Madeleine McCann 3 year old missing in Portugal - Part 12

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Divided in Grief

Yeah, I think it's one of those papers like our Nationa Enquirer, but it sounded like an interesting read.

Apparently the real story about the separate trips to mass is that the PDL church has a once-a-month English-speaking service on a Saturday evening, and KM wanted to attend it. GM was in Scotland at the time so she went alone. Once he returned he went to one of the Sunday services.
08/29/2007 1 hour 24 minutes ago (from time of post)
". . . The tension started to build after Mr Gonzalez asked the couple: "You were the last people to see Madeleine alive, is that correct?"
Mr McCann replied: "That's part of the investigation and we are not going to divulge any information about the investigation that might help the perpetrator of this crime to cover his tracks.". . ."
Cali, you may be correct about the damage control.

Honestly, I just don't know how to read the parents. One minute I'm sure they're somehow hiding something; the next, I have a sympathetic moment. The why and how just doesn't add up enough to completely convince me of anything nor do the reactions of the parents, especially the immediate comment about someone taking Madeline.

What if we separate feelings about the parents? Could GM have done something on his own?

The McCanns are coming across to me as hot and cold, I too have felt that one parent knows more than the other, or is covering up for the other....which one I dont know, as Kate was the one who discovered Madelaine missing or so the story goes. There are too many scenerios going on in my head, I dont know what to believe anymore.
I think the McCanns are reading the numerous blogs and forums about Madeleine and have begun to accurately comprehend the near-universal criticism of their behavior since she disappeared. Call me cynical, but this looks like a measure of damage control. I even have doubts the GM wrote it himself because he has a certain style in his blog that I don't see here.
Yep, that was my impression, too.
08/29/2007 1 hour 24 minutes ago (from time of post)
". . . The tension started to build after Mr Gonzalez asked the couple: "You were the last people to see Madeleine alive, is that correct?"
Mr McCann replied: "That's part of the investigation and we are not going to divulge any information about the investigation that might help the perpetrator of this crime to cover his tracks.". . ."

When a person on pbulic view does a TV interview his/her PR will ask for the questions in advance and tell the programme makers what areas the person will not answer.

It's my guess that the McCanns agreed to do the interview ( they don't have to do any interviews, other than for a specific purpose as they are scaling back their campaign ) because they think that M might still be alive and being held in Spain.

Usually there is only a few minutes in which to get any message across ( in other circumstances film or book plugging), then the next item is run.

I think that either the TV programme reneged on its word... and yes they do, if they do not need the person to return.

Or he very annoyed at not having enough time to get his point across after he has given the same information, over and over again - that they cannot answer questions due to Portuguese law.

If they say anything anyone brought to court in the future can argue 'Unfair publicity on the evidence pre-trial ' and maybe the trial would be declared void. No one wants this.
I think the McCanns are reading the numerous blogs and forums about Madeleine and have begun to accurately comprehend the near-universal criticism of their behavior since she disappeared. Call me cynical, but this looks like a measure of damage control. I even have doubts the GM wrote it himself because he has a certain style in his blog that I don't see here.

I think that you are right in that he didn't write this himself but I believe it is written this way for the following reasons.

We, like everyone else, await the results of the forensics from the recent searches. (Usually when we speak we do not put sub-clauses in that this point - 'like everyone else' so this maybe a sign that it has been written in advance - but with professional advice.)

We do not know who has taken Madeleine or why. Sometimes people do things for reasons that even they cannot understand. (He starts appealing indirectly to anyone who may have her. )

An act of madness, an accident or sudden impulse can lead to consequences that people may never have imagined or intended. (He's saying to the person responsible that he as understands that they didn't mean to do it to get them to come forward ).

Faced with such a situation we believe any human soul will ultimately suffer torment and feelings of guilt and fear. (It's a Catholic country).

If you have done something you regret, if you find yourself in a situation you never intended, it is not too late to do the right thing. (Reinforcing first paragraph ).

Please come forward, return Madeleine, leave her in a place of safety. At the very least, help us by letting us know what has happened to our beautiful little girl. (The straightforward plea).

If he had more to say to the person that he believes is the abductor, then he would get extremely annoyed if he was interrrupted with more questions that he cannot legally answer, especially since he may realise that it's an outside chance that any adbductor will be viewing and that the broadcast is a very slim hope.

It is very difficult for any parent in this position to 'speak' to the abductor if it is not scripted because the first inclination is to show real feelings, but this would probably not provoke any response from an abductor.
Colomom, what conclusions did you come up with from the Smart kidnapping?

I finally have some time to give you a brief rundown of the details that I found to be "interesting" in the wikipedia entry (

1. Upper middle class family
2. Failed to complete security measures
3. Abduction occured with sibling present
4. Window tampered with
5. Search with many neighbors participating
6. Immediate contact with authorities, neighbors, family & friends
7. Crime scene contamination
8. Immediate media involvement
9. Coalition of websites and pre-formatted flyers
10. No significant forensic evidence
11. Primary suspect pursued (2 in Smart case) relentlessly
12. Parents uploaded over 20 photos to website, Parent persistently worked to maintain a presence in local and national media
13. Tensions between parents & police

Of course there may be more as time goes on, especially if Madeleine is found alive. It just seemed to me that there were alot of similarities. Like I said before, I have a cynical side and "wonder" about the possibility of conspiracies.
Or it could be read like this:

We, like everyone else, await the results of the forensics from the recent searches. "We are not afraid or worried about the results"

We do not know who has taken Madeleine or why. Sometimes people do things for reasons that even they cannot understand. "We were not premeditated in our actions"

An act of madness, an accident or sudden impulse can lead to consequences that people may never have imagined or intended."Situations can get out of control and the consequences were unintended, we didn't mean to do it"

Faced with such a situation we believe any human soul will ultimately suffer torment and feelings of guilt and fear. "The unintended outcome has resulted in our feelings of torment, guilt and fear, after all, we are only human"

If you have done something you regret, if you find yourself in a situation you never intended, it is not too late to do the right thing."We regret what happened, we never intended it to happen", preparation for confession (doing the right thing)

Please come forward, return Madeleine, leave her in a place of safety. At the very least, help us by letting us know what has happened to our beautiful little girl. "This is what we need to do to make it right" (especially the last sentence)

Of course, I would never assume to know what another person was thinking when this was written....this is just another way to look at it.
in Correio da Manha today (Aug 29):

Copied from: post #291

Suspicions: Gerry says the twins have deep sleep
Syringe in apartment is investigated

The twins Sean and Amelie never woke up with the turmoil on the night of the crime, before and after their sister was taken from the apartment, but Gerry McCann guarantees it’s normal and says his children usually sleep without interruptions. But Judiciaria found a syringe with tranquilizers in the dresser inside the medic couple’s bedroom, a source that is connected with the investigation told CM – and that is also being taken in account by the inspectors.

The father has been showing himself rather irritated about the investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine, his 4-year old daughter who was taken from the apartment where they were spending their holidays at Praia da Luz, on May 3. He exploded as soon as journalists confronted him with the blood that was found on the walls, and tore off the microphone, leaving his wife alone in front of the cameras, in an interview for a program of Spanish channel Telecinco, which was broadcast on Saturday evening.

Gerry does not comment on the fact that he was the last person to see his daughter alive, when he visited her in the bedroom around 9 p.m. – but both he and his wife think it’s “normal” that their twin children kept sleeping on the night of the crime. “It’s very difficult for us, all this speculation, but what is certain is that our children were very tired, they’re very small and we can’t find out if they heard anything…”.

“We usually put them to sleep between 7 and 8 p.m. and they sleep all night without interruptions. It’s a routine we follow in the UK and which we’ve kept here”, the children’s father justified, thus dismissing the possibility that the twins, 2, were put asleep with the injectable tranquilizers that the inspectors found in a dresser in the parents’ bedroom.

Criticism and nervousness

At a time when the Judiciaria’s team is closing in and the investigation is advancing “increasingly in a circle”, as one of the inspectors told CM, Gerry throws critics at the PJ. “We want to reach the bottom of things and find Madeleine, but obviously there are no signs of any breakthrough – the Portuguese police does things in a very, very discrete way so people don’t know, and that is difficult for us, too”, the father says.

The doctor, who has stopped being called for weekly meetings with the PJ as long as the results of the analyses don’t arrive from England, also says that “the way the investigation is being handled is very different from that in the UK, where police likes to give information…”.

(article continues)
08/29/2007 1 hour 24 minutes ago (from time of post)
". . . The tension started to build after Mr Gonzalez asked the couple: "You were the last people to see Madeleine alive, is that correct?"
Mr McCann replied: "That's part of the investigation and we are not going to divulge any information about the investigation that might help the perpetrator of this crime to cover his tracks.". . ."

Seems to me that this is a question that has been answered by the McCanns. The last to see her alive? Not if there was an abduction. Because if there was an abduction than obviously the perp would be the last to see Madeleine "alive".

How would stating that be compromising the investigation? How would answering the question...."Obviously we were not the last to see Madeleine alive because she was kidnapped and the kidnapper would be the last to see her alive" be helping the perpertrator of this crime to cover his tracks??

I think he got angry because the interviewer was trying to "trick" him into saying yes.
in TVI online today:

PJ investigates syringe with tranquilizers

The fact that the couple’s twin children never woke up on the night of May 3, before and after Maddie disappeared, is an issue

In the case of Madeleine, the PoliciA Judiciaria is investigating a syringe with tranquilizers that was found in a dresser in the child’s parents’ room. According to newspaper ‘Correio da Manha’, the issue is that the McCanns’ twin children never woke up on the night of May 3, after and before the disappearance of their sister Maddie.

The father, Gerry, guarantees it is normal that the children sleep without interruptions, dismissing the possibility that the two children were put to sleep with the injectable tranquilizers that the inspectors found in a dresser in the couple’s bedroom. Meanwhile, Robert Murat, the only arguido in the case is waiting to be cleared of the suspicions that are pending on him.

The results of the analyses on the blood samples, which the PJ says it needs to advance the interrogations, have not arrived yet from England.
Or it could be read like this:
We, like everyone else, await the results of the forensics from the recent searches. "We are not afraid or worried about the results"

We do not know who has taken Madeleine or why. Sometimes people do things for reasons that even they cannot understand. "We were not premeditated in our actions"

An act of madness, an accident or sudden impulse can lead to consequences that people may never have imagined or intended."Situations can get out of control and the consequences were unintended, we didn't mean to do it"

Faced with such a situation we believe any human soul will ultimately suffer torment and feelings of guilt and fear. "The unintended outcome has resulted in our feelings of torment, guilt and fear, after all, we are only human"

If you have done something you regret, if you find yourself in a situation you never intended, it is not too late to do the right thing."We regret what happened, we never intended it to happen", preparation for confession (doing the right thing)

Please come forward, return Madeleine, leave her in a place of safety. At the very least, help us by letting us know what has happened to our beautiful little girl. "This is what we need to do to make it right" (especially the last sentence)

Of course, I would never assume to know what another person was thinking when this was written....this is just another way to look at it.

The best course of anyone who is guilty is to shut up and say nothing at all - the No comment ' interview, not to put themselves at risk on TV over and over again.

They could have chosen not to speak very little ever since Madeleine went missing - and particularly on Spanish TV if they wished, so it inclines me towards their innocence.

The interview will have been scripted with their PR. Maybe with a psycholgist's or police help.

My observations are those of an ex-professional writer, so I've seen how it is done 1000 x plus. That's not to say I'm right..
All I can say is if the McCanns sedated the children and Madeleine died because of it, leaving the syringe in their bedroom was a very stupid thing to do. So stupid, I can hardly believe they'd do it.
Agreed - especially in the time they had to get rid of anything embarrassing before the police arrived.

If it is true, how do we know that neither of the McCann's is diabetic?
Hi Cali, hi all...

I have been around, mostly lurking and checking for anything "interesting" in the press or on the many other forums and blogs. My kiddos started back to school this week and my little girl got sick on her first day (she fainted!) and I had to bring her home (that was yesterday). Today, with the full moon and a lunar eclipse, I have been very out of sorts. That is just to explain my being "away".

I have a certain cynical side to my personality and sometimes I really wonder about conspiracies and evil deeds done by powerful people. I always try to read between the lines and try to discern things that may be hidden.

I will spend some time this evening giving you my impression, but, I gotta go feed these kids!!

I will be back....I hope.
I hope your little girl is doing okay. Poor little thing. Did she make it to school the next day?
Agreed - especially in the time they had to get rid of anything embarrassing before the police arrived.

If it is true, how do we know that neither of the McCann's is diabetic?

Diabetics don't take tranquilizers, they take insulin.
I hope your little girl is doing okay. Poor little thing. Did she make it to school the next day?

Thank you so much for asking after her Squishified (loooove your username :) ) and yes, she did go yesterday and had a good day, no problems.

I think it was just "jitters"...

The best course of anyone who is guilty is to shut up and say nothing at all - the No comment ' interview, not to put themselves at risk on TV over and over again.
Not if they are suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder (, "such people make strong attempts to control others’ view of them and behavior towards them".

They could have chosen not to speak very little ever since Madeleine went missing - and particularly on Spanish TV if they wished, so it inclines me towards their innocence.
Don't you think that if they were guilty of a cover-up that they would have thought the same thing and therefore realize that their behavior could result in an assumtion of innocence? It's possible...

The interview will have been scripted with their PR. Maybe with a psycholgist's or police help.
Is this reference to the Spanish TV interview and GM's temper tantrum? Are you saying that is what caused his outburst? Because the interviewer strayed from the "scripted" interview?

My observations are those of an ex-professional writer, so I've seen how it is done 1000 x plus. That's not to say I'm right..
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