Madeleine McCann 3 year old missing in Portugal - Part 1

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You know, I think on this case and Amy Bradley (who I also believe was abducted by a pervert network), and it seems like it's just so unbelievably easy to target people on vacation (relaxed and guard down). Look how fast the search and rescue networks develop when someone goes missing from their home community. When it's a vacation abduction, the criminals have such an even greater upper hand. The surviving family members are disorganized and discombobulated.

True, since they are in a place that is strange to them, usually, don't know anyone, etc. it makes it so much harder.

I was just thinking this morning. In so many of these cases you are dealing with a lost child, someone who has lost a child. That's horrible enough in a home setting, but this is just too much to bear. How in the world do the McCanns go on now? How do they go home to England now and resume their lives, their medical careers, without their child, without knowing what has happened to Madeleine? Without HER? It seems too much to ask of a mere mortal, yet I know people who lose children manage to do it all the time. But this was a BABY!! Most of the time when a child this young is snatched, it is usually by a non-custodial parent and 9 times out of 10, the child is found safe. But this was a stranger abduction in a foreign country with very few clues, if any, of a baby, a tiny little girl barely out of her nappies. To me, this is the worst possible scenario of someone abducting your child, the worst possible nightmare of strangeness and vulnerablity and not knowing and of loss.

God, please, please let them find this baby somewhere safe!!!!
New Madeleine poster:

'Look into my eyes'

Madeleine McCann's family believe a new picture of the missing four-year-old could play a vital role in the search for her.
The photo of the youngster shows clearly the her distinctive right eye, where the pupil runs into the blue-green iris.

It is this distinguishing mark that will identify Madeleine to those on the lookout for her, according to aunt and uncle John and Diane McCann.,,91210-1265416,00.html
I think that little girl is in so much danger that they should have publicized the tape and broadcast the information about the license plate on the car, when that information was discovered.

Too bad someone who has access to that tape wasn't enough of a maverick to hand it over to the media, putting whatever happened to him or her aside, for the sake of the little girl.

If she is still in Europe, by now they have probably cut and dyed her hair. So the media could also be showing pictures of how her appearance has been altered. It's possible her appearance has been changed to make her look like a little boy.

If Madeline was sold to someone, it's probably too late now to find her, unless someone is willing to risk it for the 1 million pound reward. By now, she could be anywhere, including in some Arab sheik's compound.

I sure hope she is found, unharmed, or at least alive. Her parents must be feeling absolutely helpless and terrified. I don't know how they are managing to take care of their twins and face the media and the police. I would be a basket case by now, and I mean that literally.

I feel the same way. If only the video could have been 'slipped' to the media. I feel sure someone would have recognized the perps and possibly Madeline. Now we're at day 9 of her disappearance. :(
This incident is being reported as if the parents were really close by the children's room. Actually, the restaurant was 200 yards away from the children's rooms. That's TWO football fields in length. The news reports say "The parents were only a minute's walk away". Can you walk the length of two football fields in one minute? I can't.

Parents in the U.S. are prosecuted every day for leaving the kids "home alone". Children much older than these three little tots.

There is something very suspicious about this whole scenario, and how people are making excuses for incompetent, irresponsible, negligent parents.
I've seen lots of posts here and on other sites criticizing the parents. Okay, so maybe they didn't make the wisest choice.

My question is, by bringing up the parents' questionable choice, what are the critics of the parents suggesting? The fact is, we now know not to leave our kids alone in hotel rooms (and yes, many already knew that!) - okay, lesson learned/reiterated.

So critics of the parents, what are you hoping for:

Criminal charges?
- if so, when, now or when Madeline is (hopefully) found? should we throw them in jail as soon as their daughter comes home?

Publicly berate them?

Stop looking for Madeline because they "messed up?"

Seriously, for those who have issues with what the parents did or did not do, what is criticizing them over, and over, and over, and over again actually going to accomplish at this point?

Last time I checked, turning back the clock was an impossibility.
Here's an article you may find interesting. I agree with you that the parents definitely were in the wrong. But now I think the focus should be on finding Madeleine. I think that they won't be leaving their children alone again, ever, no matter what happens.

This incident is being reported as if the parents were really close by the children's room. Actually, the restaurant was 200 yards away from the children's rooms. That's TWO football fields in length. The news reports say "The parents were only a minute's walk away". Can you walk the length of two football fields in one minute? I can't.

Parents in the U.S. are prosecuted every day for leaving the kids "home alone". Children much older than these three little tots.

There is something very suspicious about this whole scenario, and how people are making excuses for incompetent, irresponsible, negligent parents.
New Madeleine poster:

'Look into my eyes'

Madeleine McCann's family believe a new picture of the missing four-year-old could play a vital role in the search for her.
The photo of the youngster shows clearly the her distinctive right eye, where the pupil runs into the blue-green iris.

It is this distinguishing mark that will identify Madeleine to those on the lookout for her, according to aunt and uncle John and Diane McCann.,,91210-1265416,00.html

Yes, her one eye is definitely very distinctive. Too bad someone has had so long to change her identity, if so desired. I was just wondering, given her age if Pediatric Optometrist or Ophthalmologist would be able to give her a colored contact lense to hide where the pupil runs into the iris? I don't even know how one would begin to search this out, given the wide range she could be in or taken to. It just hurts me inside to think what this poor baby might be going through. I just pray this little girl will be found and returned to her parents to begin the road of healing.
Yes, her one eye is definitely very distinctive. Too bad someone has had so long to change her identity, if so desired. I was just wondering, given her age if Pediatric Optometrist or Ophthalmologist would be able to give her a colored contact lense to hide where the pupil runs into the iris? I don't even know how one would begin to search this out, given the wide range she could be in or taken to. It just hurts me inside to think what this poor baby might be going through. I just pray this little girl will be found and returned to her parents to begin the road of healing.
I remembered something after reading your post, there are sites on the internet where you can order plain contacts. Meaning they have no RX only color.
I was just thinking this morning. In so many of these cases you are dealing with a lost child, someone who has lost a child. That's horrible enough in a home setting, but this is just too much to bear. How in the world do the McCanns go on now? How do they go home to England now and resume their lives, their medical careers, without their child, without knowing what has happened to Madeleine? Without HER? It seems too much to ask of a mere mortal, yet I know people who lose children manage to do it all the time. But this was a BABY!! Most of the time when a child this young is snatched, it is usually by a non-custodial parent and 9 times out of 10, the child is found safe. But this was a stranger abduction in a foreign country with very few clues, if any, of a baby, a tiny little girl barely out of her nappies. To me, this is the worst possible scenario of someone abducting your child, the worst possible nightmare of strangeness and vulnerablity and not knowing and of loss.

God, please, please let them find this baby somewhere safe!!!!

i was thinking about this same thing .... can you imagine how they will be beating themselves up a hundred times a day for years that they didnt take the children to the babysitting option provided by the hotel?!

it's nothing short of agony .... for years!
they'll both need psychological support.

God help the McCanns.
Such a little cutie. The picture of her parents just breaks my heart. You can see the anguish in the mother's face. I hope they find their little girl and that she is alright. Someone must have been watching this family and knew when the parents stepped out for dinner and how often they checked on the kids.
I just hope and pray that this little girl hasn't come to any harm. I wonder if whoever took her thinks that the parents are wealthy and plan to ask for a ransome at some point?
I've seen lots of posts here and on other sites criticizing the parents. Okay, so maybe they didn't make the wisest choice.

My question is, by bringing up the parents' questionable choice, what are the critics of the parents suggesting? The fact is, we now know not to leave our kids alone in hotel rooms (and yes, many already knew that!) - okay, lesson learned/reiterated.

So critics of the parents, what are you hoping for:

Criminal charges?
- if so, when, now or when Madeline is (hopefully) found? should we throw them in jail as soon as their daughter comes home?

Publicly berate them?

Stop looking for Madeline because they "messed up?"

Seriously, for those who have issues with what the parents did or did not do, what is criticizing them over, and over, and over, and over again actually going to accomplish at this point?

Last time I checked, turning back the clock was an impossibility.

Thank you, Olivia77. :clap: :clap: :clap:
Here's a video in which a former Scotland Yard detective opines that Madeleine may have wandered from home and been picked up by the market the dogs tracked her to:,,30000-1265415,.html

If someone kidnapped her so they could raise her, it could be that they are rationalizing that her parents don't deserve her because they didn't care for her properly.

I can't recall if the parents have come out and said they made a terrible mistake and they are sorry for it and will never do it again. Maybe if they do that, if someone benign (compared to a pedophile) has her, she will be returned. There are all sorts of pathological holier-than-thou people in the world, and if one of them has Madeleine, I can see that happening.

The biggest problem is that if a benign person has Madeleine, how can they return her without being caught? You know that issue has to be on their minds. Also, how can they keep her without being caught? With the huge reward and all the publicity, how can they hope to ever let the child out in public without someone seeing her and reporting it?

If she is with a benign person - someone who is caring for her, not hurting her -- I hope they leave her somewhere where she will be found quickly, somewhere that minimizes their risk. Because if their risk of being caught with her is high, they may sacrifice her to save themselves.

I also wonder why her distinctive right eye wasn't publicized much earlier. Don't police always ask if the child has any identifying marks or features? If someone saw a child they thought might be Madeleine, but they weren't sure and didn't want to get involved (there are people like that), the eye information could have assured them that they were right, and encouraged them to get involved.

It worries me that Madeleine could be anywhere, perhaps not in Europe any more -- Africa is close by, and is on the way to the Middle East, for example.

The American man who lives in the area and hasn't been seen for 10 days, the one who has a white van -- who is he? Where is he? Is he involved? It must add terribly to the parents' distress that these things aren't being publicized.

I don't know how these parents can cope -- any parents of missing children, really. I would be out of my mind with fear for my child, especially after all this time has elapsed with, as far as we know, not much progress having been made.
I think people are angry that because Madeleine's parents acted selfishly and irresponsibly by leaving their children alone at night, Madeleine is in this situation.

If Madeleine had not been kidnapped, people around them would, hopefully, have said something to the parents if they found out about their behavior.

I don't think its normal or acceptable for a parent to leave small children unattended so that they can have fun at a restaurant, even if they do check on the children every half hour.

The vast majority of parents sacrifice their own pleasure for their children's safety and care every day.

Unfortunately, Madeleine has been kidnapped. And whatever is happening to her now is a direct result of her parents not taking care of her properly.

People get mad at folks who mistreat their dogs by neglecting to take proper care of them. They feel very sorry for the dog. This is a lot more important. I look at my children and I am glad that I am like the majority of people who would never leave small children alone. Lots of bad things, not just being kidnapped, can happen to small kids who are left alone.

I think that if Madeleine is found unharmed, of course that would be the best scenario. But whatever she is going through -- mentally, emotionally, and physically -- is a direct result of her being left alone that night.

That's what I think people are angry about -- what the parents' selfishness has resulted in for their daughter.

It is horrifying. My goodness, it made the news here in the U.S. when a mother left her children at night, to go to a casino (IIRC). She left her kids in the care of her ex-husband, a meth user. One of the little kids called 911 and told them that Mommy and Daddy had gone bye-bye. When the mother came home, she was arrested. I thought that was pretty horrifying -- the kids being left alone and around drugs and the associated stuff.

These kids were okay, though, thank God. They could have gotten into the meth (the mother made it at home). Just like Madeleine could have drowned had she wandered outside instead of being kidnapped.

It's not like Madeleine's parents are criminals or stupid people. I think that makes people mad, too. I'm not surprised about the behavior of the meth mother, and I'm very glad her children were not harmed by her selfishness and irresponsibility. DSS took her kids.

Madeleine's parents are being punished by the consequences of their acts. They get to keep their remaining children. A huge reward is offered for their child's safe return, the likes of which I have never seen before.

But the fact remains that, IMO, people are angry that Madeleine is suffering because of her parent's irresponsibility and selfishness.

I've seen lots of posts here and on other sites criticizing the parents. Okay, so maybe they didn't make the wisest choice.
I think people are angry that because Madeleine's parents acted selfishly and irresponsibly by leaving their children alone at night, Madeleine is in this situation.

If Madeleine had not been kidnapped, people around them would, hopefully, have said something to the parents if they found out about their behavior.

I don't think its normal or acceptable for a parent to leave small children unattended so that they can have fun at a restaurant, even if they do check on the children every half hour.

The vast majority of parents sacrifice their own pleasure for their children's safety and care every day.

Unfortunately, Madeleine has been kidnapped. And whatever is happening to her now is a direct result of her parents not taking care of her properly.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Great post, RC. Everything you said is true. I do think now they will never let their remaining children out of their sight, but it's an awful, awful, horrendous way to learn a lesson.

NEVER, EVER LET YOUR YOUNG CHILDREN OUT OF YOUR SIGHT. There were very good, trustworthy babysitting services available at the resort...they said they didn't want "strangers" taking care of their kids, but look what has happened. A stranger now has Madeleine, and you can bet she is not being cared for like the resort babysitters even would have cared for her. She may tragically even be deceased.

No one is suggesting we stop looking for Maddie to punish her parents, or anything else. They have received the worst punishment known to man, to lose a child. Now we must all pray hard they can one day get her back, but it's not looking likely, and pray for their mental states. I just pray they don't turn on each other in their grief. Sean and Amelie need them more than ever.
I suppose that makes sense, however, if someone jemmied open a window in my son's bedroom I'm sure I'd hear something even if I was at the other end of the house. I hope this little girl is found safe.

This is how the baby of Charles Lindbergh was kidnapped, and that was years ago before traffic, TV's, etc. A ladder was placed to an upper floor window. The parents did not hear a thing.

While it's great to think you might hear something, it's always possible that you wouldn't, especially if you didn't suspect anything.
One article says the parents DID NOT check the children every half hour as they had claimed. I believe it is linked further up in the thread. Even if they had, that's not enough care for 3 children under age 4, JMO.

It doesn't accomplish anything to criticize them except the word will be out and just maybe another couple won't be foolish enough to leave their toddlers alone while they go out.

Madeleine's Parents Hire British Lawyers,,91210-1265436,00.html

Sky's Crime Correspondent Martin Brunt adds that Gerry and Kate McCann could also need legal representation as there is a possibility they may be prosecuted for putting their children in danger.
I think people are angry that because Madeleine's parents acted selfishly and irresponsibly by leaving their children alone at night, Madeleine is in this situation.

I never asked *why* people were angry. In fact, I stated that I completely understand why people are angry. If all someone got from my post was me asking why people are so mad, the point was completely missed.

My question was, what is bringing up their mistake over and over again going to accomplish? Do people honestly believe that the parents are not replaying the moments when they left those kids in the room over and over again, and having regrets?

I understand that it is our place as the general public to form an opinion about their decisions and learn from it. My point was that we see what leaving her in the hotel room has cost them already, and I believe we are all in agreement won't make the same mistakes.

As I asked in my first post, the constant critics must be hoping to accomplish someting by bringing up the fact they left Madeline alone over and over again. What is it they hope to accomplish (because if it's the excuse of "making sure no one else does the same thing," yeah I think we all know that at this juncture!) what DO the critics think their "punishment" should be? Because browbeating them is accomplishing nothing at this point.

As if they haven't already been punished enough...
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