Madeleine McCann 3 year old missing in Portugal - Part 8

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Oh Yes!! Searches for anything that only bashes the McCanns.
Interviews or statements given by Gerry McCann are even picked apart for words he's used to see if they can also be used against him.

No one knows what the parents or the friends have told LE. Maybe they have told LE everything that they know about that evening but the press aren't aware of everything that has been said. The police aren't reporting everything that they have been told or that they know in the newspapers.

The only crime that I can see the McCanns being guilty of is leaving the children alone while they went to dinner. They are paying the highest price that parents could ever pay for leaving their children asleep while they went to dinner. Maybe these parents don't cry and beg on the media and maybe they don't act like some think that they should but that doesn't mean that they are guilty of anything but leaving the kids alone. I can't imagine being in their shoes. Guilt has to be eating them alive and I'm sure it shows when they aren't in the public eye. They probably fall apart when they are with friends or by themselves. A lot of people try to keep it together when they are giving interviews or in the media. Some people never cry regardless what happens in their lives. My mother was like that. She said it hurts more when you can't cry because you can't let the pain out. I saw my mother cry once in her lifetime but it wasn't because she didn't want to. My daughter's murder is a good example. I'm sure that she was crying inside because she loved my daughter. Everyone isn't the same. I think it is a shame that these parents are being bashed. Their only crime is leaving the kids alone and they aren't the first ones to do that and they won't be the last. Maybe things are different in different countrys. I have no idea but if they had thought anything would happen to their kids I doubt if they would have ever left them.
No one knows what the parents or the friends have told LE. Maybe they have told LE everything that they know about that evening but the press aren't aware of everything that has been said. The police aren't reporting everything that they have been told or that they know in the newspapers.

The only crime that I can see the McCanns being guilty of is leaving the children alone while they went to dinner. They are paying the highest price that parents could ever pay for leaving their children asleep while they went to dinner. Maybe these parents don't cry and beg on the media and maybe they don't act like some think that they should but that doesn't mean that they are guilty of anything but leaving the kids alone. I can't imagine being in their shoes. Guilt has to be eating them alive and I'm sure it shows when they aren't in the public eye. They probably fall apart when they are with friends or by themselves. A lot of people try to keep it together when they are giving interviews or in the media. Some people never cry regardless what happens in their lives. My mother was like that. She said it hurts more when you can't cry because you can't let the pain out. I saw my mother cry once in her lifetime but it wasn't because she didn't want to. My daughter's murder is a good example. I'm sure that she was crying inside because she loved my daughter. Everyone isn't the same. I think it is a shame that these parents are being bashed. Their only crime is leaving the kids alone and they aren't the first ones to do that and they won't be the last. Maybe things are different in different countrys. I have no idea but if they had thought anything would happen to their kids I doubt if they would have ever left them.

Hi Bobbisangel. I'm so sorry to hear you lost your precious daughter, and in such awful circustances too. No one can really know the pain you feel unless they have had to deal with a loss like that. Your mother, bless her, dealt with it the only way she knew how. Maybe she was afraid that if she broke down and cried she wouldn't be able to stop.

I absolutely agree with everything you have said regarding Madeleine's parents. The senseless none stop bashing of them makes absolutely no sense to me.
I'm sure they must have broken down many times, but unless they do it on camera they are accused of not caring. And god help them if they are ever caught smiling....which shock horror...has actually happened.
Like you I think they are doing their best, one day at a time, to cope with the so far unending pain.
I think one of the sad things that is happening because of the seemingly never ending "critisism" of the parents, which isn't the word that sits well with me.
The focus is actually being taken away from the person or people who took Madeleine.....And i'm sure they must be absolutely delighted about that.

Bobbisangel I'm so sorry I know you must still be trying to cope with the loss of your precious daughter. :blowkiss:
[quote=Bobbisangel;1605872]No one knows what the parents or the friends have told LE. Maybe they have told LE everything that they know about that evening but the press aren't aware of everything that has been said. The police aren't reporting everything that they have been told ...

I agree with what you say and you are obviously giving an opinion from experience, rather than armchair philosophising - so that makes it more valuable.
I read in a news report today of the tragic death of two infants.

Each child was left in their child restraint seats in the father's vehicle, and died of heat exhaustion.

Father number one, a successful California professor, was not charged.
Father number two, a travelling stable hand.

Father number one retained excellent legal council.
Father number two, pled guilty.

Each of these two fathers suffered all the same agonies of losing a child as well as unbearable guilt for having been negligent in their care of their precious gift.

What a vast difference however in how they were treated by society.

Number one given the fullest of sympathy and emotional support.
Number two looked upon in horror and sent away for 20 years.

I wonder how our these fine parents will be dealt with for their negligence.
. . .The only crime that I can see the McCanns being guilty of is leaving the children alone while they went to dinner. They are paying the highest price that parents could ever pay for leaving their children asleep while they went to dinner. Maybe these parents don't cry and beg on the media and maybe they don't act like some think that they should but that doesn't mean that they are guilty of anything but leaving the kids alone. I can't imagine being in their shoes. Guilt has to be eating them alive and I'm sure it shows when they aren't in the public eye. They probably fall apart when they are with friends or by themselves. A lot of people try to keep it together when they are giving interviews or in the media. Some people never cry regardless what happens in their lives. My mother was like that. She said it hurts more when you can't cry because you can't let the pain out. I saw my mother cry once in her lifetime but it wasn't because she didn't want to. My daughter's murder is a good example. I'm sure that she was crying inside because she loved my daughter. Everyone isn't the same. I think it is a shame that these parents are being bashed. . . .
I am so very glad that you posted. Thank you for offering your insight.
The only crime that I can see the McCanns being guilty of is leaving the children alone while they went to dinner.

And you are absolutely entitled to that opinion.

But the rest of us are entitled to keep our minds open about the parents involvement and to speculate other possibilities.

Sadly, most murdered children are murdered by people who know them. The percentages of stranger abductions is quite small. So it seems logical to take a very long, hard look at any missing childs parents. In this case, when we take a long hard look, there are many inconsistencies and illogical behaviors that certainly give me reason to say "hmmmmm..." about the parents. And I'm not talking about their lack of public grief either, they are entitled to grieve how they grieve.
About the possibility of her wandering out of the apartment. Does anyone know how far the harbor or ocean was from the resort? How busy that area would've been at 9-10:00 at night in early May? Would a 3-year-old child alone have been noticed or, if so, raised any eyebrows?
About the possibility of her wandering out of the apartment.

I always considered the fact that she didn't take her cuddle cat (the one Kate now carries around with her) evidence that she didn't wander from the apartment. I still would like to know where in the apartment it was found.
I always considered the fact that she didn't take her cuddle cat (the one Kate now carries around with her) evidence that she didn't wander from the apartment. I still would like to know where in the apartment it was found.

My little boy has a favorite stuffed animal, he doesnt' keep it with him all the time. In the AM when I take him out of the crib, he generally leaves it in there.
Mine too, but every child is different. We don't really know whether her stuffed toy was carried everywhere or just used to help her fall asleep.
I thought you might be interested on what the charateristics of paedophiles are. From something called 'V conclusions' (Google search)

Here's a rough summary:

Age -20 to 60

Occupation - most likely to be a professional.
Gravitate towards jobs which bring them into contact with children - 34 per cent were social workers and teachers, 24 per cent were clergymen, choirmasters and Sunday School teachers, and 16 per cent were described as youth leaders, scout masters, etc.

Personality - markedly introvert. Indications of deficient social skill and confidence, shyness, sensitivity, loneliness and some depression.

Social difficulty of one sort or another - timid, isolated, dependent, submissive, effeminate, sexually inhibited, and generally not adequate to the task of competition with other men for hetero-sexual adult conquests. The majority of paedophiles, however socially inappropriate, seem to be gentle and rational.

......I can concur with this as the only paedophile that I knew (a religious group leader) was very quiet, modest and polite and I didn't suspect him as such until someone told me.

Apparently they often have relationships with grown women too.

TOY: On the subject of children's toys - my children all had special bedtime toys, which they didn't take out.

I think that it is less likely for a man to remove the Cuddle cat toy with Madeleine, than a woman.

No one has yet suggested that a woman took her but I think this increases the probability that it was a man.

Does anyone in the McCann social group that was in the Algarve when Maddie disappeared fit the profile you wrote above?

This looks like an "inside job" to me.

Your profile would exclude Murat, as he is outgoing, ebullient, likes adult women, has lots of friends, is socially adept, and is very gregarious.
And you are absolutely entitled to that opinion.

But the rest of us are entitled to keep our minds open about the parents involvement and to speculate other possibilities.

Sadly, most murdered children are murdered by people who know them. The percentages of stranger abductions is quite small. So it seems logical to take a very long, hard look at any missing childs parents. In this case, when we take a long hard look, there are many inconsistencies and illogical behaviors that certainly give me reason to say "hmmmmm..." about the parents. And I'm not talking about their lack of public grief either, they are entitled to grieve how they grieve.

I too feel that the actions of the McCanns warrants more investigation and their friends as they surely would have noticed something out of the ordinary with the McCanns or even some of the other guests as well.
And you are absolutely entitled to that opinion.

But the rest of us are entitled to keep our minds open about the parents involvement and to speculate other possibilities.

Sadly, most murdered children are murdered by people who know them. The percentages of stranger abductions is quite small. So it seems logical to take a very long, hard look at any missing childs parents. In this case, when we take a long hard look, there are many inconsistencies and illogical behaviors that certainly give me reason to say "hmmmmm..." about the parents. And I'm not talking about their lack of public grief either, they are entitled to grieve how they grieve.

I don't see how they can be accused of inconsistancies when we are not privy to the statements the parents or their friends have given to the police, and we know they are not allowed to talk about the case, and therefore defend themselves from wild accusations.
And as for illogical behaviour, all i've seen is a couple desperate to find their daughter. They are still in Portugal because they can't bear to return home without Madeleine. Can you imagine being away from your home for so long....I doubt it feels like an extended holiday.
It would be refreshing if they were ever given credit for the many positive things they have done. The team McCann is too often treated as though its a dirty word when all they have done is work very hard to keep Madeleine's profile high...and very succesfully. It would be interesting to know how many other children have gone missing since Madeleine has that we are unaware of. I wish all other missing children cases had high profiles too but I think its due to the hard work of "team McCann" that so many accross the world are aware of Madeleine. Again some credit would be nice.
I don't see how they can be accused of inconsistancies when we are not privy to the statements the parents or their friends have given to the police, and we know they are not allowed to talk about the case, and therefore defend themselves from wild accusations.
And as for illogical behaviour, all i've seen is a couple desperate to find their daughter. They are still in Portugal because they can't bear to return home without Madeleine. Can you imagine being away from your home for so long....I doubt it feels like an extended holiday.
It would be refreshing if they were ever given credit for the many positive things they have done. The team McCann is too often treated as though its a dirty word when all they have done is work very hard to keep Madeleine's profile high...and very succesfully. It would be interesting to know how many other children have gone missing since Madeleine has that we are unaware of. I wish all other missing children cases had high profiles too but I think its due to the hard work of "team McCann" that so many accross the world are aware of Madeleine. Again some credit would be nice.

You haven't seen any inconsistencies? I

A good example of an inconsistency is that the McCanns stated that the window had been tampered with, but LE says that there is no sign that anyone came in the window.

Another inconsistency is that the tapas dining room staff says they never saw anyone leave the table, and yet the Mccanns insist they checked the children every half hour.

I'm sure others here will be happy to post more inconsistencies. Those are two that come to my not so well researched head at the moment.

And as for "illogical behavior" - again as I stated above, i'm not talking about their grieving process, I'm speaking specifically about how KM's behavior when she found Madeleline missing makes absolutely no sense to me as a mother.

Additionally, in terms of "illogical behavior" it seems logical to me that parents who left their child alone in an unlocked hotel room would accept some responsibility for that part in her disappearance. It seems illogical to me that the dedicated and loving parents you describe would leave a child alone in a hotel room especially a night after their child was crying for Daddy so loudly that the vacationers in a neighboring room had complained to management. If my child is awake and crying for me, I'm generally wanting to stay within earshot. As a PARENT the entire "we go out to dinner and leave three toddlers alone in the hotel room" is ENTIRELY illogical to me. Maybe it isn't to you, but in my world its neglectful to leave toddlers alone in a hotel room while I go out for tapas and cocktails.

I think everyone here thinks that GM has done an excellent job of raising money and raising awareness of Madeleine. They just aren't sure what the motive is.
You haven't seen any inconsistencies? I

A good example of an inconsistency is that the McCanns stated that the window had been tampered with, but LE says that there is no sign that anyone came in the window.

Another inconsistency is that the tapas dining room staff says they never saw anyone leave the table, and yet the Mccanns insist they checked the children every half hour.

I'm sure others here will be happy to post more inconsistencies. Those are two that come to my not so well researched head at the moment.

And as for "illogical behavior" - again as I stated above, i'm not talking about their grieving process, I'm speaking specifically about how KM's behavior when she found Madeleline missing makes absolutely no sense to me as a mother.

Additionally, in terms of "illogical behavior" it seems logical to me that parents who left their child alone in an unlocked hotel room would accept some responsibility for that part in her disappearance. It seems illogical to me that the dedicated and loving parents you describe would leave a child alone in a hotel room especially a night after their child was crying for Daddy so loudly that the vacationers in a neighboring room had complained to management. If my child is awake and crying for me, I'm generally wanting to stay within earshot. As a PARENT the entire "we go out to dinner and leave three toddlers alone in the hotel room" is ENTIRELY illogical to me. Maybe it isn't to you, but in my world its neglectful to leave toddlers alone in a hotel room while I go out for tapas and cocktails.

I think everyone here thinks that GM has done an excellent job of raising money and raising awareness of Madeleine. They just aren't sure what the motive is.
Dont know what the money is being spent on either, there are always updates on how much money is raised but doesnt say where it is spent.
I think everyone here thinks that GM has done an excellent job of raising money and raising awareness of Madeleine. They just aren't sure what the motive is.

I will grant GM that- he has done a great job of keeping Madeleine's name and face out there for people to see. But I think I'd rather him stick closer to home and help his wife deal with their daughter's disappearance because she isn't looking well at all.
I will grant GM that- he has done a great job of keeping Madeleine's name and face out there for people to see. But I think I'd rather him stick closer to home and help his wife deal with their daughter's disappearance because she isn't looking well at all.
It is a very sad time for these parents whether they are involved or not in Madelaines disappearance and I do feel sympathy towards them. I just hope that whatever has happened or where ever Madelaine is, she is at peace or safe and well. Prayers to Madelaine whose has the cutest smile that is implanted in my head.:blowkiss:
It is a very sad time for these parents whether they are involved or not in Madelaines disappearance and I do feel sympathy towards them. I just hope that whatever has happened or where ever Madelaine is, she is at peace or safe and well. Prayers to Madelaine whose has the cutest smile that is implanted in my head.:blowkiss:
Hi Shazza,
This is not meant as a critisism. In fact after our previous exchanges I thought it best to leave well alone.
I just wanted to say though that i'm glad to hear you do have sympathy towards the parents after previously saying you had none.
I knew the mother of those two beautiful and obviously very much loved daughters couldn't be cold hearted.
We do agree the children shouldn't have been left alone.
I pray Madeleine is found soon and we learn the truth.
Why was this done? Where is the little girl and is she alive or not? And how did she disappear? (Note: I will ignore posts that continually say "she disappeared because her parents didn't watch her" as I have heard that over and over and it isnt helping find the little girl.) So I ask if she was taken from her room how was it done? If she was not taken from her room why was she not found there once the alarm was raised? The murat possible russian connection is interesting to me as it suggests a possible russian mob thing going on (I speak of possibilities not accusations of anyone.)

If any of the known players were involved I suspect L.E. is closer to the truth than any of us know.
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