about letting teeth rot then getting work done after getting money, possibly by ill-gained money and connections.... that would certainly make her not recognizable by the description of the fancy work to her old friends and family. That would account for the fancy gum work as well, implying that she'd let her dental state get pretty dire.

More stuff I found from the old papers today; It has been mentioned before in some later articles that the police chief received an anonymous letter, tho I don't know if it's been brought up on these boards. There was a little blurb mentioning this, and it described the letter as having a drawing with a model's head being cut out of a magazine, and a drawing of an elastic like the one she had holding her ponytail, complete with speckles like the one she was wearing had. There was also a broach drawn attached to the elastic, though she didn't have that when she was found. The person who wrote the letter said that they had seen someone in Provincetown near the time of the murder fitting the description of the victim. The police chief felt as if there was a page missing from the letter that might have revealed her identity, but no explanation of what gave him that impression. I wonder where that letter is today, and if anyone has tried to get a DNA sample from it?

In the article with Dr. Schwartz the dentist he said that he planned to file some of the teeth to get further information about her age and where she might be from. But I didn't have time to keep going through the papers to see if anything came of that. I've never seen any mention of that in any later writings about WItD.

Yes, you're right about a woman not sharing a towel with a stranger... certainly not naked, like she was. I think the only article of clothing found at the scene was a pair of Wrangler jeans (34 waist, 31 inseam), folded under her head, though I seem to remember a bandana (not mentioned in the articles I read today).

I believe that years later, sometime after I moved here, someone found a ladies watch at the site, but I'm not sure about that.

None of the articles mentioned the attempt at decapitation, but at the time they were written they were probably keeping that info quiet. One of the articles, I think the one with the dentist, said that they were unsure of the original age they had guessed (30 to 40) but would not say why they were questioning that.

This case drives me nuts for some reason.
None of the articles mentioned the attempt at decapitation, but at the time they were written they were probably keeping that info quiet. One of the articles, I think the one with the dentist, said that they were unsure of the original age they had guessed (30 to 40) but would not say why they were questioning that.

This case drives me nuts for some reason.

Lots of good stuff here that I need to think about in the morning, when my brain is functioning again. Yeah, it is a strange and compelling case. I'm intrigued by the way the age keeps migrating younger. The recent update suggest 25 as the lower end of the range, and the recent articles about the reopened case think she might be under 21.
Lots of good stuff here that I need to think about in the morning, when my brain is functioning again. Yeah, it is a strange and compelling case. I'm intrigued by the way the age keeps migrating younger. The recent update suggest 25 as the lower end of the range, and the recent articles about the reopened case think she might be under 21.

I didn't see until a little while ago your post (I think it was you) with that very good link to the local Ptown paper's article about the case being reopened, that had chief Jaran's theory that she was younger.. also that picture of him kneeling by the Big File (it's a recycling bin.. everyone here uses them to stash everything). That's the same big juicy box I saw a some months ago. Somehow overlooked that article, so thanks. By the way, another detail from what I read today described her face as being basically gone from decomposition and... ugh... maggots. That's why no eye color, I guess.

Well, keep thinking and theorizing... I want to see this solved.
I didn't see until a little while ago your post (I think it was you) with that very good link to the local Ptown paper's article about the case being reopened, that had chief Jaran's theory that she was younger.. also that picture of him kneeling by the Big File (it's a recycling bin.. everyone here uses them to stash everything). That's the same big juicy box I saw a some months ago. Somehow overlooked that article, so thanks. By the way, another detail from what I read today described her face as being basically gone from decomposition and... ugh... maggots. That's why no eye color, I guess.

Well, keep thinking and theorizing... I want to see this solved.

Yes, that was me. It turned up on a Google search. They mention the neck wound was done with something similar to an Army trenching tool -- do you know what that is? Do they actually have the tool, or is that just a description of the kind of item that would leave that kind of damage?

The decomposition is the main reason I'm surprised nobody noticed the body sooner. Even if they didn't go to that particular area of the dunes, it must have been stinking. Though I guess the Sowell case proves that a lot of people can know it stinks but not know what they're smelling. And beaches do stink -- I suppose they thought it was something washed up.
The trenching tool could be a fold up shovel. They are sold in military surplus stores.
Trenching shovels are common here, it's a foldable shovel, easy to carry. They sell them at Marine Specialties, our local army navy store. Lots of people have them for beach campfires because we're required to cover the fire pit before we leave.

In the old papers I read yesterday it was evident that the police and FBI were very thorough in contacting every local guest house and seasonal rental, and came up with nothing. This makes me wonder if the victim and her killer camped out in the dunes; it's illegal but people do it all the time, esp back in the '70s. Otherwise, how would the killer explain carrying around a trenching tool? Because most of her clothes and anything else she had with her were missing, it could be assumed that the killer had a backpack or large bag.

Also in the articles it was clear that the LE was following up on every lead they could on any cars/vehicles that were seen in the area. Sounds like they went all-out.
I'm wondering if I can somehow post the old newspaper articles on here for you all to read. I'd have to make copies from the microfilm reader then scan them. But I'm not sure they'd be readable, they might be too small to read. Any thoughts?
I'm thinking, Polywog. I'm just not that savy with the computer.
hmmm...personally, I really think Swann died in England at the hands of the evil Wests or possibly the evil Peter Tobin, who is starting to be linked as a possible suspect to other murders from the late 60s onwards, or some other evil maniac.

The Canadian girls you posted, Aphra, look quite a bit like her, but I'm not sure. Still, she most definitely could have been from another country, so these possibilities have to be looked at.

It's so great, all the renewed efforts to ID this poor woman. This is the type of thing poor Beth needs!
I'm wondering if I can somehow post the old newspaper articles on here for you all to read. I'd have to make copies from the microfilm reader then scan them. But I'm not sure they'd be readable, they might be too small to read. Any thoughts?

people have done it, for sure...I believe there are some under the Jane & Jock Doe (Unidentified couple in South Carolina) and the Sodder Family. They can be difficult to read, but sometimes they are fine.
Trenching shovels are common here, it's a foldable shovel, easy to carry. They sell them at Marine Specialties, our local army navy store. Lots of people have them for beach campfires because we're required to cover the fire pit before we leave.

In the old papers I read yesterday it was evident that the police and FBI were very thorough in contacting every local guest house and seasonal rental, and came up with nothing. This makes me wonder if the victim and her killer camped out in the dunes; it's illegal but people do it all the time, esp back in the '70s. Otherwise, how would the killer explain carrying around a trenching tool? Because most of her clothes and anything else she had with her were missing, it could be assumed that the killer had a backpack or large bag.

Also in the articles it was clear that the LE was following up on every lead they could on any cars/vehicles that were seen in the area. Sounds like they went all-out.

Ah, one of those. Thanks. I was picturing one of those big adze-type things they use in fighting forest fires. But the smaller tool makes more sense. After he killed her, he could have gone back to the tent looking for something to make it easier to dispose of the body, not found anything but that, tried and gave up, and then just headed out with everything.

I'm starting to picture a hippie-type couple with a motorcycle or maybe even a car, traveling around the country, living mostly by camping out. A little money but not a lot, maybe they work odd jobs here and there. Probably on the outs with both families. The dental work goes against that, though.
I'm starting to picture a hippie-type couple with a motorcycle or maybe even a car, traveling around the country, living mostly by camping out. A little money but not a lot, maybe they work odd jobs here and there. Probably on the outs with both families. The dental work goes against that, though.

I don't think the dental work TOTALLY rules out that scenario. What if LOD had her dental work done when she was younger and part of a wealthy family and then she decided to run off and lost contact with her family? There were many girls from upper class backgrounds who ran off to live with revolutionary groups, joined motorcycle games, lived on the road, etc. during this time period. If the family thought that she had voluntarily left they probably wouldn't be looking for her and if she was from another region of the country they may not even make the connection between their long lost daughter and LOD.
I don't think the dental work TOTALLY rules out that scenario. What if LOD had her dental work done when she was younger and part of a wealthy family and then she decided to run off and lost contact with her family? There were many girls from upper class backgrounds who ran off to live with revolutionary groups, joined motorcycle games, lived on the road, etc. during this time period. If the family thought that she had voluntarily left they probably wouldn't be looking for her and if she was from another region of the country they may not even make the connection between their long lost daughter and LOD.

So true... so many people back then checking out of "society" and joining communes, alternative lifestyles, etc. Still it is hard to fathom that no is wondering what ever became of their daughter/sister/cousin. On the other hand, I know a family here who lost a son back in 1979; he and his girlfriend vanished on a cross country motorcycle trip, and it devastated that family. The mother searched and then gave up. The family seems to have no interest in pursuing it now, and it is not something that is comfortable to bring up with the siblings I know. They have accepted it, suspect foul play, and have moved on. Of course, I would Love to see that case listed on the missing person sites, but it is none of my business. Perhaps LOD is one of these cases.
Here is something interesting I found on Elizabeth Swann:

Seeking: Elizabeth Swann
Location: No Regional Information : No Town Information
Message: I am searching for Elizabeth Swann who was born in Birmingham and lived in the Kingshurst Solihull area until her mid teens. Elizabeth moved to Sydney Australia with her family in the late 60s and returned to the UK around 1973/74. Contact was lost with Elizabeth at that time and her family have been searching for her for the past 35 years. Elizabeth would now be in her late 50s. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Posted By: Vannessa Swann on Saturday 4 October 2008

from a link:

I know this is not a thread about her, but the post makes me wonder if she took off for Australia.
I don't think the dental work TOTALLY rules out that scenario. What if LOD had her dental work done when she was younger and part of a wealthy family and then she decided to run off and lost contact with her family? There were many girls from upper class backgrounds who ran off to live with revolutionary groups, joined motorcycle games, lived on the road, etc. during this time period. If the family thought that she had voluntarily left they probably wouldn't be looking for her and if she was from another region of the country they may not even make the connection between their long lost daughter and LOD.

It would work out that way, but I have difficulty reconciling that kind of background with the need for that kind of dental work. Income doesn't necessarily equate to good dental hygiene, but you'd think they would have taken her to the dentist before it reached that state.
Here is something interesting I found on Elizabeth Swann:

Seeking: Elizabeth Swann
Location: No Regional Information : No Town Information
Message: I am searching for Elizabeth Swann who was born in Birmingham and lived in the Kingshurst Solihull area until her mid teens. Elizabeth moved to Sydney Australia with her family in the late 60s and returned to the UK around 1973/74. Contact was lost with Elizabeth at that time and her family have been searching for her for the past 35 years. Elizabeth would now be in her late 50s. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Posted By: Vannessa Swann on Saturday 4 October 2008

from a link:

I know this is not a thread about her, but the post makes me wonder if she took off for Australia.

one can only hope that she really is out there somewhere...great find, polywog! & i found this:

just someone posting about her & having my sad thought...wonder if we should start a thread about her?

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