Madeleine McCann 3 year old missing in Portugal - Part 1

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But in light of what they did, would you write a beautiful poem for little Madeleine, please. :blowkiss:

(Unless i'm horrbly mistaken, you wrote a beautiful poem for Michelle Fisher's Cassidy?)
Sorry..........I had to run off with a long distance phone call from a dear friend, and then a massive Mothers Day BBQ here..........
I will do that.........thank you for asking........
I didn't though do one for Cassidy, I don't know that story........
( Its been a busy year around here)
But, I will write one tonight..........night is the best for me with poems.
Maddie......this beautiful ...........sweet ..........girl ...........
Words will never be enough.......I so pray she is found....
I'll be back to you tomorrow sometime.........with a poem for Maddie........
Actually, they did hear something (a sound like a "crate breaking") which was the kidnapper's ladder breaking. However, the Lindbergh's were relying on their dog to alert them for intruders, and the dog was at the other end of the house and did not bark. Maybe I wouldn't hear anything either if I was in a house a big as the Lindbergh's, but I'm not likely to ever be!

I guess I will concede that it can happen. Two years ago here in Australia a little girl was taken from her bed - the kidnapper cut the wire screen in the window above the bed and took her, and no one heard anything - including the 3 other children who were asleep in the same bed. She has never been found.

It happens here too, Danielle Van Dam, no one heard the perp come or go with her. Jessica Lunsford also. Sabrina Eisenberg - not found and it's been years.
It happens here too, Danielle Van Dam, no one heard the perp come or go with her. Jessica Lunsford also. Sabrina Eisenberg - not found and it's been years.

Can't forget Polly Klaas.:(
It happens here too, Danielle Van Dam, no one heard the perp come or go with her. Jessica Lunsford also. Sabrina Eisenberg - not found and it's been years.

I just watched a show about the Sabrina Aisenerg case on MSN...I have seen plenty before of course, but I really don't know WHAT to think of her case.
Many prayers for Madeline.
I hope Interpol is involved in this.

My DH was telling me about an American couple in Instanbul, staying at a fancy hotel. They went downstairs to get a cup of coffee and a newspaper. When they came back up, their 10 year old son was gone.

The hotel front desk immediately called the authorities. It turned out that Interpol had infiltrated groups of people who procured sex slaves. They worked their informants and found the boy rather quickly. Of course, he was quite traumatized.

According to DH, there are organized groups who watch luxury hotels and resorts for the sole purpose of procuring white children for the sex trade.

DH read about all this in a book. He thinks it is called 'Interpol". It's here somewhere, but I can't find it to double check -- DH has 5,000 books in the living room.
It happens here too, Danielle Van Dam, no one heard the perp come or go with her. Jessica Lunsford also. Sabrina Eisenberg - not found and it's been years.

You know, that's extremely scary if you think about it. When I put my son to bed at night, I always put the dog in there with him. I know the dog will bark if he hears any kind of noise. But, it still scares me. Also, my house is incredibly small, so I think I might hear something, but you never know. I pray they find Maddie soon and that she is perfectly fine!
Can't forget Polly Klaas.:(

Indeed, I didn't mention her or Elizabeth Smart because the perp was heard/seen in those cases.

Polly Klaas is an angel and I have much respect for her Dad.
Thank you, Olivia77. :clap: :clap: :clap:

I totally agree. At this point the focus must be on finding the child. The parents made the biggest mistake of their lives and they know it. They will have to live with it forever. If people start to judge and whisper about and even suspect the parents it only wastes precious time in finding Madeline. It becomes that snowball effect. Remember the Ayers Rock case in Australia. Eventually the evidence was found that exonerated the mother, but I will never forget how those whispers turned into a long jail term for an innocent woman.
I saw a picture of these parents on the internet and I just started crying when I looked at the face of the mother. It just broke my heart. The father had his head turned into the mother but just looking at her was heartbreaking.
They didn't imagine in a million years that someone would break into that room and take their little girl. They were checking on the kids and it is said that the place they were at is basically crime free. They made a mistake and will probably pay for it for the rest of their lives. It will be a miracle if this little girl is found alive. They also have a set of twins..boy and girl...who are younger then Maddy. They also had invetro or something like that in order to have their children so they really wanted those babies. We've all made a bad decision here and there and thank God didn't have to pay such a high price for it.

It sounds to me like someone was watching this family and knew when the parents left and how often they checked on the kids. I thought at first that maybe they wanted a ransom thinking that the parents were rich but I haven't heard of any note so far. Whoever took Maddie must have been quick and just in and out in seconds. As we all know...we live in a scary world where you can't let your kids out of your sight for a second. It's not fair but it's a reality. There have been quite a number of kids taken from their homes never to be found or if they were found they weren't alive. I hope and pray that Maddie is found alive and alright.
I have a feeling it was someone involved in a pedo ring that had stalked them there from England, had probably seen Maddie at home in England and followed them there for a chance to snatch her. Do we know how far into the vacation the family was when this, how long had they been in Portugal, how many more days did they have left?
I just started following this case (I've been super busy lately) and it breaks my heart. I sure hope they find her safe and sound. Poor little girl. I just keep thinking how scared she must be and wanting her mommy and daddy.
I have a feeling it was someone involved in a pedo ring that had stalked them there from England, had probably seen Maddie at home in England and followed them there for a chance to snatch her. Do we know how far into the vacation the family was when this, how long had they been in Portugal, how many more days did they have left?

I believe they were there for a week and it was the fifth night. Someone will correct me if I am wrong. : )
I wish there had been some 'news' this weekend but nothing yet. I wonder what makes criminals feel they can just grab a child - is it spontaneous or a well planned plot? Anyway, I hope the police has investigated the staff at the dining room - esp. staff that take reservations for dinner, and the wait staff that could be in contact with known Pedophiles. I'm certainly not accusing anyone in particular but with cell phones, walkie-talkies, etc., there could easily be a lookout person and another to have grabbed Maddie.
I wonder if the resort will come out with a policy change stating that children under the age of 12 or so, are not to be left unattended while on resort grounds. I guess it would be sort of like closing the barn door after the horse escaped but this Resort might have felt safe from the outside world but it opened to the village on one side. Unfortunately, this vacation resort will forever be associated with Madeleine's disappearance - whether the Mark Warner Resort agrees or not. (BTW, I am not blaming the resort for this - they are selling a carefree vacation - families purchase the product).
I saw a picture of these parents on the internet and I just started crying when I looked at the face of the mother. It just broke my heart. The father had his head turned into the mother but just looking at her was heartbreaking.
They didn't imagine in a million years that someone would break into that room and take their little girl. They were checking on the kids and it is said that the place they were at is basically crime free. They made a mistake and will probably pay for it for the rest of their lives. It will be a miracle if this little girl is found alive. They also have a set of twins..boy and girl...who are younger then Maddy. They also had invetro or something like that in order to have their children so they really wanted those babies. We've all made a bad decision here and there and thank God didn't have to pay such a high price for it.

It sounds to me like someone was watching this family and knew when the parents left and how often they checked on the kids. I thought at first that maybe they wanted a ransom thinking that the parents were rich but I haven't heard of any note so far. Whoever took Maddie must have been quick and just in and out in seconds. As we all know...we live in a scary world where you can't let your kids out of your sight for a second. It's not fair but it's a reality. There have been quite a number of kids taken from their homes never to be found or if they were found they weren't alive. I hope and pray that Maddie is found alive and alright.

Great post!! I pray they find this little girl and soon. Prayers to the whole family....
Just saw on the news where JK Rowling, Richard Branson, & Simon Cowell have all substantially added to the reward money for Maddie's safe return. So wonderful!! I can't imagine the self-absorbed celebs in this country ever doing anything major like this for any abducted child here, although I do remember Winona Ryder helping out and offering a reward when Polly Klaas went missing in 1993, because she was from Petaluma, CA where Polly lived.

Lord, please bring Madeleine home safely!!!! PLEASE!!!
I think they should hire investigators to do a systematic and massive simultaneous search of every apartment or house in that little town, with the sniffer dogs. If anyone refused to let their cars or houses be searched, I'd watch them carefully.

I'd put up roadblocks and not let anyone leave the town unless they first allowed their vehicles to be searched.

There are tons of people willing to help, and they could help do that, so that if Madeleine is being held nearby, the kidnapper couldn't get away after being warned of a massive ongoing search. Any adult can help look for a missing child -- they don't have to be charged with looking for evidence, like the pajamas or single hairs, and so forth.

I mean, how hard is it to look in rooms, closets, cabinets, car trunks, under large furniture, in places where a child could be stashed?

There are too many cases where missing children have been found in nearby homes after massive searches of the area turned up nothing.

I'm not too keen on worrying about people's rights to privacy when an emergency is ongoing, although I do advocate asking for consent and a policy of not arresting people if something illegal -- besides a kidnapped child -- is found in their homes.

I know that if one of my children disappeared, I'd call the police and then I'd ask everyone on the surrounding streets to let me search their house.
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