Madeleine McCann: German prisoner identified as suspect - #18

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Jan 24, 2017
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Thread is open again.

Very major cleanup was required. Posts have been removed, but too many to provide individual explanation (
victim/parent bashing, general off topic, images with no link, irreparable broken quotes or quoted post was removed, etc).

Please do not bring up all the old discussions unless you can state how you think it relates to this current discussion of CB as suspect #2.

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This thread is dedicated specifically to discussion of the German prisoner who has been identified as a suspect in this case. Any hint or discussion of the McCann's having involvement in Madeleine's disappearance is off limits.

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ETA: Typo > "now" was intended to be "not". Big difference there ;)
This post lands at random and addresses some posts that were removed yesterday and some questions relating to a list of names/initials.

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... All the below have been named in MSM in relation to the MM case and their initials used throughout these threads.

Thank you Dlk79. Great work.

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Thread will reopen tomorrow after all participating members have a chance to read the above.

He was talking to Press reported end August 2017 after his release so I doubt he used the info the skim off any of his sentence.

Normally the info would be given whilst in prison if that were the case.

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He was talking to LE in August 2017 after his release so I doubt he used the info the skim off any of his sentence.


But he had already talked to LE before July 18, 2017. August was just one more talk.

Attica Security Directorate
File and Identity Search Sub-Directorate / Search Department
(addresses and names and phone numbers follow)

Theme: Article 32 of Decision 2007/533 / JHA - MISSING PERSON - NATIONAL of the UNITED KINGDOM McCann Madeleine, born 12/5/2003 - Registration by the Portuguese authorities

Athens, 20/7/2017 (20th of July 2017)
Electronic *trafficking?* for those who are connected to the POL network

In execution of the above, we inform you that from the Archive of our Directorate nothing appears for the German citizen L ****, born 1971, as he happens to be unknown.

From the searches we carried out for him in the available applications of the Department of Informatics, his full identity was verified, which are B **** (surname) H*** (name) of RAINER and IRENE, born 11/02/1971 in Germany, holder of the passport no. xxxxxx issued by the German Authorities and of the xxxxxx Tax Registration Number certified by the Tax Office of Chania, with declared residence address at the Agricultural Detention Center Agios and contact phone number 28210-xxxxx (which corresponds to the telephone number of the secretariat of the aforementioned Detention Center).

For the above individual, the no. 83351 file prepared by the YEEVE (Directorate of Criminal Investigations in Northern Greece) of KTH type, with registration date on 10/04/2015, as well as the no. 001381180 kept file (person number and form 6169191) at the AEA (Directorate of State Security of the Greek Police Headquarters) / Directorate of Foreigners, which is said to have been drawn up on 03/05/2017, in the context of the first registration of a foreigner DIRECTORY by the same Service.

From our further investigation, it emerged that he is registered by the Chania Police Directorate in the application "Permits-Release of Prisoners" with number 1294B2, as he had received three exit permits while he was detained at the Agricultural Detention Center of Agia Chania. 09/04/2015)

According to the external communications data provided to us by the company concerned for the no. 69xxx telephone connection, the holder of which is a foreign national under data ATANASOVA (surname) KAMELIYA (name) with declared residential address on Kozozi street no. XX in Athens (area of Agios Panteleimon), with ID number 643488247, which activated this connection in 2016. (cannot see the exact date)

Our Service is constantly on the case and in case the missing person is located or in case further information emerges that may contribute to it, we will come back.
Please be advised.
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But he had already talked to LE before July 18, 2017. August was just one more talk.

I think the document is a request for information/ international Police comms memo after he had contacted OP Grange under a false name in 2016?

From translation.......
'which activated this connection in 2016. (cannot see the exact date)'
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I though it was 2 years 5 months? Bit of a discrepancy in reporting.

|'Citing several police sources and documents, To Vima writes that the German national who has permanent residence in France was arrested in Igoumenista, North-West Greece, in 2011 for the transport of illegal migrants from Africa. A case was filed but he was set free. He was arrested again in Thessaloniki in 2015, when he returned to Greece for holidays. He was sentenced to seven years and five months imprisonment. He denied charges claiming he had helped the three hiking foreigners. He served his sentence in the prison of Chania, Crete, and from there he contacted the team Grange'

Scotland Yard is looking for Madeleine’s secret in Athens - Keep Talking Greece
C.greek translated as 2 years and 7 months so we'll have to wait a bit ...
This is what troubles me:

" the no. 001381180 kept file (person number and form 6169191) at the AEA (Directorate of State Security of the Greek Police Headquarters) / Directorate of Foreigners, which is said to have been drawn up on 03/05/2017, in the context of the first registration of a foreigner DIRECTORY by the same Service."

I cannot find anywhere what the DIRECTORY is. There could be two options: 1. 03.05.2017 is the first time he attended the police station according to the restraining orders after his release from prison (to attend the police station once a month, and not to leave the country), OR 2. and this is more important, is the date he seeked asylum?? No matter what, by May he was out of prison for sure as mentioned in the first document I translated dated 18th July 2017.
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