Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #16

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ETA: Typo > "now" was intended to be "not". Big difference there ;)
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1. In the first week, Sic News Portugal said the owner of the Monte Judeu house was a German lady. CB did not live there, he took care of the house and the lady's dogs when she wasn't there. May be she is the same woman named by MT and CB's British ex-girlfriend. Could be the house in Monte Judeu the one of the wooden beam?
2. Why the two friends call MT to ask what to do with the CB's videos and stuff? Are they CB's friends or just MT's? Could MT steal his best friend's stash? He had a good alibi and knew where the things were. And only makes sense to fake a messy robbery if you want to cheat the owner, right?
3. What would happen if CB was going around in circles on PDL when he received the call? Would the antenna receive a signal from each of the orientations in a short period of time?
4. Do you know anything about this:
Madeleine McCann police quiz Brit barmaid in Portugal over German ex-boyfriend
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This is all very confusing to me. And soon I won't even know what's right anymore.

This in advance: Already weeks ago I had contacted the Mail, the Sun and the portal "Anorak" by e-mail - very friendly - because they had written nonsense all the time. Of course I have not received an answer until today. Maybe my letterhead was too intimidating or my English too bad.

If the tabloids make up their own stories, that's fine, but in my opinion it is more prose than news. But if it refers to German media, at a time when these false reports are not yet in any German newspaper, and then the following day the German tabloid media copy the same nonsense from the English and embellish it further, then the whole thing becomes a farce for the consumer.

I believe in the case of reporting on CB / MM aspiring media scientists can work off later and earn academic merit.

First of all what is true:

It is true that the video of the rape of the 72 year old was the trigger for the investigation of the MM case. (ITV has presented this quite correctly)

It is true that CB said in a pub on the 10th anniversary of MM's disappearance, "what the heck, we'll have to stop now. She is dead - such a child can be made to disappear".

It is true that CB once bragged to a friend in a pub (and I seem to remember that it was not the same day) and showed him a rape video of himself.


As far as I know, the video of the 2005 rape existed only once, without copies, in the house in PdL in 2006, when CBs two "friends" (who were only supposed to secure the money) took it from the house and stole both: money and camera including video. Later, one of them deliberately put the video in a car that was scrapped.

Years later, these two criminals got their guilty conscience and they went to the police to report what they had seen on the video (which probably contained other cases as well). I suspect the German authorities contacted the Portuguese authorities to assign the case and get more details. I also assume that the two guys testified as witnesses at the court case last year. Unfortunately, I cannot access the court files without a huge effort.

In any case, the video disappeared immediately and therefore could not have been shown in a pub in 2017. So it must have been a different video.

It wouldn't make any sense that two buddies, who had stolen a whole lot of money from him, would suddenly be sitting together with him in a pub again - by chance on the 10th anniversary of MM's disappearance.

Everything I have described above comes from German media and television. Since I was not CB's lapdog, I was not there.

Again, we only have MT's word that there was a stash of money and passports in the farmhouse. I think that CB was more interested in the removal of the offensive videos than anything else. IMO robbing diesel from lorries isn't something one does if one has a stash of cash and valuables.
1. In the first week, Sic News Portugal said the owner of the Monte Judeu house was a German lady. CB did not live there, he took care of the house and the lady's dogs when she wasn't there. May be she is the same woman named by MT and CB's British ex-girlfriend. Could be the house in Monte Judeu the one of the wooden beam?
2. Why the two friends call MT to ask what to do with the CB's videos and stuff? Are they CB's friends or just MT's? Could MT steal his best friend's stash? He had a good alibi and knew where the things were. And only makes sense to fake a messy robbery if you want to cheat the owner, right?
3. What would happen if CB was going around in circles on PDL when he received the call? Would the antenna receive a signal from each of the orientations in a short period of time?
4. Do you know anything about this:
Madeleine McCann police quiz Brit barmaid in Portugal over German ex-boyfriend

1 - Possible. It was mentioned that there might have been more to his job description that walking the dog ;)
2 - Was it a call? The friends offered MT to view the files makes it sound like he was in their physical presence. True, the friends could have been MT's and not CB's and I understand that angle. Was there a stash at all apart from the videos? Could MT or the friends have actually been on the videos themselves?
3 - He would get dizzy? :) Seriously, I don't know much about all the pinging that was going on.
4 - The German boyfriend may have had a connection to CB?
1. Yes, and a message in German saying "I love you, B"
2. I think so, or a visit to jail. If MT
Is outside, why call other friends? there were cameras, passports and money, right? maybe watches and laptops too?
4. hahaha.:D
5. CB may have a connection to MJ or to MJ's other ex-girlfriend, German.
1. In the first week, Sic News Portugal said the owner of the Monte Judeu house was a German lady. CB did not live there, he took care of the house and the lady's dogs when she wasn't there. May be she is the same woman named by MT and CB's British ex-girlfriend. Could be the house in Monte Judeu the one of the wooden beam?
2. Why the two friends call MT to ask what to do with the CB's videos and stuff? Are they CB's friends or just MT's? Could MT steal his best friend's stash? He had a good alibi and knew where the things were. And only makes sense to fake a messy robbery if you want to cheat the owner, right?
3. What would happen if CB was going around in circles on PDL when he received the call? Would the antenna receive a signal from each of the orientations in a short period of time?
4. Do you know anything about this:
Madeleine McCann police quiz Brit barmaid in Portugal over German ex-boyfriend[/QUOTE

There is a lot of conflicting info from different media sources. I do remember reading back in early June from several sources that the owners of the Monte Judeu farmhouse were a British couple. From this article it states that CB spent time dog sitting for German friends at A house in Monte Judeu, but not necessarily the farmhouse.
Madeleine McCann suspect posed as a Jaguar-driving playboy who was actually a drug-dealing drifter | Daily Mail Online

The owner of the property is a British man who rented it to the German suspect and his girlfriend. The homeowner, who asked to remain anonymous, said both UK and Portuguese police have asked for his help relating to background information on Brueckner.
'My wife and I moved back to the UK in 1992. The house was let out to friends and friends of friends to maintain occupancy, look after the land and pay the bills.
Brueckner, a known drifter, also spent time dog-sitting for German friends at a house in Monte Judeu, a few miles from the seaside.

There is a lot of conflicting info from different media sources. I do remember reading back in early June from several sources that the owners of the Monte Judeu farmhouse were a British couple. From this article it states that CB spent time dog sitting for German friends at A house in Monte Judeu, but not necessarily the farmhouse.
Madeleine McCann suspect posed as a Jaguar-driving playboy who was actually a drug-dealing drifter | Daily Mail Online

The owner of the property is a British man who rented it to the German suspect and his girlfriend. The homeowner, who asked to remain anonymous, said both UK and Portuguese police have asked for his help relating to background information on Brueckner.
'My wife and I moved back to the UK in 1992. The house was let out to friends and friends of friends to maintain occupancy, look after the land and pay the bills.
Brueckner, a known drifter, also spent time dog-sitting for German friends at a house in Monte Judeu, a few miles from the seaside.
According to the Portuguese press, the owners of the Sitio das Lajes farmhouse are British (I remember the woman's name on the property title they quickly showed). In RTP's "Jornal da Tarde" and in a interview to a Monte Judeu neighbor named Joaquim (SIC news PT) they gave the information of the German lady, who would be the previous, not current, owner of Escola Velha.
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It's a pretty poorly worded article, I should have probably picked another to reference as there are a few.

I believe it means that CB is the acquaintance of the person robbing the house and also he is the inhabitant. If you replace the commas with brackets it makes more sense-

The house inhabitant (his acquaintance) had sat on the sofa in this sequence

This article does seem to explain it better. So if we are to believe this article, the witness only viewed the aftermath of the rape so can’t be 100% CB was the perp although he was seen sitting on the sofa.
If and its a big IF...the witnesses did destroy the evidence? Then I believe it was destroyed to stop themselves being implicated in some way. Also note the 2 Jags in photo (black one & maroon coloured one) We discussed this previously and most thought all statements to media were talking about the same car, just describing it as different colours due to lighting etc, I’m of the opinion that he probably had several Jags over the years. We have read of him previously described as a car dealer & we also know of someone of the same surname with a Jag dealership in CBs hometown? Could he have transferred the Jag over to the Owner of this dealership in Germany on May 4th? I think it could be a possibility.
Madeleine McCann suspect posed as a Jaguar-driving playboy who was actually a drug-dealing drifter | Daily Mail Online

The witness told the court he had also seen a second video film, showing a younger woman tied naked to a wooden beam, crying out to be released and saying she had been raped, and that in it Brueckner was sitting on a sofa.

The witness stole the video tapes during a burglary in 2006 and said he later destroyed them, horrified by what he had seen but years later reported the contents to police.

His testimony prompted detectives to trawl cold cases and they came across the report of the American widow
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