Madeleine McCann 3 year old missing in Portugal - Part 8

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Latest Update - Gerry's Blog/Diary

Day 85 - 27/07/2007

Quite a lot of e-mails and telephone calls today planning future events, which might be helpful to keep Madeleine in peoples minds. I am sure there will be a lot of interest in Saturday August 11th if Madeline because that will mark 100 days if Madeleine is still missing. This date coincides with the world pipe band championships being held in Glasgow. A former world pipe band champion, Alasdair Gillies who is aq friend of one of my sisters, has composed a ‘Marvellous March for Madeleine’ that will be played by 100 pipers from all over the world. It should be quite a spectacle and hopefully it will be a celebration, and not a another marker that Madeleine is still missing.
Latest Update - Gerry's Blog/Diary

Day 85 - 27/07/2007

Quite a lot of e-mails and telephone calls today planning future events, which might be helpful to keep Madeleine in peoples minds. I am sure there will be a lot of interest in Saturday August 11th if Madeline because that will mark 100 days if Madeleine is still missing. This date coincides with the world pipe band championships being held in Glasgow. A former world pipe band champion, Alasdair Gillies who is aq friend of one of my sisters, has composed a ‘Marvellous March for Madeleine’ that will be played by 100 pipers from all over the world. It should be quite a spectacle and hopefully it will be a celebration, and not a another marker that Madeleine is still missing.

Who gives a chit about the pipers......that wont bring Madelaine home.
Latest Update - Gerry's Blog/Diary

Day 85 - 27/07/2007

Quite a lot of e-mails and telephone calls today planning future events, which might be helpful to keep Madeleine in peoples minds. I am sure there will be a lot of interest in Saturday August 11th if Madeline because that will mark 100 days if Madeleine is still missing. This date coincides with the world pipe band championships being held in Glasgow. A former world pipe band champion, Alasdair Gillies who is aq friend of one of my sisters, has composed a ‘Marvellous March for Madeleine’ that will be played by 100 pipers from all over the world. It should be quite a spectacle and hopefully it will be a celebration, and not a another marker that Madeleine is still missing.

A celebration? :furious: Of WHAT??????????????????? The piper championships? Who gives a &^*$!!!
A celebration? :furious: Of WHAT??????????????????? The piper championships? Who gives a &^*$!!!

Now, now English...come er' 'ave a hug (((((EnglishLeigh)))))

I think what he was trying to convey, in his inept way, was that he is hoping that Maddy is found by then and the pipers playing the song will be in celebration of her return.

Still, it would have sounded much better if he wrote it like this:

This is the date when the world pipe band championships will be held in Glasgow. A participant friend wrote ‘Marvellous March for Madeleine’ that will be played by 100 pipers from all over the world. I hope and pray that it will be a celebration of her return to us, and not a another marker that Madeleine is still missing.

He desperately needs someone to edit his blog entries. He is amazingly disconnected about how his words effect people. Especially people who are in pain about Madeleine (spelled her name wrong again, I see). Tell you what, I am glad he is not my doctor! Can you imagine his bedside manner? :loser:

What you see isn't always what you get it to be....


Just refuse to be manipulated by what you read and think you see and keep an open mind.

Please MrsMouseMat, give us a little credit. We are not stupid.

Especially those of us in America, we know how manipulative the media can be, shoot, we are heaven for the paparazzi. We are the home of the "spin doctor" in this country.

I don't think that most of us here hate the McCanns, that is a really strong word. I think we are frustrated, dumbfounded and aggravated by them. Most of those emotions do not have anything to do with pictures. It is words, it is inconsistencies, it is their refusal to take responsibility for the part that they played in her dissapearance. The way that they continue to blame us for their huge error in judgement (by saying things like "the comments are hurtful and not helpful"). They tell us that we are the bad guys!!! If they would just stop that self-righteous, sanctimonious, holier-than-thou C R A P, and admit that what they did was dangerous and selfish, we would be a much different beast on this board.

It may be too late now. My gut tells me that they will never admit their cupability. And BTW, if they decided that they wanted to return to their home, for the sake of the twins, and they expressed that feeling, and I believed what they were telling me, I would be the first to tell them that it was OK to move their family home and continue the fight from there.

AND, if it turns out that we were completely wrong about our gut instinct in this case (somehow I do not think so) I think we have already expressed how happy we would be to eat crow!

I just need to know what really happened to Madeleine......
Now, now English...come er' 'ave a hug (((((EnglishLeigh)))))

I think what he was trying to convey, in his inept way, was that he is hoping that Maddy is found by then and the pipers playing the song will be in celebration of her return.

Still, it would have sounded much better if he wrote it like this:

This is the date when the world pipe band championships will be held in Glasgow. A participant friend wrote ‘Marvellous March for Madeleine’ that will be played by 100 pipers from all over the world. I hope and pray that it will be a celebration of her return to us, and not a another marker that Madeleine is still missing.

He desperately needs someone to edit his blog entries. He is amazingly disconnected about how his words effect people. Especially people who are in pain about Madeleine (spelled her name wrong again, I see). Tell you what, I am glad he is not my doctor! Can you imagine his bedside manner? :loser:

LOL, Heather, can you tell how badly he freaks me out?? :bang: Thanks for the hugs!! Agreed on the bedside manner, it must be nonexistent.
Please MrsMouseMat, give us a little credit. We are not stupid.

Especially those of us in America, we know how manipulative the media can be, shoot, we are heaven for the paparazzi. We are the home of the "spin doctor" in this country.

I don't think that most of us here hate the McCanns, that is a really strong word. I think we are frustrated, dumbfounded and aggravated by them. Most of those emotions do not have anything to do with pictures. It is words, it is inconsistencies, it is their refusal to take responsibility for the part that they played in her dissapearance. The way that they continue to blame us for their huge error in judgement (by saying things like "the comments are hurtful and not helpful"). They tell us that we are the bad guys!!! If they would just stop that self-righteous, sanctimonious, holier-than-thou C R A P, and admit that what they did was dangerous and selfish, we would be a much different beast on this board.

It may be too late now. My gut tells me that they will never admit their cupability. And BTW, if they decided that they wanted to return to their home, for the sake of the twins, and they expressed that feeling, and I believed what they were telling me, I would be the first to tell them that it was OK to move their family home and continue the fight from there.

AND, if it turns out that we were completely wrong about our gut instinct in this case (somehow I do not think so) I think we have already expressed how happy we would be to eat crow!

I just need to know what really happened to Madeleine......

I'd like to second this. I do NOT hate the McCanns. Their refusal to be accountable for their actions and the danger they put Madeleine in angers me. I dislike the self-centered way they're acting and the focus on money-making over (IMO) their daughter's welfare. And I'm puzzled about why GM puts so much faith in the FindMadeleine posters, as if they alone are going to bring her home, especially when he seems to go out of his way to criticize efforts to help locate her.
I gotta admit I do dislike the Mccann's. I dislike them because they left their 3 little children-unsupervised-for nights on end while they drank a toddy or two and had dinner. That was enough to cause my dislike.
I gotta admit I do dislike the Mccann's. I dislike them because they left their 3 little children-unsupervised-for nights on end while they drank a toddy or two and had dinner. That was enough to cause my dislike.
Im with you philamena, I too dislike the McCanns for their negligent actions.
There are no perfect parents out there but the McCanns admitted it themselves that their children were left alone at night on more than one occasion at night whilst they were out dining and wining, Im sorry but I cannot forgive them for the inconsistencies and the lies in their recollection of the night that Madelaine disappeared.

I know that the media can paint a different picture, so as to the comments made by mrsmouse, we are definitely aware of that as Colomom said.
I don't know them, therefore I can't hate them... I just hate that an innocent child is now missing due to, in part, their negligence and that they aren't being held responsible for leaving their little babies alone like they did. I hate that there are predators out there that look for opportunities to harm children... be it a pervert abducting children or a parent harming their child and covering it up. With the McCanns, their actions and their demeanor after Maddie's mysterious disappearance has caused many a question to arise, which includes questions of just how much they are involved in her disappearance. How people are negatively reacting to the McCanns isn't some kind of made up witch hunt... they have seriously put theirselves so far out there that their own actions have caused a lot of us to feel suspicious. Their plight so far seems to be more about raising money and rubbing elbows with big names... not actually about finding Maddie, but using Maddie's disappearance as a step on the ladder of notoriaty. I don't think I have ever seen parents act like that before, in a missing child case... and yes, I know that everyone processes things differently, but their actions are so far out of the box that you can't help but question them.

For a lot of us, we know all too well about child predators... we know parents can hurt their children... we know perverts exist around a lot of corners, seeking out opportunities to harm a child... and we know it knows no limits: child predators come in every size, shape and national origin. Don't hold it against us that we, as people wishing to make a positive difference in such crimes, are holding a magnifying glass up to the McCanns. It doesn't mean we care less about Maddie being found... if anything, the reason we question the parents actions is because we DO want Maddie found... it's just that we believe in leaving no stone unturned, when the stone warrants a good turning over...
For a lot of us, we know all too well about child predators... we know parents can hurt their children... we know perverts exist around a lot of corners, seeking out opportunities to harm a child... and we know it knows no limits: child predators come in every size, shape and national origin. Don't hold it against us that we, as people wishing to make a positive difference in such crimes, are holding a magnifying glass up to the McCanns. It doesn't mean we care less about Maddie being found... if anything, the reason we question the parents actions is because we DO want Maddie found... it's just that we believe in leaving no stone unturned, when the stone warrants a good turning over...
This is something I don't understand about the McCanns. You would think that two doctors would know about child abuse. Especially a GP like Kate McCann who probably sees small children in her practice. So how could they say they were naive and act like this is the first they've ever heard of molest, exploitation and kidnapping?
This is something I don't understand about the McCanns. You would think that two doctors would know about child abuse. Especially a GP like Kate McCann who probably sees small children in her practice. So how could they say they were naive and act like this is the first they've ever heard of molest, exploitation and kidnapping?
Hi Calikid.....Its a cover up imo, they are hoping that the public will have sympathy for them, again taking the spotlight off Madelaine. Off course they are aware of the dangers that can befell small children, they are just acting dumb to try and get away from taking responsibility for their actions......GUESS didnt work. The McCanns I think, are starting to realise that a lot of people are wisening up to their stupidity, and they are not liking what is being said about them. Their secret pact is not a secret anymore, as in that the public are aware of a secret pact. I hope the truth comes out, the McCanns are the key.
What you see isn't always what you get it to be. . .

I have read two of your more lengthy posts and I must say that I admire your good sense, especially as it relates to being careful to not rush to judgement about the parents in this case.

I would like to know if the parents stories checked out and were confirmed but I almost always ask that when a child is missing because, unless I have evidence to contraindicate it, I generally start looking at a case as it relates to those closest to the missing person and then slowly widen the circle of suspects outwards from there. I think that judgement of the wisdom or lack thereof shown by the parents in leaving the child behind should at least be left until after she is recovered. Until evidence surfaces to point to the parents having taken part in some wrong doing towards the child they are victims as much as she is.

So far in this case I have no real reason to doubt the various L.E. involved in the investigation.
I have read two of your more lengthy posts and I must say that I admire your good sense, especially as it relates to being careful to not rush to judgement about the parents in this case.

I would like to know if the parents stories checked out and were confirmed but I almost always ask that when a child is missing because, unless I have evidence to contraindicate it, I generally start looking at a case as it relates to those closest to the missing person and then slowly widen the circle of suspects outwards from there. I think that judgement of the wisdom or lack thereof shown by the parents in leaving the child behind should at least be left until after she is recovered. Until evidence surfaces to point to the parents having taken part in some wrong doing towards the child they are victims as much as she is.

So far in this case I have no real reason to doubt the various L.E. involved in the investigation.
Victims dont leave their children alone, the victim here is Madelaine.
Victims dont leave their children alone, the victim here is Madelaine.
Ummm, yes, they do sometimes. There have been other cases where parents left a child in a car alone and went into by a pack of smokes and the car was stolen with the baby inside. It happens. Not all victims of crimes are perfect people or perfect parents but that does not make them any less victims when their child is stolen and/or harmed. This vitriol against the parents with little or no evidence of them perpetrating a crime against their child (as in murder or kidnap) is nothing more than than that,vitriol, and in the face of having no evidence to back it up it seems like a crime to me in itself. If anyone wants to lynch the parents at least show me how that finds the little missing girl.

If such judgments were part of a solid theory that had any supporting evidence that could indicate the parents killed this child I might look upon it . . . . .but when done without any evidence at all it sounds like family bashing to me but that's just my opinion.
docwho3, in the case you mentioned, the victim wouldn't be the parents, it would be the baby left in the car. Tragic as it may be to have your child kidnapped, either on purpose or accidentally, it's the abducted child who is victimized.

Something very similar to your example happened in my area last year. A mom popped into a convenience store and left her baby in the car with the engine running. She came out, and the vehicle was gone. Luckily for her, the thief didn't want the baby, he was after the car. He abandoned both car and child several hours later, but I don't remember if he was ever caught. This stupid mom was very, very fortunate to escape with only a few hours worth of stress. And oh yes, she was charged with neglect.
Ummm, yes, they do sometimes. There have been other cases where parents left a child in a car alone and went into by a pack of smokes and the car was stolen with the baby inside. It happens. Not all victims of crimes are perfect people or perfect parents but that does not make them any less victims when their child is stolen and/or harmed. This vitriol against the parents with little or no evidence of them perpetrating a crime against their child (as in murder or kidnap) is nothing more than than that,vitriol, and in the face of having no evidence to back it up it seems like a crime to me in itself. If anyone wants to lynch the parents at least show me how that finds the little missing girl.

If such judgments were part of a solid theory that had any supporting evidence that could indicate the parents killed this child I might look upon it . . . . .but when done without any evidence at all it sounds like family bashing to me but that's just my opinion.
This is such a sad story, there has been no evidence of anything that might help us find Madelaine, we dont know that she was kidnapped, there is no concrete evidence, we dont know if she just wandered away and then taken, no concrete evidence, we dont know if she was drugged by her parents and then died, there is no concrete evidence, we really have no evidence whatsoever as to what happened to Madelaine.

We do know that Madelaine and her siblings were left alone on more than one occasion, the last time resulting in the disappearance of Madelaine.
So in my opinion we do have concrete evidence of child neglect by the parents.
I do not think me or other posters who think that the parents are neglectful, or that they havent told the truth are parent bashing, you lay blame where the blame is, and the parents are to blame for the disappearance of Madelaine.
Ms MouseMat,
I do not feel we should judge people by their personal greiving process. If the McCanns aren't crying enough for my satisfaction, thats my problem.

My issue with the McCanns is their neglect of the children, which led to the disappearance and probably death of one of their children and their inability to take any responsibility for it.
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