Madeleine McCann 3 year old missing in Portugal - Part 10

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The Technical Services Director of the Ocean Club resort, Silvia Batista, affirmed that the same night on which Madeleine disappeared, she in person offered child-minding services "because the hotel is responsible for its clients' children, but they rejected that". Madeleine was seen for the last time on the 3rd of May when she was sleeping next to her siblings in a rented room in a hotel in Praia da Luz, in the south of Portugal. The parents of the little girl are being questioned for having left her alone in that room in order to go to eat with some friends.

According to the director of the hotel, "every month registries of robberies in the area are kept, and we therefore advise the service of a child-minder", but even knowing this, Maddie's parents did not accept it. Batista confirmed in an interview with the website that the hotel has been working from the start with the Police to find the little girl. The director added that the room used by the McCann family was closed the first two months, then was opened for 15 days, but was then closed once again. Also, the director of the resort pointed out that in the area there are "many inquisitive people, but they do not disrupt the routine of the place.

"We did not bear the blame for the disappearance of the little girl, it couldn't be said whose fault it was, but certainly not ours", assured the director and indicated that "the parents of the girl that night were very unconcerned", and there was no reason they should not have requested the service of a child-minder.

Burglaries? What kind of security, if any, did this place have?

Does the hotel call all their guests offering child-minding services?

And. . .WHY was the room used by the McCanns closed, then opened for 15 days, then closed again?

Something doesn't smell right.
I agree. The question is, are they lying about big things, or little things that they think are big.

I wonder why any doctor would leave a vomiting child, knowing the risk of aspiration--unless he happened to have something like Phenergan on hand, gave the child a dose, and then left the child sleeping. Again, something left out of the story, if he did.

Calikid I appreciate your response and your agreement. ;)

THAT is a wonderful question! One that I seriously think you should send into the whatever agency is handling the case. Why would a dr. ignore a sick child?

You all are really on the ball about this case. :clap:
The body may have been the one whose blood was found in the apartment. God knows what goes on in "rentals".

I would hope a resort would tell the truth, but Ocean Club stresses that as far as they know, there has never been a death in the apartment.

This brings up something else. The apartment owner kicked the McCanns out in early July (I think) because he was going to sell it. So it makes me wonder why it was put on the market.

I found this really interesting article about the Madeleine Media Circus. It's kind of long and written by the same doofus who disagrees with using an Amber alert-style system in Europe, but IMO it asks many of the same questions we have about the McCann's behavior and how it all got out of hand.

I found this really interesting article about the Madeleine Media Circus. It's kind of long and written by the same doofus who disagrees with using an Amber alert-style system in Europe, but IMO it asks many of the same questions we have about the McCann's behavior and how others worship them.
i have heard given enough time even a monkey can write shakespeare.
Can someone tell me why the police believe that Madeleine died the day she disappeared?

What makes them think that?
Take a look at this Headline for tomorrows Daily Express...

Wish I could read the article.Its probably another one of those "headlines" meant to get you to buy their paper and then the article doesn't really tell you anything.
The Daily Express is more a tabloid type of newspaper. I wouldn't trust it farther that I can throw it.
All the news is beginning to sound the same, again, but here are a couple of new links (at least i think they are new)

But a spokesperson for the lab in Birmingham says The Times story is premature. "This is an ongoing investigation and we can't make any comment. However, we are surprised at The Times piece," the spokesperson is quoted as saying to the AFP news agency.

Over-zealous reporting of leads has led newspapers, especially in the UK, to paint a very confusing picture of the Madeleine case.

Confusing? Who’s confused? in_article_id=475704&in_page_id=1770

Her evidence is understood to corroborate the McCanns' movements in the hour before the disappearance was discovered.
So someone is agreeing to at least a portion of the timeline that night……
Friends from Rothley...would that be Russell O'Brien and his bimbo Jane?

Jane is the one who made up the story implicating Murat. Pointing the finger at someone else. Covering for Russell? Does Russell like little girls???

Wasn't Russell fired from one hospital?

I guess we'll learn soon who the new suspects are.

Jane is also the one who claimed to have seen the man carrying the sleeping child, and the Wilkins man who was out strolling with his infant said he never saw any such man...they were supposedly on the same path at about the same time. Jane and Russell were both also late to dinner......
Have caught up on the information posted here, and I also would like to know why the LE think Madelaine died the night of her disappearance, and also why a doctor would leave a child unattended whilst sick.

I have said before that the LE know more than the media are telling us, but are keeping it to themselves so it does not hinder the case. It has been stated that they have an abundance of evidence that we havent heard about, as we have not seen it written or said in interviews what this evidence is. We just have to wait until more information of the evidence found and the re interviews with the McCanns, their friends and any other witnesses is released.

The outcome for Madelaine does not look good, but until I hear otherwise I still pray for the safety of Madelaine.
"The results of tests on blood traces found in the apartment from which Madeleine McCann disappeared are not yet known, contrary to some newspaper reports."...
"Samples are still being tested at the Forensic Science Service in Birmingham.
This is despite some newspapers claiming forensic tests showed the blood was not Madeleine's.",,91210-1280082,00.html

so the results are NOT in yet!
Can someone tell me why the police believe that Madeleine died the day she disappeared?

What makes them think that?

I know that the links to these articles had already been posted here earlier this month, however, these articles may help answer your question.


The First Post
August 8, 2007

<snip> Quote:
"Intercepted telephone calls and emails between the McCanns and their friends have "confirmed the death of Madeleine" say police, according to one Portuguese newspaper today. The intercepts are said to have been made in a joint operation conducted by Portuguese and British police officers.
Diario de Noticias reports investigators have already concluded that the missing four-year-old was killed in the apartment where she slept in Praia da Luz."



The First Post
August 6, 2007

<snip> Quote:
"It follows revelations, 95 days on from her disappearance, that specially - trained British cocker spaniel sniffer dogs had located the smell of a dead body in the Ocean Club apartment - only possible if a cadaver had been left there for two hours.
According to Portuguese news reports, the police have virtually abandoned the kidnap theory or any hope that she may still be alive..."

Keep in mind that at 10:00pm Kate McCann supposedly announced to her friends at the Tapas Restaurant that Madeleine was gone/taken.

edited to add: There is some discrepancy as to when Madeleine was last seen alive by someone other than her parents and siblings.
There is this article which says that Madeleine was last seen at a restaurant with her parents at 6:30pm on the evening of her disappearance which was captured on the restaurant's security camera.

Translated from Portuguese:

<snip> Quote:
"The periodical disclosed the McCann couple ate snacks with Madeleine at 18h30 the evening of the disappearance of the girl, in a restaurant at the Beach of the Light.

The fact alone was known by the Portuguese Judiciary Policy because the owner of the restaurant asked them if they would have interest in reviewing the video made by the security cameras of the establishment.

After seeing the images, the policemen had interrogated the parents of the girl, questioning the reason for which the parents had forgotten to mention this fact in their previous declaration.

The daily Portuguese affirmed that the declarations of the friends of the parents and the parents of Madeleine are full of contradictions and omissions.&#8221; - Gazeta do Povo Online August 12, 2007
in Diario Economico today:

“Death is on the table and we must analyse it”

The leader of PJ guarantees he was not pressured and that the means that are being used in the investigation are enough.

author: Miguel Costa Nunes

The result of the analyses on the blood that was found in the McCanns’ apartment may be made public today or tomorrow. In this exclusive joint interview to Diario Economico and spanish daily ‘El Mundo’, Alipio Ribeiro says he is “optimistic” on the possibility of finding Madeleine McCann. But he recognizes that PJ has not found a motive for the crime.

How much has Maddie McCann’s case investigation cost so far?
We don’t have numbers. We don’t make that accountability for this type of investigation. We invest the necessary means in each moment. Sometimes more, sometimes less, according to the moment of the investigation.

When will the results of the analyses that were performed on the collected blood be made public?
We don’t have a specific day and that depends, as you know, on the labs. They may take 7, 10 or 12 days. That depends on the quality of the collected residues. We may as well receive inconclusive results. I may be here talking to you, and in two hours I may come to know the results. At this moment, we have no results yet.

What’s the next step after the results?
The next step depends on the results. On what the results point to.

For example, if it’s Madeleine’s blood, what will happen?
We will see. We have to function according to those results. It’s evident that we are not going to report on what we are going to do, at the moment. The results are important in order to configure the scenario we’re going to have, and according to those we will later determine what are the more adequate procedures.

How many agents are involved in this investigation?
I don’t want to be redundant, we have the means that are necessary at each moment. I am saying this for a reason that I think is understandable. An investigation of this type is not about the involvement of a great number of people. This is not a case of persecution, of street, of assault, of arresting a bandit that involves a lot of police forces. In this case, we have pure investigation. All we need is people who think the problems out well. And under that aspect, we’ve had everyone. It’s obvious that in the first stages, when there were searches, there was a lot more people than now. But there are always people available, if necessary, to develop those investigations. If we need more people. I would always say that Poirot acted alone, and he was effective. It’s not an issue of numbers. At this moment, it’s not even an issue of means.

In this case, has PJ had people who think well?
I hope so. I think so. It’s been obvious since the beginning that this is not a simple case. It’s manifestly complex. And it’s been asumed as such.

Are you ready for a failure?
It’s evident that the word failure cannot be used in this case. The police must be optimistic and I believe that work that is serious, effective and systematic, will lead to results sooner or later. The issue is not failure of results, it’s failure of procedures. If tomorrow I discover that the procedures were not good, then we have a failure. I’m optimistic…

Do you believe you’ll find the child?
I’m optimistic that we will understand what happened.

How optimistic?
I’m optimistic that we may find [Maddie], I am.

Very optimistic?
Optimistic. These things always have a personal aspect. There are more optimistic persons, but it’s obvious with police work, that if you’re not optimistic and you don’t have the courage to advance, we’ll give up too early. There are cases that are rapidly solved, others are really complex, and this is a complex case.

It is known that two specks of blood were found in the apartment. Where were they exactly?
I am not going to speak about that. It’s been made public that some residues were found. But I’m not telling you where, the law does not allow me to. And that is the secret that is important to the investigation. Those are elements that will be valued in due time. According to the result of the analyses.

Are Madeleine’s parents suspects?
They were never constituted arguidos, and they’ve never been suspects. We don’t use that language of speaking of suspects, because if we direct an investigation against someone, we must constitute those persons as arguidos. Those are the rules.

And why weren’t they informed that the possibility of death has become the priority?
They have been informed. It must be said that an investigation like this one has all slots always open. I mean, we don’t close this one to open that one. We work on a net of possibilities. New possibilities appear and the investigation is always dynamic, because reality is also dynamic. And we follow the dynamics of reality, but we don’t close compartments. We must focus more attention here and there. We keep excellent relations with the parents, it could not be otherwise.

But the PJ’s spokesman, Olegario Sousa, said the hypothesis of death has intensified.
It’s a hypothesis, which is understandable to everyone. But I cannot dialogue with the parents. It’s a possibility, there is always a possibility. We’re not saying she’s dead. It’s a possibility we have to work on. It’s on the table and we must analyze it.

Does Policia Judiciaria have an idea where Maddie is?

Is Robert Murat the suspect?
Yes, because he was constituted an arguido at a given moment. The investigation was directed.

Is he no longer a suspect?
That cannot be said. As long as the inquiry on him is not closed, he is an arguido. The most important thing for us, today, is to have exact results. To combine that with other elements. There is an issue that is the continuous re-evaluation of everything that was said, because we must evaluate, in the dynamics of the investigation, the past with the present. What we read from the past, may be completely different from what we read today. There are new elements that bring another focus and another light.

Were there contradictions in the statements?
We will see. The contradictions themselves are not very valuable. They must always be evaluated in certain moments, so we can see their relevance. I myself may say one thing today, another thing tomorrow, but those are issues, aren’t they… The question is: it would be totally unjustified that I as the director of Policia Judiciaria, or the police as an institution, would live off rumors and would support rumors. We don’t do that, we should not do it, and we cannot. The idea I have is this: determination, rigor and above all, serenity. We will see, because reality is always more surprising than imagination – I read this somewhere – but the truth is I’m optimistic and I should be optimistic. We need that, and that is what we work for, to clarify a situation that is difficult. Especially when we don’t have an objective motive. There could be a motive of money, of revenge, of jealousy, of hatred, but we don’t have one. I hope some day we can discuss that issue here. My optimism is indeed visceral, but that’s mainly because I’ve been around for so many years.

There has been criticism of the Judiciaria. Has the media pressure conditioned the investigation?
I think all these situations have high and low moments But we should not let that ascending and descending curve influence us, when those phenomena are seen from the outside. It’s obvious that people would like there was the possibility of an open, transparent investigation, where everyone knew what is going on, but legally that is not possible. And really it’s not convenient. That would be disastrous to the investigation. We always have a lot of people producing opinions on this matter.

Did that affect the image of Judiciaria at any moment?
I don’t think so, I don’t think so. People understand that the work that is done demands for safety. It’s a safe, rigorous and, above all thing, serene work.

But there are many policemen telling things to journalists, which are then published. Is there an intention behind the information that has leaked?
The idea I have is that occasionally there are some information leaks that would be important they would not exist. But that’s a human factor we have to deal with, and until this moment it has not harmed the investigation.

Did information leaks help the investigation?
They did not help either.

Was there never an intention to direct the investigation?
No. In this investigation, we never leaked information in order to produce certain results.

Are we close to the end of this investigation?
In these situations we should level our expectations low. We must keep in mind this is not easy, because we still have a long way to go, and it would be foolish if I said we’re close to the end of this investigation.

Will it be possible to point to a culprit?
We’re working for that.

What support did PJ have from portuguese and english governments, and from the english police?
We have had full cooperation from the english police, since day one. And we need that cooperation, as many of the people who surround this process are english. We also have been recognized as having an excellent collaboration. We don’t hide anything from those who should know about these things. We’ve hidden some things from the journalists, naturally.

Did PJ receive pressure from the english government, from the english embassy in Portugal, from the family, or from anyone else, in order to follow the kidnapping theory that existed before the death theory?
No. I never received any indication from whomever about that issue. The english police never exercised any kind of influence on the portuguese police and I never received from anyone, or from the british ambassador, any indication that this is the way this is, or it should be done that way. And the same applies to the english police. We always discussed with british police what we were doing wrong. Please tells us what we are doing wrong, here. And they never actually told us you’re doing this or that wrong. The relationship has been excellent, and a good example of cooperation between both states.

It was published that the ambassador of England in Portugal called you and asked you to investigate the kidnapping. How did that happen?
There is a basic issue in this investigation: we don’t work on speculations. We’re in the domain of fantasy and romance. The ambassador didn’t even phone me. I talked to him on the following day, for the first time.

Does PJ have the means it needs to do their job?
Yes. This type of investigation is mainly an investigation in which the human factor is utterly important. It’s obvious that there are aspects in which some foreign polices have more experience in certain areas. If you tell me the spanish police is more experienced in dealing with terrorism, I have no doubts about that. It’s natural.

Is there a memory of such police involvement as we see being applied on the Maddie case?
I don’t think so.

A huge mediatism was generated. Why?
You’ll have to ask your colleagues. These are foreigners spending vacations in Portugal and because of that it has an international dimension. Maybe that is the case, and not really because this is the ‘silly season’. To say that would be in rather bad taste.

The english press accuses PJ of being at the same point as in the beginning of the investigation. Is that the case?
We are not at the same point.

What is the PJ’s success rate in these cases?
Our success rate in these cases is high. If we look at it from the abduction point of view, there are not many abductions is Portugal. We have many family abductions, of a father who takes the child away from the mother, to hide him. We have those situations. Not even those are very frequent in Portugal. Because we’re a small country, because there’s few of us, because we’re a parish and we’re very close to each other. For that reason and no other.

Does that confirm information that the data will be compared to the entire english population at Praia da Luz or at the Ocean Club, where the family was staying?
No. That is not possible. England, in terms of DNA data bases, is the most advanced country. They own a very complete database. We don’t have one, and neither does Spain. But we don’t imagine that comparison with all the english citizens.

Does that information indicate that the suspects could be british and not portuguese?
We don’t distinguish between nationalities. That could lead to xenophobe judgments. I’m not going that way.
Alipio Ribeiro said a lot of nothing about nothing. He's very closed-mouthed about this case and that's probably because of the way they do things in Portugal, but it doesn't help us to understand. With a little less secrecy, I wonder if it would've been solved faster.
Mathew Oldfield was the one who is under investigation for a wrong diagnosis. But IMO, two of the three couples have acted suspiciously.

Jane Tanner and Russell O'Brien also left their children unsupervised, and according to RO, his youngest daughter was throwing up that night. Why?

The elderly woman with the group (Fiona Payne's mother) said the parents were only checking on their own children, but Mathew and Rachael Oldfield had a babyphone service for their child. So why did he go back to the apartment if he'd already made other arrangments?

Just curious, what is a babyphone service? Does that mean the Oldfield's had a sitter at their apartment, or is it something else and I am not understanding the term?
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